marked drop
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hikari A. I. Yoshihara ◽  
Arnaud Comment ◽  
Juerg Schwitter

As both a consumer and producer of glucose, the kidney plays a significant role in glucose homeostasis. Measuring renal gluconeogenesis requires invasive techniques, and less invasive methods would allow renal gluconeogenesis to be measured more routinely. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging of infused substrates bearing hyperpolarized carbon-13 spin labels allows metabolism to be detected within the body with excellent sensitivity. Conversion of hyperpolarized 1-13C pyruvate in the fasted rat liver is associated with gluconeogenic flux through phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) rather than pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), and this study tested whether this was also the case in the kidney. The left kidney was scanned in fed and overnight-fasted rats either with or without prior treatment by the PEPCK inhibitor 3-mercaptopicolinic acid (3-MPA) following infusion of hyperpolarized 1-13C pyruvate. The 13C-bicarbonate signal normalized to the total metabolite signal was 3.2-fold lower in fasted rats (p = 0.00073) and was not significantly affected by 3-MPA treatment in either nutritional state. By contrast, the normalized [1-13C]aspartate signal was on average 2.2-fold higher in the fasted state (p = 0.038), and following 3-MPA treatment it was 2.8-fold lower in fed rats and 15-fold lower in fasted rats (p = 0.001). These results confirm that, unlike in the liver, most of the pyruvate-to-bicarbonate conversion in the fasted kidney results from PDH flux. The higher conversion to aspartate in fasted kidney and the marked drop following PEPCK inhibition demonstrate the potential of this metabolite as a marker of renal gluconeogenesis.

Rubén García-Hernández ◽  
Luca D’Auria ◽  
José Barrancos ◽  
Germán D. Padilla ◽  
Nemesio M. Pérez

Abstract The estimation of the b-value of the Gutenberg–Richter law is of great importance in different seismological applications. However, its estimate is strongly dependent upon selecting a proper temporal and spatial scale, due to the multiscale nature of the seismicity. For this reason, we propose a novel approach (MUltiscale Spatial and Temporal estimation of the B-value [MUST-B]), which allows consistent estimation of the b-value, avoiding subjective “a priori” choices, by considering simultaneously different temporal or spatial scales. A reliable appraisal of the b-value is obtained by applying a robust median over the estimates computed over all the considered scales. We validate the method using a synthetic dataset, showing its superior performances, compared to traditional approaches, in detecting sharp changes in the b-value as well as inconsistently mapping it for highly heterogeneous catalogs. We apply MUST-B to study the temporal and spatial variations of the b-value during the complex 2016–2017 seismic sequence in central Italy, revealing various interesting patterns. In particular, we observe a marked drop of the b-value after the Accumoli (24 August 2016 M 6.0) mainshock. The drop is also observed when realizing a tridimensional mapping of the b-values, showing the drop occurs mainly in the proximity of major earthquake hypocenters. In accordance with previous studies, we interpret these variations as the effect of the release of crustal fluids following the major earthquakes. We maintain that MUST-B can also be applied to other contexts, such as volcanic and induced seismicity, because of its capacity of dealing consistently with highly heterogeneous seismicity patterns.

2021 ◽  
Mike Bigger

Abstract The eggs are reniform and inserted into a slit cut in the leaf. They are small but visible to the naked eye. There are two nymphal stages on the tree, the full grown nymph being about 1.1 mm long and pale yellow. The prepupal and pupal stages are passed in the leaf litter beneath the tree. The prepupa is also pale yellow and about 1 mm long. Although small numbers can be found at any time of year, large build up of population tends to be found at the end of the dry season in February and March. Notley (1936) found a close correlation between temperature and population increase, slight infestations occuring when the mean monthly temperature exceeded 18.3°C for 4 months and a severe infestation after 6 months. He could find no correlation with temperature or with relative humidity. The infestation ended after a marked drop in temperature. Shading of coffee and mulching have beneficial effects. The insect more typically infests coffee at lower altitudes. Since the general use of grass mulch around the coffee, serious attacks have become rare (Crowe, 2004).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Dong Qing Zhu ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Yu Zhu ◽  
Duan Lei ◽  
Xiang Jin ◽  

Introduction. We studied the impact of vibratory stimulation on the electrophysiological features of digital sensory nerve action potential (SNAP). Methods. The antidromic digit 3 SNAP was recorded in 19 healthy adults before, during, and after applying a vibration to either 3rd or 5th metacarpal phalangeal joint (MCPJ) at 60 Hz and amplitude of 2 mm. 100% supramaximal stimulus intensity was performed in 5 subjects (randomly selected from the 19 subjects) where the SNAP sizes were recorded. Results. The amplitude of digit 3 SNAP declined to 58.9 ± 8.6 % when a vibration was applied to MCPJ digit 3. These impacts did not change by increasing the electrical stimulus intensity. The SNAP regained its baseline value immediately after the cessation of vibration stimulation. The magnitude of size reduction of digit 3 SNAP was less when vibration was moved to from MCPJ of digit 3 to MCPJ of digit 5. Discussion. The marked drop of the SNAP size during vibratory stimulation reflects the decreased responsiveness of Aβ afferents to electrical stimulation, which deserve further investigation in the study of focal vibration in neurorehabilitation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 617-620
Pedro L. Esteban ◽  
Jordi Querolt Coll ◽  
Marina Xicola Martínez ◽  
Joan Camí Biayna ◽  
Luis Delgado-Flores

Aims To assess the impact of the declaration of the state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of visits to a traumatology emergency department (ED), and on their severity. Methods Retrospective observational study. All visits to a traumatology ED were recorded, except for consultations for genitourinary, ocular and abdominal trauma and other ailments that did not have a musculoskeletal aetiology. Visit data were collected from March 14 to April 13 2020, and were subsequently compared with the visits recorded during the same periods in the previous two years. Results The number of visits dropped from a mean of 3,212 in 2018 to 2019 to 445 in 2020. Triage 1 to 3 level visits rose from 21.6% in 2018 to 2019% to 40.4% in 2020, meaning a reduction in minor injury visits and an increase in major ones. There was a relative reduction of 13.2% in femoral fractures in the elderly. The rate of justified visits rose from 22.3% to 48.1%. Conclusion A marked drop in the total number of visits to our traumatology ED was observed, as well as a relative increase in major injury visits and a relative fall in the minor ones. Cite this article: Bone Joint Open 2020;1-10:617–620.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (10) ◽  
pp. 1934-1952 ◽  
Oscar Herreras ◽  
Julia Makarova

Spreading depolarization (SD) is a self-propagated wave that provokes transient disorder of numerous cell and tissue functions, and that may kill neurons in metabolically compromised tissue. We examined the mechanisms underlying the main hallmark of SD, a giant extracellular potential (ΔVo) for which multiple electromotive forces have been proposed. The end-point is that neurons and not glia, dendritic channels and not spatial currents, and increased sodium conductance rather than potassium gradients, appear to be the main actors in the generation of the negative ΔVo. Neuronal currents are established by two mechanisms, a voltage independent dendritic current, and the differential polarization along the neuron membranes. Notably, despite of a marked drop of ion gradients, these evolve significantly during SD, and yet the membrane potential remains clamped at zero no matter how much inward current is present. There may be substantial inward current or none in function of the evolving portion of the neuron dendrites with SD-activated channels. We propose that the ΔVo promotes swelling-induced dendritic damage. Understanding SD electrogenesis requires all elements relevant for membrane potential, action currents, field potentials and volume conduction to be jointly considered, and it has already encouraged the search for new targets to limit SD-related pathology.

10.2196/14461 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. e14461
Amr Torbosh ◽  
Mohammed Abdulla Al Amad ◽  
Abdulwahed Al Serouri ◽  
Yousef Khader

Background After 2 years of war that crippled the capacity of the Yemeni National Health System and left only 45% of health facilities functioning, Yemen faced increasing vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) outbreaks and may be at high risk of polio importation. Objective The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the 2015 war on the immunization coverage of children under 1 year. Methods Data on vaccination coverage for 2012-2015 were obtained from the national Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). The vaccination coverage was calculated at the national and governorate levels by dividing the number of actually vaccinated children by the estimated population of children under 1 year. Results Although there was an increase from 2012 to 2014 in the national coverage for penta-3 vaccine (82% in 2012 vs 88% in 2014) and measles vaccine (70% in 2012 vs 75% in 2014), the coverage was still below the national target (≥95%). Furthermore, the year 2015 witnessed a marked drop in the national coverage compared with 2014 for the measles vaccine (66% in 2015 vs 75% in 2014), but a slight drop in penta-3 vaccine coverage (84% in 2015 vs 88% in 2014). Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine also showed a marked drop from 73% in 2014 to 49% in 2015. These reductions were more marked in governorates that witnessed armed confrontations (eg, Taiz, Lahj, and Sa’dah governorates). On the other hand, governorates that did not witness armed confrontations showed an increase in coverage (eg, Raymah and Ibb), owing to an increase in their population because of displacement from less secure and confrontation-prone governorates. Conclusions This analysis demonstrated the marked negative impact of the 2015 war on immunization coverage, especially in the governorates that witnessed armed confrontations. This could put Yemen at more risk of VPD outbreaks and polio importation. Besides the ongoing efforts to stop the Yemeni war, strategies for more innovative vaccine delivery or provision and fulfilling the increasing demands are needed, especially in governorates with confrontations. Enhancing EPI performance through supportable investments in infrastructure that was destroyed by the war and providing decentralized funds are a prerequisite.

Toxins ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 613 ◽  
Lisboa ◽  
Szelewicki ◽  
Lin ◽  
Latonas ◽  
Li ◽  

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections are the product of the interaction between bacteria, phages, animals, humans, and the environment. In the late 1980s, Alberta had one of the highest incidences of STEC infections in North America. Herein, we revisit and contextualize the epidemiology of STEC O157 human infections in Alberta for the period 2009–2016. STEC O157 infections were concentrated in large urban centers, but also in rural areas with high cattle density. Hospitalization was often required when the Shiga toxin genotype stx2a stx2c was involved, however, only those aged 60 years or older and infection during spring months (April to June) independently predicted that need. Since the late 1980s, the rate of STEC O157-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in Alberta has remained unchanged at 5.1%, despite a marked drop in the overall incidence of the infection. While Shiga toxin genotypes stx1a stx2c and stx2a stx2c seemed associated with HUS, only those aged under 10 years and infection during spring months were independently predictive of that complication. The complexity of the current epidemiology of STEC O157 in Alberta highlights the need for a One Health approach for further progress to be made in mitigating STEC morbidity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. e229766
Reza Aghamohammadzadeh ◽  
Suhaib Magdi El-Omar ◽  
Derek Rowlands ◽  
Magdi El-Omar

We present the case of a 45-year-old healthy man who successfully completed three stages of the Bruce protocol but developed inferolateral ST segment elevation in the recovery phase. The ECG change was associated with a marked drop in blood pressure. He underwent emergency coronary angiography which revealed normal coronary arteries. It is likely that post-exercise hypotension triggered coronary spasm which caused the ST segment elevation. Alternatively, coronary spasm may have been the primary event, inducing sufficient myocardial ischaemia to cause a marked drop in blood pressure. Exercise tolerance testing is often a reliable test to rule out reversible myocardial ischaemia. While the physician is focused on ischaemic changes or rhythm abnormalities developing during the exercise phase, the recovery period is just as important and requires as much vigilance. Coronary vasospasm can result in significant ST changes and haemodynamic compromise at any point during the test, and the ECG traces can be indistinguishable from a classic ST elevation myocardial infarction, as in the present case.

2019 ◽  
Amr Torbosh ◽  
Mohammed Abdulla Al Amad ◽  
Abdulwahed Al Serouri ◽  
Yousef Khader

BACKGROUND After 2 years of war that crippled the capacity of the Yemeni National Health System and left only 45% of health facilities functioning, Yemen faced increasing vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) outbreaks and may be at high risk of polio importation. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the 2015 war on the immunization coverage of children under 1 year. METHODS Data on vaccination coverage for 2012-2015 were obtained from the national Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). The vaccination coverage was calculated at the national and governorate levels by dividing the number of actually vaccinated children by the estimated population of children under 1 year. RESULTS Although there was an increase from 2012 to 2014 in the national coverage for penta-3 vaccine (82% in 2012 vs 88% in 2014) and measles vaccine (70% in 2012 vs 75% in 2014), the coverage was still below the national target (≥95%). Furthermore, the year 2015 witnessed a marked drop in the national coverage compared with 2014 for the measles vaccine (66% in 2015 vs 75% in 2014), but a slight drop in penta-3 vaccine coverage (84% in 2015 vs 88% in 2014). Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine also showed a marked drop from 73% in 2014 to 49% in 2015. These reductions were more marked in governorates that witnessed armed confrontations (eg, Taiz, Lahj, and Sa’dah governorates). On the other hand, governorates that did not witness armed confrontations showed an increase in coverage (eg, Raymah and Ibb), owing to an increase in their population because of displacement from less secure and confrontation-prone governorates. CONCLUSIONS This analysis demonstrated the marked negative impact of the 2015 war on immunization coverage, especially in the governorates that witnessed armed confrontations. This could put Yemen at more risk of VPD outbreaks and polio importation. Besides the ongoing efforts to stop the Yemeni war, strategies for more innovative vaccine delivery or provision and fulfilling the increasing demands are needed, especially in governorates with confrontations. Enhancing EPI performance through supportable investments in infrastructure that was destroyed by the war and providing decentralized funds are a prerequisite.

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