approximate result
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Angang Cao ◽  
Chunhua Ding ◽  
Wei Li ◽  
Zhiyong Zhang

The multiple corrugated diaphragm (MCD) coupling is a new flexible coupling developed based on the diaphragm and diaphragm disc coupling. Compared to traditional couplings, the MCD coupling has the advantages of high torque diameter, high torque weight, and high compensation capability. It is more suitable for high power speed and high power density working conditions. The MCD coupling is subjected to axial, angular, torque, and centrifugal force loads. The fatigue failure caused by alternating stress is the primary failure mode of the coupling. The fatigue life of the MCD coupling cannot be accurately calculated because of the complexity of the force in operation. Some theoretical simplifications can only obtain the approximate result. In this paper, a parameterized finite element model of the MCDs is established. A method for calculating the fatigue safety factor of the MCD coupling is proposed based on a modified Goodman curve to know the design of the MCD coupling. The feasibility of this method is verified by the fatigue life test of the coupling.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 673
Wenfeng He ◽  
Nana Chen ◽  
Ioannis Dassios ◽  
Nehad Ali Shah ◽  
Jae Dong Chung

In this article, a hybrid technique, called the Iteration transform method, has been implemented to solve the fractional-order coupled Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. In this method, the Elzaki transform and New Iteration method are combined. The iteration transform method solutions are obtained in series form to analyze the analytical results of fractional-order coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations. To understand the analytical procedure of Iteration transform method, some numerical problems are presented for the analytical result of fractional-order coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations. It is also demonstrated that the current technique’s solutions are in good agreement with the exact results. The numerical solutions show that only a few terms are sufficient for obtaining an approximate result, which is efficient, accurate, and reliable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-44
Noor I. Ibrahim ◽  
Osama H. Mohammed ◽  

In this work, we present a semi-analytical technique to find an approximate result of the conformable fractional partial differential equations (CFPDEs). The fractional order derivative will be in the conformable (CFD) sense. This definition is effective and simple in the solution of the fractional differential equations that have intricate solution with classical fractional derivative definition like Riemann-Liouville and Caputo. Furthermore, the result obtained by the proposed technique is like those in previous studies that used other types of approximate methods like (Homotopy analysis method) but it has the advantage of being simpler than the rest of these methods. In addition, results demonstrate obtained the Precision and effectiveness of the suggested technique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 336 ◽  
pp. 06023
Zdenek Kolka ◽  
Viera Biolkova ◽  
Josef Dobes ◽  
Martin Horak

The paper deals with an improved algorithm for estimating errors during approximate symbolic analysis. A linear system can be solved symbolically. However, the size of the resulting formula grows exponentially with the matrix size. The approximate symbolic analysis omits insignificant terms of the exact formula to decrease its size, which, on the other hand, limits the validity of the approximate result. The proposed algorithm estimates, in a computationally feasible way, the approximation error over a region of system parameters. This makes it possible to maintain the validity of the results even if the tolerances of the system parameters are defined. The method is based on the first-order approximation of error functions. The algorithm is demonstrated using the SNAP symbolic analyzer, which has been developed by the authors.

Akustika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 115-118
Aleksandr Chukarin ◽  
Alexey Fedenko ◽  
Aleksandr Shashurin ◽  
Viktoriia Vasilyeva

Within the framework of this article, an experiment was conducted to determine the coefficient of energy loss of oscillatory motion. The analysis of the behavior of the frequency dependence of the coefficient showed that the approximation by a polynomial of degree 7 gives the most approximate result to the experimental values. The standard deviation of the experimental data from the polynomial is consistent with the error of the experimental data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Bedjo Santoso Kadri

Abstract. Complementary currency has been a trending issue. This is because the complementary currency can reduce people’s dependency on the government in serving the currency as a medium of exchange. However, many studies neglected the role of idle gold. Aceh is one province of Indonesia that reserves the right of special autonomy to implement Sharia. Aceh, being renowned for its fertility in the cultivation of some agricultural products such as coffee, tobacco, and palm oil, has become a strategic trade center. Aceh is also equally rich in gold mines, with the approximate result of five tons a year. This research attempts to design a model of complementary currency based on physical gold in Aceh. This study uses unstructured interviews with scholars, leaders, business people, and the government. The result reveals that stakeholders agree with the gold complementary currency, support and willing to recommend it. Besides, this model is believed to be beneficial. However, the most challenging factor is the support from the government which is essential to develop this gold currency model.Keywords: Complementary Currency, Aceh Economy, Gold-Based Money, Islamic Currency. Abstrak. Mata uang komplementer (complementary currency) menjadi isu yang masih terus menjadi pembahasan. Hal ini karena mata uang komplementer dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pemerintah dalam melayani kebutuhan mata uang sebagai media pertukaran. Mata uang komplementer, termasuk yang berbasis emas, dapat meningkatkan ketahanan masyarakat terhadap krisis moneter. Namun demikian, kajian tentang hal ini masih jarang, terutama tentang peranan emas yang menganggur (idle gold). Aceh merupakan satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki hak otonomi khusus untuk menerapkan syariat Islam. Penelitian ini mencoba merekomendasikan model mata uang komplementer berdasarkan emas, untuk diimplementasikan di Aceh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan stakeholders dari ulama, pemimpin masyarakat, pelaku bisnis, dan pemerintah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa stakeholders setuju, mendukung, dan merekomendasikan penggunaan mata uang komplementer di Aceh. Selain itu, model ini dipercaya dapat bermanfaat bagi perekonomian, kehidupan sosial, dan penerapan nilai Islam serta persaidaraan. Namun demikian, tantangan yang paling utama adalah dukungan pemerintah dan keterlibatannya dalam pengembangan dan implementasi model ini.Kata kunci: Complementary Currency, Aceh Economy, Gold-Based Money, Islamic Currency

Climate ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 110
Alexandre F. Santos ◽  
Pedro D. Gaspar ◽  
Heraldo J. L. de Souza

Data Centers (DC) are specific buildings that require large infrastructures to store all the information needed by companies. All data transmitted over the network is stored on CDs. By the end of 2020, Data Centers will grow 53% worldwide. There are methodologies that measure the efficiency of energy consumption. The most used metric is the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) index, but it does not fully reflect efficiency. Three DC’s located at the cities of Curitiba, Londrina and Iguaçu Falls (Brazil) with close PUE values, are evaluated in this article using the Energy Usage Effectiveness Design (EUED) index as an alternative to the current method. EUED uses energy as a comparative element in the design phase. Infrastructure consumption is the sum of energy with Heating, Ventilating and Air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, equipment, lighting and others. The EUED values obtained were 1.245 (kWh/yr)/(kWh/yr), 1.313 (kWh/yr)/(kWh/yr) and 1.316 (kWh/yr)/(kWh/yr) to Curitiba, Londrina and Iguaçu Falls, respectively. The difference between the EUED and the PUE Constant External Air Temperature (COA) is 16.87% for Curitiba, 13.33% for Londrina and 13.30% for Iguaçu Falls. The new Perfect Design Data center (PDD) index prioritizes efficiency in increasing order is an easy index to interpret. It is a redefinition of EUED, given by a linear equation, which provides an approximate result and uses a classification table. It is a decision support index for the location of a Data Center in the project phase.

N. Okiotor ◽  
F. Ogunfiditimi ◽  
M. O. Durojaye

In this study, the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) is applied in finding the solution of differential equations with emphasis laid on the choice of the Lagrange multiplier used while employing VIM. Building on existing methods and variational theories, the operator D-Method and integrating factor are employed in certain aspects in the determination of exact Lagrange multiplier for VIM. When results of the computed exact Lagrange multiplier were compared with results of approximate Lagrange multiplier, it was observed that the computed exact Lagrange multiplier reduced significantly the number of iterations required to get a good approximate result, and in some cases the result converged to the exact solution after a single iteration. Evaluations are carried out using MAPLE Software.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 1814.3-1814
I. Madroñal García ◽  
C. Aguilera Cros ◽  
L. Mendez Diaz

Background:Sarcoidosis (S) is a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown etiology, which most frequently affects the ganglion, lung and skin, although it can affect other organs, including the musculoskeletal system.Objectives:- Describe the clinical, analytical and radiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with S presenting joint manifestations.- To assess the association between patients who have joint manifestations and the use of corticosteroids (C) and immunosuppressants (IS), with respect to those without joint involvement.Methods:Retrospective descriptive study of patients with diagnosis of S with joint manifestations, treated in our Hospital from 2017 to 2019. Data were obtained by reviewing medical records. Chi square tests and Fisher’s exact test have been performed to establish the differences described in the objectives.Results:From a database of 102 patients with S, 18 presented joint manifestations (50% women), with a mean age of 57 ± 6 years. Of these patients, 4 (22.2%) have presented positive ANA. Regarding the clinic, 3 patients presented the association of polyarthritis and bilateral ankle swelling, 8 patients presented with polyarthritis, 3 monoatritis and 4 patients presented bilateral ankle swelling. 61.1% had fever at the onset of the disease.14 patients (77.8%) had high ACE values at the onset of the disease, without presenting significant differences with respect to all patients diagnosed with S who do not have joint involvement.All patients received treatment with C and 10 patients (55.5%) needed an IS treatment, finding no differences with respect to patients who do not have joint involvement (p=0.92).On the course of the disease, the majority of patients with joint involvement have a chronic course (72.2%). Nor were significant differences found when compared with patients who have no joint involvement (p = 0.73).Conclusion:Patients with joint involvement in our study have been 17.6% (18), an approximate result to that described in the literature (over 10%), although our result may be increased by the fact that the patients who are followed in Rheumatology present or have presented joint involvement. No significant differences were found between patients with S who presented joint involvement and those who did not, with respect to the initial ACE values, treatment and disease course. Prospective, multicenter and larger sample studies are necessary to better understand these associations.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

Today is the generation of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning is a field of scientific study and statistical models to predict the answers of never before asked questions. Machine Learning algorithms use a huge quantity of sample data that is further used to generate model. The higher amount and quality of training set lead to higher accuracy in approximate result calculation. ML is the most popular field to research and also helpful in pattern finding, artificial intelligence and data analysis. In this paper we are going to explain the basic concept of Machine Learning with its various types of methods. These methods can be used according to user’s requirement. Machine Learning tasks are divided into various categories . These tasks are accomplished by computer system without being explicitly programmed.

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