Innovations and Food Safety
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Published By Federal State Educational Institution Of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


S. L. Gaptar ◽  
O. N. Sorokoletov ◽  
E. V. Tarabanova ◽  
E. A. Kosheleva ◽  
O. V. Lisichenok ◽  

   The efficiency of using natural triterpenoids, a complex of organic acids, introduced plants, microgreens, coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste containing the necessary physiologically functional ingredients that increase the activity of the vital processes of the human body, has been substantiated. Technological modes of production have been optimized, rational dosages and combinations of components have been determined when creating recipe compositions of food products with specified nutritional and functional properties; revealed their positive impact on quality indicators, safety and shelf life of finished products.

V. A. Sinitsyn

   The article presents the results of the study of the feed additive Zeodo in experimental mycotoxicosis in chickens. The authors found that the use of Zeodo feed additive contributes to an increase in live weight gain in chickens by 7.3 %. Conditions of feeding chickens with low-toxic feed and single injection with a mixture of mycotoxins. The authors also concluded that Zeodo reduces the synergistic effects of mycotoxins and has a preventive property against mycotoxicosis. The results of the experiments on the test of Zeodo feed additive give grounds for its further production tests. 

V. A. Erlikh

   The authors presented an article on the publication of printed matter covering the history of agricultural economy and trades in Central, Northern, Northwestern, and Southwestern Europe in antiquity. The report is based on editions of Russian-language literature published in Russia in the mid-19th century - the 1950s.

A. A. Belyaev ◽  
A. A. Shakhristova

   In field experiments of the strawberry queen bee, it was found that pre-planting treatment of the root system of seedlings with bacterial biopreparation Phytop 8.67, at a concentration of 1×105 CFU/ml, as well as its tank mixture with humic preparation Phoenix, 0.05% gave the greatest efficiency – stimulation of vegetative reproduction of plants by 3.9-4.9 rosettes /plant (by 24-32 %) relative to control was observed. At the same time, it should be noted that the effect of the tank mixture Phytop 8.67, 1×105 CFU/ml + Phoenix, 0.05 % statistically significantly (P<0.05) exceeded all other options for stimulating vegetative reproduction of plants.

V. A. Bekenev ◽  
V. I. Frolova ◽  
I. V. Bolshakova ◽  
Yu. V. Frolova ◽  
V. S. Deeva ◽  

   The authors presented the results of experimental studies on the stress-resistant of pigs. The first group is a breed created in Sapphire Ltd. This breed is a breeding group (BG) in purebred breeding and their mixtures in two- and three-breed combinations with Landrace (L) and Duroc (D) boars under conditions of industrial farm technology in Siberia. Two methods assessed stress-resistant of piglets of different breed groups. The first method is “weaning crisis”. The second method is a com-parison of cortisol levels in the blood. Three-breed weanling piglets (SGxL)xD turned out to be the most stress-sensitive. Stress-resistant piglets had an effect on their growth during the rearing period. During this period, stress-resistant animals of all breed combinations had higher average daily gain than stress-sensitive animals (P < 0.001). Stress-resistant animals of the breeding group (SG) showed an average daily growth of 547.5 g during the fattening period. Also, the stress-resistant animals of the breeding group reliably surpassed the stress-sensitive pigs by 461.4 g (P < 0.01), the two-breed pigs by 455.9 g and 404.7 g and the three-breed pigs 451.8 g and 419.2 g, respectively. There was a statistically significant advantage in the indices of the average daily gain among the purebred young-sters of the breeding group (SG) (543 g) compared to the two-breed pigs (447g) and the three-breed pigs (402g), i. e., by 17.8 % and 26 % at P < 0.001. The authors found that the EAAcr/- genotype in stress-sensitive pigs was more common than EAA-/(0.71 ± 0.07 vs 0.48 ± 0.09). Stress-resistant pigs of the breeding group (SG) with EAE edg/edf blood group genotypes were characterized by increased growth intensity and reliable superiority over stress-sensitive pigs. The authors believe that these genotypes can be accepted as preliminary candidates for genetic markers of stress resistant. Blood cortisol levels appeared to be unrelated to stress-resistant compared to the “weaning crisis” method. This relationship (blood cortisol level with stress-resistant) applies to all studied breed combinations, both individually and as a whole.

K. S. Makarova ◽  
A. V. Pastukhova ◽  
A. S. Gazizulina ◽  
A. F. Petrov ◽  
A. A. Zenkova ◽  

   The authors presented the results of the influence of stress factors on the yield of garden strawberry remontant large-fruited. Phenological and morphological observations, recording and evaluating the quality of the obtained fruits were carried out during the research. Varieties of remontant strawberries with a complex of economically beneficial features were identified. There were features as high yield, winter hardiness, resistance to major diseases and pests were presented. The obtained data confirmed that the highest productivity per bush showed varieties bearing fruit during the entire growing season: Selva - 376.06g, Vima Rina - 411.27g, Remontant large-fruited (hybrid) - 425.42g.

V. V. Vitiuk

   The authors in the article analyzed the CIS customs legislation, particularly the provision of tariff preferences to declarants of food and agricultural products in the conditions of free trade of the CIS countries. The authors also evaluated the impact of the market of these goods on the food security of Russia. The authors highlighted fragments of the history of creation, development of the CIS, modern relations, strategy and prospects for improvement.

Yu. I. Kovaleva ◽  
R. Z. Abdulkhalikov ◽  
I. I. Ktsoeva ◽  
R. B. Temiraev ◽  
L. A. Vityuk ◽  

   In recent years, the use of adsorbent and antioxidant preparations in the formulation of feed with a high content of heavy metals is a promising direction in the industrial production of broiler meat. The study aims to study the consumer and hygienic properties of broiler meat when including adsorbent Ferrotsin and antioxidant Selenopyran in diets with high heavy metals and aflatoxin B 1 content. The authors experimentally established the necessity of containing the adsorbent Ferrotsin in the dose of 300 g/t feed and the antioxidant Selenopyran in the quantity of 300 g/t feed into the composition of mixed fodder with excessive concentration of heavy metals. This inclusion of adsorbents and antioxidants in the compound feed composition is necessary to increase the nutritional properties and protective properties of poultry meat. Group 3 broiler chickens significantly exceeded (P < 0.05) the control counterparts by 18.88 % by weight of half-gutted carcass and 18.26 % by weight of the gutted carcass. Also, broiler chickens of the 3rd experimental group exceeded the content of solids in the thoracic and thigh muscles by 1,40 and 0,60, and protein by 0,67 % and 0,67 %. Group 3 broilers significantly (P < 0.05) exceeded the control in protein quality index (PQI) of meat by 18.86 %. In broilers of experimental group 3, there was a reliable (P < 0.05) decrease in the level of zinc by 3.07, cadmium by 2.25 and lead by 3.24 times in the samples of breast muscle relative to the control counterparts. The highest final score was obtained by boiled white poultry meat of the 3rd experimental group. This sample of meat reliably (P < 0.05) exceeded the total sum of organoleptic parameters of the control sample by 0.81 points. In broilers of experimental group 3 in examples of breast, thigh muscles and meat homogenate, the level of selenium was significantly higher than in control due to the presence of this substance in Selenopyran.

N. V. Efanova ◽  
S. V. Batalova ◽  
L. M. Osina ◽  
Е. D. Naumova

   The article presents data on the breed and seasonal characteristics of the synthesis of thyroxine and cortisol in dogs of different breeds and cats that do not have a breed. It has been shown that the synthesis of thyroxine in dogs and cats depends on the breed, age and season. The functional activity of the thyroid gland in dogs decreases by 10-12, and in cats by 9-13 years of age. The highest level of thyroxine production throughout the entire research period belongs to the Griffon Petit-Brabancons. The synthesis of cortisol in dogs and cats is stable and does not undergo statistically significant changes. Seasonal dynamics of thyroxine is observed in dogs, but absent in cats. No sea-sonal dependence of cortisol synthesis has been reported in dogs and cats.

V. S. Kaplin

   Bering E. proposed the principle of passive immunization at the end of the 19th century. Today, it is still used to treat tetanus, diphtheria, botulism, rabies and poisonous animal bites (snakes, spiders and scorpions). As before, equine antibodies or their fragments are used as an antidote. But the unique properties of antibodies from the yolks of chicken eggs (IgY) make it possible to use them for a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. IgY-antibodies are used in several countries (Canada, Germany, Japan, China) on an industrial scale to produce medical and veterinary drugs to protect humans and animals against pathogens, providing highly effective immunological protection. The Romanian Romvac Company SA is a separate company in the series of manufacturers of these drugs. This company produces IgY preparations in limited batches against many antigens and practices the production of personalized antibodies directed at pathogens of a particular patient. This approach is guaranteed to damage the pathogen, however unique it may be. The authors have analyzed many review articles on the use of IgY-technology. These antibodies are nonaddictive, non-toxic, do not interact with rheumatoid factor, complement, or Fc-fragments of immunocompetent cells, and do not cause antibody-dependent reinforcement of infection. Oral administration of specific IgY-antibodies significantly reduces the manifestations of celiac disease and pathological conditions caused by activation of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract. Passive immunization of young farm animals with IgY-antibodies is economical and practical against many mammals, birds and aquatic animals. The great potential of this new direction can provide a rapid and cost-effective breakthrough in improving the adequate food security of the Russian Federation.

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