phase velocity dispersion
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Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-57
Binbin Mi ◽  
Jianghai Xia ◽  
Gang Tian ◽  
Zhanjie Shi ◽  
Huaixue Xing ◽  

Accurate understanding of near-surface structures of the solid Earth is challenging, especially in urban areas where active source seismic surveys are constrained and difficult to perform. The analysis of anthropogenic seismic noise provides an alternative way to image the shallow subsurface in urban environments. We present an application of using traffic noise with seismic interferometry to investigate near-surface structures in Hangzhou City, eastern China. Noise data were recorded by dense linear arrays with approximately 5 m spacing deployed along two crossing roads. We analyze the characteristics of traffic-induced noise using 36 hr continuous recordings. Coherent Rayleigh surface waves between 2 and 20 Hz are retrieved based on crosscorrelations within 1 hr time windows. Robust phase-velocity dispersion curves are extracted from virtual shot gathers using multichannel analysis of surface waves and coincide with the results from active seismic data, noise beamforming analysis, and measurements with the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC). Shear-wave velocity profiles are derived for the top 100 m of the subsurface at the array locations. The estimated shear-wave velocities from traffic noise correspond to the velocities estimated from logging data. The 2D shear-wave velocity maps reveal different soil deposits and bedrock structures in the estuarine sedimentary area. The results demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of delineating near-surface structures from traffic-induced noise, which has great potential for monitoring subsurface changes in urban areas.

Agostiny Marrios Lontsi ◽  
Anastasiia Shynkarenko ◽  
Katrina Kremer ◽  
Manuel Hobiger ◽  
Paolo Bergamo ◽  

AbstractThe phase-velocity dispersion curve (DC) is an important characteristic of the propagation of surface waves in sedimentary environments. Although the procedure for DC estimation in onshore environments using ambient vibration recordings is well established, the DC estimation in offshore environments using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) array recordings of ambient vibrations presents three additional challenges: (1) the localization of sensors, (2) the orientation of the OBS horizontal components, and (3) the clock error. Here, we address these challenges in an inherent preprocessing workflow to ultimately extract the Love and Scholte wave DC from small aperture OBS array measurements performed between 2018 and 2020 in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). The arrays have a maximum aperture of 679 m and a maximum deployment water depth of 81 m. The challenges related to the OBS location on the lake floor are addressed by combining the multibeam bathymetry map and the backscatter image for the investigated site with the differential GPS coordinates of the OBS at recovery. The OBS measurements are complemented by airgun surveys. Airgun data are first used to estimate the misorientation of the horizontal components of the OBS and second to estimate the clock error. To assess the robustness of the preprocessing workflow, we use two array processing methods, namely the three-component high-resolution frequency-wavenumber and the interferometric multichannel analysis of surface waves, to estimate the dispersion characteristics of the propagating Scholte and Love waves for one of the OBS array sites. The results show the effectiveness of the preprocessing workflow. We observe the phase-velocity dispersion curve branches in the frequency range between 1.2 and 3.2 Hz for both array processing techniques.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 7971
Gaofeng Sha ◽  
Cliff J. Lissenden

Ultrasonic guided waves provide unique capabilities for the structural health monitoring of plate-like structures. They can detect and locate various types of material degradation through the interaction of shear-horizontal (SH) waves and Lamb waves with the material. Magnetostrictive transducers (MSTs) can be used to generate and receive both SH and Lamb waves and yet their characteristics have not been thoroughly studied, certainly not on par with piezoelectric transducers. A series of multiphysics simulations of the MST/plate system is conducted to investigate the characteristics of MSTs that affect guided wave generation and reception. The results are presented in the vein of showing the flexibility that MSTs provide for guided waves in a diverse range of applications. In addition to studying characteristics of the MST components (i.e., the magnetostrictive layer, meander electric coil, and biased magnetic field), single-sided and double-sided MSTs are compared for preferential wave mode generation. The wave mode control principle is based on the activation line for phase velocity dispersion curves, whose slope is the wavelength, which is dictated by the meander coil spacing. A double-sided MST with in-phase signals preferentially excites symmetric SH and Lamb modes, while a double-sided MST with out-of-phase signals preferentially excites antisymmetric SH and Lamb modes. All attempted single-mode actuations with double-sided MSTs were successful, with the SH3 mode actuated at 922 kHz in a 6-mm-thick plate being the highest frequency. Additionally, the results show that increasing the number of turns in the meander coil enhances the sensitivity of the MST as a receiver and substantially reduces the frequency bandwidth.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 6990
Lina Draudvilienė ◽  
Olgirdas Tumšys ◽  
Renaldas Raišutis

The possibilities of an effective method of two adjacent signals are investigated for the evaluation of Lamb waves phase velocity dispersion in objects of different types, namely polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film and wind turbine blade (WTB). A new algorithm based on peaks of spectrum magnitude is presented and used for the comparison of the results. To use the presented method, the wavelength-dependent parameter is proposed to determine the optimal distance range, which is necessary in selecting two signals for analysis. It is determined that, in the range of 0.17–0.5 wavelength where δcph is not higher than 5%, it is appropriate to use in the case of an A0 mode in PVC film sample. The smallest error of 1.2%, in the distance greater than 1.5 wavelengths, is obtained in the case of the S0 mode. Using the method of two signals analysis for PVC sample, the phase velocity dispersion curve of the A0 mode is reconstructed using selected distances x1 = 70 mm and x2 = 70.5 mm between two spatial positions of a receiving transducer with a mean relative error δcph=2.8%, and for S0 mode, x1 = 61 mm and x2 = 79.7 mm with δcph=0.99%. In the case of the WTB sample, the range of 0.1–0.39 wavelength, where δcph is not higher than 3%, is determined as the optimal distance range between two adjacent signals. The phase velocity dispersion curve of the A0 mode is reconstructed in two frequency ranges: first, using selected distances x1 = 225 mm and x2 = 231 mm with mean relative error δcph=0.3%; and second, x1 = 225 mm and x2 = 237 mm with δcph=1.3%.

Shichuan Yuan ◽  
Zhenguo Zhang ◽  
Hengxin Ren ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Xianhai Song ◽  

ABSTRACT In this study, the characteristics of Love waves in viscoelastic vertical transversely isotropic layered media are investigated by finite-difference numerical modeling. The accuracy of the modeling scheme is tested against the theoretical seismograms of isotropic-elastic and isotropic-viscoelastic media. The correctness of the modeling results is verified by the theoretical phase-velocity dispersion curves of Love waves in isotropic or anisotropic elastic or viscoelastic media. In two-layer half-space models, the effects of velocity anisotropy, viscoelasticity, and attenuation anisotropy of media on Love waves are studied in detail by comparing the modeling results obtained for anisotropic-elastic, isotropic-viscoelastic, and anisotropic-viscoelastic media with those obtained for isotropic-elastic media. Then, Love waves in three typical four-layer half-space models are simulated to further analyze the characteristics of Love waves in anisotropic-viscoelastic layered media. The results show that Love waves propagating in anisotropic-viscoelastic media are affected by both the anisotropy and viscoelasticity of media. The velocity anisotropy of media causes substantial changes in the values and distribution range of phase velocities of Love waves. The viscoelasticity of media leads to the amplitude attenuation and phase velocity dispersion of Love waves, and these effects increase with decreasing quality factors. The attenuation anisotropy of media indicates that the viscoelasticity degree of media is direction dependent. Comparisons of phase velocity ratios suggest that the change degree of Love-wave phase velocities due to viscoelasticity is much less than that caused by velocity anisotropy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 228 (1) ◽  
pp. 291-307
Urbi Basu ◽  
Christine A Powell

SUMMARY Phase velocity and azimuthal anisotropy maps for fundamental mode Rayleigh waves are determined for a portion of the central United States including the seismically active Reelfoot Rift (RFR) and the enigmatic Illinois Basin. Dense seismic array installations of the Northern Embayment Lithosphere Experiment, the EarthScope transportable array and the Ozarks Illinois Indiana Kentucky array allow a detailed investigation of phase velocity and anisotropy in a broad period range (20–100s).We obtain more than 12 000 well-constrained, unique two-station paths from teleseismic events. The two-station method is used to determine dispersion curves and these are inverted for isotropic phase velocity maps and azimuthal anisotropy maps for each period. The presence of fast phase velocities at lower crustal and uppermost mantle depths is found below the RFR, and Ste. Genevieve and Wabash Valley fault zones. At periods of 30s and higher, the RFR is underlain by slow phase velocities and is flanked to the NW and SE by regions of fast velocity. Fast phase velocities are present below the centre of the Illinois Basin in the period range 75–100s. Anisotropy fast axis orientations display complex patterns for each period and do not trend parallel to the direction of absolute plate motion. Anisotropy fast directions are consistently parallel to the trend of the RFR from 50s to higher periods, suggesting the presence of either frozen-in anisotropic fabric or fabric related to material transport from a recently discovered, pronounced low velocity zone below the Mississippi Embayment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 2811
Mohamadhasan Mohamadian Sarvandani ◽  
Emanuel Kästle ◽  
Lapo Boschi ◽  
Sylvie Leroy ◽  
Mathilde Cannat

Passive seismic interferometry has become very popular in recent years in exploration geophysics. However, it has not been widely applied in marine exploration. The purpose of this study is to investigate the internal structure of a quasi-amagmatic portion of the Southwest Indian Ridge by interferometry and to examine the performance and reliability of interferometry in marine explorations. To reach this goal, continuous vertical component recordings from 43 ocean bottom seismometers were analyzed. The recorded signals from 200 station pairs were cross-correlated in the frequency domain. The Bessel function method was applied to extract phase–velocity dispersion curves from the zero crossings of the cross-correlations. An average of all the dispersion curves was estimated in a period band 1–10 s and inverted through a conditional neighborhood algorithm which led to the final 1D S-wave velocity model of the crust and upper mantle. The obtained S-wave velocity model is in good agreement with previous geological and geophysical studies in the region and also in similar areas. We find an average crustal thickness of 7 km with a shallow layer of low shear velocities and high Vp/Vs ratio. We infer that the uppermost 2 km are highly porous and may be strongly serpentinized.

Avinash Nayak ◽  
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin ◽  

ABSTRACT The application of ambient seismic noise cross-correlation to distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) data recorded by subsurface fiber-optic cables has revolutionized our ability to obtain high-resolution seismic images of the shallow subsurface. However, passive surface-wave imaging using DAS arrays is often restricted to Rayleigh-wave imaging and 2D imaging along straight segments of DAS arrays due to the intrinsic sensitivity of DAS being limited to axial strain along the cable for the most common type of fiber. We develop the concept of estimating empirical surface waves from mixed-sensor cross-correlation of velocity noise recorded by three-component seismometers and strain-rate noise recorded by DAS arrays. Using conceptual arguments and synthetic tests, we demonstrate that these cross-correlations converge to empirical surface-wave axial strain response at the DAS arrays for virtual single step forces applied at the seismometers. Rotating the three orthogonal components of the seismometer to a tangential–radial–vertical reference frame with respect to each DAS channel permits separate analysis of Rayleigh waves and Love waves for a medium that is sufficiently close to 1D and isotropic. We also develop and validate expressions that facilitate the measurement of surface-wave phase velocity on these noise cross-correlations at far-field distances using frequency–time analysis. These expressions can also be used for DAS surface-wave records of active sources at local distances. We demonstrate the recovery of both Rayleigh waves and Love waves in noise cross-correlations derived from a dark fiber DAS array in the Sacramento basin, northern California, and nearby permanent seismic stations at frequencies ∼0.1–0.2  Hz, up to distances of ∼80  km. The phase-velocity dispersion measured on these noise cross-correlations are consistent with those measured on traditional noise cross-correlations for seismometer pairs. Our results extend the application of DAS to 3D ambient noise Rayleigh-wave and Love-wave tomography using seismometers surrounding a DAS array.

2021 ◽  
Agostiny Marrios Lontsi ◽  
Anastasiia Shynkarenko ◽  
Katrina Kremer ◽  
Manuel Hobiger ◽  
Paolo Bergamo ◽  

Abstract The phase-velocity dispersion curve (DC) is an important characteristic of the propagation of surface waves in sedimentary environments. Although the procedure for DC estimation in onshore environments using ambient vibration recordings is well established, the DC estimation in offshore environments using arrays of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) presents three main challenges. These are the localization, the orientation of the OBS horizontal components, and the clock error. Here, we concentrate on the workflow for a robust estimation of the phase-velocity dispersion curves from small aperture OBS array measurements in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). OBS array campaigns were performed between 2018 and 2020 using arrays with a maximum aperture of 679 m at a maximum water depth of 81 m. The challenges related to the OBS location on the lake floor were addressed by combining the multibeam bathymetry map and the backscatter image for the investigated site with the differential GPS coordinates of the OBS at recovery. The OBS measurements were complemented by airgun surveys. Airgun data were first used to estimate the misorientation of the horizontal components of the OBS and second to estimate the clock error. Finally, we use two array processing methods, namely the three-component high-resolution frequency-wavenumber and the interferometric multichannel analysis of surface waves, to estimate the dispersion characteristics of the propagating surface waves for one of the array sites. We clearly observe the phase-velocity dispersion curve branches for Scholte and Love waves in the frequency range between 1.2 and 3.2 Hz for both array processing techniques.

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