industrial revolutions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 940
Maximilian B. Torres ◽  
Diego Gallego-García ◽  
Sergio Gallego-García ◽  
Manuel García-García

Over time, the satisfaction of needs and the ability to meet them have consistently increased. However, the world of the 21st century is one in which the basic needs of millions of human beings are still not satisfied. Why? To an extent, nonprofit organizations such as charities play essential roles in the needed improvement of this situation. In this regard, the human factor within an organization is key influence in organizational performance and societal impact. Human beings within organizations make decisions based on their own motives, so the ethical values of each person are significantly important. Therefore, it is necessary to use analyze the potential of the human factor in the fourth industrial revolution and to analyze its influence in the previous industrial revolutions. This research was aimed to conduct such analyses for a nonprofit charity. Moreover, the authors of this paper also analyzed the industrial revolution potentials of the charity case study using system dynamics. The relevance of the presented paper was ensured by the aforementioned combination of topics. The results showed how greater impacts, higher expenses, and higher stocks were not necessarily able to quantitatively satisfy food needs in a timely manner if the human factor and global effectiveness and efficiency were not optimized. When these aspects were optimized, our hypothesis was proven, as the models set for further industrial revolutions were shown to provide better results in the satisfaction, efficiency, and economic indicators with a lower financial need; therefore, this model can be used to satisfy other needs of Maslow’s pyramid. In conclusion, this proposed approach empowers welfare organizations to increase their CSR consideration, thus enabling them to use internal mechanisms to secure viability in the pursuit of a high-performance CSR approach.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 811
Mareike Winkler ◽  
Sergio Gallego-García ◽  
Manuel García-García

Historically, researchers and managers have often failed to consider organizations as a sum of functions leading to a set of capabilities that produce a product that can serve society’s needs. Furthermore, functions have increased with the development of industrial revolutions, however, many manufacturing organizations have not realized their full potential. As a result, many industrial organizations do not know why, where, and when the existing functions and projects for implementing new functions fail where tactical and strategic functions of a manufacturing organization are commonly over-seen. Thus, the aim of this research was to propose a holistic approach for manufacturing organizations in order to model their functions enabling the assessment, design, management, and control of operations and performance as well as to identify improvement potentials. For this purpose, a conceptual model was developed based on the evolution of functions along with the industrial revolutions. Moreover, using the conceptual model, manufacturing organizations can be modeled, considering common organizational functions in the respective areas of production, maintenance, and quality, etc., in the three planning horizons—strategic, tactical, and operative. As a result, the model serves as a basis for the integral management and control of manufacturing organizations. Moreover, it can be also used as a basis framework for a digital twin model for organizations. Thus, a system dynamics simulation model based on the conceptual model was developed for a generic organization. The goal of the simulation model is to provide an exemplary digital model of a manufacturing organization in which the different functions are applied with different methods, systems, and/or individuals along the development phases.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-33
Anatoly Zhuplev ◽  
Nataly Blas

The chapter explores drivers, dynamics, and developments of business education in American colleges and universities. A contemporary business education in the U.S. is historically rooted in medieval Europe. It has progressed through several developmental stages and four industrial revolutions. Critical drivers affect American universities and colleges, bringing about strategic disruptions, technological and pedagogical innovations, and exerting competitive pressures for change on higher education. They also create opportunities for the development and growth in the post-COVID prospective, which is likely to be different from previous patterns and trends. These factors of impact range from stagnant domestic and falling international student enrollments, high student loan debt burden, and skyrocketing college tuition to the devastating impacts of the COVID pandemic. In examination of implications of the 4IR and emerging socio-economic trends for B-schools, the chapter discusses developmental trends, outlook, and emerging instructional innovations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-62
Mehany Mohamed Ibrahim Ghanaiem ◽  

The current study attempts to clarify the educational stock of educational concepts, terms and issues that have been obliterated (either intentionally or unintentionally or perhaps out of ignorance) in order to enlighten the way to researchers in the educational field and push them to search and explore what the Arab educational heritage abounds in from many issues in all fields of education And education, which the innovators (educational renewal) were able to derive from our educational heritage and then return it to us a second time as being from their actions and the offspring of their ideas. In the knowledge society, the knowledge economy, the digital society, and the repercussions of two industrial revolutions (the Fourth and the Fifth) and many others that have been proposed and repeated recently in the field of educational research, the importance of such a study, which sheds light on the concept of both educational heritage and educational renewal, appears Explaining the justifications for research and exploration in the educational heritage, and raising educational issues that have been studied from the inspiration of the educational heritage, and then the approach between educational heritage and educational innovation, and finally proposing the study of educational issues inspired by the Arab Islamic educational heritage.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 75-90
Jessica Bayón Pérez ◽  
Andrés J. Arenas Falótico ◽  
José Lominchar

If we look back, evaluating the last two centuries, the productive environments of our societies have experienced several industrial revolutions that caused great changes in production and that, in turn, generated important changes in societies at all times. Likewise, the digital transformation that has been incorporated into the bases of companies, each one in its measure, has not yet reached its maximum potential, but it has changed the way we live and, therefore, the way we work. Historically, automation has come from the hand of specialization, not because of the manufacture of tractors the land has been stopped, but more has been produced and that production has been managed in favor of employment and economic health. Technological transformations hand in hand with digitalization and artificial intelligence generate opportunities, but they also represent a threat to a good part of traditional jobs and professions, since changes are rapid and the impact of new technologies is much greater; thus, the change in the training and qualification of workers is necessary. Like the looms in the 18th century and the production models at the beginning of the 20th, digital transformation is our present, but it will be much more powerful in the future, as it entails and will entail a redefinition of the labor market and the law that governs it. regulates. Globalization and technological changes have generated a need to address labor law from a global perspective; Furthermore, this right must not only be active, but also effective, solid, in accordance with international decent work standards.

2022 ◽  
pp. 2069-2085
Andrisha Beharry Ramraj ◽  
John Amolo

Employee wellness is an important aspect of human resource management system that has to be considered in the various phases of industrial revolution. It should be noted that during the industrial revolutions work has been transformed from handmade methods to machines. Work productivity improved, yet at the same time the number for those required for manual labour slightly reduced. In each of the revolutions the need to maintain employees remained significant. Therefore, it becomes imperative in the 4th industrial revolution even though managed heavily by machinery and technology to continue with employee wellness for effective productivity within organisations going forward. This chapter will deal with the employee wellness as a strategy that deals with enabling employee welfare. A healthy workforce enhances employee wellness.

2022 ◽  
pp. 225-249
Carina M. O. Pimentel ◽  
Anabela C. Alves ◽  
João C. O. Matias ◽  
Susana Garrido Azevedo

Industrial engineering and management (IEM) is considered a softer type of engineering. IEM professionals have been slow in implementing many changes that have occurred in production, ranging from mass production to mass customization paradigms embedded in Industry 4.0. This chapter introduces and discusses the role of IEM professionals in dealing with all the changes required for the implementation of these paradigms. This chapter discusses the training of these professionals that demands more applied research, and, at the same time, it seeks to instigate their curiosity and creativity to generate new solutions based on fundamental research. A semi-systematic literature review was used. The results indicate that an IEM professional needs a strong leadership style and ethical sense to lead multidisciplinary teams and should also be a systems, lean, and sustainability thinker, who has the technological, digital, and transversal skills to face the current and future challenges of the successive industrial revolutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-112
Anton Filipenko ◽  

The article examines logical aspects of the economic universe through the lens of its key elements – resources, institutions and interconnections between them. It is emphasized that starting from the New Times one of the main issuesof economic science has been the study of logic, the historical tendency of movement of two key factors (resources): capital and labour. At this stage logical preconditions of the analysis of natural, financial, technological resources acquire considerable significance. The logic of capital and labour is investigated in the context of economic heritage of A. Smith, K. Marx, R. Luxemburg, representatives of the Cambridge school, modern authors (T. Piketty). Starting from ХІХ century, the correlation between capital value and labour value in the national income has been considered the main integral indicator reflecting the state and logic of labour. The logic of natural resources is most fully exemplified by the concept of sustainable economic development, which reflects the content and types of interrelations between the society and the natural environment both at present and in future. At the same time access, distribution and use of resources should take place on the basis of the expenditures-income principle and continue for each generation in a logical and fair way. The logic of technological resources is revealed primarily through the lens of industrial revolutions. Logical dimensions of financial resources have been represented in the works of J.S. Mill, J. Schumpeter and Ch. Kindleberger. Ch. Darwin’s theory of evolution is the basis of institutional logic. Traditions, customs, their evolution, influence on an individual’s behaviour and the philosophy of American pragmatism were the foundation of logic of Veblen’s institutionalism. The logic of relations between resources and institutions is based on the works of B. Russell, A. Whitehead and R. Carnap. Interactionof resources and institutions has been researched in the light of using resources by different generations of human communities and was called ‘the logic of the play between generations’.

Politeja ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (6(75)) ◽  
Jan W. Tkaczyński ◽  
Joanna M. Guzik ◽  
Maciej Pletnia

The Process of Ageing of Societies: On the Need for Research on (In)Resilience of Demographic Change and (In)Appropriateness of State Social Policy in the Context of the Japanese, South Korean, German and Polish Experiences The existence of a low birth rate has so far frequently been associated with the repercussions of either armed conflicts or epidemics. Economic crises, religious upheavals, cultural changes or industrial revolutions have also been cited as causes, albeit less frequently. The phenomenon of the ageing of societies which we are currently observing, however, has – by all indications – other and not yet fully defined causes. It is therefore worth considering not only why this is happening, but also if the phenomenon stems from the same causes everywhere. It may well be that the phenomenon of ageing societies occurs in various parts of the globe, but this does not prove that it is an automatism, caused by the same combination of factors. Therefore, it is crucial to clarify which of the defined factors play a catalytic role in the process under consideration, and which factors are indifferent or of marginal significance in relation to it, as well as whether it is possible, on the basis of comparative analysis of the cases of the proposed countries, to ascribe universal importance to all of them?

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