independent individual
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Vitaliy Tayanov ◽  
Adam Krzyżak ◽  
Ching Y. Suen

This paper introduces a new topic and research of geometric classifier ensemble learning using two types of objects: classifier prediction pairwise matrix (CPPM) and decision profiles (DPs). Learning from CPPM requires using Riemannian manifolds (R-manifolds) of symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices. DPs can be used to build a Grassmann manifold (G-manifold). Experimental results show that classifier ensembles and their cascades built using R-manifolds are less dependent on some properties of individual classifiers (e.g. depth of decision trees in random forests (RFs) or extra trees (ETs)) in comparison to G-manifolds and Euclidean geometry. More independent individual classifiers allow obtaining R-manifolds with better properties for classification. Generally, the accuracy of classification in nonlinear geometry is higher than in Euclidean one. For multi-class problems, G-manifolds perform similarly to stacking-based classifiers built on R-manifolds of SPD matrices in terms of classification accuracy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Akmal Jaya ◽  
Mochamad Rizqi Adhi Pratama

This research aims to examine the representation of Indonesian women in contemporary travel writings. The rise of globalization has challenged the domination of discourses that tend to place Indonesian women in the subordinate position. However, the challenge does not warrant a symmetrical relation between genders, as it sometimes blurs the relation as a result of clashes between discourses. This study, then, provides an overview of how discourses have shaped the representation of Indonesian women by revealing images that appear explicitly and implicitly in travel stories. Using the Foucauldian discourse analysis approach allowed the writers to exclude subjects, objects, and meanings to discover a comprehensive web of image construction. This research found that Indonesian women’s representation is stuck in an ambiguous position as it strives to be an independent individual subject. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan representasi perempuan Indonesia melalui cerita perjalanan kontemporer. Pada dasarnya, globalisasi telah menantang kuasa hegemoni wacana yang cenderung menempatkan perempuan Indonesia pada posisi kedua. Akan tetapi, hal tersebut tidak menjamin kesetaraan antara hubungan gender, melainkan terkadang menjadikannya semakin kabur sebagai konsekuensi adanya pertentangan antar wacana. Kajian ini memberikan gambaran bagaimana wacana membentuk representasi perempuan Indonesia dengan menunjukkan citra-citra yang hadir secara eksplisit maupun implisit dalam cerita perjalanan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis Foucauldian memberikan sebuah kemungkinan kepada kita untuk memisahkan antara subjek, objek dan makna dan untuk menemukan jaring-jaring konstruksi citra yang komprehensif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa representasi perempuan Indonesia terjebak dalam posisi yang ambigu yang tampaknya mencoba untuk hadir sebagai subjek independen.

Media Iuris ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Perwitiningsih Perwitiningsih ◽  
Rikardo Simarmata

This research is aimed at analyzing family status as legal subjects i.e. rights, wether husband and wife are considered as a legal subject or an independent individual subject. The discussion of this research is focused on the family as the legal subject in the management of joint assets.  This research concludes that the family is one legal subject as member of marital assets.  In law inforcement, family is a civil partnership between husband and wife who act as caretaker. marital assets are civil partnership assets. A family in taking legal actions against the joint assets must act with the consent of the husband and wife, and without mutual consent the transaction is null and void by law.  Every transaction that is carried out by the husband or wife on behalf of the family and used for the benefit of the family becomes jointly and severally husband’s and wife’s responsibility if there is a loss from the transaction. A family civil partnership is not a legal entity because is does not fulfill the formal requirements as an Indonesian legal entity.Keywords: Family;  Legal Subjects;  Marital Assets. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis status keluarga sebagai subyek hukum, apakah suami-isteri sebagai keluarga dianggap satu subyek hukum atau masing-masing menjadi subyek hukum yang mandiri. Pembahasan difokuskan pada keluarga sebagai subyek hukum dalam pengurusan harta bersama perkawinan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keluarga dianggap satu subyek hukum dalam kaitannya sebagai subyek pemilikan harta bersama. Dalam lalu lintas hukum, keluarga merupakan sebuah persekutuan dengan suami-isteri yang bertindak sebagai pengurusnya. Harta bersama adalah harta persekutuan, keluarga dalam melakukan perbuatan hukum terhadap harta bersama harus bertindak atas persetujuan suami dan isteri, tanpa persetujuan satu sama lain transaksi tersebut tidak sah dan batal demi hukum. Setiap transaksi yang dilakukan suami atau isteri atas nama keluarga dan digunakan untuk kepentingan keluarga, maka suami-isteri bertanggungjawab secara tanggung renteng apabila terjadi kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari transaksi tersebut. Persekutuan keluarga bukan persekutuan yang berbadan hukum karena tidak memenuhi syarat formil sebagai badan hukum Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Keluarga; Subyek Hukum; Harta Bersama. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-73
Rahmat Hidayat

The colonial education system that was authoritarian, secularistic and materialistic was still prevalent in national education activities. As a result, today's generation of nations has experienced industrial objectivation, dehumanization, moral decadence, and self-alignment from its socio-cultural effects as a result of national education that sided with market interests (capitalist and materialist). This article seeks to analyze the values of the Pancadarma Taman Siswa Ki Hajar Dewantara which underlie the idea of humanist-religious education. The idea has paradigmatic relevance with the ideals of prophetic education which are explored into three pillars namely humanization (amar ma'ruf), liberation (nahi munkar), and transcendence (al-iman billah). This research is analytical-descriptive using Kuntowijoyo's Social Ethics concept to explore prophetic epistemology in Ki Hajar Dewantara's educational concept. This research resulted in the finding that the Pancadarma Taman Siswa concept required an educational system capable of returning children to their natural self as independent and cultured human beings, as well as arousing transcendental awareness. Pancadarma Taman Siswa installs students as independent individual and social subjects in accordance with human nature (humanization). On the other hand, Ki Hajar Dewantara's education wish for liberation of the world of education from the grip of the industry which adjusts various structural oppressions in society (liberation). Then, Pancadarma positions religion as an objective source of ethics and truth so that all educational activities are only dedicated to humanity and the advancement of civilization.

Ivan N. Belonogov ◽  

This article is devoted to possible types of organization of global AI and possi­ble measures to counter the loss of autonomy by individuals – their transforma­tion into HomoCell – human cells of a more global organism. The text of Im­manuel Kant What is Enlightenment? Was chosen as a guideline. The author emphasizes that as the goal of the Enlightenment, Kant sets the task – the acqui­sition of independence by individuals in the use of their own mind. The afore­mentioned work remains one of the main programmatic texts of the Enlighten­ment, which, according to the author, is not over yet. The article notes that an autonomous or independent individual is an exclusion from society, literally. However, the connection of such subjectivization with marginality introduces the binary opposition norm/abnormality. The idea is that this dichotomy creates two opposing areas in the field of culture, thus making it impossible to either indicate or think over a balanced solution to the problem posed by Kant. The author proposes to trace the genealogy of the development and addition of the concept of Cogito – from Descartes to Deleuze – as the basis for the interpreta­tion of the subject, to introduce it into the theory of systems, and, thereby, rised above oppositions.

Raul V. Rodriguez

We are witnessing a real revolution in the way we buy and in consumer habits. It's been decades since brands started taking their first steps in ecommerce, followed by the implementation of the first online payments and the phenomenon of .com. However, even at that time, companies had little information about their customers, and these were perceived and treated as a large homogeneous mass. The stage today is different. The user is proactive and has access to a lot of information, which makes him more demanding. For this and other reasons, the consumer should be perceived and treated as an independent individual and whose needs determine the development and marketing of a brand's products and services (now called a centric customer strategy).

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 8675-8684
Yang Jihong ◽  
Yun Lu

Under the influence of novel corona virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control, higher requirements for behavior recognition in complex environment are put forward. The accuracy of traditional methods for sports training is not high, so a method is needed to improve the local action recognition to assist sports training. In the process of behavior recognition, if only the track is regarded as an independent individual, the information of its neighbor will be ignored. Therefore, we use KNN algorithm to get the nearest neighbor trajectory. In order to calculate the rich neighborhood information around the track, this paper calculates the complex relationship between the center track and the neighborhood track from four different angles, including absolute motion, relative motion, distance relationship and direction relationship. Then, from the four different perspectives of variance, discrete coefficient, skewness and kurtosis, this paper proposes a large interval nearest neighbor coding method. This method makes the four eigenvalues complement each other and improves the ability of describing complex and changeable behaviors. The experimental results show that the coding method proposed in this paper can be used for behavior recognition according to different transformation matrix.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 249-257
Alexander L. Kazin

The article is devoted to the fundamental differences in the basic grounds of the Western, Eastern and Russian philosophy. When in the philosophy o the East God is perceived as the Absolute and the task of man and people is to follow His laws, the philosophy of the West adheres to consistent rationalization, which in its turn leads to the perception of God “from the outside” and notionally by an independent individual and in the course of certain evolution results in the rejection of the integral world view- “the truth is that there are many variants of truth”. Russian philosophy interprets the world as the unity of faith, thought and love that can be described as the principle of the believing mind. Due to this conciliar integrity this philosophy has the gift of speculation and the possibility to see spiritual light in the objective reality. It’s not possible to separate man, and especially his thought, from God, and this postulate makes Russia the land of future, which can preserve the world for the man, and the man for God.

Jerald C. Moneva ◽  
Bandino P. Gatan

This study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and self- discipline in schools. Emotional Intelligence and Self-discipline are important factors in influencing the students to achieve academically. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage their own emotion while self-discipline is a practice, a habit, a skills to understand the important factors in life of every individuals. This study is a descriptive correlation that described the two variables, if they had a connection. However, the results were determined if the two variables have a relationship that will affect the students discipline and their emotional intelligence.  A students’ questionnaire was constructed to obtain data on the students’ emotional intelligence and self- discipline. Chi- square was used to establish whether differences in emotional intelligence between self-discipline and it will serve as the basis to identify the level 0f both emotional and self-discipline. The purpose of sampling was done targeting to all the senior high school students. With a target of 245 students who are qualified to answer the questionnaire that I was provided. Emotional Intelligence and Self-discipline is a way that make the students to be aware about the factors in achieving their goals that make the students to be an independent individual. It makes as the basis to manage their own emotions. The data collected using questionnaire was cleaned, encoded, analyze and then interpreted for processing of result. The student’s level were compared and analysis made on which discussion was based. The average weighted mean will be used to determine the assessment of the respondents with regards to their personal profile.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 1159-1170 ◽  
Elizabeth R. Jachens ◽  
David E. Rupp ◽  
Clément Roques ◽  
John S. Selker

Abstract. Recession analysis is a classical method in hydrology to assess watersheds' hydrological properties by means of the receding limb of a hydrograph, frequently expressed as the rate of change in discharge (-dQ/dt) against discharge (Q). This relationship is often assumed to take the form of a power law -dQ/dt=aQb, where a and b are recession parameters. Recent studies have highlighted major differences in the estimation of the recession parameters depending on the method, casting doubt on our ability to properly evaluate and compare hydrological properties across watersheds based on recession analysis of -dQ/dt vs. Q. This study shows that estimation based on collective recessions as an average watershed response is strongly affected by the distributions of event inter-arrival time, magnitudes, and antecedent conditions, implying that the resulting recession parameters do not represent watershed properties as much as they represent the climate. The main outcome from this work highlights that proper evaluation of watershed properties is only ensured by considering independent individual recession events. While average properties can be assessed by considering the average (or median) values of a and b, their variabilities provide critical insight into the sensitivity of a watershed to the initial conditions involved prior to each recharge event.

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