flax variety
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (48) ◽  
pp. 31-31
Elena Korepanova ◽  
Vera Goreeva ◽  
Ulyana Chirkova

In the Ural of the nonblack earth zone of Russia, fiber flax variety Diane from France and selection number ER-138 from Russia stood out in fiber yield. One of the parameters for obtaining a homogeneous fiber of fiber flax is the technical length of the stem - not less than 60 cm, the thickness of the stem - not less than 500 units. The selection number K4196 × 1288/12 and the variety TOST 4 from Russia, which were characterized by a high technical length (61.2 - 61.8 cm) and dryness (472 - 509 units) of the stem in all the years of study in relation to the standard grade. The indicated breeding numbers and varieties, distinguished by yield, technical length and stem thickness, can serve as a starting material in the breeding process. Keywords: FIBER FLAX, VARIETY, BREEDING NUMBER, YIELD, FIBER, TECHNICAL LENGTH, MYKLOST

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-59
O. Yu. Sorokina

Relevance. The productivity and especially the quality of flax products largely depend on a set of technological techniques that take into account varietal characteristics, agrochemical properties of the soil and the fertilizers used. Identification of the reaction to the production process of a new high-yielding flax variety of Universal is an important element of agricultural technology.Methods. The sod-podzolic medium loamy soil is characterized by a slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution pHKCl-5.44, a very high content of phosphorus (298 mg/kg) and medium potassium (85 mg/kg), low humus — 2.05%, medium boron (0.33 mg/kg), low zinc (0.56 mg/kg). The HTC (hydrothermal coefficient) for May — August by year was — 1.56 optimal (2017), — 1.09 arid (2018), — 1.80 wet(2019).Results. Studies have shown that the Universal flax variety has a high responsiveness to the use of fertilizers. The yield increases were: for flax straw 24 to 43%, for flax seeds from 27 to 49%, depending on the form of fertilizer and the method of their application. The advantage of the complex organomineral OMU “Universal” and mineral nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium with boron containing trace elements over the azofoska in equalized doses of nitrogen is noted. The increase in the yield of the flax stock of thesefertilizers with the row method of application was lower by 40 and 34% of their main application, but the profitability of this method increased from 46 to 234% and from 62 to 219%. The application of organic fertilizer Sivid — Bor for seed treatment and Sivid-Zinc for crop processing on the background of reducing the dose of azofoski from 1.5 to 1.0 c/ha allowed to raise close to making azofoski of 1.5 c/ha, but with a greater profitability of 115%.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-59
Olga Yu. Sorokina

Relevance. The productivity and especially the quality of flax products largely depend on a set of technological techniques that take into account varietal characteristics, agrochemical properties of the soil and the fertilizers used. Identification of the reaction to the production process of a new high-yielding flax variety of Universal is an important element of agricultural technology.Methods. The sod-podzolic medium loamy soil is characterized by a slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution pHKCl-5.44, a very high content of phosphorus (298 mg/kg) and medium potassium (85 mg/kg), low humus — 2.05%, medium boron (0.33 mg/kg), low zinc (0.56 mg/kg). The HTC (hydrothermal coefficient) for May — August by year was — 1.56 optimal (2017), — 1.09 arid (2018), — 1.80 wet(2019).Results. Studies have shown that the Universal flax variety has a high responsiveness to the use of fertilizers. The yield increases were: for flax straw 24 to 43%, for flax seeds from 27 to 49%, depending on the form of fertilizer and the method of their application. The advantage of the complex organomineral OMU “Universal” and mineral nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium with boron containing trace elements over the azofoska in equalized doses of nitrogen is noted. The increase in the yield of the flax stock of these fertilizers with the row method of application was lower by 40 and 34% of their main application, but the profitability of this method increased from 46 to 234% and from 62 to 219%. The application of organic fertilizer Sivid — Bor for seed treatment and Sivid-Zinc for crop processing on the background of reducing the dose of azofoski from 1.5 to 1.0 c/ha allowed to raise close to making azofoski of 1.5 c/ha, but with a greater profitability of 115%.


The article presents data on the effect of complex chelating agents Chelaton Extra and Chelate Zn on the oilseed flax variety Severny when grown at the field station of Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The study found that the agent Chelaton Extra increased the fiber yield better, and the agent Zn Chelate increased the seed yield by 0.7–1 c/ha and 2.4–2.5 c/ha, respectively. The agent Chelate Zn, relative to Chelaton Extra, increased proteins in seeds by 2.9–4%, lipids by 3.6–4.2%. The use of complex chelating agents increased the oil yield and the amount of unsaturated fatty acids. The essential α-linolenic (Omega 3) acid increased in the oil of the variant with Zn Chelate up to 62.2% relative to the control (55.5%). The microstructure of the shell of oil flax seeds in all variants of the experiments was smooth, without disturbances and damages. The seed nucleus has a distinct porous structure; no differences were found in the variants. Chelate Zn more affected the seed productivity and nutritional value of flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, and Helaton Extra more affected fiber yield. The authors found that the Zn Chelate agent influenced seeds’ chemical composition, promoting an increase in potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and phosphor by 1.5–5%.

A.K. Sukeymenova ◽  
I.A. Loshkomoynikov ◽  

To use flax oil in food, it is necessary to decrease the content of linolenic acid. We developed the oil flax variety Amber by individual selection from the hybrid population of the 3rd generation from crossing of the low-linolenic variety Linol and the breeding line 34725. The variety is mid-ripening, the duration of its growth season is 90-98 days, it is well adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of Siberia. It differs from the standard variety by its low content of linolenic acid in oil – 4.8-6.3 %. According to the results of competitive variety testing in 2016-2018, the variety Amber exceeded the standard variety Severny in terms of seed productivity by 0.29 t/ha. The variety ripens in uniformity, it is resistant to Fusarium blight, lodging and shedding, it is suitable for mechanized harvesting, it is developed to obtain edible oil of high quality. The potential cultivation areas of the oil flax variety are Volgo-Vyatsky region, Ural and West Siberia.

Zulfiya Kamalovna Yuldasheva ◽  
Aziza A. Ismatillaeva ◽  

The article is given that the impact of planting date and methods on the growth and development of oilseed flax variety "Bahorikor" in the conditions of typical irrigated sierozem soils of Tashkent region is studied in practice. Experiments have shown that when the Bahorikor variety is planted early (March 1) in a row with a row spacing of 15 cm, it creates a favorable environment for the growth and development of plants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-140 ◽  
T. A. Rozhmina ◽  
A. A. Zhuchenko Jr. ◽  
N. V. Melnikova ◽  
A. D. Smirnova

In conditions of vegetative trial carried out against selective backgrounds in 2017-2019 the response of 27 flax samples to a decrease in soil acidity to neutral pHKCl was studied. The scheme of the experiment was as follows: variant I (control) − pHKCl 5.3-5.5, P2O5 − 320-340 mg/kg, K2O − 81-92 mg/kg; variant II − pHKCl 6.2, P2O5 − 312-345 mg/kg, K2O − 84-98 mg/kg. It has been shown that during the «herringbone» phase in the majority of studied flax genotypes against the background of pH 6.2, the symptoms of “physiological oppression” of flax were observed: small spots developed on the upper leaves, the plants stopped growing, the stems thickened, and the tops of severely affected plants died off. As a result, at the beginning of the growing season at plant height of 7-10 cm, most of the samples were severely affected (from 69 to 100 %). The exceptions were varieties of fibre-flax Hermes (France), Vega 2 (Lithuania), Atlant (Russia) and linseed genotypes No. 3896 (Russia) and Norlin (Canada), which had a weak and medium degree of affection (8.3-45.5 %). Moreover, these genotypes showed a high level of both biological (75-90 %) and agronomic (77.3-85.6 %) resistance in the phase of "early yellow ripeness". The identified flax collection samples can be used as sources of resistance to flax «physiological oppression» caused by stressful edaphic factors in a neutral environment. On the basis of the analysis of the main elements of fiber productivity in studied flax genotypes, it has been established that against the background of pH 6.2 the reduce in plant height was from 11.4 to 52.1 % relative to the control, weight of the technical part of the stem − from 7.2 to 83.4 % , fiber mass − from 9.6 to 85.1 %. For the first time, on the basis of hybridological analysis, an assumption was done as to the pres-ence of a strong dominant gene, controlling the resistance to high soil pH values in the Hermes (France) flax variety and the linseed line No. 3896 (Russia).

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Ritu Pandey ◽  
Seiko Jose ◽  
Gautam Basu ◽  
Mukesh Kumar Sinha

In recent years, oil flax has been very popular in Ukraine. Different spheres of the use of culture indicate good adaptive opportunities for growing oil flax in different regions of Ukraine. The aim of this work is to study the content and ratio of the main photosynthetic pigments of the flax variety of oilseed Cyan grown in ontogenesis. Plants were grown in natural open ground. The number of pigments was determined by spectrophotometric method. This is research data on the content of the main photosynthetic pigments in flax of Tsian. The content of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids was studied at three stages of development: at the stage of 8-10 leaves, budding, flowering. It was established that the amount of chlorophyll a exceeds the content of chlorophyll b at all stages of development. An increase in the pigment content during ontogenesis to the flowering stage was revealed, with the exception of chlorophyll b. At the stage of the at the stage of 8-10 leaves in the Tsian variety, the amount of chlorophyll a ranged from min 754.74 ± 63.768 μg/g, max 1582.82 ± 126.973 μg/g wet weight, the amount of chlorophyll b ranging from min 203.23 ± 17.549 to max 602.24 ± 46.577 μg g wet weight, and carotenoids from min 220.99 ± 18.388 to max 409.94 ± 37.572 μg/g fresh weight, depending on the year of study. In the budding phase, the minimum content of chlorophyll a was min 1444.87 ± 105.771, and the maximum max 2027.34 ± 174.258 μg/g wet weight, chlorophyll b: from min 553.23 ± 48.345 to max 1733.69 ± 109.675 μg/g raw weight, and carotenoids: from min 354.81 ± 26.759 to max 402.63 ± 26.765 μg/g wet weight, depending on the year of study. In the flowering phase, the following indicators were observed: chlorophyll a content from min 1804.43 ± 164.425 to max 2370.56 ± 207.589 μg/g wet weight, chlorophyll b from min 1055.24 ± 89.562 μg/g wet weight to max 1649.21 ± 107.258 μg/g, and carotenoids from min 472.19 ± 36.141 μg/g to max 519.3322 ± 39.911 μg/g, depending on the year of study. The ratio of the number of chlorophylls and the sum of chlorophylls to carotenoids varies depending on the stage of development of the variety and growing conditions.

L.G. Ryabenko ◽  
V.S. Zelentsov ◽  
L.R. Ovcharova ◽  
G.G. Galkina ◽  

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