microscopic world
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Tadesse Tilahun ◽  

In the 17th century, Robert Hooke invented the microscope and our life understanding and disease increased. Further understanding of the invisible, microscopic world has been occurred after the establishment of modern microbiology in the 19th century by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Thanks to modern technology, there have been nearly 300 species of parasitic helminths known to be human parasite. Additionally, livestock, crops and pets are all victims of parasitic helminths, which cause extreme effects on the human population as well [1].

2021 ◽  
pp. 131-173
Emilie Taylor-Pirie

AbstractIn this chapter, Taylor-Pirie traces the cultural encounters between the parasitologist and the scientific detective in the medico-popular imagination, revealing how such meetings helped to embed the figure of the doctor-detective in public understandings of science. Parasitologists like Ronald Ross and David Bruce were routinely reported in newspapers using detective fiction’s most famous archetype: Sherlock Holmes, a frame of reference that blurred the boundaries between romance and reality. Recognising the continued cultural currency of Holmesian detection in clinical and diagnostic medicine, she re-immerses the ‘great detective’ and his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, in the literary-historical contexts of the fin de siècle, demonstrating how material and rhetorical entanglements between criminality, tropical medicine, and empire constructed the microscopic world as new kind of colonial encounter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Xiao Li ◽  
Yineng Liu ◽  
Zhifang Lin ◽  
Jack Ng ◽  
C. T. Chan

AbstractIntense light traps and binds small particles, offering unique control to the microscopic world. With incoming illumination and radiative losses, optical forces are inherently nonconservative, thus non-Hermitian. Contrary to conventional systems, the operator governing time evolution is real and asymmetric (i.e., non-Hermitian), which inevitably yield complex eigenvalues when driven beyond the exceptional points, where light pumps in energy that eventually “melts” the light-bound structures. Surprisingly, unstable complex eigenvalues are prevalent for clusters with ~10 or more particles, and in the many-particle limit, their presence is inevitable. As such, optical forces alone fail to bind a large cluster. Our conclusion does not contradict with the observation of large optically-bound cluster in a fluid, where the ambient damping can take away the excess energy and restore the stability. The non-Hermitian theory overturns the understanding of optical trapping and binding, and unveils the critical role played by non-Hermiticity and exceptional points, paving the way for large-scale manipulation.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (10) ◽  
pp. 1350
Ferenc Márkus ◽  
Katalin Gambár

The discovery of quantized electric conductance by the group of van Wees in 1988 was a major breakthrough in physics. A decade later, the group of Schwab has proven the existence of quantized thermal conductance. Advancing from these and many other aspects of the quantized conductances in other phenomena of nature, the concept of quantized entropy current can be established and it eases the description of a transferred quantized energy package. This might yield a universal transport behavior of the microscopic world. During the transfer of a single energy quantum, hν, between two neighboring domains, the minimum entropy increment is calculated. It is pointed out that the possible existence of the minimal entropy transfer can be formulated. Moreover, as a new result, it is proved that this minimal entropy transfer principle is equivalent to the Lagrangian description of thermodynamics.

Physics World ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (8) ◽  
pp. 11ii-11ii
Ben Skuse

2021 ◽  
pp. 002203452110347
C. Taddei-Gross ◽  
A.M. Musset ◽  
Y. Haikel ◽  
A. Bloch-Zupan

The Faculty of Dental Surgery of the University of Strasbourg would not be the great institute it is today if it were not for an admirable, or rather extraordinary, man: Robert Frank (May 21, 1924–August 7, 2020). He was the first dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the University of Strasbourg, France. He was a dynamic and notorious leader. He brought forward amazing progress—in administration, dental research, and public health at both national and international levels. He was recognized for his top-quality innovative research and elected the 60th president of the International Association for Dental Research (1983–1984). Upon retirement, he continued his commitment to advancing humanity through painting his vision of the microscopic world and developing a “nanoart” vision.

Fan Zhang

Recent advances in differential topology single out four-dimensions as being special, allowing for vast varieties of exotic smoothness (differential) structures, distinguished by their handlebody decompositions, even as the coarser algebraic topology is fixed. Should the spacetime we reside in takes up one of the more exotic choices, and there is no obvious reason why it shouldn't, apparent pathologies would inevitably plague calculus-based physical theories assuming the standard vanilla structure, due to the non-existence of a diffeomorphism and the consequent lack of a suitable portal through which to transfer the complete information regarding the exotic physical dynamics into the vanilla theories. An obvious plausible consequence of this deficiency would be the uncertainty permeating our attempted description of the microscopic world. We tentatively argue here, that a re-inspection of the key ingredients of the phenomenological particle models, from the perspective of exotica, could possibly yield interesting insights. Our short and rudimentary discussion is qualitative and speculative, because the necessary mathematical tools have only just began to be developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Liang Shan

The space‐time is empirically perceived as a pre-existing property of the universe. However, a special kind of perception that takes place in near-death-experiences (NDEs) is challenging this idea. Here, I will illustrate how understanding of this particular state of consciousness (named the bodiless consciousness) helps us re-think the space‐time structure of the physical world. I first speculate that the bodiless consciousness perceives the physical world as nonlocal 4D. I then propose that the space‐time is a “derived” feature subsequent to the emergence of perception of the bodiless consciousness, rather than a pre-existing and unchangeable property. Next, I explain that the space structure only takes place in the classical (or macroscopic) world rather than in the quantum (or microscopic) world, due to its intrinsic imperceptibility to the bodiless consciousness. Without a presupposed structure of the space, the strangeness of the quantum world is expected. Then, I bring up the old measurement problem. I will argue that it is the bodiless consciousness that may entangle with the superposed state of an observed system and trigger the collapse. Finally, I will briefly discuss the potential relationship between electromagnetic wave and consciousness.

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