standard learning
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Maria Karaivanova

Life in increasingly digitalised society demands high levels of education from contemporary man. To meet that demand, inclusive education has to come up with new strategies. Solutions can be found in a interdisciplinary approach to education. On this basis, the use of modelling with elementary mathematics as a way of integrating diverse academic subjects in the school curriculum is being developed. New interdisciplinary educational technologies are created and their applicability and effect on both students with and without learning disabilities are tested. The experiments are carried out in a standard learning environment with the participation of disabled students. The paper presents the results and, finally, conclusions are drawn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-74
Christine Hinrichsen ◽  
Richard Pospisil

The study aimed to research the impacts of a smartphone or tablet application in the field of continuing vocational training(CVT). Well trained employees are of utmost importance in the eyes of any corporation. With the help of literature review and survey, the empirical study gets to conclude that these modes help proactively to increase learning transfer in CVT. Furthermore, the study shows that such applications are currently not yet a standard learning transfer tool.

2021 ◽  
Samuel Goldman ◽  
Maximino Aldana ◽  
Philippe Cluzel

Over the last decades, analyses of the connectivity of large biological and artificial networks have identified a common scale-free topology, where few of the network elements, called hubs, control many other network elements. In monitoring the dynamics of networks hubs, recent experiments have revealed that they can show behaviors oscillating between ON and OFF states of activation. Prompted by these observations, we ask whether the existence of oscillatory hubs states could contribute to the emergence of specific network dynamical behaviors. Here, we use Boolean threshold networks with scale-free architecture as representative models to demonstrate how periodic activation of the network hub can provide a network-level advantage in learning specific new dynamical behaviors. First, we find that hub oscillations with distinct periods can induce robust and distinct attractors whose lengths depend upon the hub oscillation period. Second, we determine that a given network can exhibit series of different attractors when we sequentially change the period of hub pulses. Using rounds of evolution and selection, these different attractors could independently learn distinct target functions. We term this network-based learning strategy resonant learning, as the emergence of new learned dynamical behaviors depends on the choice of the period of the hub oscillations. Finally, we find that resonant learning leads to convergence towards target behaviors over an order of magnitude faster than standard learning procedures. While it is already known that modular network architecture contributes to learning separate tasks, our results reveal an alternative design principle based on forced oscillations of the network hub.

2021 ◽  
pp. 181
Eduardo Santos Junqueira Rodrigues ◽  
Cátia Luzia Oliveira Silva ◽  
Andrei Bosco Bezerra Torres ◽  
Elisângela Nogueira Teixeira

O artigo apresenta os resultados do mapeamento da interação de 30 alunos universitários ao utilizarem três distintas interfaces de fórum virtuais para estudar. A pesquisa utilizou o método do rastreamento ocular e entrevistas semi-estruturadas para documentar e analisar o processo de navegação dos alunos ao participarem e publicarem comentários nos fóruns. A análise dos dados indicou que interfaces de fórum virtual com design mais tradicional, intuitivo e minimalista, e com menor e mais racional disposição de elementos imagéticos, beneficia o aluno em situações de aprendizagem. Esse tipo de interface evita a frustração, perda de tempo e de foco na tarefa, permitindo o uso efetivo da atenção e memória do aluno na compreensão de conteúdos e resolução de problemas. Movimentos oculares indesejáveis dos alunos indicaram desorientação espacial e sobrecarga cognitiva causada por elementos clicáveis da interface dos fóruns, que foram prejudiciais à navegação dos alunos e, por isso, devem ser evitados, podendo levá-los a abandonar o fórum. Elementos imagéticos acessórios presentes na interface não interferiram negativamente com a tarefa dos alunos, pois foram ignorados por eles durante a navegação nos fóruns, como comprovado pela ausência de fixação ocular. O uso de um fórum de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) padrão tradicional não indicou vantagens para a navegação e realização de atividades quando comparado, pelos alunos, a um fórum generalista de design intuitivo, consistente e minimalista.Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem on-line; Navegação; Fórum virtual; Rastreamento ocular.Analysis, through the eye tracking technique, of virtual forum interfaces features that raise on-line learningAbstractThe article presents the results of mapped interaction of 30 university students using three different digital forum interfaces to study. The research utilized the eye tracking method and semi-structured interviews to document and analyze the students' browsing process as they participated in and published on the forums. Data analysis indicated that virtual forum interfaces with a more traditional, intuitive and minimalist design, and with a smaller and more rational array of imaging elements, benefit the student in learning situations. This type of interface avoids frustration, wasted time, and it increases focus on the task, allowing effective use of student attention and memory in understanding content and problem solving. Undesirable eye movements of the students indicated spatial disorientation and cognitive overload caused by clickable elements of the forum interface, which were detrimental to student navigation and therefore should be avoided and may lead them to leave the forum. Imaging elements accessories present in the interface did not interfere negatively with the students' task, as they were ignored by them during navigation in the forums, as evidenced by the absence of ocular fixation. The use of a traditional standard learning management system (LMS) forum did not indicate advantages for browsing and performing activities when compared to an intuitive, consistent and minimalist generalist designed forum.Keywords: Online learning; Navigation; Virtual fórum; Eye tracking.Análisis, a través de la técnica de rastreo ocular, de interfaces de foro virtual que favorece el aprendizaje on-lineResumenEl artículo presenta los resultados de la interacción mapeada de 30 estudiantes universitarios que utilizan tres interfaces de foros digitales diferentes para estudiar. La investigación utilizó el método de seguimiento ocular y entrevistas semiestructuradas para documentar y analizar el proceso de navegación de los estudiantes a medida que participaban y publicaban en los foros. El análisis de los datos indicó que los foros virtuales interactúan con un diseño más tradicional, intuitivo y minimalista, y con una gama más pequeña y más racional de elementos de imagen, beneficiando al estudiante en situaciones de aprendizaje. Este tipo de interfaz evita la frustración, el tiempo perdido y aumenta el enfoque en la tarea, permitiendo el uso efectivo de la atención y la memoria del alumno para comprender el contenido y la resolución de problemas. Los movimientos oculares indeseables de los estudiantes indicaron desorientación espacial y sobrecarga cognitiva causada por elementos seleccionables de la interfaz del foro, que fueron perjudiciales para la navegación del estudiante y, por lo tanto, deben evitarse y pueden llevarlos a abandonar el foro. Los accesorios de elementos de imagen presentes en la interfaz no interfirieron negativamente con la tarea de los estudiantes, ya que fueron ignorados por ellos durante la navegación en los foros, como lo demuestra la ausencia de fijación ocular. El uso de un foro de anbiente virtual de aprendziagen estándar tradicional no indicaba ventajas para navegar y realizar actividades en comparación con un foro diseñado por un general intuitivo, coherente y minimalista. Palabras clave: Aprender en línea; Navegación; Foro virtual; Registro visual.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. E202136
Srinivasan Viveka ◽  
Nagavalli Basavanna Pushpa ◽  
Kumar Satish Ravi

Introduction. During the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown, the selection of simple and authentic online material among plethora of web content is difficult for both students and teachers. This forces students and teachers to explore various avenues of learning. The objective of this research was to evaluate free open-access anatomy e-learning resources in accordance with required standard learning outcomes for medical students. Methods. During February 2021, an extensive search for online modules for learning anatomy across six Massive Open Online Courses, including edX, Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, Canvas and FutureLearn, along with Google and YouTube was conducted. Courses or modules on e-learning platforms, YouTube channels, standalone videos, anatomy atlases, 3D models were considered as learning resources and evaluated. Online materials were classified as structured learning resources if they had a defined syllabus, time duration and instructional design. Resources lacking these characteristics were considered as unstructured ones. Results. Twenty structured learning courses were identified on the Udemy (6 courses), Coursera (3 courses), edX (2 courses), FutureLearn and Khan academy platforms. Learning resources available through Swayam Prabha were aligned with the defined syllabus and video lectures. The content hosted within Clinical Anatomy, Medvizz and Kenhub was eye-catching. Thirty-two YouTube channels offering standalone learning material were identified. Seven resource materials, other than YouTube channels, offered anatomy learning material in the form of charts and tables. Four websites noted to have 3D interactive learning content regarding gross anatomy. Conclusions. During the pandemic-induced lockdown, the list presented in the study may act as guide in selection of the simplest and best materials for those teaching and learning anatomy in medical undergraduate courses. However, in most cases, there is no alignment with standard learning outcomes as defined by medical education regulatory authorities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Reza Pahlevi ◽  
Ika Ratna Indra Astutik

Currently teaching and learning activities are carried out using E-learning facilities, E-learning is a means of teaching and learning activities from school to college. E-learning itself is now one of the standard learning methods in several schools and gamification is needed to support e-learning so that users are interested in its use. Gamification itself implements in-game features into a non-game context such as points, badges, and leaderboard. The method used in this research is the waterfall method which this method plans a system from upstream to downstream. In terms of appearance, this website looks attractive in for its users. This system is easy to use, so it is easier for students to do learning even though they are at home. The result of this research is that students can learn anywhere using available devices.

Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Tom F. Sterkenburg ◽  
Peter D. Grünwald

AbstractThe no-free-lunch theorems promote a skeptical conclusion that all possible machine learning algorithms equally lack justification. But how could this leave room for a learning theory, that shows that some algorithms are better than others? Drawing parallels to the philosophy of induction, we point out that the no-free-lunch results presuppose a conception of learning algorithms as purely data-driven. On this conception, every algorithm must have an inherent inductive bias, that wants justification. We argue that many standard learning algorithms should rather be understood as model-dependent: in each application they also require for input a model, representing a bias. Generic algorithms themselves, they can be given a model-relative justification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (Vol 63 (2020)) ◽  
Stefano Solarino ◽  
Monica Amaral Ferreira ◽  
Gemma Musacchio ◽  
Elena Eva

In the last decade, bottom-up strategies of risk education have raised importance, making serious games to become an alternative or complementary teaching tool for enhancing skills for a collaborative and adaptive response to social-ecological challenges. This study describes issues and challenges of serious games implemented within the framework of two European projects, namely UPStrat-MAFA (Urban Disaster Prevention Strategies using Macroseismic Fields and FAult sources) and KnowRISK (Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements); the goal is to instil in young people a proactive attitude towards the mitigation of seismic risk . The games were tested in some dissemination events focussed on fostering seismic risk preparedness in students and improving good practices. We discuss the performance of our games even against more standard approaches to risk education. Our experience shows a rise of students’ engagement compared to standard learning activities. The games were effective as students were able to grasp the most relevant actions to reduce risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sondre Sanden Tørdal ◽  
Andreas Klausen ◽  
Mette Mo Jakobsen

Agile tools such as Git are widely used in the industry for source control, collaboration and documentation. Such tools have been implemented in a mechatronic product development course to allow for easier collaboration between students. The course content is mainly provided using a GitLab Pages webpage which hosts software documentation and scripts. This course was first changed in 2019 to include the development of an autonomous strawberry picker. However, the use of standard learning management system and lecture slides provided a cumbersome experience for the students. Therefore, these agile tools were presented in 2020 version to improve the course. In this paper, the course content is detailed, and student feedback from both years are discussed to reveal the outcome of the changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Danish Hussain ◽  
Arham Adnan ◽  
Maaz Hasan Khan

PurposeThe study attempted to gauge the relative effectiveness of celebrity and product image match-up in comparison to non-celebrity attractive endorsers for two distinct high involvement situations. Also, due to the expected demographic diversity among target consumers, the study aimed at assessing the impact of respondent's age and gender on the effectiveness of image match-up.Design/methodology/approachBuilding on the three-order hierarchy model, two experiments were conducted (utilising celebrity and non-celebrity endorsers) for two high involvement hierarchies, i.e. standard learning and dissonance/attribution. Through fictitious print advertisement, the experiments assessed the effectiveness of the match-up in terms of consumer attitudes towards advertisement and brand and intentions to purchase.FindingsThe match-up consistently and significantly outperformed non-celebrity attractive endorser in case of standard learning hierarchy. The same conclusion was not established for dissonance/attribution hierarchy due to the lack of significant results. The findings also suggest that the match-up subdues the impact of consumer's gender and age on consumer attitudes only in case of standard learning hierarchy.Research limitations/implicationsThe study provides interesting theoretical implication by challenging a widely held postulation about the applicability of celebrity and product match-up under high involvement.Practical implicationsThe research provides the practitioners with a better understanding of important issues, mainly, whether to use a celebrity endorser and selecting the right celebrity, especially if high involvement is expected.Originality/valuePrevious research concerning celebrity endorsements has largely considered consumer involvement as unitary, i.e. either high or low. However, the multifaceted aspect of consumer involvement is well established in the field of consumer psychology. The present research, therefore, is a pioneering attempt as it studies the effectiveness of match-up for two distinct high involvement situations. Moreover, unlike the majority of previous studies that have focused on the performance of “celebrity match” versus “celebrity mismatch”, the impact of match-up was studied in comparison to a non-celebrity attractive endorser.

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