brake cylinder
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1 (109)) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Sergiy Gnitko ◽  
Ievgen Vasyliev ◽  
Stanislav Popov

This paper addresses the issue of difficulties in servicing the brake pipe connectors for passenger cars, the service life of which exceeds 8‒10 years, which is associated with the deteriorated loosening of connectors. The existing ways to loosen the connectors of brake pipes have been investigated, especially those whose dismantling is complicated due to the corrosion and contamination of mated surfaces as a result of their wetting when driving a car. A conventional structure of the connector has been analyzed, which is installed in that place of the car that is the most unprotected from moisture and dirt – on the brake cylinder. The conditions that do not contribute to its failure-free loosening have been examined. The design of a specialized split clamping ring wrench has been considered, which can transmit the greatest value of the torque to the connector when loosening it; sometimes, however, its predefined value would not suffice. A computer-based finite-element simulation was employed to derive the models of the deformation state for the node «connector ‒ wrench». Based on the analysis of the models of different deformation state of a specialized split clamping ring wrench, the required profile of the geometrically balanced locked hexagonal profile of the wrench was defined. The analysis of the efficiency of the tightening and loosening level is determined by comparing the numerical values of the torque, which is applied to the connectors of the brake pipes. The torque values are measured by a specially devised technique. The introduction of the developed measurement technique makes it possible to compare the efficiency of wrenches of different designs by analyzing the maximum values of torques, which the wrenches can transmit to the connectors. Taking into consideration the identified shortcomings in the structure of the brake pipe connectors, the shape of the connector has been designed that is free from the specified drawbacks. The new structure provides for the possibility of using a conventional carob wrench for loosening when the mated surfaces are exposed to contamination and corrosion

A. V. Malyshev

In this paper the technique of acoustic emission (hereinafter AE) diagnosis of the phenomenon of crazing in cuff s hydraulic brake cylinder vehicle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
H Beam ◽  

PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang memproduksi alat utama sistem persenjataan TNI dan peralatan industri. Departemen Sarana Kereta Api merupakan bagian PT. PINDAD (PERSERO) yang mendukung produksi internal, memenuhi permintaan pasar lokal/ekspor sistem pengereman kereta api.Terdapat satu komponen yang pengerjaan perakitan, pengujian tidak sesuai SOP yaitu Brake Cylinder. Target waktu tidak tercapai pada kegiatan transportasi saat operator mengambil material dari mesin rakit yang dibawa ke mesin pengujian, dan membawa material dari mesin pengujian ke penyimpanan dengan selisih waktu 9 menit. Ini disebabkan oleh faktor manusia, operator mengalami kelelahan fisik karena belum tersedia alat bantu. Nilai LI≥3, aktivitas menimbulkan cedera tulang belakang. Masalah diatasi dengan merancang alat bantu pemindahan Brake Cylinder. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode rasional. Desain disesuaikan dengan dimensi meja uji, rakit, dan dimensi produk lain. Anthropometri dan persentil yang digunakan yaitu tebal telapak tangan genggam (50%) dan tinggi siku berdiri (50%). Katrol untuk mengangkat produk (mannual chain block), meja penahan sebagai penyangga (besi plat hitam), roda untuk memindahkan alat (Duty Polyurethane), rangka atas (besi baja H Beam), rangka samping (besi kotak), engsel (rel sliding). Biaya untuk membuat 1 unit alat bantu ini sebesar Rp 8.264.000,-.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Vladimir Sinicyn ◽  
Vladimir Kobishchanov

Brake leverages with the location of brake cylinders on bogies have a number of advantages as compared with common circuits. Domestic braking systems are presented mainly by design improvements and inventions. In this connection the development of the prototype of such a system for domestic standard bogies corresponding to the requirements and conditions of Russian railways is urgent. At that the application of domestic brake devices in such systems is preferable. The aim of this work is a choice of the optimum design for a unified leverage for two-axial bogies of type 2 and 3 (RSS 9246-2013) with the location of cylinders 670V on a bogie, and also a development of the circuit for its adjustment while operation. On the basis of the regulations for a standard computation of a brake there is chosen an optimum circuit of the brake leverage. With the aid of 3D thoroughly developed model of a brake system located directly on a bogie taking into account a design outline of bogie elements, the analysis of bogie units geometry is carried out and all intermediate leverage, separators and brake beams positions are defined which allowed obtaining the sufficiently accurate values of assembly dimensions at different wear stages of a wheel tread and a brake shoe. There is chosen an optimum brake system for two-axial bogies of type 2 and type 3 (RSS 9246-2013) with the location of cylinders 670V on a bogie. The regulating circuits and a table of assembly dimensions of the brake system during operation for a brake shoe 60±4mm thick are developed. An aggregate stock and screw travel of a brake cylinder regulator during operation without taking into account elastic deformation of a system is chosen. The considered leverage system design is offered as a prototype for the brake system design for freight cars.

A. Malyshev

In this paper the technique of acoustic emission (hereinafter AE) diagnosis of the phenomenon of crazing in cuffs hydraulic brake cylinder vehicle.

Erdinč Rakipovski ◽  
Dragan Milčić

The results of distributor valve fault tree analysis are presented in this paper. A brief description and procedure of fault tree analysis are given in the first two parts. The reliability of the distributor valve is extremely important for the functioning of the air brake system. For this reason, reliability analysis of distributor valve based on the time to failure is shown in this paper. The distributor valve should react to changes in brake pipe pressure and provide the corresponding pressure in the brake cylinder.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Akbar Zulkarnain ◽  
Yunus Dwi Ramadhani

Distributor valve adalah salah satu bagian dari sistem pengereman udara yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur tekanan antara brake cylinder, auxiliary reservoir dan brake pipe pada sistem pengereman yang memerlukan perawatan. Kenyataan di lapangan, pada saat dilakukan perawatan masih ditemukan gangguan pada distributor valve, sehingga hal tersebut dinilai menghambat efektifitas perawatan. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja penyebab sering terjadinya gangguan pada perawatan distributor valve. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa menggunakan diagram pareto untuk mengetahui presentase gangguan yang sering terjadi pada hasil perawatan distributor valve. Setelah dilakukan analisa, hasilnya adalah 1) tekanan pada brake cylinder lebih dari 3.8 bar sebesar 37,7 %, 2) waktu release lebih dari 20s waktu (standar 15-20s) sebesar 26,6 %, 3) waktu application/brake lebih dari 5s (standar 3-5s) sebesar 20 % dan 4) kebocoran pada celah-celah distributor valve sebesar 15,5 %. Dari hasil penelitian dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan dapat diketahui bahwa faktor penyebab gangguan setelah dilakukan perawatan distributor valve pada kereta adalah ketidaksesuaian prosedur dan alat yang digunakan untuk merawat distributor valve.

2019 ◽  
Vol 290 ◽  
pp. 08005
Camil Ion Crăciun ◽  
Cătălin Cruceanu

Determination of longitudinal dynamic forces, size assessment as well as their distribution in the train body is, and will be a subject of global research. As observed from the beginning of the evolution of the railway vehicle and the train itself, the main reason for the occurrence of longitudinal dynamic forces is represented by the differences in inertial forces between the consecutive train vehicles. These inertial forces are influenced by the braking forces developed on each vehicle. The brake with which a railway vehicle is equipped is the pneumatic brake with compressed air. It evacuates the air from the train’s general pipeline, increasing the pressure in the brake cylinders of each vehicle. The brake command and cylinder filling is more delayed on long trains compared to short ones. Thus, the brake can operate in two ways, the fast-action brake and the slow-action brake. In this paper, we aim to highlight the influence of the brake type by the brake cylinder filling characteristic of the dynamic longitudinal reactions. It will be analysed on a simplified train model the magnitude and distribution of longitudinal dynamic forces obtained using both braking systems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 1744-1757 ◽  
Donghua Zhou ◽  
Hongquan Ji ◽  
Xiao He ◽  
Jun Shang

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