infor mation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Salomé Berrocal-Gonzalo ◽  
Raquel Quevedo-Redondo ◽  
Virginia García-Beaudoux ◽  

In the midst of entertainment society, that started off at the end of the twentieth century, pop politics developed as a new communication formula used by the political leaders to share their image and their messages to the citi- zens by means of features from the entertainment environment or celebritiza- tion. In a similar way, the traditional mass media act, including formats of politi- cal infoentertainment to share the political information to the citizens in a frivolous, superficial or satiric format, aiming to increase their audience. This dominant situation of politainment has been transferred to the Internet envi- ronment, where the trend multiplies its effect due to the power of social net- works. In that case, political parties, mass media and prosumers, find a new space to gain votes, increase their audience and achieve advantage. The mono- graph included in index.comunicación introduces several research projects re- lated to politainment, aiming to study its impact upon traditional media and social networks. The new formulas adopted by spectacularized political infor- mation, the kind of issuers that produce them and the consequences upon those who intake them, are the object of analysis of the investigation works published in this thematic number.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 49-76
Mariusz Karwowski

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to indicate the possible impact of the IASB project ‘Better communication in financial reporting’ on the presentation and disclosure of infor-mation in financial statements. Methodology/approach: On the one hand, the current state is presented (the basis was the project ‘Better communication in financial reporting’); on the other hand, value judg-ments were formulated regarding the proposed changes. The empirical study, which was based on content analysis, covered entities included in the WIG30. Findings: ‘Better communication in financial reporting’, in particular, IFRS X, will pri-marily affect the choice of the classification of expenses in the operating category of the profit or loss statement, as well as disclosure of management performance measures. Originality/value: The indication of the possible impact of the project ‘Better communication in financial reporting’ on the presentation and disclosure of information in the financial statements, which is unexplored so far. Keywords: primary financial statements, presentation, notes, disclosure, taxonomy, IFRS.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-35
M.M. Matyushin ◽  
D.A. Makhalov

The paper discusses the information processing method developed by the Mis-sion Control Center (AO TSNIImash) specialists, used to process the infor-mation received from the Soyuz space rocket onboard video control system. Specific features of the information being received are presented. Methods of restoring corrupt information are proposed. The results of information pro-cessing during real Soyuz-FG and Soyuz-2 space rocket launches are given.

Rao Mikkilineni

The holy grail of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been to mimic human intelligence using computing machines. Autopoiesis which refers to a system with well-defined identity and is capable of re-producing and maintaining itself and cognition which is the ability to process information, apply knowledge, and change the circumstance are associated with resilience and intelligence. While classical computer science (CCS) with symbolic and sub-symbolic computing has given us tools to decipher the mysteries of physical, chemical and biological systems in nature and allowed us to model, analyze various observations and use information to optimize our interactions with each other and with our environment, it falls short in reproducing even the basic behaviors of living organisms. We present the foundational shortcomings of CCS and discuss the science of infor-mation processing structures (SIPS) that allows us to fill the gaps. SIPS allows us to model su-per-symbolic computations and infuse autopoietic and cognitive behaviors into digital machines. They use common knowledge representation from the information gained using both symbolic and sub-symbolic computations in the form of system-wide knowledge networks consisting of knowledge nodes and information sharing channels with other knowledge nodes. The knowledge nodes wired together fire together to exhibit autopoietic and cognitive behaviors.

Manuela Mosca

This article concentrates on the final twenty years of Antonio de Viti de Marco's life, the years of the fascist dictatorship, in order to fill a gap in the knowledge of his activity and motivations. It brings together the limited infor-mation available, tracking down elements that explain his decision to withdraw into isolation. The article considers the main aspects marking this period of his life, namely: the antifascist who rarely had a chance to show himself; the economist, whose scientific work makes up the best-known part of his biography of this peri-od; the agriculturalist, whose role is linked to his anti-protectionist battle; and lastly the private man, who during these years went through a profound ordeal. The re-search explains the reasons for his long silence by revealing that there was not a single aspect in which De Viti was spared during the twenty years of fascism, nei-ther political, nor scientific, nor in economic policy, and not even in the private sphere

Pavel Butyrin

The published data on several well-known seismic recorders used in modern seismological moni-toring systems are considered, and their qualitative comparative analysis is carried out. Infor-mation about the presence of Russian devices of this class in the State Register of measuring in-struments is given. The key technical characteristics of the "Ermak" recorder and confirming the results of laboratory and field experiments are given. At the same time, special attention is paid to the correspondence of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the recorder to the reference analogs. A brief description of the flexible power management system for the recorder modules, which is designed to reduce power consumption, is given. The minimum value of the power con-sumption is about 300 mW when recording through six channels, which makes it possible to ef-fectively use the device for long-term measurements using autonomous power supplies. The in-ternal clock of the recorder is synchronized using GPS/GLONASS systems (hundreds of nano-seconds) and NTP-services (tens of microseconds). The efficiency of operation is ensured by the presence of a LCD-screen at the logger, on which, in addition to time and parametric information, waveforms are displayed in various display modes. There is also a list of facilities where "Ermak" was tested or is currently being operated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-188
Joanna Krasodomska ◽  
Ewelina Zarzycka ◽  
Dorota Dobija

Objective: The aim of the research presented in this article is to identify factors that influ-ence the involvement of large public interest entities that operate in Poland in conducting dialogue with stakeholders and thus foster the development of dialogue-based accounting. Methodology/research approach: The literature review identified potential factors that increase the chances of developing dialogic accounting. A sample of 159 large public interest entities was used to verify the hypotheses. Data were collected through content analysis of statements (reports) on non-financial information published for 2020, as well as infor-mation posted on their websites and corporate social media accounts. The logit regression method was used to verify the hypotheses. Results: Our findings suggest that the non-financial reporting standard used and the com-pany’s orientation towards employees may influence the dialogue process with stakehold-ers, increasing chances for the development of dialogic accounting. Limitations: The research sample is limited to one country, and the data were collected for one year only. Originality/value: The Article broadens accounting knowledge, in particular on the deter-minants that influence public interest entities’ involvement in stakeholder dialogue.

2021 ◽  
Yiyu Hong ◽  
Junsu Ko ◽  
Juyong Lee

In this study, we propose a new protein 3D structure modeling method, A-Prot, using MSA Transformer, one of the state-of-the-art protein lan-guage models. For a given MSA, an MSA feature tensor and row attention maps are extracted and converted into 2D residue-residue distance and dihedral angle predictions. We demonstrated that A-Prot predicts long-range contacts better than the existing methods. Additionally, we modeled the 3D structures of the free modeling and hard template-based modeling targets of CASP14. The assessment shows that the A-Prot models are more accurate than most top server groups of CASP14. These results imply that A-Prot captures evolutionary and structural infor-mation of proteins accurately with relatively low computational cost. Thus, A-Prot can provide a clue for the development of other protein prop-erty prediction methods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 186-191
В.В. Демидкин

Цифровой избирательный вызов (ЦИВ) в Глобальной морской системе связи при бедствии и безопасности не позволяет передавать какой-либо текст, содержание которого отличается от разрешённых возможностей в семи форматах ЦИВ. Использование биграмм и триграмм для интерпретации произвольного текста и неиспользованные резервы в символах управления в форматах ЦИВ могут изменить эту ситуацию. Эта идея может быть распространена, по меньшей мере, на языки, в которых используется буквенный принцип записи текста. Идея остаётся в силе для языков с иероглифической формой записи, если существует ещё и альтернативная буквенная форма представления текста, подобная Путунхуа в китайском языке. Использование преимуществ ЦИВ в возможности определения ошибки в каждом принятом символе, двойная передача символов (в DX и RX позициях) даёт возможность изменения принципов приёма информации по безопасности мореплавания. Более того, НАВ-ТЕКС и ИБН УБПЧ можно объединить в одну общую систему передачи информации по безопасности мореплавания. Существует возможность исправления ошибок при принятии символов в расширенном цифровом избирательном вызове, используя перестановку символов при многоканальной трансляции информации по безопасности мореплавания. Как результат, будет отсутствовать необходимость учёта 4% норматива ошибок на объём принятого текста, поскольку ошибки в принятом тексте отсутствуют. Предложены способы организации произвольных сообщений и сообщений по безопасности мореплавания на английском и русском языках со сжатием информации при помощи расширенного цифрового избирательного вызова. Digital Selective Call (DSC) in Global Maritime Distress Safety System does not allow to broadcast any information that differs from allowed abilities in seven DSC formats. Using bigrams and trigram for interpretation of custom text and unused reserve of control char-acters in DSC formats would change this situation. This idea can be extended at least to the languages with a letter form of writing text. It is in valid for languages with hiero-glyphic notation, if alternative letter additional form exists, like Putonghua in Chinese language. Using DSC advantages in possibility error detecting in every received symbols, two times transmission of symbols (in DX and RX positions) and error-check characters in DX and RX positions give the opportunity to change principles of Maritime Safety Infor-mation (MSI) to be received on board the vessels. Moreover, NAVTEX and MSI NBDP systems can be combined in one common system. There is a possibility to correct errors in received symbols in Advanced Digital Selective Call using permutation of characters in multi-channel MSI broadcasting. As result, there is no need to use four percent reference error rate at received MSI text volume, because broadcasted information has not errors. Ways to organize self-compressing custom messages and Maritime Safety Information messages in English and Russian by Advanced Digital Selective Call has been offered.

Vanessa De Santis ◽  
Pietro Volta

Ecological information of invasive alien species are crucial for their effective management. How-ever, they are often lacking in newly invaded ecosystems. This is the case of the European catfish Silurus glanis L. in Lake Maggiore where the species is present since 1990 but no scientific infor-mation are available on its ecology. To start filling this knowledge gap, 236 catfish (67 cm to 150 cm of total length) were collected, measured, and dissected for stomach content analyses from three localities and in two habitats (littoral vs. pelagic) in late autumn/early winter. NPUE and BPUE (individuals and biomass (g) per unit effort (m2)) of catfish was generally higher in littoral (NPUE > 0.01; BPUE > 96) than pelagic habitats (NPUE < 0.009; BPUE < 114) but catfish had, on average, larger sizes in pelagic habitats. Overall, 581 individual prey items were recorded belonging to12 taxa. Pelagic catfish specialized their diet exclusively on three prey fish (coregonids, shad and roach) whilst the diet of littoral catfish was more variable, and was dominated by crayfish, perch, and roach. These results highlighted for the first time the interaction of larger catfish with the lake’s pelagic food web, and thus possible consequences are discussed, including the potential contrasting role S. glanis may have for the lake’s fishery.

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