supergravity action
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Kiril Hristov ◽  
Valentin Reys

Abstract We use the Atiyah-Singer index theorem to derive the general form of the one-loop corrections to observables in asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS4) supersymmetric backgrounds of abelian gauged supergravity. Using the method of supergravity localization combined with the factorization of the supergravity action on fixed points (NUTs) and fixed two-manifolds (Bolts) we show that an analogous factorization takes place for the one-loop determinants of supergravity fields. This allows us to propose a general fixed-point formula for the logarithmic corrections to a large class of supersymmetric partition functions in the large N expansion of a given 3d dual theory. The corrections are uniquely fixed by some simple topological data pertaining to a particular background in the form of its regularized Euler characteristic χ, together with a single dynamical coefficient that counts the underlying degrees of freedom of the theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
E. A. Bergshoeff ◽  
J. Lahnsteiner ◽  
L. Romano ◽  
J. Rosseel ◽  
C. Şimşek

Abstract We construct a non-relativistic limit of ten-dimensional $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 supergravity from the point of view of the symmetries, the action, and the equations of motion. This limit can only be realized in a supersymmetric way provided we impose by hand a set of geometric constraints, invariant under all the symmetries of the non-relativistic theory, that define a so-called ‘self-dual’ Dilatation-invariant String Newton-Cartan geometry. The non-relativistic action exhibits three emerging symmetries: one local scale symmetry and two local conformal supersymmetries. Due to these emerging symmetries the Poisson equation for the Newton potential and two partner fermionic equations do not follow from a variation of the non-relativistic action but, instead, are obtained by a supersymmetry variation of the other equations of motion that do follow from a variation of the non-relativistic action. We shortly discuss the inclusion of the Yang-Mills sector that would lead to a non-relativistic heterotic supergravity action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Yuta Hamada ◽  
Arthur Hebecker ◽  
Gary Shiu ◽  
Pablo Soler

Abstract Within the ongoing debate about de Sitter (dS) vacua in string theory, different aspects of explicit dS proposals have come under intense scrutiny. One key ingredient is D7-brane gaugino condensation, which is usually treated using effective 4d supergravity. However, it is clearly more desirable to derive the relevant scalar potential directly from a local 10d Lagrangian. Such a local 10d description captures the interactions among the various localized sources and the background fields which are smeared in the 4d Lagrangian. While progress in this endeavour has recently been made, some form of non-locality related to the 4-gaugino term has remained hidden in the available proposals. We spell out the local counterterm removing the divergence that arises when integrating out the 3-form flux and which, upon dimensional reduction, serves to reproduce the relevant part of the 4d supergravity action. This is both a step towards a more complete understanding of 10d type-IIB supergravity as well as specifically towards better control of dS constructions in string theory involving gaugino condensation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Nikolay Bobev ◽  
Anthony M. Charles ◽  
Kiril Hristov ◽  
Valentin Reys

Abstract We use conformal supergravity techniques to study four-derivative corrections in four-dimensional gauged supergravity. We show that the four-derivative Lagrangian for the propagating degrees of freedom of the $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 2 gravity multiplet is determined by two real dimensionless constants. We demonstrate that all solutions of the two-derivative equations of motion in the supergravity theory also solve the four-derivative equations of motion. These results are then applied to explicitly calculate the regularized on-shell action for any asymptotically locally AdS4 solution of the two-derivative equations of motion. The four-derivative terms in the supergravity Lagrangian modify the entropy and other thermodynamic observables for the black hole solutions of the theory. We calculate these corrections explicitly and demonstrate that the quantum statistical relation holds for general stationary black holes in the presence of the four-derivative corrections. Employing an embedding of this supergravity model in M-theory we show how to use supersymmetric localization results in the holographically dual three-dimensional SCFT to determine the unknown coefficients in the four-derivative supergravity action. This in turn leads to new detailed results for the first subleading $$ {N}^{\frac{1}{2}} $$ N 1 2 correction to the large N partition function of a class of three-dimensional SCFTs on compact Euclidean manifolds. In addition, we calculate explicitly the first subleading correction to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of asymptotically AdS4 black holes in M-theory. We also discuss how to add matter multiplets to the supergravity theory in the presence of four-derivative terms and to generalize some of these results to six- and higher-derivative supergravity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
Patrick Concha ◽  
Lucrezia Ravera ◽  
Evelyn Rodríguez

AbstractWe present a supersymmetric extension of the exotic Newtonian Chern–Simons gravity theory in three spacetime dimensions. The underlying new non-relativistic superalgebra is obtained by expanding the $${\mathcal {N}}=2$$ N = 2 AdS superalgebra and can be written as two copies of the enhanced Nappi–Witten algebra, one of which is augmented by supersymmetry. We show that the exotic Newtonian superalgebra allows to introduce a cosmological constant to the extended Newtonian supergravity. Interestingly, the obtained supergravity action contains the extended Newton–Hooke supergravity as a sub-case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
Fotis Farakos

AbstractInspired by the stringy quintessence F-term problem we highlight a generic contribution to the effective moduli masses that arises due to kinetic mixings between the moduli and the quintessence sector. We then proceed to discuss few supergravity toy models that accommodate such effect, and point out possible shortcomings. Interestingly, in the standard 2-derivative supergravity action there is no term to mediate the supersymmetry breaking from the kinetic quintessence sector to the gaugini and generate Majorana masses. Therefore we also propose a 2-derivative supersymmetric invariant that plays exactly this role.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Patrick Concha ◽  
Marcelo Ipinza ◽  
Lucrezia Ravera ◽  
Evelyn Rodríguez

Abstract In this work we present an alternative method to construct diverse non-relativistic Chern-Simons supergravity theories in three spacetime dimensions. To this end, we apply the Lie algebra expansion method based on semigroups to a supersymmetric extension of the Nappi-Witten algebra. Two different families of non-relativistic superalgebras are obtained, corresponding to generalizations of the extended Bargmann superalgebra and extended Newton-Hooke superalgebra, respectively. The expansion method considered here allows to obtain known and new non-relativistic supergravity models in a systematic way. In particular, it immediately provides an invariant tensor for the expanded superalgebra, which is essential to construct the corresponding Chern-Simons supergravity action. We show that the extended Bargmann supergravity and its Maxwellian generalization appear as particular subcases of a generalized extended Bargmann supergravity theory. In addition, we demonstrate that the generalized extended Bargmann and generalized extended Newton-Hooke supergravity families are related through a contraction process.

The higher-genus contributions to a supergravity action induced by the evaluation of the superstring path integral are considered. Three extra terms are found in the BRST transformation that would arise in the supergravity action. The supersymmetric BRST contour integral over the ideal boundary of an in.nite-genus surface is found to be vanishing if the harmonic measure is zero. The e.ect of a conformal transformation is demonstrated to be consistent with the vanishing of the BRST superspace contour integral. Since the commutator of BRST and conformal Since the BRST symmetry and conformal transformations transofrmations is proportional to the .rst current in four-dimensional gravity, and the vacuum is invariant under both transformations, conditions on the worldsheet .elds result from the dynamics in the embedding space. A connection between conformal models on the two-dimensional worldsheet and the quantum action of the gravitational theory in four dimensions is established through the ghost sector. The number of degrees of freedom in the gravity theory must be reduced to achieve this result. The introduction of new variables related to the embedding of two-dimensional surfaces in three-geometries and then fourmanifolds is then required to satisfy the condition of quantum consistency characteristic of conformal .eld theories.

Aalok Misra ◽  
Charles Gale

Abstract Obtaining a lattice-consistent result for the temperature dependence of the QCD conformal anomaly from a top-down M-theory dual (valid) for all temperatures – both, $$T<T_c$$T<Tc and $$T>T_c$$T>Tc – of thermal QCD at intermediate gauge coupling, has been missing in the literature. We fill this gap by addressing this issue from the M-theory uplift of the SYZ type IIA mirror at intermediate gauge/string coupling [both obtained in Dhuria et al. (JHEP 1311:001, 2013)] of the UV-complete type IIB holographic dual of large-N thermal QCD of Mia et al. (Nucl Phys B 839:187, 2010), and comparing with the very recent lattice results of Bazavov et al. (Phys Rev D 97(1):014510, 2018). Estimates of the $$\mathcal{O}(R^4)$$O(R4) higher derivative corrections in the $$D=11$$D=11 supergravity action relevant to considering the aforementioned M theory uplift in the intermediate ’t Hooft coupling (in addition to gauge coupling) limit, are also presented. We also show that after a tuning of the (small) Ouyang embedding parameter and radius of a blown-up $$S^2$$S2 when expressed in terms of the horizon radius, a QCD deconfinement temperature $$T_c=150$$Tc=150 MeV from a Hawking–Page phase transition at vanishing baryon chemical potential consistent with lattice QCD in the heavy-quark limit, can be obtained.

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