detection of depression
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2022 ◽  
pp. 92-114
Suvarna Patil ◽  
Neha More ◽  
Animesh Bhawtankar ◽  
Vishal Pratap Jagtap ◽  
Anjali Jadhav

Depression can be called a health issue that majorly affects the stability of the mind. Depression can also be called a mood disorder or mental illness that affects our mental state. Depression can affect a person mentally and physically. According to WHO, 264 million people in the world are affected because of depression. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. About 8 million people commit suicide every year because of depression. It is not possible for one to live with depression, but if they get proper treatment at a right time, depression can be controlled and cured to help the person to live a quality life. To identify the level of depression of a person, we have to first identify the type of depression the patient is going through. The type of depression plays a very important role in determining the kind of treatment or help a depressed person needs by providing them various treatments. The authors propose a solution for detection of depression type and depression levels using advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms.

10.2196/30439 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. e30439
Urška Smrke ◽  
Izidor Mlakar ◽  
Simon Lin ◽  
Bojan Musil ◽  
Nejc Plohl

Background Cancer survivors often experience disorders from the depressive spectrum that remain largely unrecognized and overlooked. Even though screening for depression is recognized as essential, several barriers prevent its successful implementation. It is possible that better screening options can be developed. New possibilities have been opening up with advances in artificial intelligence and increasing knowledge on the connection of observable cues and psychological states. Objective The aim of this scoping meta-review was to identify observable features of depression that can be intercepted using artificial intelligence in order to provide a stepping stone toward better recognition of depression among cancer survivors. Methods We followed a methodological framework for scoping reviews. We searched SCOPUS and Web of Science for relevant papers on the topic, and data were extracted from the papers that met inclusion criteria. We used thematic analysis within 3 predefined categories of depression cues (ie, language, speech, and facial expression cues) to analyze the papers. Results The search yielded 1023 papers, of which 9 met the inclusion criteria. Analysis of their findings resulted in several well-supported cues of depression in language, speech, and facial expression domains, which provides a comprehensive list of observable features that are potentially suited to be intercepted by artificial intelligence for early detection of depression. Conclusions This review provides a synthesis of behavioral features of depression while translating this knowledge into the context of artificial intelligence–supported screening for depression in cancer survivors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Olesya Sitdikova ◽  
Milyausha Kabirova ◽  
Oksana Gubina

Subject. Such a cytokine as transforming factor β (TFRß) deserves special attention in stress-induced gingivitis, since there are observations indicating its ability to stimulate the differentiation of myofibroblasts, which results in an increase in collagen production, the development of fibrous changes in the gum, which ultimately lead to tooth loss. Goal. The aim is to determine the relationship between the development of signs of depression, the frequency of detection of periodontal pathogenic bacteria and the spectrum of cytokines that play a likely role in the pathogenesis of gingivitis in cadets of the departmental institute under conditions of psychoemotional stress. Methodology. Psychological testing, clinical dental and laboratory examinations of 71 cadets of the departmental institute (41 women, 30 men) aged from 18 to 23 years were conducted. The detection of depression was carried out using the A. Beck scale, reactive and personal anxiety — Ch. Spielberger — Y.L. Khanin. To assess the periodontal condition, traditional hygienic and periodontal indices (OHI-s, RNR, PMA) were used. Identification of the marker DNA of periodontal pathogenic bacteria was carried out using a polymerase chain reaction using a test kit "Multident-5" manufactured by NPF GenLab (Russia). The content of cytokines in saliva was determined by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. For the detection of IL-1β, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IFNu, TNFa, sets of NPO "Vector Best" (Russia) were used, for the cytokine TFRß — from Biosource (Canada). Results. It was found that the development of depression and gingivitis is accompanied by changes in the cytokine status, the main pathogenetic significance is IL-1β and TFRß, and the auxiliary is IL-12 and TNFa. At the same time, the cytokines IL-1β and TNFa are associated with the severity of the course of gingivitis. Conclusions. A correlation was established for the cytokines IL-1β, TNFa and TFRß with the first-order periodontopathogenic species A actinomycetemcomitans and T. forsythia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yumiko Nagao ◽  
Hitomi Nakagaki ◽  
Masahide Tsuji

Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a burning sensation that occurs in the mouth without any underlying cause. There is no satisfactory treatment for BMS, so far. Herein, we report the case of a 74-year-old female with untreated depression who presented with BMS. Despite taking antidepressants, she developed suicidal thoughts, particularly due to the increasing number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases and suicides in Japan. The symptoms of BMS and the oral discomfort were eliminated using a multifaceted approach, which included the following: continuous application of the oral care gel “REFRECARE-H®” to the mucous membranes, regular dental visits, collaboration with medical and dental professionals, and administration of zinc preparations. Her suicidal thoughts had disappeared, and her quality of life, assessed using the visual analogue scale, was improved following the treatment. Dentists should strive to provide oral care, while providing treatment in collaboration with specialists, for the early detection of depression and zinc deficiency in patients with BMS.

И.А. Корецкая ◽  
И.В. Денисов

Пандемия COVID-19, начавшая в феврале 2020 года, продолжается до сих пор. Изменения в эмоциональной сфере произошедшие в начале пандемии эволюционировали в зависимости от мер, принятых правительствами разных стран. Целью данного исследования было сравнить тревожность и депрессивность у турецких и российских студентов в период пандемии. Исследование проводилось в два этапа: май 2020 года (ограничительные меры введены около 2-х месяцев) и декабрь 2020 года (ограничительные меры введены 9 месяцев). Выбор стран был обусловлен разным государственным отношением к эпидемиологической обстановке. В качестве методики исследования была выбрана госпитальная шкала тревоги и депрессии HADS (The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), разработанная для первичного выявления депрессии и тревоги. Выбор методики был связан с тем, что она переведена на национальные языки России и Турции и соответствует всем психометрическим требованиям. В России, где меры, принятые правительством, были менее жесткими, чем в Турции, уровни депрессии и тревоги снизились, в отличии от Турции, где данные уровни, наоборот, повысились. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in February 2020, continues to this day. The changes in the emotional sphere that occurred at the beginning of the pandemic have been evolving depending on the measures taken by the governments of different countries. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of anxiety and depression in Turkish and Russian students during the pandemic. The study was conducted in two stages: May 2020 (restrictive measures had been introduced for about 2 months) and December 2020 (restrictive measures had been introduced for 9 months). The choice of countries was determined by different state attitudes to the epidemiological situation. The HADS (The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), developed for the primary detection of depression and anxiety, was chosen as a research methodology. The choice of the technique was because it has been translated into the national languages of Russia and Turkey and meets all psychometric requirements. In Russia, where the measures taken by the government were less stringent than in Turkey, the levels of depression and anxiety decreased, in contrast to Turkey, where these levels, on the contrary, increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-94
Irena Kovačević ◽  
Sanja Ledinski Fičko ◽  
Boris Ilić ◽  
Adriano Friganović ◽  
Štefanija Ozimec Vulinec ◽  

Introduction. Two-thirds of primary care patients with depression also have somatic symptoms present, making detection of depression more difficult. Primary health care is the first level of screening for depression, and early detection is key to treatment success. Anxiety also has a high comorbidity rate with chronic pain conditions. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is common among patients with “medically unexplained” chronic pain and chronic physical illness and is also a predictor of chronic musculoskeletal pain after trauma. Belonging to different ethnic groups and ignorance of these differences by primary care physicians can be an obstacle to good health care, especially early recognition of depressive symptoms. Aim. The aim of this proposed, systematic work was to draw conclusions from empirical research dealing with the processes involved in the examination of depression, anxiety, and chronic non malignant pain. The research question for this review paper was to examine the correlation of depression and anxiety with chronic non-malignant pain. The aim was to examine the role of primary health care in recognizing, preventing, and treating depression and anxiety in patients with chronic non-malignant pain, and whether there is a difference in the correlation between depression, anxiety, and chronic non-malignant pain according to ethnicity. Methods. Methods for identifying the study were derived from the Medline database (via PubMed). The analysis included all scientific papers in English, regardless of methodology, published since 2011. The papers dealt with the correlation between depression, anxiety, and chronic non-malignant pain, and included the population of primary care patients over 18 years of age who suffer from chronic nonmalignant pain and at the same time have symptoms of depression and anxiety present or are members of ethnic groups. 403 articles were found, original and review papers, of which, after a detailed reading, 10 were selected that meet the inclusion criteria for the purposes of this review. Results. Depression and anxiety are significantly more present in people with chronic pain (23%), compared to those who do not have chronic pain (12%). The most common is chronic musculoskeletal pain, with one-third of patients having depression. Depression and anxiety are significantly associated with the intensity and duration of pain. Chronic pain and depression also differ according to ethnic groups, with cultural differences and language barriers being a barrier to early detection of depression. Conclusion. Depression is the most common mental health disorder associated with chronic pain. It is extremely important to treat both depression and pain, in order to prevent the development of severe depression and chronic pain at an early stage. The integrated program at the level of primary health care is expected to have positive effects on both the physical and mental condition of patients. Cultural differences and ethnicity, which can significantly reduce the detection of depressive symptoms at the primary health care level, should certainly be taken into account.

Pragati J. Dhengale

Detection of depression through messages sent by a user on social media are often a fancy task because of the recognition and trends in them. In recent years, messages and social media has over up being a really shut illustration of a person’s life and his status. This is often an enormous stockpile of information a couple of person’s behaviour and might be used for detection of varied mental sicknesses (depression in our case) victimisation tongue process. This project is regarding constructing a model victimisation NLP to predict such mental disorders. Short-term memory networks square measure well-suited to classifying, process and creating predictions supported statistic knowledge, since there are often lags of unknown length between necessary events during a statistic.

И.А. Корецкая ◽  
Б.С. Васякин ◽  
А.А. Кая

Пандемия COVID-19 во всех странах спровоцировала ограничения выхода из дома, перевод работы и обучения в онлайн форматы и соответственно изменилась организация учебного процесса. Тот факт, что данные ограничения повлияют на психику людей, не вызывал сомнения уже в начале пандемии, однако какие это будут изменения, и насколько глубоко они затронут людей, точных прогнозов никто дать не мог. Настоящее исследование направлено на определение уровней личной тревожности и депрессии студентов России и Турции. Целью исследования было сравнить тревожность и депрессивность у турецких и российских студентов в период второй волны пандемии в конце 2020 года. Выбор стран был обусловлен разным государственным отношением к эпидемиологической обстановке в текущей ситуации. В качестве методики исследования была выбрана госпитальная шкала тревоги и депрессии HADS (The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), разработанная для первичного выявления депрессии и тревоги. Выбор методики был связан с тем, что она переведена на национальные языки России и Турции и соответствует всем психометрическим требованиям. Пандемия COVID-19 повысила уровень тревожности, которая усиливается в стрессовых условиях жизни. Исходя из проведённого исследования, мы видим, что в стране, где более выраженная ситуация запрета, и введены новые, строгие нормы взаимодействия с окружающей средой, более выражено проявляется повышенный уровень тревоги и депрессии. The COVID-19 pandemic in all countries provoked restrictions on leaving home, transferring work and education to online formats and, accordingly, changing the organization of the educational process. There was no doubt at the beginning of the pandemic that these restrictions would affect people's psyche, but no one could predict exactly what these changes would be and how deeply they would affect people. The present study sought to determine levels of personal anxiety and depression among students in Russia and Turkey. The aim of the study was to compare anxiety and depression among Turkish and Russian students during the second wave of the pandemic at the end of 2020. The choice of countries was due to different governmental attitudes to the epidemiological situation in the current situation. The HADS (The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), developed for the primary detection of depression and anxiety, was chosen as a research methodology. The choice of the technique was because it has been translated into the national languages of Russia and Turkey and meets all psychometric requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the level of anxiety, which increases in stressful living conditions. Based on the conducted research, we can see that in a country where the situation of prohibition is more pronounced, and new, strict norms of interaction with the environment are introduced, the increased level of anxiety and depression is more pronounced.

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