leaf vegetable
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 113919-113935
Mário Sérgio Da Luz ◽  
Vanessa Souza Reis Melo ◽  
Bruna Vieira Cabral ◽  
Diego Andrade Lemos ◽  
Bruno Borges Canelhas

2021 ◽  
Rui Pan ◽  
Hui Han ◽  
Milca Banda Medison ◽  
Salah Fatouh Abou‐Elwafa ◽  
Yi Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Ana Windari ◽  
Mimatun Nasihah ◽  
Nur Lathifah Syakbanah

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute disease in the form of dengue virus infection which is spread through mosquito bites. The use of synthetic insecticides actually causes negative effects on the environment, so another alternative is needed, namely the use of bay leaf vegetable insecticides. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of bay leaf insecticide (Syzygium polyanthum) as an insecticide against the mortality of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes with the liquid electric method. This study used a quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) design with a completely randomized design (CRD) method where the experiment was conducted on 150 mosquitoes in 5 treatments and 3 replications. The results of the percentage of bay leaf solution (Syzgium polyanthum) which has the largest number of mosquito mortality at a concentration of 80 ml/200 ml of water with a mortality percentage of 60%. The result of probit LC50 analysis of bay leaf solution was 64,315 g/ml. The higher the concentration of the solution given, the greater the number of mosquito mortality. It is necessary to modify the right tools and methods to make a solution of bay leaf (Syzgium polyanthum) so that it is more effectively applied in the community.Keywords: bioinsecticide, bay leaf, liquid electric, mortality, Aedes aegypti

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Wafi Riadhotul huda ◽  
Himmatul Miftah ◽  
Arti Yoesdiarti

Vegetables can be in the form of plants or parts of plants that are consumed fresh or ripe as part of the diet. There are very diverse types of vegetables in the form of tubers, fruit, flowers or leaves. Leaf vegetables are the type most consumed. 97.29% of the Indonesian population consumes vegetables, the types of vegetables consumed by the Indonesian population are leaf vegetables such as kale, chicory and caisim. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of trading channels and marketing functions carried out by each marketing actor in the Bogor City Traditional Market by using trading margin, farmer share, profit ratio and R / C cost. This research was conducted on the trading channel actors in the Traditional Market in Bogor City. The number of respondents in the study were 15 farmer respondents and 42 merchant respondents from both markets. The data analysis used purposive method for lapak traders and snowball sampling from retailers to farmers. The results of this study were four leaf vegetable trading channels in the Traditional Market of Bogor City with the efficiency level of the three vegetables considered to be the most efficient, namely channel IV on kale vegetables, channel II on chicory and channel IV on caisim, with each having a margin of yield of 3500, 800, 700 and the highest farmer's share was 82.93%, 81.40% and 59.52%. Thus it is necessary to do more analysis related to the strategy of developing vegetable commodities of kale, chicory and caisim in traditional markets related to marketing activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 173-178
F. Bantis ◽  
P. Karnoutsos ◽  
M. Karagiovanidis ◽  
G. Ntinas ◽  
A. Koukounaras

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 90
Silvana Nicola ◽  
Giuseppe Pignata ◽  
Manuela Casale ◽  
Saeid Hazrati ◽  
Andrea Ertani

New cultural techniques have been developed to improve the yield and raw material quality at harvest, and enhance the postharvest shelf life, by standardizing the growing system. Among the different Soilless Cultivation Systems, the New Growing System (NGS®) is a closed-recirculating system that was designed for open fields and protected cultivations. The aim of this work was to investigate the structural setting of the system and its functioning to harness the full potentiality of NGS®. A lab-scale pilot plant (LSPP) was designed with NGS® technology and the technical aspects have been set up to have a standardized and reproducible growing system. The trials were conducted on growing mature-leaf vegetable species; that is, on both head and multi-leaf vegetables, and on culinary herbs at high plant densities. Positive yield results were found for culinary herbs and leafy vegetables. Mints showed high yields for the two re-growths carried out after the first harvest. The LSPP can also be used in a series of reliable experiments and enable researches to test several species, substrates, hydroponic nutrient solutions, and fertigation scheduling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 644
Guilin Du ◽  
Jiping Shi ◽  
Jingxian Zhang ◽  
Zhiguo Ma ◽  
Xiangcen Liu ◽  

The fermentation of leaf vegetable waste to produce animal feed reduces the environmental impact of vegetable production and transforms leaf vegetable waste into a commodity. We investigated the effect of exogenous probiotics and lignocellulose enzymes on the quality and microbial community of fermented feed (FF) produced from cabbage waste. The addition of exogenous probiotics resulted in increased crude protein (CP) content (p < 0.05), better odor (moderate organic acid and ethanol, with low ammonia-N, p < 0.05), and a lower relative abundance (RA) of pathogens (below 0.4%, p < 0.05) in FF, compared to without. With the addition of exogenous probiotics, only Pediococcus and Saccharomyces were enriched and symbiotic in FF; these were the keystone taxa to reduce the abundance of aerobic, form-biofilms, and pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in an efficient anaerobic fermentation system characterized by facultative anaerobic and Gram-positive bacterial communities, and undefined saprotroph fungal communities. Thus, inoculation of vegetable waste fermentation with exogenous probiotics is a promising strategy to enhance the biotransformation of vegetable waste into animal feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 103714
Chao-Chen Tang ◽  
Asif Ameen ◽  
Bo-Ping Fang ◽  
Ming-Huan Liao ◽  
Jing-Yi Chen ◽  

Dwi Apriyani ◽  
Rita Nurmalina ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

The mismatch between the availability of vegetables and consumer demand is one of the causes of inefficient supply chains. This study aims to analyze the bullwhip effect on the organic leaf vegetable supply chain at PT Simply Fresh Organic (SFO). The analysis method used is a comparison between the coefficient of variation of orders created with the coefficient of variation in requests received by each supply chain institution. The data used are secondary data obtained from PT SFO. The measurement results show that the supply chain flow of organic leaf vegetables had a bullwhip effect at the PT SFO level and no bullwhip effect occurs at the retail level. The value of the BE supply chain value calculation at PT SFO shows a higher figure than at the retail level. The bullwhip effect at PT SFO occurred because of a rationing and shortage gaming policy. Therefore, each member of the supply chain must maintain transparency of data information and utilize digital technology to improve the accuracy of data forecasting requests and reservations quickly.

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