real national income
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2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-143
Ukhti Ciptawaty

The abstract is written in English. The abstract contains the research objectives. The importance of regional expansion is used as one of the reasons to encourage the acceleration of economic growth in a region. In the macro analysis, the level of economic growth achieved by a country/region is measured by the development of real national income achieved by an area. Therefore, the author wants to see how the structure of economic growth in the new autonomous region after the enactment of regional expansion. So the question raised through this research is how the pattern and structure of economic growth in each DOB so that it becomes the input for the DOB concerned to increase economic growth in the area. Therefore, the purpose of this study has the main objective of finding patterns and structures of economic growth in each DOB.

2019 ◽  
Yulia Fitra

Eonomic growth itself is a process where there is a real increase in gross national product or real national income in a country. Economic growth is essentially aimed at improving the welfare of the people (walfare), therefore it requires increased economic growth and more equitable income distribution. However, if the growth is followed by an improvement in income distribution, it will be difficult to create prosperity for the community in general, because the income distribution is uneven or does not run smoothly, so that it will automatically disrupt the Indonesian economy, and will be in poverty.

Suyatno Suyatno

The debate about the role of exports in the development of economic theory has emerged since the 1950s. In the macroeconomic theory, the relationships between export and economic growth and / or national income is an identity because export is a part of national income, but in development economics, heavily concern over matters wether export make prosperity (wealth) or suffering to a nation.Jung and Marshall (1985) examine four viewpoints characterize equally plausible hypothesis of relationships between export and economic growth: (1) export-led growth hypothesis, (2) internally generated export hypothesis, (3) export-reducing growth hypothesis and (4) growth-reducing export hypothesis. The empirical result using real national income and real export data over 1969-1997 suggests that error correction causality tests show bidirectional pattern, but according to the value of error correction term, adjustment coefficient reaction. Granger-causality test (1969) and final prediction error (FPE) show unidirectional causality from real national income to real export. Thus, over the period 1969-1997, Indonesia supported internally generated export hypothesis.

Agro Ekonomi ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Agus Dwi Nugroho ◽  
Jamhari Jamhari ◽  
Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo

The aims of this study is to analyze the performance of export-import, competitiveness and the factors affecting export-import of Vietnam rice. Type of data used is secondary data of 1980-2009. To determine the fluctuation of export-import trade were applied trend and trade specialization ratio. To find out the analysis of competitiveness were run revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and acceleration ratio (AR). To investigate the factors affecting the export and import used error correction model (ECM). Vietnam export trend showed an increase and imports trend showed a decline and in the maturity stage. Vietnam has high competitiveness but the exports acceleration is low. Vietnam’s export affected by per capita rice availability and the exchange rate while imports of Vietnam affected by the production, world rice prices and real national income.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Chien Wei Wu ◽  
Wei Zhan Hung

The purpose of this study is to propose a new economic index, namely, real national income average growth rate (RNIAGR), which measures the performance of economic growth with consideration for income distribution. This study also develops another new economic index, called five-scale real national income average growth rate (FSRNIAGR), which simplifies the calculation of RNIAGR. The merits of these new indexes are discussed to justify their efficacy. This paper also justifies the use of proposed index by showing that this index can actually measure the ordering of social welfare. To highlight the difference between this new index and the traditional ones, this paper compares the index with real economic growth rate using the data of Taiwan. In addition, this paper shows that when the real growth stagnates or even declines, this new index indicates that income distribution deteriorates.

Agro Ekonomi ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Agus Dwi Nugroho ◽  
Jamhari Jamhari ◽  
Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo

The aims of this study is to analyze the performance of export-import, competitiveness and the factors affecting export-import of Vietnam rice. Type of data used is secondary data of 1980-2009. To determine the fluctuation of export-import trade were applied trend and trade specialization ratio. To find out the analysis of competitiveness were run revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and acceleration ratio (AR). To investigate the factors affecting the export and import used error correction model (ECM). Vietnam export trend showed an increase and imports trend showed a decline and in the maturity stage. Vietnam has high competitiveness but the exports acceleration is low. Vietnam’s export affected by per capita rice availability and the exchange rate while imports of Vietnam affected by the production, world rice prices and real national income.

George K. Zestos ◽  
Andrew N. Geary ◽  
Kevin S. Cooksey

This study investigates the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies in the US by employing cointegration and a quatrovariate Vector Error Correction Model together with Granger causality tests. Two models are estimated: (i) nominal national income, the ten-year government bond yield, and two policy variables, the federal government deficit and the federal funds rate; (ii) real national income, and the other same three variables. Monetary and fiscal policies are jointly ineffective in influencing nominal national income. However, monetary and fiscal policies are jointly effective in influencing real national income. In contrast to the first model, only monetary policy was found to be reactive to changes in real national income and the long-term interest rate. The asymmetric responses of the two policies to changes in real economic activity are attributed to the fact that monetary policy is much more efficient in promptly responding to changes in economic conditions than fiscal policy.  


2008 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-85
J.B.D. Derksen

2006 ◽  
Vol 1962 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-205
J. J. D. Willers ◽  
B. P. Groenewald

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