idle capacity
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Sri Nur Areena Mohd Zaini ◽  
Mohd Yazid Abu

Palm oil is one of the world's most traded farming commodities. The Malaysian palm oil industry is without a doubt to the nation's pride. However, there are few problems currently happen in this plantation which are no establishment of time equation to interpret deviation of activities, the rate establishment did not properly illustrate the correlation between supplied resources and practical capacity, and the manager did not have a tool to monitor the unused capacity. The aim of this work is to develop a new costing structure for a better accuracy specifically at nursery. Time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) was applied because it can effectively measure the time efficiency, accurately identifies the idle capacity and separately lists the used and unused capacity. It also provides more comprehensive understanding of practical resources and its associated costs while measuring processes and encouraging quality improvement. The plantation located at Pahang which has three main divisions and this work was focussing on nursery only. This work found that a precise process mapping for nursery was developed to understand their specific sequence which contributes to time equations. Subsequently, the total used capacity and capacity cost rate (CCR) for pre-nursery was successfully developed with 98220 minutes and 0.168 RM/minute respectively. Eventually, the manager can observe that actually the unused capacity was 37515.31 min which can be used to systematically develop the capacity planning on the pre-nursery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-87 ◽  
Margaretha Gansterer ◽  
Richard F. Hartl

AbstractLogistics providers have to utilize available capacities efficiently in order to cope with increasing competition and desired quality of service. One possibility to reduce idle capacity is to build coalitions with other players on the market. While the willingness to enter such coalitions does exist in the logistics industry, the success of collaborations strongly depends on mutual trust and behavior of participants. Hence, a proper mechanism design, where carriers do not have incentives to deviate from jointly established rules, is needed. We propose to use a combinatorial auction system, for which several properties are already well researched but little is known about the auction’s first phase, where carriers have to decide on the set of requests offered to the auction. Profitable selection strategies, aiming at maximization of total collaboration gains, do exist. However, the impact on individual outcomes, if one or more players deviate from jointly agreed selection rules is yet to be researched. We analyze whether participants in an auction-based transport collaboration face a Prisoners’ Dilemma. While it is possible to construct such a setting, our computational study reveals that carriers do not profit from declining the cooperative strategy. This is an important and insightful finding, since it further strengthens the practical applicability of auction-based trading mechanisms in collaborative transportation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 323 ◽  
pp. 00002
Patrícia J. de Almeida ◽  
Carlos T. Salinas ◽  
Lucas Ramos ◽  
Daniel Marceço-Aldana

Many agroindustries that process sugarcane raw to produce sugar and ethanol, and for energy cogeneration have difficulties to obtain all the necessary raw material. The agrarian contract practice can allow access to land in order to increase the production of sugarcane, without immobilizing resources in terms of the purchase of land, reducing the idle capacity of industrial plant, and increasing the cogeneration of energy by burning bagasse and sugarcane straw. It appears that the form of production of sugarcane (i.e., through land leasing, sharecropping, independent producers, etc.) can significantly affect the total costs of the industrial process. This work looks to find an empirical relation between the type of sugarcane producers and the energy produced by the mill based on data of the Agricultural Census of Brazil and monitoring data of power plant operation parameters of a typical mill in Brazil. It was found that the sugarcane raw coming from lands worked for tenants and sharecroppers increased his participation 112% and 469% respectively in the energy generation in the period 2006 to 2017.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. e45
Michael Gonçalves da Silva ◽  
Rafaela Goettems ◽  
Vanessa Siqueira Peres da Silva

The general objective of this work was to identify what were the determinants of soybean production increase in Brazil, between 1980 and 2015. This work uses the Self-Regressive Vector (VAR) methodology for the estimation of empirical models. Allow the obtaining of evidence capable of clarifying the question about the determinant factors of the soybean productivity in this period. They pointed evidences of a greater relation between the soybean productivity increase and the physicochemical innovations. In addition, as the data reveal, there is idle capacity to expand soybean production, as well as increased productivity for the coming years. The empirical analysis suggests that, in fact, soybean productivity in Brazil is increasing, as occurred in the forecast test performed in this study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-52
Nurhuda Nurhuda ◽  
Hendy Pernando Santoso

Implementasi Kementerian Keuangan Corporate University meningkatkan persentase pembelajaran digital melalui E-learning, tetapi berpotensi mengurangi peggunaan aset fisik. Fenomena idle capacity pada BMN di satuan kerja BPPK perlu dihitung sebagai dasar dalam penentuan kebijakan pengelolaan aset. Lingkup penelitian dibatasi pada Balai Diklat Keuangan (BDK) Balikpapan. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan CAM-I Capacity Model yang dapat menentukan tingkat idle capacity aset suatu entitas. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa data penggunaan BMN tahun 2017 s.d. 2019. Hasil penelitian berupa tingkat idle capacity penggunaan BMN di BDK Balikpapan tahun 2017 s.d. 2019. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi alternatif kebijakan pengelolaan idle capacity tersebut. Data terkait tingkat idle capacity diperlukan dalam penentuan kebijakan pengelolaan aset. CAM-I Capacity Model dapat dikembangkan untuk menghitung idle capacity BMN dan bangunan yang berhubungan langsung dengan penyelenggaraan pelatihan.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 6153
Xuezhen Guo ◽  
Juliën Voogt ◽  
Bert Annevelink ◽  
Joost Snels ◽  
Argyris Kanellopoulos

Bio-based supply chains are by nature complex to optimize. The new logistic concept of integrated biomass logistical center (IBLC) provides us the opportunity to make full use of the idle capacity for a food/feed plant to produce biobased products so that the entire chain efficiency can be improved. Although research has been conducted to analyze the IBLC concept, is yet to be an optimization model that can optimally arrange the activities in the supply chain where an IBLC stands in the middle. To fill the knowledge gap in the literature, this paper makes the first step to develop a MILP model that enables biobased supply chain optimization with the IBLC concept, which supports logistic and processing decisions in the chain. The model is applied in a case study for a feed and fodder plant in Spain where managerial insights have been derived for transferring the plant to a profitable IBLC.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-11
S.N.A.M. Zaini ◽  
M.Y. Abu

Malaysia is currently the world’s largest exporter of palm oil although it is the second-largest producer of the oil after neighboring Indonesia. There have recently been few concerns on this plantation which are hard to detect in order to understand the variance in the operations, and the rate setting is inadequate to outlined the relation between the resources supplied and the capacity in operation, and the manager has no system to track the usage of the capacity and unused capacity. The aim of this work is to assess the capacity utilization of mature and immature area at replanting for a better accuracy. Time driven activity-based costs (TDABC) is used because time efficiency can be calculated effectively. Furthermore, it also can precisely evaluate idle capacity and separately listing the resources being used and not used. This work considers a data in 2017 to develop the solution. This work found that in the mature area from the available capacity utilization, chipping has high insufficient capacity with RM-1931518.08, planting seedlings has high insufficient capacity with -805173.84 min and internal transport has high waste cost with RM45771.30. Meanwhile, in the immature area, planting seedlings has high insufficient capacity with -566934.84 min and RM-1621433.64, manuring has unused capacity with 66763.50 min and internal transport has high waste cost with RM29667.47.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-39
S.N.A.M. Zaini ◽  
M.Y. Abu

Malaysia currently accounts for 28% of world palm oil production and 33% of world exports. Being one of the biggest producers and exporters of palm oil and palm oil products, Malaysia has an important role to play in fulfilling the growing global need for oils and fats sustainably. In recent times, few problems have actually happened in this plantation which are difficult to establish a time equation for analyzing the variation of activities, the rate establishment is unsuitable to display the connection between resources supplied and the practical capacity and the manager does not have a method for monitoring capacity usage and unused capacity. The aim of this work is to develop the time equation of mature and immature area at ramp for a better accuracy. Time driven activity-based costing (TDABC) is implemented because the time is successfully measured, the idle capacity is correctly determined and the capacity used and the unused capacity are differently listed. This work considers a data in 2017 to develop the solution. This work found that in the mature area from the available capacity utilization, ramp has high unused capacity with 67492.80 min which means the resources should be forecast properly in future. Meanwhile in the immature area, ramp has closest value to the practical capacity with 6667.20 min and RM5667.12 which indicates the company properly utilizes their resources. Therefore, TDABC provides more comprehensive understanding of practical resources and its associated costs while measuring processes and encouraging quality improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (16) ◽  
pp. 6333
Chan Liu ◽  
Raymond K. H. Chan ◽  
Maofu Wang ◽  
Zhe Yang

Harnessing the rapid development of mobile internet technology, the sharing economy has experienced unprecedented growth in the global economy, especially in China. Likely due to its increasing popularity, more and more businesses have adopted this label in China. There is a concern as to the essential meaning of the sharing economy. As it is difficult to have a universally accepted definition, we aim to map the sharing economy and demystify the use of it in China in this paper. We propose seven organizing essential elements of the sharing economy: access use rights instead of ownership, idle capacity, short term, peer-to-peer, Internet platforms mediated, for monetary profit, and shared value orientation. By satisfying all or only parts of these elements, we propose one typology of sharing economy, and to differentiate bona fide sharing economy from quasi- and pseudo-sharing economy. Finally, there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently in the real sharing economy from the perspective of the government, companies and individuals.

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