limit switch
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-93
Sir Anderson ◽  
Harfardi Harfardi ◽  
Feidihal Feidihal ◽  
Fiska Rahmi

The design of this Vacuum and Packaging Machine is made in order to increase the sale value and service life for processed Oyster Mushroom products. Not only that, this machine can do packaging in a short time and efficiently. This machine consists of Frame, Vacuum Motor, Impulse Sealer, Vacuum Clamp. This Vacuum and Packaging Machine has dimensions of length 700 mm x width 500 mm x height 700 mm. The impulse sealer used is Arashi Ais 400 type by using a VE115N 2 CFM type vacuum motor. From this vacuum motor will later be connected to the vacuum clamp as a tool to clamp the packaging during the process of vacuuming the air in the package. This machine is equipped with a limit switch on the vacuum clamp that works to connect the current to the vacuum motor so that the vacuum motor automatically turns on. The operation of this vacuum and packaging machine is quite simple by inserting the packaging containing the product into the sealer and at the end of the package clamped on the vacuum clamp, the vacuum motor will automatically turn on, the next step is to operate the impulse sealer so that the product is finished packed under vacuum. From the design results, the bending stress of the frame is 3.172 N / mm2, the working time of the vacuum and sealer is 1.54 s per package, and the estimated price of the machine is Rp. 1,879,000

И. Ванг

This paper focuses on the control system of tunnel automatic car washing machine and puts forward a control scheme of automatic car washing system based on PLC control. This design uses domestic Hexin PLC as the core for control and man-machine interaction through touch screen, so as to control and monitor the work of the system. Each switch button, infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensor and limit switch are input to PLC as output signal, and then PLC controls the operation of each working part. This PLC based control system is more reliable, and easy to implement, in the actual use of simple operation, and easy to maintain, and have a good market prospects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Idad Syaeful Haq

Kernel Storage Bin (KSB) merupakan tangki penyimpan sementara kernel produksi di Stasiun Nut and Kernel yang terletak di atas. Proses pengiriman kernel produksi menuju KSB menggunakan konveyor Dry Kernel Distributing dan konveyor Cross Dry Kernel. Persoalan yang sering terjadi adalah kernel pada KSB mengalami penuh dan terjadi penumpukan kernel pada konveyor. Penyebab hal ini, karena operator tidak mengetahui kondisi kernel pada tanki KSB yang sudah terisi penuh, serta kernel berisiko tumpah jatuh ke lantai bagian bawah KSB. Atas dasar ini, perlu dibuat alat indikator di KSB untuk meminimalkan terjadinya penumpukan kernel saat KSB penuh dan mencegah terjadinya kerusakan konveyor, serta memudahkan operator mengontrol pengisian kernel di KSB. Metode penelitian menggunakan observasi langsung dalam mengidentifikasi penyebab masalah dengan metode Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dengan alat bantu diagram Ishikawa guna memperoleh akar persoalan beserta solusi yang diberikan. Alat indikator dibuat menggunakan sensor limit switch yang terhubung dengan bandul level dan panel indikator. Alat ini mampu bekerja baik dengan penanda visual dalam bentuk lampu indikator, serta penanda audio dalam bentuk suara sirine. Lampu indikator berwarna hijau akan menyala ketika tumpukan kernel di KSB masih dalam kondisi rendah (low), dan lampu indikator akan berwarna merah, serta sirine menyala ketika tumpukan kernel di KSB penuh (high). Taksiran total jumlah berat rata–rata kernel yang tertampung pada KSB-1 saat kondisi penuh adalah 85,50 ton, sedangkan pada KSB-2 adalah 90,89 ton dan KSB-3 adalah 62,75 ton. Pengujian putaran reverse otomatis motor listrik pada konveyor Dry Kernel Distributing saat KSB nomor-1, 2 dan 3 kondisi penuh memberikan hasil kinerja yang baik. Pemasangan alat indikator (berbasis visual dan audio) memberikan hasil kernel tidak mengalami penumpukan lagi di KSB. Kernel yang tidak menumpuk akan mengurangi kerusakan konveyor Cross Dry Kernel, serta memudahkan operator mengontrol penyimpanan kernel produksi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2089 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
M. Rajani Devi ◽  
V. Jyothi

Abstract Nowadays in India many accidents are occurred due drunk and drive. So, we have made a project to resolve and predict these incidents, in which we used Arduino, Alcohol sensor, GSM and GPS modules. Here the Alcohol sensor is placed inside the car which will detect whether the driver of the car has drunk or not. If the driver is drunk then the Alcohol sensor will get triggered and the car engine will not turn ON or it will OFF the engine if it is already in ON state. Here the other two modules which are GSM and GPS. If the car has met with an accident the limit switch which is present inside the car will trigger the Arduino by which an SMS will be sent to the particular contacts which are been saved in the Arduino program. The GPS will be connected to the number of satellites so that when the car met with the accident the live location of the car will be sent to the contact through the GSM module. This entire setup of GPS and GSM will be kept inside the car. This entire project can reduce the accidents which are occurred by the drunk and drive and dead corners and also predict the location of the accidents. It results in increasing the human safety and protection

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 261
Michele Gabrio Antonelli ◽  
Pierluigi Beomonte Zobel ◽  
Massimiliano Centofanti ◽  
Stefano Colaiuda

The final quality of tissue paper depends on the parameters of the continuous transformation process and maintenance of rolls of a tissue paper machine. For a better quality, outer surfaces of the rolls must always be clean, and their roughness should be maintained in the same way. A Doctor Blade provides for such requirements. Our work is focused on the development of a pneumatic oscillator that moves a Doctor Blade in order to scrape the outer surfaces of the rolls. It is based on a low-friction double-effect cylinder with a through-rod. The integration of two limit switch valves, one for each head of the cylinder, and a smart pneumatic circuit to obtain a very low speed of the piston at constant load, represents the novelty of the proposed device. The piston of the cylinder allows for alternatively switching the limit switches that command the 5/2 air-operated pilot valve of the cylinder. The oscillator’s design, pneumatic circuit, and working principle are detailed. Experimental tests on the conceived limit switch and on the first prototype of the pneumatic oscillator validated the effectiveness of the proposed solution, the technical feasibility of the device, and the absence of stick-slip during the oscillatory motion at low speed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Fahmi Alfa Muslimu

The Control Rod Drive Motor (CRDM) controls the reactor power of a G.A Siwabessy and automatically shuts it down during an emergency using a three-phase motor that drives a ball-nut spindle attached to the magnetic SCRAM through the transmission gear. However, there are several weaknesses associated with this design, such as the inability of the ball nut to rotate when a disturbance occurs at the motor limit switch continuously. This causes the threads on the control rod shaft to wear out due to friction and release from the holder. Therefore, this research aims to develop a CRDM with a magnetic jack for a nuclear plant, which moves the extension shaft and the control rod components vertically and linearly. The control rod's motor must pull, insert, hold, or drop it from any point. This conceptual design is the first step in determining prototyping design criteria with a magnetic jack to understand the working mechanism. The control rod gripping motion simulation was also presented using ANSYS Rigid Dynamics to reduce the failure at the design phase before prototyping. The simulation results showed no collision on each component capable of affecting the overall system performance. Therefore, the control rod motor functions properly in carrying out the pulling and lowering movements on 19.1 mm infrequency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-160
Aldi Alamsyah ◽  
Hendi Purnata ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

Crane merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam memindahkan dan mengangkat suatu barang. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem mini crane untuk optimalisasi pemindahan barang berbasis otomasi industri yang memanfaatkan PLC (programmable logic controller) sebagai kontroler dan pneumatik sebagai aktuatornya. Sistem ini menggunakan PLC Mitsubishi sebagai pengendali utama. PLC bekerja berdasarkan masukan yang diperoleh dari selector switch untuk memilih sistem kerja manual atau otomatis. Terdapat push button sebagai tombol start dan stop, limit switch sebagai pembatas gerak sumbu X dan Y dari Rodless Cylinder untuk memindahkan barang, proximity sensor untuk mendeteksi keberadaan dari barang yang akan dipindahkan dan yang telah dipindahkan. Pada hasil penelitian ini sensor yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi jenis material benda kerja menggunakan sensor proximity inductive. Dalam satu proses crane membutuhkan waktu maksimal 15,37 detik.  Berat maksimal yang dapat dihisap vacuum pada tekanan 3 bar adalah 650g, pada tekanan 4 bar adalah 950g, dan pada tekanan 6 bar adalah 1059g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (09) ◽  
pp. 994-1005
S. Karthik ◽  
J.Silkson John ◽  

We cannot predict the Actual tendency of an accident at what time that is occurs so it is always preferred to be cautious while designing a system that is related to utility of general public . brakes failure is one of the most commonly seen automobile failure where a person or a family tend to loose not just a man or a person but also their livelihood .The accident rate in India has been increasing day by day and human errors tend to occur as the nature of doing a thing by a human includes errors .mostly todays technologies has emerged to be completely automated but still when it comes to vehicles the brakes tend to be applied normally by a human. Particularly in relation to human life and health Some special safety systems have been designed into cars for the security of the passengers only, while others have been built for the safety of others. This is a brake disaster warning route that continuously tracks the dynamic state of the brake. If the brake fails, the switch activates, and the ignition turns off automatically.

Ikfal Hanafi ◽  
Thamrin Thamrin

Tujuan penelitian yaitu merancang hardware dan software alat perekat kantong kertas, mengkoordinir kerja alat menggunakan motor DC, mengatur gerak motor servo, mengatur sistem utama dan mengendalikan hardware melalui Arduino Mega, merancang dan membangun perangkat lunak. Rancang bangun alat perekat kantong kertas berbasis miktrokontroler ATMEGA2560 menggunakan sensor infrared, limit switch, motor servo, driver motor, motor DC, LCD 16x2, keypad dan Arduino Mega. Arduino Mega pada alat ini berfungsi sebagai pusat kendali program. Keypad adalah tombol pemilih menu proses landscape dan protrait yang ditampilkan pada LCD. Motor servo berfungsi untuk menggerakan kuas lem. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu diperoleh sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk merekatkan kantong kertas pembungkus fried chicken dengan sistem terkontrol menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATMEGA2560.

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