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2021 ◽  
Masaki Uto

AbstractPerformance assessment, in which human raters assess examinee performance in a practical task, often involves the use of a scoring rubric consisting of multiple evaluation items to increase the objectivity of evaluation. However, even when using a rubric, assigned scores are known to depend on characteristics of the rubric’s evaluation items and the raters, thus decreasing ability measurement accuracy. To resolve this problem, item response theory (IRT) models that can estimate examinee ability while considering the effects of these characteristics have been proposed. These IRT models assume unidimensionality, meaning that a rubric measures one latent ability. In practice, however, this assumption might not be satisfied because a rubric’s evaluation items are often designed to measure multiple sub-abilities that constitute a targeted ability. To address this issue, this study proposes a multidimensional IRT model for rubric-based performance assessment. Specifically, the proposed model is formulated as a multidimensional extension of a generalized many-facet Rasch model. Moreover, a No-U-Turn variant of the Hamiltonian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is adopted as a parameter estimation method for the proposed model. The proposed model is useful not only for improving the ability measurement accuracy, but also for detailed analysis of rubric quality and rubric construct validity. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model through simulation experiments and application to real data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Petrus Abineno ◽  
Yohana Rina Rowa ◽  
Yohanes Ovaritus Jagom

This Main problem in this research that is about how execution of study model of tutor coeval on sub subjek of rectangular in SMP Negeri 20 Kupang city academic year 2017 / 2018.  The purpose this research is to know implementation of learning and the effect of learning model tutor coeval to achievement learn mathematics student’s on sub subjek of rectangular in SMP Negeri 20 Kupang city academic year 2017 / 2018.This research was conducted on VII grade student’s SMP Negeri 20 Kupang city which amounted  to 30 students selected randomly from 5 classes available.The instrument used in thes research are observation ,interview and achievement tes learn much as 30 problem item in from of double helix.Data analysis technique used in this research that is result of observation .result of interview,achievement of indicator and t-test. Based on the results of observation , result of interview,achievement of indicators,obtained achievement learn mathematics student are very good. While based on t-test calculation shows t count= 16,417 and the table = 2,045 at significance level 5% which means t count > t table, then Ho rejected Ha accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the use learnig model of tutor coeval.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Yanti M. Mewo ◽  
Firginia P. Manoppo ◽  
Herlina I.S. Wungouw

Abstract: Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) in a tutorial discussion is not separable from the role of tutorial problems which are used to trigger the learning process. Excellent problems are needed for the success of PBL. The evaluation of PBL problems can provide an overview of strengths and weakness as well as inputs for improving the quality of problems. This study was aimed to evaluate the quality of PBL problems in Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University Manado. We used modified questionnaire of Munshi et al. Respondents were asked to answer Likert scale questionnaires which consisted of 18 items added with one item for the overall rating of the PBL problem. The results showed that of a total of 6 problems evaluated by students and tutors, both tutors and students agreed that the weakest aspect was that the problem did not phrase to student perception of their own environment and culture (item 11). The strongest aspect identified by tutors was students were familiar with part of the knowledge necessary for discussing the problem (item 18). The strongest aspect according to students was related to the linkage of the problems with the future profession (item 13). Conclusion: The PBL problems in Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University still needed to be improved. Some aspects had been identified as strengths and weaknesses; those could be used to improve the quality of problems.Keywords: Problem Based Learning, PBL problems, PBL tutorial Abstrak: Penerapan PBL dalam diskusi tutorial tidak lepas dari peran skenario berisikan masalah pasien yang digunakan sebagai pemicu pembelajaran mahasiswa. Skenario PBL yang memiliki kualitas baik sangat penting bagi keberhasilan pembelajaran dengan metode PBL. Evaluasi skenario PBL dapat memberikan gambaran kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai masukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas skenario PBL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas skenario PBL di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi (FK Unsrat) Manado. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah kuesioner dari Munshi et al. Responden diminta memberikan penilaian 18 pernyataan dan satu pertanyaan penilaian secara umum berdasarkan skala Likert. Enam skenario PBL dinilai oleh tutor dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa baik tutor maupun mahasiswa setuju bahwa yang menjadi kelemahan berkaitan dengan skenario PBL yang disusun tidak sesuai dengan wawasan mahasiswa tentang lingkungan dan kebudayaan (item 11). Menurut tutor, yang menjadi kelebihan yaitu mahasiswa telah mengenal sebagian pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mendiskusikan skenario (item 18). Evaluasi oleh mahasiswa didapatkan bahwa skenario menunjukkan hubungan jelas dengan profesi di masa depan merupakan kelebihan dari skenario PBL yang digunakan di FK Unsrat (item 13). Simpulan: Skenario PBL di FK Unsrat masih memerlukan perbaikan. Didapatkan beberapa aspek yang diidentifikasi sebagai kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dapat dipakai untuk meningkatakan kualitas skenario PBL di FK Unsrat.Kata kunci: Problem Based Learning, scenario PBL, tutorial PBL

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