theory of discourse
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 308-313
T. Kabylov ◽  
A. Usmanova

The cognitive features of imperative utterances in the modern Kyrgyz language have been investigated. As you know, the imperative has two different meanings: one means urgency, necessity and importance, and the other - attempts to influence the actions of other people. Imperative means something extremely important or necessary. It also means order. The analyzed imperative statements are considered in the mainstream of conceptual grammar, which allows you to highlight syntactic concepts, or mental images that stand behind linguistic signs and are reflected in the analyzed syntactic structures. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe imperative utterances in the Kyrgyz language, to reveal the mechanisms for changing the prototypical meaning of the verb lexicon in the structure of the imperative using theories such as the theory of functional styles, the theory of discourse, the theory of speech acts and the theory of grammar of constructions. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study the semantic features of the imperative statements of the modern Kyrgyz language. The purpose of this work is to show the features of imperatives, to carefully study the types and functions of imperatives in the Kyrgyz language. The data were analyzed using a comparative analysis to find out the differences and similarities of the imperatives of the Kyrgyz language with other languages. The study belongs to qualitative research, as it was conducted using the method of contrast analysis as a comparison of languages. The object of the research is the data imperatives were taken from the sources that were needed for the research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 953
Xueying Huang ◽  
Yuanjun Han ◽  
Qiuli Meng ◽  
Xiaoxia Zeng ◽  
Huilan Liao

Even though destination image is an important expression of discovering the local landscapes and place significance, the construction and measurement of destination image neglect the place component. This research explores the image of health destinations, as well as its representation mechanism, combining the triadic structure of tourism image proposed by Marine-Roig et al. with the theory of discourse power put forward by Michel Foucault, taking Bama, Guangxi as a case. In addition, this paper uses the IPA matrix to visually unveil the pronounced gap between the projected image by Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) and the perceived image of tourists and suggests strategies that DMOs should adopt in the different dimensions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
Sarah Stokowski ◽  
Amanda L. Paule-Koba ◽  
Matt R. Huml ◽  
Mark C. Koch ◽  
Bo Li

Due to the popularity of sport, the need to have sport management programs that properly train practitioners is justified (Pedersen & Thibault, 2014). However, with 505 sport management bachelors programs worldwide (“Degrees in Sports,” n.d.) housed in various academic units, there is little consistency within the field of study. This paper strives to explore the field of sport management and to better understand sport management faculty members’ perceptions of the discipline. Grounded in Foucault’s (1971) theory of discourse, total of 154 sport management faculty members worldwide participated in the study. The data revealed there is a lack of consistency within the field regarding faculty members’ perceptions of sport management. This study offers a vital, first step in an empirical examination of a critical phenomenon in the sport management academy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
pp. 256-267
Zahir Bin Marhoon Bin Khaseef AL-DAOUDI

This research seeks to analyze the speech of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos ‎bin Said, may his soul rest in peace, based on the theory of discourse analysis; ‎This is because the text is the internal structure of discourse that consists of ‎vocabulary, structures, and sentences, which helps to know the various ‎rhetorical methods that His Majesty, may God have mercy on him, relied on to ‎convince the recipient, and to clarify the linguistic effects that indicate the ‎political and social functions that the discourse on democracy accomplishes for ‎the actors; Because language reveals the depths of politics and its purposes, it ‎is the first language of communication with citizens and the masses, and it has ‎strength and ability to realize the common and speed of understanding, and the ‎ability to influence the recipients and convince them.‎ Discourse analysis in this study, like the rest of the studies, depends on the ‎vocabulary, structures, and sentences that make up the text. major‎.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Sehla Rizqa Ramadhona

This study aims to reveal the discursive play of the short story “Lengtu Lengmua” (2012) by Triyanto Triwikromo in maintaining the unequal power relation in Indonesia. The study is carried out on the basis of Norman Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis that elaborates intertextuality theory and social theory of discourse. The research questions are what discourses influence “Lengtu Lengmua”’s celeng construction? and what political interests are supported and legitimized by “Lengtu Lengmua”’s celeng construction? It is a descriptive qualitative study for which data were collected using a note-taking technique. The relationships between data are elucidated by describing how the text of the short story, its production and the interpretation process are connected to the prevailing social conditions in Indonesia. The results show that: (1) “Lengtu Lengmua” represents, manipulates, negates, and transcends the discourse that sees that “celeng is a despicable animal” from the texts of Berburu Celeng (1998), Celeng Dhegleng (1998), and Tak Enteni Keplokmu (2000); and (2) to generate a notion of celeng as a noble animal, “Lengtu Lengmua” also configures the existing discourse conventions, namely conventions that are related to magical realism, Javanese society, children, Islamic shari’ah, and Islamic makrifat. These two results indicate that “Lengtu Lengmua” gives a new meaning to celeng and recontextualizes the celeng, which in previous texts is associated with human greed (i.e. capitalistic and corrupt), in religious issues especially those related to the contradiction between political Islam and cultural Islam. In turn, this discursive play has contributed to the formation of political Islam-cultural Islam power relation in recent years in Indonesia where cultural Islam occupies a dominant position. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap permainan diskursif cerpen “Lengtu Lengmua” (2012) karya Triyanto Triwikromo dalam pemertahanan relasi kuasa yang tidak setara di Indonesia. Kajian dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada Analisis Wacana Kritis dari Norman Fairclough yang mengelaborasi teori intertekstualitas dan teori sosial wacana. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah wacana apa yang memengaruhi konstruksi celeng “Lengtu Lengmua” dan kepentingan politik apa yang didukung dan dilegitimasi oleh konstruksi celeng “Lengtu Lengmua”. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penjabaran deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data simak-catat. Hubungan antardata dikaji melalui deskripsi atau penjelasan bagaimana teks cerpen, proses produksi dan interpretasinya berkaitan dengan kondisi sosial yang melatar belakangi cerita dalam cerpen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) “Lengtu Lengmua” merepresentasikan, memanipulasi, menegasikan, dan melampaui wacana “celeng adalah hewan hina” dari teks Berburu Celeng (1998), Celeng Dhegleng (1998), dan Tak Enteni Keplokmu (2000); (2) “Lengtu Lengmua” juga mengonfigurasikan konvensi-konvensi wacana yang ada untuk menghasilkan konstruksi celeng sebagai hewan mulia, yaitu konvensi wacana realisme magis, masyarakat Jawa, anak-anak, Islam syariat, dan Islam makrifat. Kedua hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa “Lengtu Lengmua” memberikan makna baru atas celeng dan membawa representasi celeng, yang pada teks-teks sebelumnya diidentikkan dengan kerakusan manusia yang kapitalistik dan korup, ke dalam konteks persoalan keagamaan khususnya yang terkait dengan pertentangan antara Islam politik dan Islam kultural. Pada gilirannya, permainan diskursif ini berkontribusi pada pembentukan relasi kuasa Islam politik-Islam kultural pada tahun-tahun terakhir di Indonesia di mana Islam kultural menduduki posisi yang dominan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41
Jajat Burhanudin

Alongside the advance of Islamic reformism in the early twentieth century, one central element to pay attention is the rise of printed media, Islamic book, which enhanced the shaping of the reformist Muslims. Written in Malay with Rumi script, the books with Islamic substance first appeared as part of Islamic reform movement. Nearly all the authors were the leading activists of reformist organizations. This trend continued to develop, leading the books to emerge as an important pillar in the formation of Islamic intellectual discourses. This study focuses on the historical study of the Islamic books development and progression, with strong emphasis given to the ideas behind their rising in the courses of Indonesian history. Based on the classical theory of discourse of Michel Foucault, as well as the one of post-linguistic turn historiography, this article demonstrates, in reference to the three time periods which each presented a specific mode of intellectual thinking,  the growing importance of Islamic books in the making of print-based religious life, which paved the way for the strengthening of socio-religious plurality in modern Indonesia. Firstly, Islamic Book as the voice of Islamic reform, secondly, Islamic Books in 1950s-1960s, and lastly, Islamic Books in contemporary Indonesia.   

enadakultura ◽  
2021 ◽  
Tamar Mardaleishvili

The present article deals with the problem of defining the essence of artistic translation as the specific type of discourse and conducting such interpretation of intersubjectivity as the principle of discourse theory refers to the translator’s role and importance (‘translator icon’) within the scope of artistic translation. As the object of this study, artistic translation differs from the other types of translation by its creativeness. Creativeness of artistic translation should be considered as the interrelation of the concepts of ‘translator icon’ as well as translation style. ‘Translator icon’ is believed to be precisely revealed in translation style. According to the fact, that the research is being conducted on the basis of interdisciplinary methodology, it is very important to determine more precisely the research aspects related to the artistic translation as discourse phenomenon. ‘Translator icon’ and translation style concepts are implied here, of course. While determining translation as well as artistic translation, the modern theory of discourse should be taken into account. Correspondingly, translation should be considered as the type of discourse and artistic translation as the sub-type of this latter one. Thus, in the research process, it is very necessary to highlight the discourse principle such as intersubjectivity that implies the communicative relation between the addresser (the sender of information) and the addressee (the recipient of the information). In conclusion, it is possible to be said, that a) artistic translation differs from the other types of translation with its creativeness, b) according to the fact, that creative act implies the creator’s individual style, artistic translation is characterized with its individual creative style as well, c) it was essential to connect the concept of translation style to the concept of ‘translator icon’; d) artistic translation differs from the other types of discourse with its very peculiarity of specific realisation of the principle of intersubjectivity: within its frame the translator is at the same time the adressser and the addressee as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1300-1307
Jixin Huang

With the deepening of the reform and opening up policy, China is moving towards the world dramatically, and the importance of interpretation is becoming increasingly prominent. Based on the theory of memory in interpretation and the theory of discourse type in interpretation, this paper aims to demonstrate the fit between discourse type and memory, and analyze the effectiveness of the training model through empirical research. In the experiment, students of Translation Class 2018 (reference class) and students of Translation Class 2019 (experimental class) were selected as the research objects, and a six week teaching experiment was carried out. Through the analysis of students' data, questionnaires and interviews, it can be found that the application of the theory of discourse type in interpretation to the training of short-term memory in interpreting can improve the logic and integrity of information transmission, so this teaching model is effective and feasible. The purpose of this study is to construct a training model of short-term memory in consecutive interpretation teaching with the help of the theory of discourse type, so that students can experience the joy of progress in the process of practice, monitoring and reflection, which will greatly mobilize students' subjective initiative in learning, stimulate students' innovative consciousness and cultivate students' innovative ability.

Elena Yu. Ilyinova ◽  
Tamara N. Tsinkerman

Communicative tonality is introduced in terms of the utterance style that expresses the speaker’s opinion on the topic, assessment of interpersonal relations with the partner, in a pair with self-presentation in converse acts. It specifies the utterance proposition with the language means that are to transfer thoughtful, contemptuous, adverse, facetious, ironical, other emotional shades of speech. The research explores the notion of communicative tonality and methodology of its study in the theory of discourse and Cross-Cultural communication; examines the communicative tonality of prohibition as an aspect of pragmatic stylistics of communication; specifies its linguistic means in English-related tradition of educative converse. We propose that communicative tonality in the situation of prohibition is stylistically flexible and assembles symbolic obstacles or restrictions in a child’s conduct. Aimed at educative socializing goals, in traditional English converse communicative tonality of prohibition is characterized by dynamic unity of prohibiting genre conventions with paternalism and/or liberal-and-democratic mitigation tactics or authoritative intensification, variability of direct and indirect volition pressure acts. Mitigation in prohibition is achieved with modal verbal predicates and conditional syntactic constructions of utterances that are used by adults to explain reasons of banning or refusal. Signifying the status, the adult gives reasonable arguments, describes psychological states of sadness or disappointment. The alternations of thoughtful and friendly tonality make provision for variability of vertical and horizontal vectors of social distance while communicating with a child. Intensification of authoritativeness is marked by speech acts of strict banning, refusal, objections, which point to vertical vector of excessive control.

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