area development
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 268-275
Yuyun Ristianawati ◽  
Prihasantyo Siswo Nugroho ◽  

The aims of this research is to study the mindset of Herding's behavior on the income level of tourism objects through the results of tourism development in the Rest Area of Boja Kendal Village. In this study, 95 people/MSMEs. In this study, the authors used a purposive random sampling technique. The results of this study are herding behavior has a positive and significant effect on the income level of MSMEs in the Boja rest area tourist attraction. Herding behavior has no effect on tourism development decisions. The development of tourism objects has no effect on increasing income. Herding behavior has no significant effect on the income level of tourist objects through tourism area development decisions. So that the development of tourist areas is not able to mediate the influence of herding behavior on increasing MSME income in the Boja rest area tourist attraction.

Kostiantyn Tkachenko ◽  
Oleksandr Moroz

The purpose of the article is to research, analyze and consider the general problems that TypeScript technology for strict typing solves when developing web applications. The research methodology consists of semantic analysis methods of the basic concepts of a given subject area (development of web applications using JavaScript and TypeScript). The article discusses the analysis results of the TypeScript technology’s use in comparison with JavaScript. The novelty of the research is the analysis of modern TypeScript technology and its solution to the problems of strict typing in the development of web applications. The conclusion of the research of the TypeScript technology carried out in the article is to determine its essence, the purpose of creation, advantages and disadvantages, and determine the situations of the appropriateness of its use.

space&FORM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (48) ◽  
pp. 129-148
Ingeborga Cygankiewicz ◽  
Jan Łaś ◽  

This paper discusses the planning and spatial transformation of the municipality of Ogrodzieniec in the context of the idea of ‘a village in a park space’. The rural area of the Ogrodzieniec municipality has undergone significant landscape transitions over the past several decades. The dynamic development of single-family housing has generated the greatest amount of functio-spatial and compositional and landscape problems. The idea of ‘a village in a park space’ is to counter these negative development trajectories. It defines general perspectives of rural area development in a spirit of sustainable development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (4) ◽  
pp. 042029
Natalia Ovchinnikova ◽  
Natalia Aliyeva ◽  
Irina Petrova

Abstract The process of modernization of spatial planning principles focused on the conservation of resources in solving problems related to the protection of natural areas is impossible without the effective use of natural framework of the area under study through its zoning. Natural framework is formed on the basis of hydrographic system taking into account the conditions of geomorphology and topography of the territory in the form of an integral structure of green spaces. The growing degree of urbanization of urban settlements, increase in industrial and residential areas, and growing level of motorization play a major role in changing the ecology of the city, destruction of the existing natural framework and increasing recreational load on the urban landscape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2069 (1) ◽  
pp. 012061
X Y Ying ◽  
X Y Qin ◽  
J H Chen ◽  
J Gao

Abstract There is a contradiction between the high-density residential area development form and comfortable outdoor physical environment. The existing studies on wind environment of high-rise residential areas only provide the guidance for the simple general layouts, which cannot cope with the fact that most high-rise residential areas are mixed of point buildings and board buildings, and it would cost a lot of time and resources to carry out computer simulation of each layout. This paper presents a new tool, which uses the automatic optimization function of genetic algorithm and the prediction function of fully convolutional neural network to integrates three functions: the automatic generation of high-rise residential layout, the simulation of wind environment and the comparison for optimization, to learn plan scheduling and obtain the optimal solution for high-rise residential layout under specific plot ratio and plot conditions, provides guidance for today’s fast-paced architectural design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 881 (1) ◽  
pp. 012055
H Agussaini ◽  
Sirojuzilam ◽  
Rujiman ◽  
A Purwoko

Abstract This study aims to determine the index value of the sustainable development status of the coastal area of Banda Aceh a decade after recovery. The method of evaluating the sustainability status is carried out through comparative reliability based on a number of attributes that were scored using the RAP-Fish software. The results of the sustainability analysis show that in a multidimensional manner, the sustainability status of the coastal area of Banda Aceh is less sustainable with a sustainability index value of 43.80%. There are 28 sensitive attributes that have a big effect on improving the sustainability status so that it needs to be maintained and 20 insensitive attributes with low influence so that it needs to be intervened so that the improvement of the sustainability status of the coastal area of Banda Aceh can run optimally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 909 (1) ◽  
pp. 012012
M A Pribadi ◽  
A D Septina ◽  
M Lugina ◽  
I Indartik

Abstract Addressing environmental problems in urban areas, the Law No. 26 of 2007 has mandated local governments to preserve Green Open Space (GOS) covering minimum 30% of its area. However, some local governments barely meet this obligation due to high price of lands and budget constraints. Meanwhile, an innovation in the form of vertical forest started to be applied in developed countries may be adopted to overcome the limited land constraint for developing GOS. This study was conducted to determine the opportunities for implementing vertical forest as an alternative solution for the constraints. In addition, it also aims to find out the possibility of its application for spatial planning policies so that it supports the national sustainable development goal. This study is an explorative research with qualitative method. The study concluded that vertical forest essentially is suitable to be implemented as an alternative solution to limited land for the GOS development. From the policy perspective, the development of vertical forest can encourage the competitiveness of the green city program. Therefore, the government need to design incentive policies for local governments and the private sectors to develop vertical forest. It is also necessary to adjust GOS developing regulation to become more accommodating so that vertical forest can be recognized as part of GOS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
Fajriah ◽  
K T Isamu ◽  
A Mustafa ◽  
H Arami

Abstract The fishery business area in Molawe Village is a minapolitan area for capture fisheries and fish processing products it has been declared by the North Konawe district government. Existing fishery businesses are expected to be able to serve and encourage fishery development activities. However, until now there are still some obstacles that cause the development of the Minapolitan area is not optimal. The purpose of this research is to develop the concept of developing the Minapolitan Area, Molawe Village. The analytical method used includes qualitative descriptive analysis. The problems that exist in this area are that there are still facilities and infrastructure that are not utilized according to their functions, there is still a lack of types of processed products, existing institutions have not played an active role such as cooperatives and counseling and lack of market information. Through the development of minapolitan activities, it is hoped that these problems can be minimized. There are several sub-developments, namely upstream, downstream production chain systems and supporting facilities. Determine the location of the Minapolitan area development center so that it is more focused and integrated into the fisheries business system that can increase employment and business opportunities for the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
I Dillenia ◽  
R A Troa ◽  
E Triarso ◽  
O Johan ◽  
N A R S Widati ◽  

Abstract The historic shipwreck sites are a part of the Maritime Archaeological Resources. They are currently occupying an important position as one of the non-conventional marine resources with blue economy potential in it. Sites are usually found in the conditions that have been integrated with the marine ecosystem in their environment. Some have even been completely covered with coral reefs, so that this uniqueness becomes the added value of the site for a tourist attraction. The research was carried out in Thousand Islands waters, which having kept many records of the maritime history of the Nusantara Archipelago for centuries and in their current development, the Jakarta∧s Thousand Islands are included as one of the Marine Tourism Village areas (Desa Wisata Bahari/Dewi Bahari). The purpose of this research is to determine the value of the shipwreck sites potency which are suitable for marine ecotourism development area in Thousand Islands waters and for obtaining the sustainable management model that can be integrated with the ecosystem in their environment. The research methods used sites surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews. Data processing was done by using Site Significance Assessment analysis. The result shows there are 4 (four) of historic shipwreck sites potency area in Thousand Islands waters which can be recommended as the attraction for marine ecotourism with the model of the Marine Eco Archaeological Park (MEA Park). These sites areas include 1)Shinta wreck in Pari Island waters, 2) Tabularasa wreck in Pramuka Island waters, 3) Poso wreck in Karang Congkak waters, and 4) Papatheo wreck in Sepa Island waters.

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