term analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Adalet Dervisoglu

Deltas and lagoons, which contain many flora and fauna, have rich coastal ecological and biological environments, and are wetlands of vital importance for humans. In this study, the current problems in all coastal Ramsar sites in Turkey are summarized, and changes in water surface areas are investigated using Landsat and Sentinel 1/2 satellite images on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform. Landsat TM and OLI images were used in the long-term analysis, and time series were created by taking annual and July to September averages between 1985 and 2020. In the short-term analysis, monthly averages were determined using Sentinel 2 images between 2016 and 2020. Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images were used in the months when optical data were not suitable for use in monthly analysis. The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) was used to extract water surface areas from the optical images. Afterwards, a thresholding process was used for both optical and radar images to determine the changes. The changes were analyzed together with the meteorological data and the information obtained from the management plans and related studies in the literature. Changes in the water surface areas of all coastal Ramsar sites in Turkey were determined from 1985 to 2020 at different rates. There was a decreasing trend in the Goksu and Kızılırmak Deltas, which also have inland wetlands. The decreasing rates from 1985 to 2020 were −24.52% and −2.86%, for annual average water surfaces for the Goksu and Kızılırmak Deltas, respectively, and −21.64% and −6.34% for the dry season averages, respectively. However, Akyatan Lagoon, which also has inland wetlands, showed an increasing trend. Observing the annual average surface area from 1985 to 2020, an increase of 438 ha was seen, corresponding to 7.65%. Every year, there was an increasing trend in the Gediz Delta and Yumurtalık Lagoons, that do not have inland wetlands. The increasing rates from 1985 to 2020 were 46.01% and 17.31% for the annual average surface area, for the Gediz Delta and Yumurtalık Lagoons, respectively, and 38.34% and 21.04% for the dry season average, respectively. The obtained results reveal the importance of using remote sensing methods in formulating strategies for the sustainable management of wetlands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Liliya Minvagizovna Fatkhutdinova ◽  
Gyuzel Abdulkhalimovna Timerbulatova ◽  
Evgeniy Pavlovich Bocharov ◽  
Elena Petrovna Sizova ◽  
Gulnaz Faezovna Gabidinova ◽  

Introduction. Air pollution with particulate matter (PM) is a serious global problem. In the Russian Federation, regular field measurements of PMs in the ambient air are carried out only in a few cities, and the data, as a rule, are not systematized. Aim of the study: long-term analysis of the data set on concentrations of fine particles in the ambient air of the city of Kazan. Material and methods. Long-term analysis of ambient air pollution by fine particles in the city of Kazan for the period from 2016 to 2020 has been carried out. To study the effect of separate factors (year, measurement time during the day, climatic conditions, the presence of other pollutants) on the levels of PM10 and PM2.5, regression analysis was applied based on the method of mixed models. To characterize the elemental composition of the PM2.5 fraction, sampling of atmospheric air on PVC filters was carried out by use of 100 NR impactor (TSI, USA). The step function and MPPD model were applied to calculate the number of particles and the mass of the deposited fraction of fine particulate matter in different regions of the human respiratory tract. Results. The PM10 concentrations remained stable over a 5-year period, while the PM2.5 concentrations decreased. At the same time, an increase in the maximum annual concentrations of both fractions was observed. The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 significantly depended on climatic conditions. The presence of nitrogen oxides and organic carbon in the ambient air was significantly associated with higher concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5. The elemental composition of PM2.5 fraction was represented mainly by carbon (C) (from 86.16% to 93.45%). Mathematical modeling has shown that PM10 is mainly deposited in the upper respiratory tract, and their presence in the tracheobronchial and alveolar zones is insignificant. PM2.5 particles reach the lower respiratory tract and alveolar area. Conclusion. A statistically significant upward long-term trend in the maximum annual ambient concentrations for both fractions of fine particles can increase health risks. Secondary pollutants (nitrogen oxides, organic carbon) are important factors for the formation of secondary particles in the ambient air. The results obtained indicate that when assessing the risks to public health, it is necessary not only to use the concentrations of fine particles in ambient air, but also to consider the degree of deposition of separate fractions in different parts of the human respiratory tract, considering the alleged pathogenesis and priority target cells characteristic of individual diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 57-63
Piotr Misztal ◽  
Vasili Kulakov

Purpose of the study The aim of the research is to present the role of time in economic theory and explain how time horizon and the adopted period of time lags between the variables determine the results of macroeconomic analyzes. Methodology: In the paper were used research methods based on literature studies in the field of macroeconomics and finance as well as descriptive methods to explain how the change in the time horizon of the analysis affects the results of the research (short-term analysis and long-term analysis) and what influence the selection of a specific delay period has on the results time between the analyzed variables. Main Findings: The research results confirmed the importance of the time factor, which is still underestimated in many economic analyzes. Applications of this study: The research results can be used as a starting point for further analyzes regarding the importance of time in microeconomic analyzes and contribute to the development of new theoretical concepts concerning dynamic processes in the economy. The originality of this study: In the economics literature, no comprehensive research has been carried out on the importance of time in economic analyzes. Hence, the paper can fill the existing gap in this area and realize the importance of time in economic research.

2021 ◽  
Kasumi Mikami ◽  
Maiko Kitajima ◽  
Yuka Noto ◽  
Chieko Itaki ◽  
Yasuyo Fukushi ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Erin Beck

Abstract A scholarly consensus depicts strong, autonomous domestic women's movements as critical for the passage of gender equality reforms, alongside openings in domestic and international political contexts. What, then, is a nascent women's movement seeking gender equality reforms to do if it lacks strength or a history of autonomous organizing? A long-term analysis of the Guatemalan women's movement's push for reforms to address violence against women demonstrates that one potential road forward is through a “politics of patience,” rooted in the pursuit of cumulative, incremental victories. Adopting a politics of patience allows nascent domestic movements in developing and post-transition contexts to achieve incremental victories that create future political openings while simultaneously building movement strength and autonomy over time. This finding highlights the temporal and strategic power of women's movements, as well as the iterative and potentially reinforcing nature of social mobilization and political reform.

2021 ◽  
Alice Brambilla ◽  
Achaz von Hardenberg ◽  
Cédric Sueur ◽  
Claudia Canedoli ◽  
Christina R Stanley

ABSTRACTDespite its recognized importance for understanding the evolution of animal sociality as well as for conservation, long term analysis of social networks of animal populations is still relatively uncommon. We investigated social network dynamics in males of a gregarious mountain ungulate (Alpine ibex, Capra ibex) over ten years focusing on groups, sub-groups and individuals, exploring the dynamics of sociality over different scales. Despite the social structure changing between seasons, the Alpine ibex population was highly cohesive: fission-fusion dynamics lead almost every male in the population to associate with each other male at least once. Nevertheless, we found that male Alpine ibex showed preferential associations that were maintained across seasons and years. Age seemed to be the most important factor driving preferential associations while other characteristics, such as social status, appeared less crucial. We also found that centrality measures were influenced by age and were also related to individual physical condition. The multi-scale and long-term frame of our study helped us show that ecological constrains, such as resource availability, may play a role in shaping associations in a gregarious species, but they cannot solely explain sociality and preferential association that are likely also to be driven by life-history linked physiological and social needs. Our results highlight the importance of long-term studies based on individually recognizable subjects to help us build on our understanding of the evolution of animal sociality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103890
Fabio Scamoni ◽  
Chiara Scrosati ◽  
Michele Depalma ◽  
Benedetta Barozzi

2021 ◽  
Vol 603 ◽  
pp. 127005
Joshua J. Soper ◽  
Christian D. Guzman ◽  
Emily Kumpel ◽  
John E. Tobiason

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