bayesian classification
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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Kadhim Raheim Erzaij ◽  
Abbas M. Burhan ◽  
Wadhah Amer Hatem ◽  
Rouwaida Hussein Ali

Abstract Projects suspensions are between the most insistent tasks confronted by the construction field accredited to the sector’s difficulty and its essential delay risk foundations’ interdependence. Machine learning provides a perfect group of techniques, which can attack those complex systems. The study aimed to recognize and progress a wellorganized predictive data tool to examine and learn from delay sources depend on preceding data of construction projects by using decision trees and naïve Bayesian classification algorithms. An intensive review of available data has been conducted to explore the real reasons and causes of construction project delays. The results show that the postponement of delay of interim payments is at the forefront of delay factors caused by the employer’s decision. Even the least one is to leave the job site caused by the contractor’s second part of the contract, the repeated unjustified stopping of the work at the site, without permission or notice from the client’s representatives. The developed model was applied to about 97 projects and used as a prediction model. The decision tree model shows higher accuracy in the prediction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2083 (4) ◽  
pp. 042079
Kaiying Zuo

Abstract Spam is a growing threat to mobile communications. This paper puts forward some mitigation technologies, including white list and blacklist, challenge response and content-based filtering. However, none are perfect and it makes sense to use an algorithm with higher accuracy for classification. Bayesian classification method shows high accuracy in spam processing, so it has attracted extensive attention. In this paper, a Bayesian classification method based on annealing evolution algorithm is introduced into Chinese spam filtering to improve the accuracy of classification. Our simulation results show that the algorithm has better performance in spam filtering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Leonardo Azevedo ◽  
Luís Matias ◽  
Francesco Turco ◽  
Renan Tromm ◽  
Álvaro Peliz

A two-dimensional multichannel seismic reflection profile acquired in the Madeira Abyssal Plain during June 2016 was used in a modeling workflow comprising seismic oceanography processing, geostatistical inversion and Bayesian classification to predict the probability of occurrence of distinct water masses. The seismic section was processed to image in detail the fine scale structure of the water column using seismic oceanography. The processing sequence was developed to preserve, as much as possible, the relative seismic amplitudes of the data and enhance the shallow structure of the water column by effectively suppressing the direct arrival. The migrated seismic oceanography section shows an eddy at the expected Mediterranean Outflow Water depths, steeply dipping reflectors, which indicate the possible presence of frontal activity or secondary dipping eddy structures, and strong horizontal reflections between intermediate water masses suggestive of double diffuse processes. We then developed and applied an iterative geostatistical seismic oceanography inversion methodology to predict the spatial distribution of temperature and salinity. Due to the lack of contemporaneous direct measurements of temperature and salinity we used a global ocean model as spatial constraint during the inversion and nearby contemporaneous ARGO data to infer the expected statistical properties of both model parameters. After the inversion, Bayesian classification was applied to all temperature and salinity models inverted during the last iteration to predict the spatial distribution of three distinct water masses. A preliminary interpretation of these probabilistic models agrees with the expected ocean dynamics of the region.

Mr. Vikram Chavan

The explosive growth of malware variants poses a major threat to information security. Malware is the one which frequently growing day by day and becomes major threats to the Internet Security. According to numerous increasing of worm malware in the networks nowadays, it became a serious danger that threatens our computers. Networks attackers did these attacks by designing the worms. A designed system model is needed to defy these threats, prevent it from multiplying and spreading through the network, and harm our computers. In this paper, we designed a classification on system model for this issue. The designed system detects the worm malware that depends on the information of the dataset that is taken from website, the system will receive the input package and then analyze it, the Naïve Bayesian classification technique will start to work and begin to classify the package, by using the data mining Naïve Bayesian classification technique, the system worked fast and gained great results in detecting the worm. By applying the Naïve Bayesian classification technique using its probability mathematical equations for both threat data and benign data, the technique will detect the malware and classify data whether it was threat or benign.

Phatarapon Vorapracha ◽  

Potable water order forecasting system using data mining technique. It aims to analyze, design and develop potable water order forecasting system using data mining technique. There is a comparison data mining techniques were compared using the C4.5 algorithm and Bayesian classification algorithm. The researcher found that the C4.5 algorithm is more suitable for drinking water ordering system. This web application system allows the system to predict each customer's drinking water orders. Subscription support ordering, drinking water and bank payment. In terms of user interaction and use the MySQL database program to organize the system database. The result of development potable water order forecasting system using data mining technique. Have tested data mining techniques were compared using the C4.5 algorithm and Bayesian classification algorithm. The researcher found that the C4.5 algorithm is more suitable for drinking water ordering system. From data research results using data in 9 months of training and 2 months of testing, it was found that the accuracy was 85.59%. C4.5 algorithm and test the system from the evaluation of 2 administrators, 3 employees and 5 customers, total 10 people with average mean of 4.20 .

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. T585-T598
Abidin B. Caf ◽  
John D. Pigott

Extensive dolomitization is prevalent in the platform and periplatform carbonates in the Lower-Middle Permian strata in the Midland and greater Permian Basin. Early workers have found that the platform and shelf-top carbonates were dolomitized, whereas slope and basinal carbonates remained calcitic, proposing a reflux dolomitization model as the possible diagenetic mechanism. More importantly, they underline that this dolomitization pattern controls the porosity and forms an updip seal. These studies are predominately conducted using well logs, cores, and outcrop analogs, and although exhibiting high resolution vertically, such determinations are laterally sparse. We have used supervised Bayesian classification and probabilistic neural networks (PNN) on a 3D seismic volume to create an estimation of the most probable distribution of dolomite and limestone within a subsurface 3D volume petrophysically constrained. Combining this lithologic information with porosity, we then illuminate the diagenetic effects on a seismic scale. We started our workflow by deriving lithology classifications from well-log crossplots of neutron porosity and acoustic impedance to determine the a priori proportions of the lithology and the probability density functions calculation for each lithology type. Then, we applied these probability distributions and a priori proportions to 3D seismic volumes of the acoustic impedance and predicted neutron porosity volume to create a lithology volume and probability volumes for each lithology type. The acoustic impedance volume was obtained by model-based poststack inversion, and the neutron porosity volume was obtained by the PNN. Our results best supported a regional reflux dolomitization model, in which the porosity is increasing from shelf to slope while the dolomitization is decreasing, but with sea-level forcing. With this study, we determined that diagenesis and the corresponding reservoir quality in these platforms and periplatform strata can be directly imaged and mapped on a seismic scale by quantitative seismic interpretation and supervised classification methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 748 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
Novriadi Antonius Siagian ◽  
Sutarman Wage ◽  

Abstract The Naïve Bayes method is proven to have a high speed when applied to large datasets, but the Naïve Bayes method has weaknesses when selecting attributes because Naïve Bayes is a statistical classification method that is only based on the Bayes theorem so that it can only be used to predict the probability of the class membership of a class independently. Independent without being able to do the selection of attributes that have a high correlation and correlation between one attribute with other attributes so that it can affect the value of accuracy. Naïve Bayesian Weight has been able to provide better accuracy than conventional Naïve Bayesian. Where an increase in the highest accuracy value obtained from the Water Quality dataset is equal to 88.57% in the Weight Naïve Bayesian classification model, while the lowest accuracy value is obtained from the Haberman dataset which is 78.95% in the conventional Naïve Bayesian classification model. The increase in accuracy of the Weight Naïve Bayesian classification model in the Water Quality dataset is 2.9%. While the increase in accuracy value in the Haberman dataset is 1.8%. If done the average accuracy of each dataset using the Weight Naïve Bayesian classification model is 2.35%. Based on the testing that has been done on all test data, it can be said that the Weight Naïve Bayesian classification model can provide better accuracy values than those produced by the conventional Naïve Bayesian classification model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Samy Bakheet ◽  
Ayoub Al-Hamadi

Due to their high distinctiveness, robustness to illumination and simple computation, Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) features have attracted much attention and achieved remarkable success in many computer vision tasks. In this paper, an innovative framework for driver drowsiness detection is proposed, where an adaptive descriptor that possesses the virtue of distinctiveness, robustness and compactness is formed from an improved version of HOG features based on binarized histograms of shifted orientations. The final HOG descriptor generated from binarized HOG features is fed to the trained Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier to make the final driver drowsiness determination. Experimental results on the publicly available NTHU-DDD dataset verify that the proposed framework has the potential to be a strong contender for several state-of-the-art baselines, by achieving a competitive detection accuracy of 85.62%, without loss of efficiency or stability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (3) ◽  
pp. 185a
Yerdos A. Ordabayev ◽  
Larry J. Friedman ◽  
Douglas L. Theobald ◽  
Jeff Gelles

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