physiological value
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2021 ◽  
pp. 26-29
Виктория Вячеславовна Аксентьева ◽  
Ирина Васильевна Мозжерина ◽  
Владимир Григорьевич Попов

В статье приводится краткий обзор инноваций по производству функциональных продуктов питания на основе рыбного сырья с целью установления современных тенденций их использования в детском питании. По данным статистики в России традиционно наблюдается дефицит потребляемого населением белка по причине однообразного, несбалансированного питания и низкой культуры потребления. Недостаток белка в организме неблагоприятно отражается на деятельности сердечно-сосудистой, дыхательной и нервной систем, как у детей, так и у взрослого населения. При производстве полуфабрикатов и кулинарных изделий из рыбы особую значимость приобретает совершенствование рецептур и технологий, направленных на повышение пищевой и биологической ценности, а также безопасности продуктов. Одним из способов повышения физиологической ценности белка животного происхождения является исследование по его биоусвояемости в детском организме, совершенствование органолептических показателей. К важнейшим свойствам продукции многие ученые относят доступность для различных социальных групп путем комбинирования рыбного фарша с различными растительными добавками. The article provides a brief overview of innovations in the production of functional food products based on fish raw materials in order to establish current trends in their use in children's nutrition. According to statistics, there is traditionally a shortage of protein consumed by the population in Russia, due to a monotonous, unbalanced diet, and a low consumption culture. The lack of protein in the body does not favorably affect the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, both in children and in adults. In the production of semi-finished products and culinary products from fish, the improvement of recipes and technologies aimed at increasing the nutritional and biological value, as well as the safety of products, is of particular importance. One of the ways to increase the physiological value of animal protein is research on its bioavailability in the child's body, improving organoleptic indicators. Among the most important properties of the products, many scientists refer to accessibility for different social groups by combining minced fish with various plant additives.

I.S. Mikhailova ◽  
V.V. Zaitsev ◽  
V.M. Yaralyev ◽  
N.A. Pudovkin ◽  

The article presents the results of research on the peculiarities of the functioning of the pro-and antioxidant system of cattle in postnatal ontogenesis in the biogeochemical conditions of the Astrakhan region. The territory of the Astrakhan region is considered to be deficient in the content of selenium in the soil, water and feed, which is confirmed by our research. This is displayed on the body of animals. It was found that the content of selenium in the blood serum is 0.58 mcg/k, which is lower than the physiological value, which leads to the inhibition of the processes of lipid peroxidation in the body of cattle. In the age aspect, the level of diene conjugates and malondialdehyde increases by 7.4-11.4 % and 11.3-16.1 %, respectively. A correlation was established between catalase activity and age (by 19.6% by the 5th year of life). The correlation coefficient is 0.95.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1259
Gerald C. Shurson ◽  
Yuan-Tai Hung ◽  
Jae Cheol Jang ◽  
Pedro E. Urriola

Many types of feed ingredients are used to provide energy and nutrients to meet the nutritional requirements of swine. However, the analytical methods and measures used to determine the true nutritional and physiological (“nutri-physiological”) value of feed ingredients affect the accuracy of predicting and achieving desired animal responses. Some chemical characteristics of feed ingredients are detrimental to pig health and performance, while functional components in other ingredients provide beneficial health effects beyond their nutritional value when included in complete swine diets. Traditional analytical procedures and measures are useful for determining energy and nutrient digestibility of feed ingredients, but do not adequately assess their true physiological or biological value. Prediction equations, along with ex vivo and in vitro methods, provide some benefits for assessing the nutri-physiological value of feed ingredients compared with in vivo determinations, but they also have some limitations. Determining the digestion kinetics of the different chemical components of feed ingredients, understanding how circadian rhythms affect feeding behavior and the gastrointestinal microbiome of pigs, and accounting for the functional properties of many feed ingredients in diet formulation are the emerging innovations that will facilitate improvements in precision swine nutrition and environmental sustainability in global pork-production systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-66
N.O. Bogdanova ◽  
N.H. Pogorela ◽  
E.A. Lukyanetz ◽  

Hypoxia, which could be defined as the level of oxygen tension in the body that is below the normal physiological value, is a process that is often observed in several diseases and occurs in most malignant tumors. On the other hand, in hypoxia several pathological conditions could occur, which could be caused by external and internal factors. During carcinogenesis, hypoxia may promote metastasis and an unfavorable prognosis. When infected with COVID-19, there is a «silent hypoxia», which could asymptomatically destroy the body. The review is devoted to hypoxia’s role in the development of some pathological conditions and malignant tumors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-261
M. A Merkulova ◽  
M. M Lapkin

Physiological value is one of the factors affecting the effectiveness of human activities. Currently, there is no single approach to assess the physiological value of human behavior. The article presents data on the role of the physiological cost of human activity, estimated by the indicators of mathematical analysis of heart rate, in the reproduction of matrix visual images. The article puts forward the position that the physiological cost of activity is an important factor in the formation of unequal performance. At the same time, the physiological cost is reflected not only in shifts in a number of physiological indicators when the subjects perform a particular activity, but in the nature and levels of expression of correlation relationships between indicators of this activity and indicators that reflect physiological changes in the body at the same time.

Y. Bolshak ◽  
O. Kalenyk ◽  
A. Marynin ◽  
R. Svyatnenko

Drinking water is a food of special physiological value, as evidenced by a critically short for health and life endurance of complete dehydration of the body (no replenishment of drinking water) in 9–10 days along with 45–49 days of life without food. However, even without extreme circumstances, without any shortage of drinking water and food, the quality of the latter has a serious impact on human health. For some time, as environmental pollution increased, the efforts of hygienists were aimed at ensuring the safety of drinking water through its appropriate physical and chemical treatment. Then came the realization that the microbiological and chemical safety of drinking water does not guarantee its inherent in the best samples of natural water physiological value. The meaning of this newly introduced into the normative circulation of the concept is the awareness of the importance of water as a source of replenishment of the body physiologically necessary for normal life minerals and trace elements. Subsequently, nutrients were synthesized that are produced by the body itself and the normal content of which in cells is critical for life. Natural sources of replenishment of the body with nutrients (good food and especially vegetables, berries, fruits, etc.) for various reasons are not always available to many people, so specially prepared drinking (functional) water has gained in recent years growing popularity and high health value. The presented results of research of functional water on the basis of ascorbic and citric acid are our contribution to the development of methods of health nutrition. The influence of functional water with acquired antioxidant properties on the human body is substantiated. The developed water provides drinking water with a pleasant harmonious taste, which has a tonic and healing effect, increasing the body's resistance to fatigue and stress. The development relates to the field of production of soft drinks, in particular drinking water.


Представлены результаты исследования низкомолекулярных метаболитов в водных экстрактах растительного сырья – корневища аира болотного, шрота расторопши, семян тыквы, спирулины. Навески порошков из указанного растительного сырья массой 50 гэкстрагировали в течение 4 ч 150 мл дистиллированной воды при температуре 50°С и непрерывном помешивании на устройстве ЛАБ-ПУ-01 с подогревом. Исследование проводили методом хроматографии с масс-спектрометрическим детектированием. Обнаружено 33 низкомолекулярных метаболита, включающих 11 органических кислот, вещества фенольной природы, 14 углеводов и их производных. Время выхода отдельных веществ составляет от 10,07 до 40,58 мин. Результаты исследования дают детальное представление о составе, физиологической ценности и антиоксидантных свойствах растительного сырья, используемого для обогащения продуктов питания. The results of the study of low-molecular-weight metabolites in water extracts of plant raw materials – calamus rhizome, milk thistle meal, pumpkin seeds, spirulina are presented. Powders from the specified plant raw materials weighing 50 g were extracted for 4 hours with 150 ml of distilled water at a temperature of 50°C and continuous stirring on a heated device. The study was performed by chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. 33 low-molecular-weight metabolites, including 11 organic acids, substances of phenolic nature, 14 carbohydrates and their derivatives were detected. The release time of individual substances is from 10,07 to 40,58 minutes. The results of the study provide a detailed understanding of the composition, physiological value and antioxidant properties of plant raw materials used for enrichment of food.

2020 ◽  
pp. 101-121 ◽  
Herbert W. Staub ◽  
Rida Ali

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 147
Aryani Sismin Satyaningtijas ◽  
Agik Suprayogi ◽  
Ardiansyah Nurdin ◽  
Huda S. Darusman

This study aims to obtain the physiological value of dugongs that live in natural habitats (in-situ) as protected wildlife, namely on the coast of Lingayan Island, Toli-Toli Regency. Wild dugongs caught on the beach were put into a net cage. After 14 days of living in a beach cage, measurements of heart rate, respiration, and body temperature were measured using non-invasive methods. This study showed that the value of heart rate, respiration, and body temperature were measured (80.00±17.32) beats/minutes, (17.33±6.80) inspiration/minute, and (32.75±0.07)°C. This physiological value is higher when compared to dugongs that live in captivity, this is likely due to the process of homeostasis through physiological adaptation mechanisms. The physiological value of the dugong is very important for the advancement of dugong animal health science and technology. Besides this finding can be a medical reference that is very useful for veterinarians in the diagnostic and therapeutic process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69 ◽  
Ирина Резниченко ◽  
Irina Reznichenko ◽  
Нина Фролова ◽  
Nina Frolova ◽  
Вачеслав Кучебо ◽  

Confectionery products of high nutritional value are affordable and rich in vitamins and minerals. Their development requires new raw materials with a high physiological value, which would be available on the local consumer market. Vegetable syrups can be used in sugar confectionery products, especially if they are fortified with vitamins and minerals. The present research proves the expediency of using fortified syrups in the production of sugar glasses. This type of caramel has a high energy value but no biologically valuable substances in the composition. Therefore, fortified syrups increase the biological value of the product. The study featured samples of sugar glasses with syrups fortified with rosehip, sea buckthorn, lemongrass, and cranberries. The paper describes their nutritional value, as well as the therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the syrups. It also contains data on the sensory quality, physic-chemical parameters, and the nutritional value.

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