AGRARIS Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

2527-9238, 2407-814x

Chamika Rasanjali ◽  
Pathmanathan Sivashankar ◽  
Rohana P. Mahaliyanaarachchi

Tourism industry is one of sectors that have potential to develop and grow in the next few years in Sri Lanka. According to Tourism Development Strategy of Sri Lanka, tourism industry is expected to be the largest foreign exchange earner by 2024. The principal focus of this study was to explore major factors that affect women’s participation and non-participation in the hospitality industry in Ella DS division Sri Lanka. The study used a deductive approach, and primary data were collected through a self-administered structured questionnaire. Samples were 60 women, consisting of thirty women involved in the hospitality industry and thirty women of the non-hospitality industry, randomly selected. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.  The results found that the differences in language skills and problem-solving had the most significant effect on women’s participation in hospitality industry. Besides, childcare responsibility and lack of experience were affected women’s involvement in this industry. The results also showed that most of the non-hospitality workers have language barriers (33.3%), lack of knowledge about tourism industry (23.3%), and lack of opportunities to engage in tourism work (13.3%). Based on the results, 53.3% of 30 non-hospitality workers had an idea to be involved in tourism and hospitality industry in the future, while the remaining 46.6% had no idea to be involved.

Agustina Shinta Hartati Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Novi Haryati ◽  
Destyana Ellingga Pratiwi ◽  
Luisa Maliny Situmeang

Rice is the main consumption food for Indonesians. The demand for food increased from 114.6 kg per capita in 2016 to 124.89 kg in 2017. However, rice farmers and supply chain actors in rice agribusiness have experienced high challenges, such as production, transportation, price, product quality, and the environment. This research aimed to understand actors involved in the supply chain, their perception of occurring risks, and evaluation and risk mitigation in the supply chain. This was a quantitative descriptive study done purposively in Watugede Village, Singosari Sub-District, Malang Regency. Non-probability sampling was taken to gather primary data. The respondent of this research was 16 involved actors, from on-farm actors to consumers. The data were analyzed using the Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) to provide descriptive risk mitigation strategies. The results show that six involved actors are suppliers, farmers, grinders, traders, and buyers. Each actor faces different risks, and thus, the recommended mitigation strategies are adjusted to their risks. Sharing information, optimizing the level of supply availability, measuring supply chain performance, and building more coordination with the government are the best strategies to mitigate risks.

Epsi Euriga ◽  
Michael Henry Boehme ◽  
Siti Aminah

Applying sustainable horticulture as an innovation in The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Indonesia can be a commendable example in agricultural extension education. Previous research has revealed that understanding farmers' perceptions of innovation is essential for appropriate interventions to change their behavior. In DIY, the surveys were conducted in 2016 with 257 males and 93 females of farmers groups member from 21 villages in Sleman, Bantul, and Kulonprogo Regency. The objective of the survey was to determine the effects of farmer's internal factors on the perception of ecological, social economy, and ethical (ESE) urgency as a component of sustainable horticulture practices. The findings from the ecological, social, and ethical dimensions among the farming community in DIY indicated that, directly and indirectly, the farmers can acknowledge and practice sustainable horticulture. However, this was altering several factors, most notably, motivation and the prospect of increased income. The important thing in extension work was motivation, and a major motivating factor was the possibility of increased agricultural income. This study suggests that extension education of achieving horticultural sustainability in DIY should be based on the motivation of farmers and thoughtfulness of their basic needs especially needs to have higher income.

Simbarashe Ndhleve ◽  
Clarah Dapira ◽  
Hlekani Muchazotida Kabiti ◽  
Zibongiwe Mpongwana ◽  
Elphina Nomabandla Cishe ◽  

This study used a survey questionnaire to investigate the state and determinants of household food security in South Africa and Botswana. In South Africa, 1557 households in two District Municipalities within Eastern Cape Province participated in the study. In Botswana, data was collected from 506 in Southern Kanye, southeast District, and Gaborone households. The paper employed Household Food Insecurity Access Scale and Prevalence to investigate the state food security across the sample population. The Household Food Insecurity Access Prevalence was used to determine the characteristics of and changes in household food insecurity of the sample households. The linear and ordinal regression analyses were carried out to outline determinants of food insecurity in the region. Findings emanating from the current study show a high prevalence of food insecurity in both countries. Meanwhile, geographical location, household size, and socio-economic infrastructure emerged as common determinants of food security for Botswana and South Africa. The paper recommends state-mediated intervention to improve access to basic socio-economic infrastructure and address unemployment rates in both countries as key areas to improve food security status.

Wiseman Ndlovu ◽  
Marizvikuru Mwale ◽  
Jethro Zuwarimwe

The need for rural land agrarian reforms has reached heightened levels in South Africa in recent years. Resultantly, the communal land use effectiveness is questioned due to persistent poor performance and declining agricultural output that fails to address rural poverty and food insecurity. This is one of the major causes of why South Africa's rural economies are generally characterized by stagnant economic growth. This points to deep-rooted and unique challenges that need urgent attention if meaningful support and resilience systems are to be built for rural agrarian land reforms to be realized. The present study investigated challenges and characterized factors that lead to the prosperity of rural agricultural projects in communal land ownership. An exploratory study design was followed, and the data was collected using interviews and focus group discussions from communal farmers and key informants. Data were analyzed thematically with the aid of Atlas. Ti version 8.1.4. “Information challenges” and “water scarcity” describe some of the common challenges faced by rural farmers. Six critical success factors were identified and found to be related. “Effective project management and control” and “improved support from and partnership with local community stakeholders” are success factors that, if targeted first, could address most challenges faced in rural agrarian reforms. The results suggest that partnership with the private sector can help farmers commercialize and move swiftly towards agro-processing. Identified threats and successes must be prioritized in designing and formulating region-specific rural agrarian support programs for communal farmers.

Andrie Kisroh Sunyigono ◽  
Isdiana Suprapti ◽  
Nurul Arifiyanti

Indonesia has failed to achieve meat self-sufficiency; meanwhile, East Java is among the centers of beef cattle with a relatively high contribution in terms of GDP and employment. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the market structure of the beef cattle commodity chain by considering the concentration ratio, Gini Index, as well as barriers to exit and entry. The study was conducted in Malang Regency and Sapudi Island, with 164 respondents, which consisted of calf suppliers, farmers, traders, and slaughterhouses. Furthermore, the analytical tools used include descriptive, concentration ratio, Gini Coefficient, and analysis of barriers to entry and exit. Based on the results, the market structures in the beef cattle commodity chain in terms of its input market was perfect competition, while the intermediate and output market was oligopoly. These results were confirmed by the concentration ratios of calf suppliers and farmers, which were lower than the ratios of traders and slaughterhouses. Although the market structures were different, their Gini Coefficients are almost similar because a value of 0.2 showed an equitable distribution. Additionally, the barriers to entry into the market were high investment with a large number of import and market problems. Meanwhile, the barriers to exit the market were a large number of potential demands, high investment, and a source of income.

Garist Sekar Tanjung ◽  
Any Suryantini ◽  
Arini Wahyu Utami

The aim of the study is to determine the priorities of the leading sub-sector in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries on economic development in The Province of Bangka Belitung Island. The descriptive-analytical method is used to describe and explain the dynamical performance of each sub-sector. The sub-sector performance is represented by GRDP of Bangka Belitung Province and GDP of Indonesia based on constant prices in 2010 for the 2010-2020 periods. Analysis of Klassen Typology, Location Quotient (LQ), and Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) are conducted to determine the sub-sector and its position among other sub-sectors. The analysis results show that the plantation crop is a leading sub-sector priority for the economic development in the Bangka Belitung Province.

Rokhani Rokhani ◽  
Ahmad Asrofi ◽  
Ad Hariyanto Adi ◽  
Ahmad Fatikhul Khasan ◽  
Mohammad Rondhi

Agricultural extension plays a crucial role in the Indonesian Agricultural Revitalization Program for the 2005-2025 periods, where sugarcane is one of the fourteen priority crops. The provision of an agricultural extension was aimed to increase the income and productivity of sugarcane farmers. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of agricultural extension access on smallholder sugarcane farmers' performance in Indonesia. This study used data from the 2014 Indonesian Sugarcane Farm Household Survey, consisting of 8,831 farmers. This study employed propensity score matching to estimate the effect of access to an agricultural extension on several outcome variables. These variables were gross value-added (GVA), net value added (NVA), labor productivity (LP), land productivity (LDP), net income (NI), and remuneration of family labor (ROFL). The result shows that having access to an agricultural extension increases GVA by 40.5%, NVA by 40.3%, labor productivity by 42.8%, and NI by 40.2%. However, access to agricultural extension insignificantly affects ROFL due to the differences in family working units. Also, farmers with Agricultural Extension access have 13.7% lower land productivity than non-Agricultural Extension farmers since the former has lower input use intensity than the latter. These results suggest that providing agricultural extension service is adequate to improve sugarcane farmers' economic performance.

Ahmad Fawad Entezari ◽  
Kelly Kai Seng Wong ◽  
Fazlin Ali

Under climate change, Malaysia's agricultural production showed decreasing in recent decades. This study tries to fill in the gaps to applying and extending the Cobb Douglas production function theory to examine the impact of climate change and economic factors on Malaysia's agricultural production. Using Engle-Granger (EG) test with 37 years of data from 1980 to 2016. The findings showed that the long-run estimated coefficients for rainfall, temperature, and interest rate were -0.338, -0.024, and -0.029, respectively. This indicates that each additional percent in rainfall, temperature, and interest rate will be affected the agricultural production, on average, to decrease by 0.338%, 0.024%, and 0.029%, respectively, holding others constant. Besides that, the long-run elasticity of real GDP per capita, employment, and Trend showed 0.509, 0.513, and 0.119, respectively. Increase 1% of real GDP per capita will lead to the agricultural production to increase about 0.509%, ceteris paribus. The elasticity of employment showed that each 10% increase in agricultural employment will increase the agricultural production on average 5.13%, ceteris paribus. Furthermore, the trend estimated coefficient showed that the agricultural production will have a constant growth rate which is 0.119% per year. All variables were statistically significant to explain the long-run agricultural production. The short-run rainfall, temperature, employment, and Trend were statistically significant to determine the short-run production growth. Therefore, advanced technology and the latest information on climate change are relevant to boost agricultural production growth. In addition, policymakers also suggested establishing lower interest rate loan facilities and no labor shortage in this industry.

Hardiyanti Sultan ◽  
Dwi Rachmina ◽  
Anna Fariyanti

Transaction costs was one of imperfect market characteristic. The transaction costs of soybean farming affected profit level, and profit was one factor of capital formation. This research aimed to analyze the structure and the effect of transaction costs on the profitability and the capital formation of soybean farming. This study applied transaction cost analysis and simultaneous equation as the methods. The respondents were determined using simple random sampling by taking the proportion of 25% for the three selected districts, resulting in 120 respondents. The data were the transaction costs in 2014/2015 and household data from 2012 to 2014, comprising the assets of land, vehicles, farm equipment, crop, and livestock. The results revealed that the transaction costs were IDR 144,120.86. The negotiation costs became the highest cost component (60.30%), followed by information costs (14.07%), coordination costs (12.22%), implementation costs (8.03%), monitoring costs (4.23%) and risk costs (1.15%). Transaction costs had a significant effect on the profitability of soybean farming. The highest percentage of capital formation on soybean farming was for farmland, reaching 40.43%. Other capitals included vehicles (24.59%), plants (19.31%), building (7.37%), and supporting tools (3.09%). Transaction costs did not significantly effect on farming capital formation. As a recommendation, collective action was required, farmers should be active on farmers groups to reduce transaction costs.

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