maritime community
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Sazlina Salleh ◽  
Mahadi Mohammad ◽  
Mohammad Reevany Bustami

Since Nusantara Malay Archipelago is a maritime community, its indigenous knowledge and local wisdom is largely connected to sea life and water. Nevertheless, there are also mountains, valleys, forests and flatlands; hence, local knowledge is also connected to these landscapes and spaces. This article submits the environmental paradigm of Nusantarazation  and its interconnectedness with local ecological knowledge (LEK) as well as reports on findings in the form of case exemplars in the field related to these constructs.  The authors argue that Nusantarazation  is an epistemological paradigm which is able to decolonize environment knowledge and provide an integrative framework for LEK, sustainable practices and technological know-how.  The spatial scope covers mainly areas in Malaysia and Indonesia as these are part of Nusantara.  Among the key findings are that LEK tend to be accompanied with seemingly unscientific or mythical narratives but are translated into practices that promote sustainability either in the land or waters.  This article also capture various local constructs and beliefs that capture the underlying value systems which are integral to conservation and ecological balance. Nevertheless, the Nusantarazation  environmental paradigm encounters challenges from colonial legacies of power modern practices and industrial complex that threaten to harm the environment and humanity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-228
Daroe Iswatiningsih ◽  
Fauzan Fauzan

Syair lagu merupakan rangkaian dan tatanan kata indah yang diberi notasi dan dilagukan. Syair lagu memuat simbol-simbol pesan yang hendak disampaikan pencipta kepada pendengarnya. Simbol dalam syair lagu tidak mudah dimengerti dan perlu penafsiran. Pencipta lagu menggunakan simbol verbal pada syair lagu guna mewakili segala hal terkait dengan maksud, harapan, perasaan serta kondisi yang terjadi di lingkungan fisik  serta menerjemahkan kehidupan di dunia yang diketahuinya. Untuk memahami sistem tanda yang menggambarkan budaya kemaritiman dalam syair lagu digunakan pendekatan semiotik.  Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif  kualitatif, mengkaji bahasa berupa tanda atau simbol dalam syair lagu kemaritiman. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan mendokumentasikan  lagu di Museum Musik Indonesia (MMI) di Malang serta eksplorasi di internet. Data berupa aspek kebahasaan yang mengandung sistem tanda budaya kemaritiman dari 14 lagu. Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan bentuk penanda dan petanda budaya kemaritiman pada syair lagu dan aspek budaya kemaritiman masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ditemukan penanda dan petanda yang menunjukkan budaya kemaritiman pada syair lagu kemaritiman serta  empat aspek sistem budaya masyarakat maritim meliputi, sistem mata pencaharian hidup, sistem peralatan hidup dan teknologi, sistem pengetahuan, dan sistem keorganisasian sosial. Lagu-lagu kemaritiman Indonesia merepresentasikan budaya kemaritiman masyarakat pesisir melalui simbol tanda yang ada. Untuk itu, lagu merupakan rekaman budaya masyarakat di masanya.   Song verse is a series and arrangement of beautiful words that are noted and performed. The song verse contains symbols of the message that the creator wants to convey to his listener. The symbols in the verse of the song are not easy to understand and need interpretation. The songwriter uses verbal symbols in the song's verse to represent everything related to the intentions, expectations, feelings and conditions that occur in the physical environment and translate life in the world he knows. To understand the sign system that describes maritime culture in song verse, a semiotic approach is used.  This research is qualitative descriptive, studying the language in the form of signs or symbols in maritime song verse. Data collection techniques by documenting songs at the Indonesian Music Museum (MMI) in Malang as well as exploration on the internet. Data in the form of language aspects that contain a maritime cultural sign system of 14 songs. The purpose of the study describes the form of markers and signs of maritime culture in song verses and aspects of maritime culture of Indonesian society. The results of the study found markers and signs that show maritime culture in maritime song verses as well as four aspects of the maritime community cultural system including, livelihood system, living equipment system and technology, knowledge system, and social organization system. Indonesian maritime songs represent the maritime culture of coastal communities through the symbol of existing signs. For this reason, the song is a recording of the culture of the people of his time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (6s) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Peter Vidmar ◽  
Andrej Androjna ◽  

The maritime safety is of great concern for the entire maritime community. Ships using LNG for propulsion are already sailing the seas, but the majority of the ports are not yet prepared for this kind of supply. As the process of LNG bunkering is only seemingly similar to traditional oil bunkering or liquid loading, dealing with the technical and safety challenges is much more subject of investigation. In this paper, the dispersion part of the consequences of LNG release, pooling, evaporation and dispersion during the future bunkering operation in the port of Koper, Slovenia, where the populated area (city) is located in close proximity are examined. We follow the comparison of three different tools, namely the Unified Dispersion Model (UDM) implemented by the software PHAST from DNV-GL® and two CFD (FDS – Fire Dynamics Simulator from NIST and Ansys Fluent®) in the same case scenario. Geometry, initial and boundary conditions are assumed to be the same as far as possible, according to the limitations of the respective software tools.

2021 ◽  
pp. 170-177
Rudi Irawanto

The farmer cultural system is based on tillage and planting cycles. The patterns produced from system tillage and planting cycles then form a system of civilization based on the future of the garden or tillage. The agrarian ecological system inspired cultural expression that is manifested in a variety of cultural activities. One of the cultural poducts of farmers is the stories of the wayang Krucil, who were involved in the Panji cycle. Krucil puppet art shows are cultural performances that are creative and reflect the spirit of the times. Panji stories in the puppet Krucil can be described by their constituent structures. Cultural farmers are very dependent on the presence of the sun and water, so the sun and water symbols are very dominant. The structure of peasant culture can be demonstrated by a reciprocal relationship between humans, the sun, water and air. Symbols can transform into various forms. The transformed symbols of the sun and water can be found in the model of the stage, the structure of the story, and the depiction of the characters in the puppet Krucil. Agrarian society has always had mechanisms to develop their culture, including developing cultural patterns that are different from the maritime community. Keywords: farmer culture, pennant cycle, puppet Krucil

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-21
Jessica DuLong

This chapter provides a background of the waterborne evacuation that happened after the events of 9/11. New York harbor was, and is, a busy place — the third largest container port in the United States and a vital connection between New York City and the rest of the world. Manhattan is an island, and the realities of island real estate are what ushered the port's industries off Manhattan's shores and over to Brooklyn, Staten Island, and New Jersey in the 1960s and 1970s. By late 2001, maritime infrastructure had been replaced with ornamental fencing. On September 11, 2001, as the cascade of catastrophe unfolded, people found their fates altered by the absence of that infrastructure and discovered themselves dependent upon the creative problem solving of New York harbor's maritime community — waterfront workers who had been thrust beyond their usual occupations and into the role of first responders. Long before the U.S. Coast Guard's call for “all available boats” crackled out over marine radios, scores of ferries, tugs, dinner boats, sailing yachts, and other vessels had begun converging along Manhattan's shores. Hundreds of mariners shared their skills and equipment to conduct a massive, unplanned rescue. Within hours, nearly half a million people had been delivered from Manhattan by boat.

Jessica DuLong ◽  
Mitchell Zuckoff

This book is the definitive history of the largest ever waterborne evacuation. The book reveals the dramatic story of how the New York Harbor maritime community heroically delivered stranded commuters, residents, and visitors out of harm's way. Even before the US Coast Guard called for “all available boats,” tugs, ferries, dinner boats, and other vessels had sped to the rescue from points all across New York Harbor. In less than nine hours, captains and crews transported nearly half a million people from Manhattan. Anchored in eyewitness accounts, the book weaves together the personal stories of people rescued that day with those of the mariners who saved them. The book describes the inner workings of New York Harbor and reveals the collaborative power of its close-knit community. This chronicle of those crucial hours, when hundreds of thousands of lives were at risk, highlights how resourcefulness and basic human goodness triumphed over turmoil on one of America's darkest days.

2021 ◽  
Vladimir I. Vinokurov

The article is devoted to the activities of one of the most famous public organizations in Russia-the All — Russian Movement for the Support of Flot (DPF), which celebrated its 30th anniversary on September 10, 2021. Created in the difficult conditions of the beginning of the actual collapse of the Soviet Union, the Movement immediately declared its patriotic goals, the main one of which was the systematic preparation and worthy meeting of the upcoming 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. The ideas and plans of the DPF leadership have found wide support among military sailors and representatives of the civil fleet. Today, the Fleet Support Movement unites in its ranks more than 50 thousand individual and collective members-veterans and active military sailors, representatives of the Marine Transport and River Fleet, Shipbuilding and ship repair industry, Fishing Fleet, marine science, People's fleet-yachting, etc. All of them are part of 63 regional branches and representative offices operating in many regions and large cities of our country. Thus, it has become a powerful public organization that can solve any task in its field, starting from the development of the Russian Maritime Strategy and ending with taking care of the daily life of members of the maritime community. The organization also actively participates in international activities, which makes it a strong representative of Russian public (people's) diplomacy abroad.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hamid Reza Soltani Motlagh

Sustainability is a concept for achieving integration and balance in development, in order to preserve and use resources properly, by providing new solutions to overcome structural, social and economic misconceptions to prevent further degradation and waste of natural resources, and to create a better future for human societies. Sustainable development can be defined as a strategy for the correct use of resources, by modifying and redefining consumption patterns and avoiding one-sided development approaches. Therefore, sustainable development is defined as a long-term and unlimited solution for aligning different concepts (social, economic and environmental), seemingly independent but related and influencing each other. This paper examines the challenges and capacities of the Oman Maritime Community and the role of Maritime Energy Management in terms of sustainable development. To analyze this issue, the role of key players in Oman's maritime industry, such as the Oman Fisheries Company and the Oman Shipping Company, has been studied in relation to the five main indicators of sustainable development goals, including people, the planet, peace, welfare and partnership.

2021 ◽  
Yanna Pavlopoulou ◽  
Evanthia Kostidi

The marine supply chain and linear manufacturing model has to become circular, adopting innovative upcycling solutions. Additive Manufacturing (AM) or Three Dimensional (3D) printing decentralized production, is suitable for repairing and remanufacturing industry components. Circular designs and reverse engineering can create a secondary market from reused, refurbished and shared services, materials and products. As users/consumers, shipowners should support new rules that implement the "right to repair", the concept of Extended Producer's Responsibility (EPR) and responsible innovation ethics. The maritime community has to urge manufacturers and makers (repairers) design shared services, with upcycled spares and circular products from secondary raw materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. Manuscript
Li Zhang ◽  
Tingwei Chen ◽  
Xiaoxing Zhang ◽  
Pengfei Zhang

The issue of piracy against merchant vessels still poses a significant threat to world shipping, and people onboard continue to be targeted and held hostage by pirates for ransom. Seafarers expect and deserve to continue receiving wages if held by pirates. However, this entitlement is still blurred in the current legal framework and the maritime industry practice. Traditionally, it was argued that seafarers held hostage by pirates did not have a right to continued payment of their wages. The world maritime community has made significant effort to reform the law and to address the need to protect the wages of seafarers. Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labor Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) was adopted aiming to ensure that while seafarers are held captive as a result of piracy or armed robbery, seafarer employment agreements (SEAs) remain in force and they must continue to be paid. While it was a significant move forward, there are no provisions of compulsory financial guarantees on captive seafarers’ wages in the Amendments. Through policy analysis on captive seafarers’ wages, it is argued that Amendments 2018 are not an adequate guarantee of wages of seafarers held hostage by pirates and true reforms are still far away.

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