muscle protein synthesis rate
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2015 ◽  
Vol 173 (1) ◽  
pp. R25-R34 ◽  
Jorn Trommelen ◽  
Bart B L Groen ◽  
Henrike M Hamer ◽  
Lisette C P G M de Groot ◽  
Luc J C van Loon

BackgroundThough it is well appreciated that insulin plays an important role in the regulation of muscle protein metabolism, there is much discrepancy in the literature on the capacity of exogenous insulin administration to increase muscle protein synthesis ratesin vivoin humans.ObjectiveTo assess whether exogenous insulin administration increases muscle protein synthesis rates in young and older adults.DesignA systematic review of clinical trials was performed and the presence or absence of an increase in muscle protein synthesis rate was reported for each individual study arm. In a stepwise manner, multiple models were constructed that excluded study arms based on the following conditions: model 1, concurrent hyperaminoacidemia; model 2, insulin-induced hypoaminoacidemia; model 3, supraphysiological insulin concentrations; and model 4, older, more insulin resistant, subjects.ConclusionsFrom the presented data in the current systematic review, we conclude that: i) exogenous insulin and amino acid administration effectively increase muscle protein synthesis, but this effect is attributed to the hyperaminoacidemia; ii) exogenous insulin administered systemically induces hypoaminoacidemia which obviates any insulin-stimulatory effect on muscle protein synthesis; iii) exogenous insulin resulting in supraphysiological insulin levels exceeding 50 000 pmol/l may effectively augment muscle protein synthesis; iv) exogenous insulin may have a diminished effect on muscle protein synthesis in older adults due to age-related anabolic resistance; and v) exogenous insulin administered systemically does not increase muscle protein synthesis in healthy, young adults.

2011 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 1683-1690 ◽  
Stéphane Walrand ◽  
Aude Zangarelli ◽  
Christelle Guillet ◽  
Jérôme Salles ◽  
Karine Soulier ◽  

Sarcopenia is defined as age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. Energy restriction (ER) delays fibre loss by limiting the accumulated deleterious effects of reactive oxygen species on muscle. However, insufficient protein intake during ER might affect muscle mass and function. We hypothesised that ingestion of fast-digested proteins such as whey protein (WP) improves muscle protein synthesis and muscle strength in aged ER rats. The effect of WP or casein (CAS, slow protein) on muscle mass, protein synthesis and strength was evaluated in 21-month-old rats fed for 5 months either ad libitum (AL) or a 40 % protein and energy-restricted (PER) or 40 % AL-isonitrogenous ER diet. The nitrogen balance was reduced in PER-CAS rats only ( − 48 % v. AL-CAS). WP stimulated muscle protein synthesis rates compared with CAS in all groups (+21,+37 and +34 % in AL, PER and ER conditions, respectively). Muscle strength was higher in ER rats than in AL rats (+23 and +12 % for WP or CAS, respectively). Muscle performance tended to be greater in ER rats fed WP than in ER-CAS rats (P < 0·09). In conclusion, we observed that long-term ER combined with maintained protein intake had a beneficial impact on muscle protein synthesis rate and function during ageing.

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. S71???S72
Jennifer E. Stevens ◽  
Kevin E. Yarasheski ◽  
Ye Li ◽  
H. Lee Sweeney ◽  
Krista Vandenborne

2005 ◽  
Vol 288 (1) ◽  
pp. E278-E284 ◽  
Kevin E. Yarasheski ◽  
Samuel R. Smith ◽  
William G. Powderly

We reported (Yarasheski KE, Zachwieja JJ, Gischler J, Crowley J, Horgan MM, and Powderly WG. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 275: E577–E583, 1998) that AIDS muscle wasting was associated with an inappropriately low rate of muscle protein synthesis and an elevated glutamine rate of appearance (Ra Gln). We hypothesized that high plasma HIV RNA caused dysregulation of muscle amino acid metabolism. We determined whether a reduction in HIV RNA (≥1 log) increased muscle protein synthesis rate and reduced Ra Gln and muscle proteasome activity in 10 men and 1 woman (22–57 yr, 60–108 kg, 17–33 kg muscle) with advanced HIV (CD4 = 0–311 cells/μl; HIV RNA = 10–375 × 103 copies/ml). We utilized stable isotope tracer methodologies ([13C]Leu and [15N]Gln) to measure the fractional rate of mixed muscle protein synthesis and plasma Ra Gln in these subjects before and 4 mo after initiating their first or a salvage antiretroviral therapy regimen. After treatment, median CD4 increased (98 vs. 139 cells/μl, P = 0.009) and median HIV RNA was reduced (155,828 vs. 100 copies/ml, P = 0.003). Mixed muscle protein synthesis rate increased (0.062 ± 0.005 vs. 0.078 ± 0.006%/h, P = 0.01), Ra Gln decreased (387 ± 33 vs. 323 ± 15 μmol·kg fat-free mass−1·h−1, P = 0.04), and muscle proteasome chymotrypsin-like catalytic activity was reduced 14% ( P = 0.03). Muscle mass was only modestly increased (1 kg, P = not significant). We estimated that, for each 10,000 copies/ml reduction in HIV RNA, ∼3 g of additional muscle protein are synthesized per day. These findings suggest that reducing HIV RNA increases muscle protein synthesis and reduces muscle proteolysis, but muscle protein synthesis relative to whole body protein synthesis rate is not restored to normal, so muscle mass is not substantially increased.

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