first chern class
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Angelo Felice Lopez

We study the positivity of the first Chern class of a rank [Formula: see text] Ulrich vector bundle [Formula: see text] on a smooth [Formula: see text]-dimensional variety [Formula: see text]. We prove that [Formula: see text] is very positive on every subvariety not contained in the union of lines in [Formula: see text]. In particular, if [Formula: see text] is not covered by lines we have that [Formula: see text] is big and [Formula: see text]. Moreover we classify rank [Formula: see text] Ulrich vector bundles [Formula: see text] with [Formula: see text] on surfaces and with [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text] on threefolds (with some exceptions).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Patrick Graf ◽  
Martin Schwald

Abstract Let X be a normal compact Kähler space with klt singularities and torsion canonical bundle. We show that X admits arbitrarily small deformations that are projective varieties if its locally trivial deformation space is smooth. We then prove that this unobstructedness assumption holds in at least three cases: if X has toroidal singularities, if X has finite quotient singularities and if the cohomology group ${\mathrm {H}^{2} \!\left ( X, {\mathscr {T}_{X}} \right )}$ vanishes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 149 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Frédéric Campana

We give a simplified proof (in characteristic zero) of the decomposition theorem for connected complex projective varieties with klt singularities and a numerically trivial canonical bundle. The proof mainly consists in reorganizing some of the partial results obtained by many authors and used in the previous proof but avoids those in positive characteristic by S. Druel. The single, to some extent new, contribution is an algebraicity and bimeromorphic splitting result for generically locally trivial fibrations with fibers without holomorphic vector fields. We first give the proof in the easier smooth case, following the same steps as in the general case, treated next. The last two words of the title are plagiarized from [4].

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (13) ◽  
pp. 2050108
Alexander Fauck

We introduce the notion of asymptotically finitely generated contact structures, which states essentially that the Symplectic Homology in a certain degree of any filling of such contact manifolds is uniformly generated by only finitely many Reeb orbits. This property is used to generalize a famous result by Ustilovsky: We show that in a large class of manifolds (including all unit cotangent bundles and all Weinstein fillable contact manifolds with torsion first Chern class) each carries infinitely many exactly fillable contact structures. These are all different from the ones constructed recently by Lazarev. Along the way, the construction of Symplectic Homology is made more general. Moreover, we give a detailed exposition of Cieliebak’s Invariance Theorem for subcritical handle attaching, where we provide explicit Hamiltonians for the squeezing on the handle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (05) ◽  
pp. 2050039
Indranil Biswas ◽  
Sorin Dumitrescu

For compact complex manifolds with vanishing first Chern class that are compact torus principal bundles over Kähler manifolds, we prove that all holomorphic geometric structures on them, of affine type, are locally homogeneous. For a compact simply connected complex manifold in Fujiki class [Formula: see text], whose dimension is strictly larger than the algebraic dimension, we prove that it does not admit any holomorphic rigid geometric structure, and also it does not admit any holomorphic Cartan geometry of algebraic type. We prove that compact complex simply connected manifolds in Fujiki class [Formula: see text] and with vanishing first Chern class do not admit any holomorphic Cartan geometry of algebraic type.


Abstract We prove that every non-degenerate Reeb flow on a closed contact manifold M admitting a strong symplectic filling W with vanishing first Chern class carries at least two geometrically distinct closed orbits provided that the positive equivariant symplectic homology of W satisfies a mild condition. Under further assumptions, we establish the existence of two geometrically distinct closed orbits on any contact finite quotient of M. Several examples of such contact manifolds are provided, like displaceable ones, unit cosphere bundles, prequantisation circle bundles, Brieskorn spheres and toric contact manifolds. We also show that this condition on the equivariant symplectic homology is preserved by boundary connected sums of Liouville domains. As a byproduct of one of our applications, we prove a sort of Lusternik–Fet theorem for Reeb flows on the unit cosphere bundle of not rationally aspherical manifolds satisfying suitable additional assumptions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Masahiro Ohno

AbstractWe classify nef vector bundles on a smooth quadric surface with the first Chern class (2, 1) over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero; we see in particular that such nef bundles are globally generated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (06) ◽  
pp. 1950051 ◽  
Indranil Biswas ◽  
Sorin Dumitrescu ◽  
Henri Guenancia

We prove a Bochner-type vanishing theorem for compact complex manifolds [Formula: see text] in Fujiki class [Formula: see text], with vanishing first Chern class, that admit a cohomology class [Formula: see text] which is numerically effective (nef) and has positive self-intersection (meaning [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text]). Using it, we prove that all holomorphic geometric structures of affine type on such a manifold [Formula: see text] are locally homogeneous on a non-empty Zariski open subset. Consequently, if the geometric structure is rigid in the sense of Gromov, then the fundamental group of [Formula: see text] must be infinite. In the particular case where the geometric structure is a holomorphic Riemannian metric, we show that the manifold [Formula: see text] admits a finite unramified cover by a complex torus with the property that the pulled back holomorphic Riemannian metric on the torus is translation invariant.

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