exam result
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Christian Tanushev

This research aims to investigate the relationship between lecture attendance and the achieved grades on the final exams for a sample of 485 students from the professional field of Economics at a Bulgarian university. The observed average lecture attendance is 30%, the correlation coefficient between the variables is 0.62. When using a regression model up to 38.79% of the variation in the grades obtained by students is explained by the factor attendance. The increase in attendance by 1% leads to an elevation in the exam result by 0.0306 units. All results are statistically significant at a significance level even below 1%. This study examines the problem for the first time in the context of online learning, where contact can only be achieved through electronic channels (students and the teacher have never been in live contact) and attendance data is observed by calculating the time in hours and minutes of participation in the MS Teams sessions.

2021 ◽  
Piotr Merks ◽  
Urszula Religioni ◽  
Aleksandra Rutkowska ◽  
Marvin Munzu ◽  
Edwin Panford-Quainoo ◽  

Abstract Background. This article aims to present the results of the final exam in pharmacy among Polish pharmacy students. This exam was modeled on the British national exam supervised by the General Pharmaceutical Council. Methods. The exam was conducted in 3 cities in Poland, among a total of 175 final-year students. Taking the exam was voluntary and anonymous. Results. The results indicate that none of the Polish students achieved the 70% mark required to pass the Great Britain exam. Significant differences in test results were noticed between cities. Students achieved the best average exam result in Bydgoszcz (46.35%), then in Warsaw (38.81%) and Łódź (38.35%) Conclusions. The pharmaceutical education system in Poland requires complete changes that will prepare future pharmacists for clinical work. Increasing the role of a pharmacist in health care requires raising the level of education and emphasizing the practical content of education.

2021 ◽  
Paloma Merello ◽  
Antonio Barberá ◽  
Luis Porcuna ◽  
Rubén Porcuna ◽  
Ana Zorio

This study presents an innovative experience using movies in an accounting class. The learning experience was found interesting and useful for the learning process in three groups in University XXX. The students voluntarily watched three movies and answered a test for each one, containing questions about the ethical and accounting concepts in the film, as well as their satisfaction with the methodology. Non-parametric tests have been computed to assess if those students that watch a movie obtain a higher exam mark as compared to those that do not follow the methodology, as well as for the other accounting and ethical questions. Our results show that there is a particular film that evidences a significant effect on the final exam mark for more questions than the other films. In general, the results are valuable as they show that students get engaged with this methodology and this can help students to improve their exam result.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 03022
Rohan Nikam ◽  
Ritesh Pardeshi ◽  
Yash Patel ◽  
Ekta Sarda

Everyday millions of files are generated worldwide containing humongous amounts of data in an unstructured format. Most of us come across at least one new document every week, which tells the large volume of data associated with documents. All the data in these documents is in unstructured format which makes it difficult for further processing. The extraction of data from this documents still remains largely a manual effort resulting in higher processing time. A system that could extract the required fields from documents and store them in a structured format automatically will be of much significance. In this paper, we have described an approach for extracting the data from Exam Result Gazette document and then storing it in a CSV file. Mask RCNN model having a backbone of ResNeXt-101-32x8d and Feature Pyramid Network(FPN) has been hypertuned for detecting the required fields. Then PyTesseract Optical Character Recognition System has been used for extracting the data from detected fields. Our proposed system is trained on custom data set created by us and then evaluated on test data to extract the required fields. The overall accuracy of our system is 98.69%. The results indicate that the system could be used for efficiently extracting the required fields from given exam result gazette document.

Balkar Singh

The capability or calibre cannot be judged based on Results, as it depends on the student to student & also the examination is testing of knowledge of a student, for the whole year in two or three hours. In July 2020 the exam result of the secondary standard was declared by the Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani and there is a discussion about topper & the schools in which these toppers were studying & strategy of these toppers regarding exam preparation, their interviews & photos were published in the Newspapers, why not? It must be but in this spark light, there is some darkness behind this. Everyone is congratulating these students, as they are studied from the Private Schools of the Urban City areas of the Haryana, a few are from the most educated families, whose parents their selves are teachers or professors. Through this, we are ignoring a bitter truth of the poor students of the Government Schools, who despite lack of all the big & small facilities, as compare of these Private schools’ performed equal to these toppers. KEYWORDS: Testing of knowledge, Education in Private Schools, Toppers and Calibre.

Nurfitri Bustamam ◽  
Ria Maria Theresa ◽  
Sri Wahyuningsih

Background: Medical education is considered as being stressful which may cause stress, anxiety, and depression. The student support program is designed to help students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (FMUPNVJ) build resilience to the stress through education and coping skills training. This study aimed to evaluate this supportive program on stress, anxiety, and depression levels, as well as academic performance.Methods: This study used a one-group pretest-posttest design. Thirty of third-semester students who were randomly chosen and had psychological problems according to the criteria were offered to join the program. The program used problemfocused coping and emotion-focused coping methods in eight sessions for four weeks. Before and after the program, students were evaluated using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-42 questionnaire and their academic performance based on block exam results.Results: Wilcoxon test showed a decrease in levels of anxiety (p = 0.003) and depression (p = 0.004) after the program. There was no difference in stress levels before and after the program (p = 0.073), but there were a tendency stress levels of the subject to be lower after the program. Wilcoxon test showed an increase in the practice exam result (p = 0.000). There was no difference in theory exam results before and after the program (p = 0.358), but there was a tendency that the exam result to be higher after the program.Conclusion: The student support program has an indication for overcoming psychological problems and improving the academic performance of FMUPNVJ students.

2020 ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Varvara Morosanova ◽  
Tatiana Fomina ◽  
Elena Filippova

This article presents the results of a study on the relationship between conscious self-regulation of learning activity, test anxiety and performance in the Unified State Exam in mathematics in a sample of Russian students (N = 231). The Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire (SRPLAQ, 2015) and Spielberger’s Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) (Russian adaptation, 2004) were used to measure self-regulation and anxiety, respectively. The study also took into account the students’ results for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. The study revealed a negative correlation for the test anxiety indicators with both the exam results and regulatory characteristics. The cluster analysis identified groups of students that differed in their level of self-regulation development, anxiety indicators, and the math exam result. It appears that students who have the lowest exam results are characterized not only by high test anxiety rates, but also by lower self-regulation levels. The regression analysis within the groups showed that a higher exam result is largely associated with a person’s regulatory resources. Examination success is based not so much on the ability to cope with adverse functional states, but on the maturity and stability of an integrated system of conscious self-regulation, which determines students’ effectiveness in achieving educational goals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yusmaity ◽  
Julius Santony ◽  

Basically grades that do not meet graduation criteria  are phenomenon for schools. Which can cause a lack of school quality. One such phenomenon is the National examination Score which is the  value of determining graduation  for students. Vocatonal High School (SMK) Negeri 2 Pekanbaru is a formal education unit as the organizer of the Teaching Learning Process (TLP), for student afterc ompleting education can go directly to employment  or the industrial world and can continue their education. Where the test csores obtained by student are inseparable from the school graduation criteria.To deal whith probalytic situations like this we need a method for analyzing or predict likely in the future. One method that can be used is Monte Carlo Simulation. By using Monte Carlo Simulation to the national exam in this study is expected to holp to find out the acquition of student grades for the future.  The csores are taken fom the national exam result obtained from the curriculumsection of the last 3 academic years, namely TP 2016/2017 to TP  2018/2019. This scores is simulationted whith PHP programming as a data implementation system. Simulation result from this studyobtained an accuracy level of 86,68%. By getting a greater degree of accuracy, this method is appropriate to be predict the National Exam Scores for the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Jean-Marc Dewaele ◽  
Cemal Özdemir ◽  
Durmuş Karci ◽  
Sinem Uysal ◽  
Elif Derya Özdemir ◽  

AbstractThe present study focuses on foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) of 592 learners of Turkish as a foreign language (FL) in Kazakhstan. Mean levels of FLE and FLCA were found to be similar to previous studies in different settings with different target languages. In contrast with previous literature, a weak positive correlation was found between FLE and FLCA and the gender effect went in the opposite direction, with male participants reporting more FLCA than female participants. Multiple regression analyses revealed that FLE and FLCA were more strongly predicted by learners’ attitude toward Turkish and teacher-related variables than by learner-internal variables, confirming previous research outside Kazakhstan. Attitude toward the FL, teacher’s friendliness, strictness and frequency of use of the FL, attitude toward the teacher, participant’s age and FL exam result explained a total of 25% of variance in FLE. Differing slightly from previous studies, FLCA was found to be only weakly predicted (6% of variance) by some learner-internal variables (FL exam result, attitude toward the FL) as well as teacher-centred variables (friendliness, strictness). The findings suggest that variation in FLE and FLCA among Kazakh learners of Turkish is quite similar to that established in other contexts.

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