scalar structure
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2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532110188
João L Bastos ◽  
Michael E Reichenheim ◽  
Yin C Paradies

Using data from two studies conducted among diverse undergraduate students, we assessed the scalar structure of the Explicit Discrimination Scale (EDS), and developed an abridged version of the instrument. Our findings suggest that the EDS has acceptable scalability properties, including an adequate dispersion of items along the latent trait continuum. Results also support the idea that increasing raw scale scores reflect higher intensities of perceived discrimination. This shortened version of the EDS may be used in large-scale studies on the health impacts of discrimination.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-256
Carmelo Bazaco

This article analyzes the distribution of the copulas ser and estar in Spanish, based on a scalar theoretical framework. The main proposal is that their distribution can be captured in terms of the scalar structure of the predicates involved and the presence of cognitive salient points on those scales. The proposed framework centers around ser predicates involving a single degree on the scale, while those with estar involve an interval, which additionally must involve an onset, or salient point.   This analysis has two advantages. First, it accounts for subjects and closed-scale adjective pairs not being able to alternate between ser or estar. The endpoints present on closed-scales act as strong salient points that, based on the Principle of Interpretive Economy, require that the copula estar is used if it can. Second, this analysis also accounts for the distribution of estar with open-scale predicates and explains why adjectives like famoso ‘famous’ or rico ‘rich’ are virtually absent from estar predications, despite having the appropriate temporal reading. Cognitive salient points are also responsible for generating the appropriate scalar interval required for estar predications, although their being weaker than endpoints on closed-scales does not require estar be the only copula available. The article also accounts for the nature of these onsets on open-scale adjectives and provides a diagnostic tool to determine which adjectives have them, and consequently can appear in estar predications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (12) ◽  
Christopher D. Noble ◽  
Josh M. Herzog ◽  
David A. Rothamer ◽  
Alex M. Ames ◽  
Jason Oakley ◽  

Abstract The Richtmyer–Meshkov instability of a twice-shocked gas interface is studied using high-speed planar laser-induced fluorescence in the Wisconsin Shock Tube Laboratory's vertical shock tube. The initial condition is a shear layer with broadband diffuse perturbations at the interface between a helium–acetone mixture and argon. This initial condition is accelerated by a shock of nominal strength M = 1.9, and then accelerated again by the transmitted shock that reflects off the end wall of the tube. Three individual experiments are analyzed, the energy spectrum and the structure functions of the light gas mole fraction field are calculated and compared.

2020 ◽  
pp. 334-358
Tyler K. Fagan ◽  
Katrina Sifferd ◽  
William Hirstein

US criminal courts have recently moved toward seeing juveniles as inherently less culpable than their adult counterparts, influenced by a growing mass of neuroscientific and psychological evidence. In support of this trend, this chapter argues that the criminal law’s notion of responsible agency requires both the cognitive capacity to understand one’s actions and the volitional control to conform one’s actions to legal standards. These capacities require, among other things, a minimal working set of executive functions—a suite of mental processes, mainly realized in the prefrontal cortex, such as planning and inhibition—which remain in significant states of immaturity through late adolescence, and in some cases beyond. Drawing on scientific evidence of how these cognitive and volitional capacities develop in the maturing brain, the authors sketch a scalar structure of juvenile responsibility, and suggest some possible directions for reforming the juvenile justice system to reflect this scalar structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-86
Isabel Pérez-Jiménez ◽  
Silvia Gumiel-Molina ◽  
Norberto Moreno-Quibén

The goal of this paper is to provide both a description and an explanation of the combination of minimizers (ligeramente 'slightly') with gradable adjectives in Spanish. According to Kennedy & McNally (2005) these elements are degree items that are sensitive to the scalar structure of adjectives and are combined with closed scale, minimum standard adjectives. Unexpected combinations, according to this semantics, are considered as cases of coercion. In this paper we propose that minimizers create derived adjectives. They are modifiers of the adjective's granularity, which allow the selection of the standard of comparison to take into account a greater number of degree distinctions. From this proposal, this article shows that unexpected combinations of ligeramente with gradable adjectives, such as un cine ligeramente lleno ‘a slightly crowded cinema’, can be explained without the need to propose that a coercion process takes place.

2019 ◽  
pp. 157-176
Alexis Wellwood

This chapter considers how the compositional theory argued for in the preceding chapters might apply to a variety of additional cases where a lexical, degree-theoretic semantics has been proposed. For example, the analysis of attitude verbs like “to want”, nouns like “idiot”, and verbs like “to cool”. The chapter suggests that, rather than diagnosing scalar structure, the kinds of data motivating lexical degree-theoretic interpretation here should be understood as diagnostic of order-theoretic properties on the relevant expression’s domain of predication. Supporting the idea of a general recipe for how such cases should be addressed, the chapter raises theoretical questions like the following: do any lexical categories natively have a degree semantics? When is a degree-theoretic treatment appropriate? Should there be morphosyntactic requirements (e.g., overt or covert “much”) for an interpretation based on degrees, or not? What alternative analyses of extant cases are available?

2019 ◽  
Vol 206 ◽  
pp. 21-36 ◽  
Wang Han ◽  
Arne Scholtissek ◽  
Felix Dietzsch ◽  
Reza Jahanbakhshi ◽  
Christian Hasse

2018 ◽  
Vol 851 ◽  
Dominik Krug ◽  
Xiaojue Zhu ◽  
Daniel Chung ◽  
Ivan Marusic ◽  
Roberto Verzicco ◽  

In turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard (RB) convection, a transition to the so-called ultimate regime, in which the boundary layers (BL) are of turbulent type, has been postulated. Indeed, at very large Rayleigh number $Ra\approx 10^{13}{-}10^{14}$ a transition in the scaling of the global Nusselt number $Nu$ (the dimensionless heat transfer) and the Reynolds number with $Ra$ has been observed in experiments and very recently in direct numerical simulations (DNS) of two-dimensional (2D) RB convection. In this paper, we analyse the local scaling properties of the lateral temperature structure functions in the BLs of this simulation of 2D RB convection, employing extended self-similarity (ESS) (i.e., plotting the structure functions against each other, rather than only against the scale) in the spirit of the attached-eddy hypothesis, as we have recently introduced for velocity structure functions in wall turbulence (Krug et al., J. Fluid Mech., vol. 830, 2017, pp. 797–819). We find no ESS scaling at $Ra$ below the transition and in the near-wall region. However, beyond the transition and for large enough wall distance $z^{+}>100$, we find clear ESS behaviour, as expected for a scalar in a turbulent boundary layer. In striking correspondence to the $Nu$ scaling, the ESS scaling region is negligible at $Ra=10^{11}$ and well developed at $Ra=10^{14}$, thus providing strong evidence that the observed transition in the global Nusselt number at $Ra\approx 10^{13}$ indeed is the transition from a laminar type BL to a turbulent type BL. Our results further show that the relative slopes for scalar structure functions in the ESS scaling regime are the same as for their velocity counterparts, extending their previously established universality. The findings are confirmed by comparing to scalar structure functions in three-dimensional turbulent channel flow.

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