well function
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Garba Uba ◽  
Abdussamad Abubakar ◽  
Salihu Ibrahim

The well function of aquatic and soil organisms including terrestrial, as well as those of all other living things, can be jeopardized if dyes aren't properly treated, as their degradation might lead to carcinogenic chemicals. Complete mineralization of dye is the only option, and this can be done using microorganisms. The azo blue dye inhibitory effect to its biodegradation by Streptomyces DJP15 was modelled using several inhibition kinetic models such as Haldane, Monod, Luong, Aiba, Teissier-Edwards, Han-Levenspiel and Yano. The result shows that only the Luong model failed to fit the data. The rest of the models visually ft the data although data fitting is problematic with datapoints of less than 10, which the result in this work demonstrates where it is not easy to choose the best model where nearly all of the models fit the data in a similar manner. Resorting to statistical discriminatory function, the best model was Monod with the smallest RMSE and AICc values and the highest adjR2 values and values for AF and BF close to unity. However, Monod has only two parameters and is the most robust. The Monod’s parameters were maximum specific degradation rate of 0.431 (1/h) (95% confidence interval from 0.391 to 0.456) and concentration of substrate giving half maximal rate or Ks value of 0.0001 (mg/L) (95% C.I. from -0.01 to 12.12). The confidence interval value for the Ks value was very large indicating poor data quality. This should be an important consideration in future works where the data point number can be increased to improve model fitting exercise.

2021 ◽  
Tahereh Azari ◽  
Mahmoud Mohammad Rezapour Tabari

Abstract Accurate determination of hydraulic parameter values is the first step to the sustainable development of an aquifer. Since Theis (1935), type curve matching technique (TCMT) has been used to estimate the aquifer parameters from pumping test data. The TCMT is subjected to graphical error. To eliminate the error an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed as an alternative to the conventional TCMT by modeling the Bourdet-Gringaten’s well function for the determination of the fractured double porosity aquifer parameters. The neural network model is developed in a six-step protocol based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks architecture and is trained for the well function of double porosity aquifers by the back propagation method and the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. By applying the principal component analysis on the training input data and through a trial-and-error procedure the optimum structure of the network is fixed with the topology of [3×6×3]. The replicative, predictive and structural validity of the developed network are evaluated with synthetic and real field data. The developed network provides an automatic and fast procedure for the double porosity aquifer parameter determination that eliminates graphical errors inherent in the conventional TCMT. The network receives pumping test data and provides the user with the aquifer parameter values.

Jiann-Cherng Shieh ◽  
Su-Ling Chiu

In this 21st century, information flow has already reached a matured level. It is the time to promote on-line reading clubs, as high school students generally possess the ability to study by themselves through the internet. In 1990, Taiwan Ministry of Education announced the plan to practice inter-schools on-line reading clubs for all high schools and constructed the students’ website to achieve a significant milestone for on-line reading clubs on campus. The on-line reading clubs are running through interactive web pages, electronic book stores, discussion boards, knowledge sharing etc. The essence of these clubs is the combination of key elements: reading, materials and communication. In this research, we first conduct with questionnaire and interview approaches to study their current situations, executive guidelines, resource requirements, performance evaluations and operating strategies of on-line reading clubs in Taiwan. Then we give a blueprint of well-function on-line reading club web environment to encourage students to involve in the clubs and cultivate inter-school reading. Finally, we propose strategic suggestions for practicing on-line reading clubs in senior high school libraries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-11
Gareth Longstaff

Celebrity and pornography are dominant features of late-capitalist consumption, and both serve to influence and bolster the performance, curation and construction of a sexualised and/or sexually explicit persona online. More so, a range of social and networked spaces such as Twitter XXX, Instagram, JustFor.Fans and onlyfans.com have enabled ‘ordinary’ subjects to assimilate and adapt elements of celebrity and pornographic representation in ways that have permitted them to explicitly and publicly present (and profit from) their private sexual persona. Individuals create and sustain their individual profiles through boundless processes of self-branding, self-promoting, self-objectifying, and the self-management of their sexual personas as “an ideal typification of the neoliberal self, emphasising how demotic neoliberalism, with the aid of celebrity role models instructs” not only their own, but also their viewers desires (McGuigan 2014, p. 224). This enigmatic discourse of sexual self-presentation as a form of empowerment, entrepreneurialism, and an aesthetic mode of influence may well function as an apex of neo-liberal and late capitalist ideology. It is here that the meticulous construction of sexual authenticity and tropes we connect to the banal and everyday are refined and embodied to tactically produce amateurish porn content that followers and fans identify with, algorithmically rate, consistently follow, prolifically share, and (of course) economically subscribe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 301 (5) ◽  
pp. 1113-1115
Luz Angela Torres-de la Roche ◽  
Rajesh Devassy ◽  
Maya Sophie de Wilde ◽  
Cristina Cezar ◽  
Harald Krentel ◽  

Nurhayani Nurhayani

<p>Fathering styles are highly influenced by the cultural background from which the father are raised. These styles will be observed by children and eventually become an imitated model for children in shaping their attitude and behaviour as well as their ethnic identity representing their cultural values. The objectives of this research are to know the difference of fathering styles between fathers in Minangkabau families and Batak families perceived from their personality types. The subjects of this research were 90 fathers in Medan, North Sumatera which consist of 45 fathers of Minangkabau ethnicity and 45 fathers of Batak ethnicity. The data of the study were collected by using two scales, which are personality types scale and fathering style scale. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the data. The result of the analysis shows that personality types and ethnicity interact each other in affecting fathering styles (F: 5.872; p = 0.004 &lt; 0.05), so there is a difference of fathering styles between Minangkabau fathers and Batak fathers perceived from introvert and extrovert personality types. A final contribution of this study is the effort to save young generation who live fatherless and support well function families through fathers’ role in transmitting good cultural values of fathers’ ethnicity, so it is suggested that fathers’ involvement should be existed in raising children’s development any condition even divorce can not be avoided. The paternal figure should always be present in children’s lives both my father’s direct involvement and by the involvement of other paternal figures. The good paternal figure will help children to avoid the social problems they face in life</p><p> </p><p class="abstrak"><em>Pola pengasuhan ayah tidak terlepas dari latar belakang budaya yang mempengaruhi kepribadian ayah sejak kecil. Pola pengasuhan ayah akan diamati  oleh anak dan menjadi model figur yang ditiru anak dalam berperilaku dan menjadi ciri identitas etnik yang mewakili kepribadian sukunya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami perbedaan pola pengasuhan ayah ditinjau dari tipe kepribadian pada keluarga  Batak Muslim dan keluarga Minang. Subjek penelitian adalah 90 orang ayah di </em><em>K</em><em>ota Medan, Sumatera Utara yang terdiri 45 orang ayah suku Minang dan 45 orang ayah suku Batak. Pengambilan data menggunakan dua skala, yaitu skala  tipe kepribadian dan skala pola asuh ayah.  Analisis Varians dua arah (Two Ways ANOVA) digunakan sebagai metode untuk mengalisis data. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa tipe kepribadian dengan suku saling berinteraksi dalam mempengaruhi pola pengasuhan ayah. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelamatkan generasi muda yang hidup tanpa ayah dan mendukung keutuhan fungsi keluarga melalui peran ayah dalam mentransmisi nilai budaya yang baik dari sukunya, maka disarankan agar keterlibatan ayah hendaknya diupayakan dalam kondisi apapunBerdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, disarankan agar keterlibatan ayah dalam pengasuhan anak harus ada dalam kondisi apapun, bahkan saat perceraian tak dapat dihindarkan. Figur ayah tidak boleh hilang dalam kehidupan anak baik itu dengan menghadirkan keterlibatan ayah secara langsung maupun dengan menghadirkan  figur lain  yang dapat melakukan peran ayah. Figur ayah yang baik akan membantu anak terhindar dari masalah-masalah sosial yang dihadapi dalam kehidupannya</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. 04031
Zhang Yuxia

In order to obtain the calculation result of the well function W (u, r/B) in the groundwater more quickly and the obtained result is more accurate than the approximation obtained by the conventional interpolation. Based on the selection of BP neural network structure and the selection of parameters, the corresponding BP neural network model was established to study the well function W (u, r/B). The results show that the partial data of well function are trained by BP neural network, and the prediction result is faster and more accurate than the approximate solution obtained by the equal logarithmic distance trapezoidal segmentation method. It can be seen that using BP neural network to learn and train, the network model obtained is used for solving and calculation, which is a convenient, fast and accurate calculation method.

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