mhd waves
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2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Samrat Sen ◽  
Vaibhav Pant

Abstract It is well established that transverse MHD waves are ubiquitous in the solar corona. One of the possible mechanisms for heating both open (e.g., coronal holes) and closed (e.g., coronal loops) magnetic field regions of the solar corona is MHD wave-driven turbulence. In this work, we study the variation of the filling factor of overdense structures in the solar corona due to the generation of transverse MHD wave-driven turbulence. Using 3D MHD simulations, we estimate the density filling factor of an open magnetic structure by calculating the fraction of the volume occupied by the overdense plasma structures relative to the entire volume of the simulation domain. Next, we perform forward modeling and generate synthetic spectra of Fe xiii 10749 Å and 10800 Å density-sensitive line pairs using FoMo. Using the synthetic images, we again estimate the filling factors. The estimated filling factors obtained from both methods are in reasonable agreement. Also, our results match fairly well with the observations of filling factors in coronal holes and loops. Our results show that the generation of turbulence increases the filling factor of the solar corona.

2021 ◽  
pp. 85-119
Hannu E. J. Koskinen ◽  
Emilia K. J. Kilpua

AbstractUnderstanding the role of plasma waves, extending from magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves at ultra-low-frequency (ULF) oscillations in the millihertz range to very-low-frequency (VLF) whistler-mode emissions at frequencies of a few kHz, is necessary in studies of sources and losses of radiation belt particles. In order to make this theoretically heavy part of the book accessible to a reader, who is not familiar with wave–particle interactions, we have divided the treatise into three chapters. In the present chapter we introduce the most important wave modes that are critical to the dynamics of radiation belts. The drivers of these waves are discussed in Chap. 10.1007/978-3-030-82167-8_5 and the roles of the wave modes as sources and losses of radiation belt particles are dealt with in Chap. 10.1007/978-3-030-82167-8_6.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
V. A. Pilipenko

2021 ◽  
Vol 650 ◽  
pp. A91
Farhad Allian ◽  
Rekha Jain

Context. Magnetic arcades in the solar atmosphere, or coronal loops, are common structures known to host magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and oscillations. Of particular interest are the observed properties of transverse loop oscillations, such as their frequency and mode of oscillation, which have received significant attention in recent years because of their seismological capability. Previous studies have relied on standard data analysis techniques, such as a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and wavelet transform (WT), to correctly extract periodicities and identify the MHD modes. However, the ways in which these methods can lead to artefacts requires careful investigation. Aims. We aim to assess whether these two common spectral analysis techniques in coronal seismology can successfully identify high-frequency waves from an oscillating coronal loop. Methods. We examine extreme ultraviolet images of a coronal loop observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in the 171 Å waveband on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We perform a spectral analysis of the loop waveform and compare our observation with a basic simulation. Results. The spectral FFT and WT power of the observed loop waveform is found to reveal a significant signal with frequency ∼2.67 mHz superposed onto the dominant mode of oscillation of the loop (∼1.33 mHz), that is, the second harmonic of the loop. The simulated data show that the second harmonic is completely artificial even though both of these methods identify this mode as a real signal. This artificial harmonic, and several higher modes, are shown to arise owing to the periodic but non-uniform brightness of the loop. We further illustrate that the reconstruction of the ∼2.67 mHz component, particularly in the presence of noise, yields a false perception of oscillatory behaviour that does not otherwise exist. We suggest that additional techniques, such as a forward model of a 3D coronal arcade, are necessary to verify such high-frequency waves. Conclusions. Our findings have significant implications for coronal seismology, as we highlight the dangers of attempting to identify high-frequency MHD wave modes using these standard data analysis techniques.

A.K. Srivastava ◽  
J. L. Ballester ◽  
P.S. Cally ◽  
M. Carlsson ◽  
M. Goossens ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 1013-1020
M T Khan ◽  
K A Nafees ◽  
A K Singh

Background/Objectives: Magnetic Pulsations recorded on the ground in the earth are produced by processes inside the magnetosphere and solar wind. These processes produce a wide variety of ULF hydromagnetic wave type which can be categorized on the ground as either Pi or Pc pulsations (irregular or continuous). Methods: Distinctive regions of the magnetosphere originate different frequencies of waves. Digital Dynamic Spectra (DDS) for the northsouth (X), east-west (Y) and vertical (Z) components of the recorded data were constructed for every day for 365 days (January 1 to December 31, 2005) in the station order PON, HAN and NAG respectively. Pc4 geomagnetic pulsations are quasi-sinusoidal fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field in the length range 45-150 seconds. The magnitude of these pulsations ranges from fraction of a Nano Tesla (nT) to several nT. The monthly variation of Pc4 occurrence has a Kp dependence range of 0 to 9-. However, Pc4 occurrence was reported for Kp values, yet the major Pc4 events occurred for rage 5+ <Kp< 8+. The magnitudes of intervals of Pc4 occurrence decreased in the station order PON, HAN and NAG respectively. Analysis of the data for the whole year 2005 provided similar patterns of Pc4 occurrence for Vsw at all the three stations. Although Pc4 ULF wave occurrence become reported for Vsw ranging from 250 to 1000 Km/s, yet the major Pc4 event recorded for a Vsw range of 300-700 Km/sec. Findings: The current study is undertaken for describing the interaction of Pc4 ULF waves with solar wind speed and its dependence on Kp values. The results suggest that the solar wind control Pc4 occurrence through a mechanism in which Pc4 wave energy is convected through the magnetosheath and coupled to the standing oscillations of the magnetospheric field lines. PACS Nos: 94.30.cq; 96.50.Tf Keywords: Geomagnetic micropulsations; MHD waves and instabilities; Solar wind-control of Pc4 pulsation

2021 ◽  
Zhe Niu ◽  
Alexander Degeling ◽  
Quanqi Shi

&lt;p&gt;For the study of Earth's radiation belts, an outstanding problem is the identification and prediction of dynamic variations of Earth's trapped energetic particles, in particular during geomagnetic storms. Statistical studies indicate that different types of geomagnetic storms (e.g. CIR and CME driven storms) have differing efficiencies in their ability to cause energization, transport and loss of energetic particles. This is most likely due to differences in the dominant mechanisms by which particles are affected between the storm types, and the locations within the magnetosphere where these mechanisms operate. For example, the dominant external generation mechanism for Pc5 ULF waves during CME driven storms may be magnetopause buffeting across the dayside, while for CIR driven storms the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) along the morning and evening flanks is more likely dominant. This changes the location and efficiency by which ULF waves can resonantly interact with radiation belt particles in these two storm types.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In this study, we use a 2D MHD wave model to investigate how the dominant generation mechanism in the case of CIR and CME driven storms determines the ability for externally generated wave power to penetrate deeply into the magnetosphere. In order to do this, we model ideal MHD waves in a 2D box model magnetosphere with a parabolic magnetopause boundary layer. We consider how fluctuations in dynamic pressure generate magnetopause buffeting perturbations that launch MHD fast mode waves, following the approach of Degeling et al., JGR 2011. We also include in our simulation a simple model for magnetosheath flow, and calculate the local linear KHI growth rate for perturbations along the magnetopause flanks as a function of frequency to provide a KHI driven wave source.&lt;/p&gt;

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