forward calculation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Deyi Chen ◽  
Shiping Huang ◽  
Zhenyu Wang

AbstractPedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort level is a complex problem that has been studied for a long time. However, no consensus has been reached on a quantitative calculation index for assessing vibration comfort level. Only simple comfort limits, rather than specific relationships between comfort level and the vibration endurance capacity of pedestrians, are currently available for assessing vibration comfort level of footbridges. This article aims to propose a sensitivity model for pedestrian-induced vibration comfort calculation based on the vibration endurance capacity of pedestrians and the vibration response of footbridges. The concepts of “human body resistance” and “vibration effect” were established according to the principle of probability and statistics. Mathematical definition of sensitivity was put forward. Calculation expressions for a pedestrian and pedestrians were deduced respectively. A theory of pedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort level was proposed. Field survey and experiment were conducted, the results of the field survey demonstrated that sensitivity values were in good agreement with the international vibration comfort standards. Furthermore, the field experiment results showed that the errors between the experimental results and the calculated results were within 6%. The proposed sensitivity theory can be used for pedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort quantitative calculation.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1102
Malik Haris ◽  
Adam Glowacz

In order to meet the real-time requirements of the autonomous driving system, the existing method directly up-samples the encoder’s output feature map to pixel-wise prediction, thus neglecting the importance of the decoder for the prediction of detail features. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a general lane detection framework based on object feature distillation. Firstly, a decoder with strong feature prediction ability is added to the network using direct up-sampling method. Then, in the network training stage, the prediction results generated by the decoder are regarded as soft targets through knowledge distillation technology, so that the directly up-samples branch can learn more detailed lane information and have a strong feature prediction ability for the decoder. Finally, in the stage of network inference, we only need to use the direct up-sampling branch instead of the forward calculation of the decoder, so compared with the existing model, it can improve the lane detection performance without additional cost. In order to verify the effectiveness of this framework, it is applied to many mainstream lane segmentation methods such as SCNN, DeepLabv1, ResNet, etc. Experimental results show that, under the condition of no additional complexity, the proposed method can obtain higher F1Measure on CuLane dataset.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-3
SOA Olawale ◽  
OP Akintunde ◽  

This paper presents the Fuzzy logics approach for a singly reinforced concrete beam. The rules are generated for the FIS for the variables. The width, and the moment constitutes the crisp data for the inputs and the steel ratio represents the crisp output. The MATLAB fuzzy tool kit is used to execute the simulation. The code prescription of the design of a singly reinforced concrete beam is a straight forward calculation. However, the overestimation of reinforcement can be enormous. This can be very impacting on the cost of the project. This work attempts to use fuzzy logic predictive power to design a singly reinforced concrete beam. The result reasonable agreement between the code provisions and the fuzzy logic predictions. It was established that fuzzy logic can be adopted as a significant technique for the optimization of the design of a singly reinforced concrete beam.

2021 ◽  
William J. Shinevar

This thesis focuses on interpreting geophysical and geochemical observables in terms of the thermomechanical state of the lithosphere. In Chapter 1, I correlate lower crustal rheology with seismic wave speed. Compositional variation is required to explain half of the total variability in predicted lower crustal stress, implying that constraining regional lithology is important for lower crustal geodynamics. In Chapter 2, I utilize thermobarometry, diffusion models, and thermodynamic modelling to constrain the ultra-high formation conditions and cooling rates of the Gore Mountain Garnet Amphibolite in order to understand the rheology of the lower crust during orogenic collapse. In Chapter 3, I interpret geophysical data along a 74 Myr transect in the Atlantic to the temporal variability and relationship of crustal thickness and normal faults. In Chapter 4, I constrain the error present in the forward-calculation of seismic wave speed from ultramafic bulk composition. I also present a database and toolbox to interpret seismic wave speeds in terms of temperature and composition. Finally, in Chapter 5 I apply the methodology from Chapter 4 to interpret a new seismic tomographic model in terms of temperature, density, and composition in order to show that the shallow lithospheric roots are density unstable.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 3179
Malvin S. Marlim ◽  
Doosun Kang

Contamination events in water distribution networks (WDNs) could have severe health and economic consequences. Contaminants can be deliberately or accidentally introduced into the WDN. Quick identification of the injection location and time is important in devising a mitigation plan to prevent further spread of the contaminant in the network. A method of identifying the possible intrusion point in a given network and reporting data is to use an inverse calculation by backtracking the potential path of the contaminant in the network. However, there is an element of uncertainty in the data used for calculation, particularly in water flow and sensor report time. Given the uncertainties, a method was developed in this study for fast and accurate contaminant source identification. This paper proposes a comparison filter of results by first identifying potential contaminant locations through backtracking, followed by a forward calculation to determine the injection time range, thereby reducing the potential suspects and providing likeliness comparison among the suspects. The effectiveness of the proposed method was examined by applying it to a benchmark WDN. By simulating uncertainties and filtering through the results, several possible contaminant intrusion locations and times were identified.

2020 ◽  
Jashodhara Chaudhury ◽  
Supriyo Mitra ◽  
Tapabrato Sarkar

<p>We model the depth and Vs structure of the Hales discontinuity (H-D) beneath Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC) and Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT) using P-wave receiver function (P-RF) analysis and joint inversion with Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion. We calculate P-RFs at higher frequency (fmax 0.46 Hz), compared to previous studies, to show that the P-to-S converted phase from the H-D (Phs) is distinct from the crustal reverberations. The Phs at stations in the EDC arrive at ~10 s beneath GBA, and ~11 s beneath HYB. From joint inversion the H-D is modeled at 97 ± 5 km and 108 ± 5 km depth, with 5% and 3% Vs increase, beneath GBA and HYB, respectively. For KOD, in SGT, the Phs coincides with the mid-crustal PpSs+PsPs reverberation at most ray-parameters, causing destructive intereference. This explains the apparent absence of Phs in previous studies. We isolated P-RFs where Phs is distinct at ~10.5 s and model it at depth of 101 ± 5 km with Vs increase of 3%. We demonstrate through forward calculation that the spinel-garnet mineral transformation cannot explain the H-D Vs increase. From data of mantle xenoliths in the Wajrakarur kimberlite field, Southern India, we calculate Vs of mantle peridotite and eclogite, using published bulk rock compositions through Perple-X. At the H-D depth and temperature derived from Indian shield geotherm, we observed a perfect match to the Vs. We hypothesize that H-D marks the surface of a paleo-subducted eclogitic oceanic slab embeded within the upper mantle peridotite. Observations of mantle faults within the Canadian lithosphere, at similar depth, has been related to relict-subduction zones and therefore independently supports our model.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-195
K. Ch. Kozhogulov ◽  
D. K. Takhanov ◽  
A. K. Kozhas ◽  
A. Zh. Imashev ◽  
M. Zh. Balpanova

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