linear quadratic regulation
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Van-Nam Giap ◽  
Shyh-Chour Huang ◽  
Quang D Nguyen ◽  
Te-Jen Su

This paper presents a robust control methodology based on a disturbance observer and an optimal states feedback for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system. Firstly, the nonlinear systems were solved by applying a sector nonlinearity method to get the inner linear subsystems and outer fuzzy membership functions, which guaranteed the conversion without any loss generality characteristics of the system. Secondly, an exponentially convergent disturbance observer was constructed to the system with an assumption that the system states are temporarily bounded. Thirdly, a states observer was built by poles placement of linear quadratic regulation optimization, which was used to place the system states error poles located on the stable region. Finally, simulation examples were given to figure out that the proposed controller is effective to control the Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system. The obtained results are disturbance mostly rejected, state estimation errors are quite small, and the output signal precisely tracked input signal.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 5538
Bảo-Huy Nguyễn ◽  
João Pedro F. Trovão ◽  
Ronan German ◽  
Alain Bouscayrol

Optimization-based methods are of interest for developing energy management strategies due to their high performance for hybrid electric vehicles. However, these methods are often complicated and may require strong computational efforts, which can prevent them from real-world applications. This paper proposes a novel real-time optimization-based torque distribution strategy for a parallel hybrid truck. The strategy aims to minimize the engine fuel consumption while ensuring battery charge-sustaining by using linear quadratic regulation in a closed-loop control scheme. Furthermore, by reformulating the problem, the obtained strategy does not require the information of the engine efficiency map like the previous works in literature. The obtained strategy is simple, straightforward, and therefore easy to be implemented in real-time platforms. The proposed method is evaluated via simulation by comparison to dynamic programming as a benchmark. Furthermore, the real-time ability of the proposed strategy is experimentally validated by using power hardware-in-the-loop simulation.

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