theory of superconductivity
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Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Alexey Nikulov

The law of entropy increase postulates the existence of irreversible processes in physics: the total entropy of an isolated system can increase, but cannot decrease. The annihilation of an electric current in normal metal with the generation of Joule heat because of a non-zero resistance is a well-known example of an irreversible process. The persistent current, an undamped electric current observed in a superconductor, annihilates after the transition into the normal state. Therefore, this transition was considered as an irreversible thermodynamic process before 1933. However, if this transition is irreversible, then the Meissner effect discovered in 1933 is experimental evidence of a process reverse to the irreversible process. Belief in the law of entropy increase forced physicists to change their understanding of the superconducting transition, which is considered a phase transition after 1933. This change has resulted to the internal inconsistency of the conventional theory of superconductivity, which is created within the framework of reversible thermodynamics, but predicts Joule heating. The persistent current annihilates after the transition into the normal state with the generation of Joule heat and reappears during the return to the superconducting state according to this theory and contrary to the law of entropy increase. The success of the conventional theory of superconductivity forces us to consider the validity of belief in the law of entropy increase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (22) ◽  
Dmitry E. Kiselov ◽  
Mikhail V. Feigel'man

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (30) ◽  
pp. eabh2233
Valentin Crépel ◽  
Liang Fu

We introduce a general mechanism for superconductivity in Fermi systems with strong repulsive interaction. Because kinetic terms are small compared to the bare repulsion, the dynamics of charge carriers is constrained by the presence of other nearby carriers. By treating kinetic terms as a perturbation around the atomic limit, we show that pairing can be induced by correlated multiparticle tunneling processes that favor two itinerant carriers to be close together. Our analytically controlled theory provides a quantitative formula relating Tc to microscopic parameters, with maximum Tc reaching about 10% of the Fermi temperature. Our work demonstrates a powerful method for studying strong coupling superconductivity with unconventional pairing symmetry. It also offers a realistic new route to realizing finite angular momentum superfluidity of spin-polarized fermions in optical lattice.

A. V. Matasov ◽  
A. A. Dovmalov ◽  
D. M. Babyshkina

Objectives. There is no general theory of superconductivity capable of fully describing this phenomenon, which imposes its own difficulties in the search for new superconducting materials, as well as in the study of their properties. In particular, the electrodynamics of a superconducting system is unexplored. With the aim of a possible further description of the electrodynamics of superconductors, the temperature dependences of the energy parameters of a Cooper pair in the potential field of Abrikosov vortex were analyzed.Methods. The basis for the obtained results of the work was the consideration of the transmission coefficient for a superconducting particle in the approximation of the Wentzel– Kramers–Brillouin method, as well as the relationship between the critical temperature and the London penetration depth and the coherence length based on the model of plasmon destruction of the superconducting state.Results. The dependences of the lifetime of a particle in a potential well, penetration depth, frequency of impacts of a particle against a potential barrier, blurring of the energy level, transmission coefficient, and potential and kinetic energy of a particle on temperature were obtained. The characteristic values of these parameters were obtained at absolute zero for various cuprate, organic, and other superconducting materials. The dependences of the critical electric potential on temperature, as well as the London penetration depth, coherence length, and electric potential on the transmission coefficient at different temperatures were obtained. The form of the dependences qualitatively corresponds to the experimental data.Conclusions. The results obtained can be used to construct a general theory of superconductivity, describe the electrodynamics of a superconducting state, and develop new superconductors with higher critical currents. 

2021 ◽  
Tanay Gangan

Present study proposes a mesonic potential theory as an attempt to provide a quantum theory of superconductivity. The results obtained will be a well description of a potential well of the particle concerned, i.e. the meson, and predictions based on the theory regarding which elements can be used as high temperature superconductors for technological advancements. The results will be obtained by carrying of a thorough calculation and understanding of the pre-defined quantum postulates involved in potential, including quantities like Bound State Energies, Energy Shift, Nuclear Structure Compilation, etc. The study will be using various pre – defined formulae for the calculation of quantities and will be relating them to the theory which is being proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (9) ◽  
Chandan Setty ◽  
Matteo Baggioli ◽  
Alessio Zaccone

C. Julian Chen

This chapter presents basic experimental methods and the basic theory of tunneling. The classical metal-insulator-metal tunneling junction experiment of Giaever, designed to verify the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, is the motivation for Bardeen to invent his perturbation theory of tunneling. That Bardeen theory then became the starting point of the most useful models of STM. Section 2.2 presents the Bardeen tunneling theory from time-dependent perturbation theory of quantum mechanics, starting from a one-dimensional case, then proceeds to three-dimensional version with wave-function corrections. The Bardeen theory in second-quantization format, the transfer-Hamiltonian formalism, is also presented. As extensions of the original Bardeen theory, the theories and experiments of inelastic tunneling and spin-polarized tunneling are discussed in depth.

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