severe autism
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Romuald Blanc ◽  
Marianne Latinus ◽  
Marco Guidotti ◽  
Jean-Louis Adrien ◽  
Sylvie Roux ◽  

Early intervention programs positively affect key behaviors for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, most of these programs do not target children with severe autistic symptomatology associated with intellectual disability (ID). This study aimed to investigate the psychological and clinical outcomes of children with severe autism and ID enrolled in the Tailored and Inclusive Program for Autism—Tours (TIPA-T). The first step of the TIPA-T is the Exchange and Development Therapy (EDT): an individual neurofunctional intervention consisting of one-to-one exchanges between a child and a therapist taking place in a pared-down environment. It aims to rehabilitate psychophysiological abilities at the roots of social communication through structured sequences of “social play.” Cognitive and socio-emotional skills and general development were evaluated with the Social Cognitive Evaluation Battery scale and the Brunet–Lézine Scale—Revised, respectively, before and after 9 months of intervention in 32 children with ASD and ID. Autistic symptomatology was evaluated with the Behavior Summarized Evaluation—Revised scale at five time-points in a subset of 14 children, both in individual and group settings. Statistically significant post-intervention improvements were found in cognitive and socio-emotional skills. All but one child showed improvements in at least one social domain, and 78% of children gained one level in at least four social domains. Twenty-nine children improved in cognitive domains, with 66% of children improving in at least three cognitive domains. Autistic symptomatology evaluated in one-to-one settings significantly decreased with therapy; this reduction was observed in more than 85% of children. In group settings, autistic symptomatology also decreased in more than 60% of children. Global developmental age significantly increased by 3.8 months. The TIPA-T, including EDT in particular, improves socio-emotional skills of most children with ASD and reduces autistic symptomatology, yet with heterogeneous outcomes profiles, in line with the strong heterogeneity of profiles observed in ASD. At the group level, this study highlights the benefits of the TIPA-T for children with severe autism and associated ID. Assessment of autistic core symptoms showed an improvement of social interaction, both in one-to-one and group evaluations, demonstrating the generalizability of the skills learned during the EDT.

mSystems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Amanda H. Dilmore ◽  
Daniel McDonald ◽  
Tanya T. Nguyen ◽  
James B. Adams ◽  
Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown ◽  

GI disturbances in ASD such as severe constipation can be medically significant and often require medication. This is especially true for individuals with PTHS, suggesting that the gut microbiome may be involved in PTHS’s pathology.

2021 ◽  
Romuald Blanc ◽  
Marianne Latinus ◽  
Marco Guidotti ◽  
Jean-Louis Adrien ◽  
Sylvie Roux ◽  

Early intervention programs positively affect key behaviours for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Yet, most of these programs do not target children with severe autistic symptomatology associated with intellectual disability (ID).The aim of this study was to investigate psychological and clinical outcomes of children with severe autism and ID enrolled in the Tailored and Inclusive Program for Autism - Tours (TIPA-T). The first step of the TIPA-T is the Exchange and Development Therapy (EDT): an individual neurofunctional intervention, consisting of one-to-one exchanges between a child and a therapist taking place in a pared-down environment. It aims to rehabilitate psychophysiological abilities at the roots of social communication, through structured sequences of “social play”.Cognitive and socio-emotional skills and general development were evaluated with the Social Cognitive Evaluation Battery (SCEB) scale and the Brunet-Lézine scale-Revised, respectively, before and after 9 months of intervention in 32 children with ASD and ID. Autistic symptomatology was evaluated with the Behavior Summarized Evaluation-Revised (BSE-R) scale at 5 time-points in a subset of 14 children, both in individual and group settings. Statistically significant post-intervention improvements were found in cognitive and socio-emotional skills. All but one child showed improvements in at least one social domains, and 78% of children gained one-level in at least 4 social domains. 29 children improved in cognitive domains with 66% of children improving in at least 3 cognitive domains. Autistic symptomatology evaluated in one-to-one settings significantly decreased with therapy; this reduction was observed in more than 85% of children. In group settings, autistic symptomatology also decreased in more than 60% of children. Global developmental age significantly increased by 3.8 months.The TIPA-T, including EDT in particular, improves socio-emotional skills of most children with ASD and reduces autistic symptomatology; yet, with heterogeneous outcomes profiles, in line with the strong heterogeneity of profiles observed in ASD. At the group level, this study highlights the benefits of the TIPA-T for children with severe autism and associated ID. Assessment of autistic core symptoms showed an improvement of social interaction, both in one-to-one and group evaluations, demonstrating the generalizability of the skills learned during the EDT.

Tiffany N. Chavers ◽  
Madison Morris ◽  
Ralf W. Schlosser ◽  
Rajinder Koul

Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention using a speech-generating device (SGD) on acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of multistep requesting and generic small talk in three children with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD) between the ages of 7 and 13 years. Method A multiple-baseline design across participants combined with a posttreatment multiple-generalization-probe design was used to assess acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of target communicative behaviors with the experimenter and the participants' familiar communication partners (FCPs). Intervention was composed of systematic instruction in the use of an SGD using least-to-most prompting, constant time delay, error correction, and reinforcement. Results Visual analysis established a strong functional relationship between the independent variable and the two dependent variables (i.e., requesting preferred activities, engaging in generic small talk) for all three participants. Effect size indicator analyses corroborated these findings, indicating strong effects for performing multistep requesting and medium effects for engaging in generic small talk. All participants were able to generalize the acquired communicative behaviors to request new and untrained snacks and activities and engage in generic small talk with FCPs who were not part of the training. Maintenance of acquired communicative behaviors was demonstrated 3 weeks post completion of intervention. Conclusion This study provides preliminary evidence that AAC intervention using an SGD and incorporating least-to-most prompting, constant time delay, error correction, and reinforcement is effective in terms of multistep requesting and generic small talk behaviors in children with severe ASD. Supplemental Material

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Milena Pereira Pondé ◽  
Sabrina Calmon Oliveira ◽  
Saulo Leal Merelles ◽  
Gustavo Marcelino Siquara

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder may be more likely to have a mental disorder, both due to genetic and environmental reasons. A cross-sectional study involving 161 children, 161 mothers and 108 fathers. Diagnosis followed the criteria established in DSM–5. Symptom severity was evaluated using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale. The Factorial Personality Inventory served to evaluate parents’ personality traits.  Several correlations were found between mothers and fathers personality traits and children symptoms. In both parents, personality traits associated with greater intransigence/less flexibility and fewer social skills were those associated with more severe autism symptoms in the children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-34
Jessica Caron ◽  
Janice Light ◽  
David McNaughton

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app with transition to literacy (T2L) software features (i.e., dynamic text and speech output upon selection of a graphic symbol within the grid display) on the acquisition of 12 personally relevant single words for individuals with severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who had minimal or no speech. The study implemented a single-subject, multiple-probe, across word sets design with four participants. All four participants in this study demonstrated increased accuracy reading targeted single words and results from this study provide preliminary evidence that the T2L features can positively affect the single-word learning of individuals with ASD who have minimal speech and limited literacy skills.

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