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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 4423-4430
Qiang Wang

Objectives: This paper chose the front section of the assembly line of the explosive packaging machine as the design object, and studied the application of the interactive genetic model in the packaging machinery. Methods: Through the research on the product characteristics and the development trend of the packaging machinery, the main points of the design of the packaging machinery were summarized. The application models of two interactive genetic algorithms based on the compound fitness allocation strategy (HFAS) and the graded fitness allocation strategy were established in this paper. Results: The parameter setting of the compound fitness distribution strategy was analyzed, and the better scheme was selected for the case of the packaging machine design. Conclusion: In this paper, a specific case of the application of interactive genetic algorithm in the design of packaging machinery products—the design of the front section of the explosive packing machine was discussed. The total arrangement method and fuzzy evaluation method were used to evaluate the design results. Two methods were used to evaluate the design results.

Cuiyun Liu ◽  
Wenke Lv ◽  
Qi Liu ◽  
Jie Zhou ◽  
Yiyang Wang ◽  

Abstract To explore the migration differences of sediments at the front, middle, and end sections of a storm sewer when scoured by water, and further evaluate the pollution load, the scouring process of sediments at different locations of a storm sewer was simulated and mathematical models were built to calculate the scouring rate. Results show that scouring rate is affected by sediment particle size, pipeline slope, sediment thickness, and water flow velocity. As the slope increased, scouring rate at the end section increased more obviously. The scouring rate at the front section slightly decreased with increasing sediment thickness, but opposite trends were observed at the middle and end sections. When the particle size (0.33 mm–0.83 mm) and flow velocity (0.15 m/s–0.65 m/s) increased within their ranges, scouring rate increased across all three locations. Models for calculating scouring rate were established via two data fitting. The calculated values were compared with measured values at a scouring time of 1 min. Under different particle sizes, the difference between the calculated and measured values at front, middle, and end sections were in the ranges of −0.63% to 0.63%, −0.01% to 0.02%, and −0.13% to 0.16%, respectively, all of which showed good consistency.

2021 ◽  
Liya Li ◽  
Jingwei Feng ◽  
Liu Zhang ◽  
Hao Yin ◽  
Chunli Fan ◽  

Abstract Four subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SFCWs) filled with different substrates including ceramsite, ceramsite + pyrite, ceramsite + ferrous sulfide, and ceramsite + pyrite + ferrous sulfide (labeled as SFCW-S1, SFCW-S2, SFCW-S3, and SFCW-S4) were constructed, and the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by these SFCWs coupled with intermittent aeration in the front section was discussed. The key findings from different substrate analyses, including nitrification and denitrification rate, enzyme activity, microbial community structure, and the X-ray diffraction, revealed the nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanism. The results showed that the nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency for SFCW-S1 always remains the lowest, and the phosphorus removal efficiency for SFCW-S4 is recorded as the highest one. However, after controlling the dissolved oxygen by intermittent aeration in the front section of SFCWs, the nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies of SFCWs-S2 and S4 becomes higher than those of SFCW-S1, and SFCW-S3. It was noticed that the pollutants were removed mainly in the front section of the SFCWs. Both precipitation and adsorption on the substrate were the main mechanisms for phosphorus removal. A minute difference of nitrification rate and ammonia monooxygenase activity was observed in the SFCWs aeration zone. The denitrification rates, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and electron transport system activity for SFCW-S2 and SFCW-S4 were higher than those detected for SFCW-S1 and SFCW-S3 in the non-aerated zone. Proteobacteria was the largest phyla found in the SFCWs. Moreover, Thiobacillus occupied a large proportion found in SFCW-S2, and SFCW-S4, and it played a crucial role in pyrite-driven autotrophic denitrification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Lohit Malik ◽  
Abhishek Tevatia

This paper presents the computational investigation of air flow over an aircraft at realistic speeds while demonstrating the importance of extending the existing analysis to the complete airplane and how pivotal it is in improving its in-flight performance. The study is done for F16 and F22 aircraft using ANSYS Fluent (19.2) to obtain pressure distribution, shear stress distribution and temperature variation on the complete surface of the aircraft. Since the front section of the aircraft is prone to direct initial impact of surrounding environment, this portion is also examined. Here, as the speed is doubled from Mach 1 to Mach 2, a rise in the value of all the three variables is noticed for the F16 aircraft, whereas the pressure distribution for F22 aircraft shows strange behaviour for the highest speed (Mach 2). On comparing the results over the whole surface, it is seen that F16 experiences smaller pressure (29% lower for Mach 1 and 30% for Mach 2), temperature (9.5% lower for Mach 1 and 30% for Mach 2) and shear stress relative to F22 and the stress shows a huge change (90% lower for Mach 1 and 83% for Mach 2). Results of the present study imply that the design of the aircraft highly influences its performance as the parameters discussed touch their limits.

Aerospace ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Victor Norrefeldt ◽  
Florian Mayer ◽  
Britta Herbig ◽  
Ria Ströhlein ◽  
Pawel Wargocki ◽  

In the CleanSky 2 ComAir study, subject tests were conducted in the Fraunhofer Flight Test Facility cabin mock-up. This mock-up consists of the front section of a former in-service A310 hosting up to 80 passengers. In 12 sessions the outdoor/recirculation airflow ratio was altered from today’s typically applied fractions to up to 88% recirculation fraction. This leads to increased relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) and Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) levels in the cabin air, as the emissions by passengers become less diluted by outdoor, dry air. This paper describes the measured increase of relative humidity, CO2 and TVOC level in the cabin air for the different test conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-99
M. V. Markeeva ◽  
O. Yu. Aleshkina ◽  
N. V. Tarasova ◽  
I. V. Gaivoronsky

The morphotopometric variability of the ethmoidal labyrinth and the parameters of the nasal cavity for 87 childrens cranium (121 years) has been determined. The growth of the ethmoidal labyrinth and the nasal cavity occurs undulating and unevenly. The increase of the height of the ethmoidal labyrinth begins earlier than its width and length from 23 years to 1316 years old. Growth periods the height of ethmoidal labyrinth occur for 23 years, 812 and 1316 years; widths 47, 812 and 1721 years; length 47, 812 and 1316 years. At the ethmoidotomy in the infant and early childhood, the smallest size of the ethmoidal labyrinth should be taken into account: width 78 mm, height 1416 mm, length 2729 mm, so in these age periods there is a high risk of damage of the cribriform and orbital plates ethmoid bone with the development of iatrogenic complications. The nasal cavity штchildren expands posteriorly as well as in adults. In the infancy, the width of the nasal cavity at the back corresponds to the width in the front section, from 2 years prevails than in front and by adolescence becomes larger for 33,5 mm. Knowing these agerelated features of the structure of the childrens nasal cavity, during surgery the rhinosurgeon when shifting the middle nasal shells medially or laterally should ensure to maintain the physiological model of the nasal cavity. In infancy, the width of the ethmoidal labyrinth is larger than the width of the nasal cavity by 38,5%, and by adolescence this ratio increases to 76,8%. The length of the nasal cavity increases from 47 years to adolescence, the length of the ethmoidal labyrinth grows parallel to the maximum length of the nasal cavity and it is less for more than a half in all childrens age groups: in the infancy by 74%, in adolescence by 85.1%. The height of the nasal cavity is twice the height of the labyrinth in any childhood age, the distance from the bottom of the nasal cavity to the lower edge of the middle nasal shell must be correlated with the distance above the level of the average nasal shell during intranasal surgeries and do not exceed it for the introduction of tools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-29
Sadegh Farshidnia ◽  
Mojtaba Saneie ◽  
Hooman Hajikandi ◽  
Mohammad Rostami

AbstractParallel skimming walls are regarded as one of the more efficient methods for controlling inlet sediment to a lateral intake. The present study attempts to experimentally scrutinize the impact of the angles of parallel skimming walls (θ), the corresponding distance (b), and the discharge variations of the main channel of the inlet sediment for the control of an intake. First, the impacts of parallel skimming walls incorporating three angles (θ = 0°, 15°, 30°), located in the front section of the intake and the distance between the walls (b=10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm), were studied. A dimensional analysis showed the dimensionless extraction ratios and the relation between the variables in a laboratory. The results indicate that parallel skimming walls lead to average decreases of 69%, 41% and 26% in the amount of inlet sediment to the intake, for walls with angles of 0°, 15° and 30°, respectively. With regard to the distance between the walls, average decreases of 58%, 70% and 86% were observed for walls with placement distances of b/H=2.5, b/H=5 and b/ H=7.5, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 205-218
Cristina Fernández Lacueva

La indiscutible relevancia del espacio en «Casa tomada» de Julio Cortázar proviene, fundamentalmente, de su naturaleza a la vez física y psíquica. En realidad, la casa es un correlato de la psique del narrador, hasta el punto de que los ruidos invasores encarnan su pulsión incestuosa. Este artículo recoge la correspondencia entre las partes de la casa y las partes de la psique según las dos tópicas freudianas y ofrece una propuesta inadvertida por la crítica: la sección trasera pertenece al superyó, la sección delantera al ego, y la habitación de Irene al ello. Esta nueva interpretación se apoya en el análisis cuatro aspectos obviados por la bibliografía existente: (1) los mecanismos defensivos del narrador, (2) el origen de los ruidos invasores, (3) el significado de los gritos nocturnos de Irene y (4) las diferencias entre los dos personajes en cuanto a la voz narrativa. Un análisis espacial que tenga en cuenta todos estos elementos resuelve en gran medida la ambigüedad del cuento. The undeniable relevance of space in Julio Cortázar’s «Casa tomada» stems, fundamentally, from its nature both physical and psychic. The house is, in fact, a correlative of the narrator’s psyche in so far as the invading noises embody his incestuous drive. This paper draws on the correspondence between the parts of the house and the parts of the psyche according to Freudian topographical systems and provides a new proposal not signaled by previous critics: the back section belongs to the superego, the front section to the ego and Irene’s room to the id. This interpretation explores four aspects disregarded by the existing bibliography: (1) the narrator’s defence mechanisms, (2) the origin of the invading noises, (3) the meaning of Irene’s night screams, and (4) the differences between the two characters in terms of narrative voice. A spatial analysis which takes all those elements into account could help to solve the story’s ambiguity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Zhao-ting Li ◽  
Hong-bo Zhang

The terminal guidance problem of hypersonic gliding missiles under multiple constraints was considered regarding a coordinated attack in time and space. In this paper, a three-dimensional terminal guidance method based on the real-time updating of parameters is proposed with consideration to the attack time and terminal angle. By this method, the three-dimensional motion was decomposed into the horizontal and vertical plane. In each plane, a real-time solution of the optimal trajectory yielded angle commands that satisfied the terminal angle constraints. Additionally, the time was controlled by changing the flight path angle in the front section of the vertical plane. The results obtained by numerical simulation indicated the good applicability and robustness of this method.

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