Diarthrothrips coffeae (coffee thrips).

Mike Bigger

Abstract The eggs are reniform and inserted into a slit cut in the leaf. They are small but visible to the naked eye. There are two nymphal stages on the tree, the full grown nymph being about 1.1 mm long and pale yellow. The prepupal and pupal stages are passed in the leaf litter beneath the tree. The prepupa is also pale yellow and about 1 mm long. Although small numbers can be found at any time of year, large build up of population tends to be found at the end of the dry season in February and March. Notley (1936) found a close correlation between temperature and population increase, slight infestations occuring when the mean monthly temperature exceeded 18.3°C for 4 months and a severe infestation after 6 months. He could find no correlation with temperature or with relative humidity. The infestation ended after a marked drop in temperature. Shading of coffee and mulching have beneficial effects. The insect more typically infests coffee at lower altitudes. Since the general use of grass mulch around the coffee, serious attacks have become rare (Crowe, 2004).

1988 ◽  
Vol 59 (01) ◽  
pp. 029-033 ◽  
K G Chamberlain ◽  
D G Penington

SummaryNormal human platelets have been separated according to density on continuous Percoll gradients and the platelet distribution divided into five fractions containing approximately equal numbers of platelets. The mean volumes and protein contents of the platelets in each fraction were found to correlate positively with density while the protein concentration did not differ significantly between the fractions. Four mitochondrial enzymes (monoamine oxidase, glutamate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase and NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase) were assayed and their activities per unit volume were found to increase in a very similar monotonie fashion with platelet density. When MAO and GDH were assayed on the same set of density fractions the correlation between the two activities was very high (r = 0.94–1.00, p <0.001) and a similar close correlation was found between MAO and ICDH. The results support the hypothesis that high density platelets either have a higher concentration of mitochondria or have larger mitochondria than low density platelets.


The article considers main physical and geographical factors affecting the runoff, spring flood of rivers in the Arpa River basin, and analyzes the regularities of their spacetime distribution. The authors have obtained correlation relationship between the values of the flood runoff layer, the mean module maximum runoff and weighted average height of the catchment area of the Arpa River, between the mean annual maximum runoff module for the period floods and catchment areas of rivers. These dependencies can be used for preliminary estimates of the spring flood runoff of unexplored rivers of the territory under consideration. A close correlation between the values of the annual runoff and the runoff of the spring flood in the section of the Arpa River – Dzhermuk has been also revealed. It can be used for forecasting the annual flow.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Nurul Bahiyah Abd Wahid ◽  
Intan Idura Mohamad Isa ◽  
Ahmad Khairuddin Hassan ◽  
Muhammad Izzat Iman Razali ◽  
Ahmad Haziq Hasrizal ◽  

This study aims to determine the particulate matter (PM2.5) mass concentrations and the comfort parameters (total bacterial counts (TBC), total fungal counts (TFC), relative humidity and temperature) in a university building. The samplings were carried out in three different indoor areas, including lecture hall, laboratory and lecturer office. PM2.5 samples were collected over a period of 8 h sampling using a low volume sampler (LVS). The anemometer Model Kestrel 0855YEL was used to measure relative humidity and temperature parameters. The sampling of airborne microorganisms was conducted by using microbial sampler at 350 L air sampled volume. The results showed that the highest average of PM2.5 was at lecture hall (88.54 ± 26.21 µgm-3) followed by lecturer office (69.79 ± 19.06 µgm-3) and laboratory (47.92 ± 24.88 µgm-3). The mean of TBC and TFC readings recorded as follow; 32.71 ± 5.91 cfu m-3 and 76.71 ± 21.5 cfu m-3 for laboratory, 112.1 ± 29.06 cfu m-3 and 124.67 ± 23.35 cfu m-3 for lecturer office, 121.74 ± 19.33 cfu m-3 and 115.33 ± 8.08 cfu m-3 for lecture hall. The average of all comfort parameter was within the prescribed standard by Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 for all sampling sites. Therefore, all occupants of the building can work in a conducive and comfortable environment. This study is in line with the objectives of National Policy on the Environment (DASN), which focusing on achieving a clean, safe, healthy and productive environment for present and future generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 896 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
W Budiawan ◽  
K Tsuzuki ◽  
H Sakakibara

Abstract The comfort temperature and sleep quality of Indonesian residing in Japan during summer might be different from Japanese. As an extended previous research, this study aimed to compare the thermal comfort and sleep quality between Japanese and Indonesian students. Male Indonesian and Japanese students aged 20-35 years participated in this study. The participants completed a survey regarding thermal sensation before sleep. During sleep, actigraphy was used to monitor sleep. Additionally, the temperature and relative humidity of the participants’ bedrooms were recorded. The findings of this study indicated that Indonesian students’ bedroom temperature and relative humidity were not significantly different from those of Japanese students during the summer. Most of Indonesian students preferred neutral, like the Japanese students. According to a thermal comfort survey, Indonesians had the same sensation as Japanese (slightly comfortable). However, the Griffiths method revealed that the mean comfort temperature of Indonesian was higher than those of Japanese students. We also discovered that Indonesian students had shorter duration on bed and sleep minute than Japanese students. Furthermore, the sleep rate of Indonesian students was comparable to that of Japanese students. In conclusion, Indonesian students as tropical native became capable of adjusting to the hot and humid conditions in temperate climate, Japan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-111 ◽  
Alexis Kahn ◽  
Helios Bertin ◽  
Pierre Corre ◽  
Morgan Praud ◽  
Arnaud Paré ◽  

Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a common and invalidating disease sometimes difficult to treat. Current international recommendations favour reversible and non-invasive treatments, including the injection of botulinum toxin (BTX) into masticatory muscles. There is no strong evidence of its effectiveness. Objective: The main goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of BTX six months following injection, in terms of pain, mouth opening, improvement of symptoms and duration of effect. Materials and methods: A retrospective study carried out at Nantes University Hospital between 2014 and 2016. Results: Thirty-four patients were included. The mean age was 37 years (17–76) and seventy six percents were female. Eighty percent of patients reported a significant improvement, notably in cases of arthralgia, which decreased in 8/18 (44%) patients (p < 0.05). The mean duration of measured efficacy was 4.2 months. Discussion: Significant improvement in cases of arthralgia and a tendency for improvement in cases of myalgia, with a mean duration of action of 4.2 months. Although BTX injection do not guarantee complete resolution of myofascial pain, it have been shown to have beneficial effects on some symptoms have been shown. Conclusion: Botulinum toxin should be considered as an alternative treatment when other conservative methods fail to yield satisfactory results. A thorough multicentre assessment is necessary in the future to scientifically validate its use.

Sloane A McGraw ◽  
Chris Healy ◽  
Burhan Mohamedali ◽  
Anupama Shivaraju ◽  
Adhir Shroff

Background: Management of lipids is vital in patients with underlying coronary artery disease (CAD). According to the American College of Cardiology (ACC) guidelines, all patients with CAD should have low density lipoproteins (LDL) goals to be less than 100 mg/dl with the therapeutic option of treatment to less than 70 mg/dl. This can be achieved using multiple lipid lowering agents, however statin use is encouraged in CAD patients due to its multiple beneficial effects. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study focusing on lipid management and statin use in 857 veterans undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) between September 2004 and December 2009 at the Jesse Brown Veterans Hospital in Chicago, IL. Values were collected both pre-intervention as well as at six month follow up. Results: Both pre and post PCI, focus was maintained on the total cholesterol as well as the LDL levels. The mean total cholesterol prior to intervention was 166mg/dl and decreased to150mg/dl at six month follow up. The LDL mean pre-PCI was 98mg/dl and at six months the mean LDL decreased to 86mg/dl. With regards to ACC guidelines, the percent at goal for LDL less than 100mg/dl increased from 59% pre-PCI to 74% post-PCI Furthermore, treatment to less than 70mg/dl increased from 22 to 32% at six months. Lastly, the use of statins increased from 72 to 89%. Conclusions: There were in improvements in both total cholesterol and LDL values at six months post-PCI. There were also improvements in the percentage of patients who met the ACC recommended goal of LDL cholesterol less than 100mg/dl and the suggested goal of 70mg/dl. At six months, there was also an increase in usage of statin therapy.

Blood ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-107 ◽  
HA Huebers ◽  
Y Beguin ◽  
P Pootrakul ◽  
D Einspahr ◽  
CA Finch

Abstract Intact transferrin receptor molecules complexed with transferrin were found in human plasma. The concentration of receptors was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that uses polyclonal antibodies. The mean concentration of 8,279 micrograms/L in 56 normal adults appears to be unrelated to age or sex. Additional receptor measurements were performed on plasmas from 260 subjects with erythropoietic disorders. Decreased concentration of plasma receptors was found in patients with erythroid hypoplasia and increased numbers in those with erythroid hyperplasia. Ferrokinetic measurements of erythropoiesis were compared with numbers of receptors in 148 subjects, and a close correlation was found (r = .86). Both sets of values, measured in different conditions and expressed in relation to normal, were consistent with expected values. Receptor values were unproportionally increased only in conditions of iron deficiency. It is concluded that plasma receptors have a constant relationship to tissue receptors, and their number in most instances reflects the rate of erythropoiesis.

2003 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-278 ◽  
Cláudia V. Godoy ◽  
Lílian Amorim ◽  
Armando Bergamin Filho ◽  
Herbert P. Silva ◽  
Willian J. Silva ◽  

The progress of the severity of southern rust in maize (Zea mays) caused by Puccinia polysora was quantified in staggered plantings in different geographical areas in Brazil, from October to May, over two years (1995-1996 and 1996-1997). The logistic model, fitted to the data, better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model. Four components of the disease progress curves (maximum disease severity; area under the disease progress curve, AUDPC; area under the disease progress curve around the inflection point, AUDPCi; and epidemic rate) were used to compare the epidemics in different areas and at different times of planting. The AUDPC, AUDPCi, and the epidemic rate were analyzed in relation to the weather (temperature, relative humidity, hours of relative humidity >90%, and rainfall) and recorded during the trials. Disease severity reached levels greater than 30% in Piracicaba and Guaíra in the plantings between December and January. Lower values of AUDPC occurred in later plantings at both locations. The epidemic rate was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with the mean daily temperatures and negatively correlated with hours of relative humidity >90%. The AUDPC was not correlated with any weather variable. The AUDPCi was negatively related to both variables connected to humidity, but not to rain. Long periods (mostly >13 h day-1) of relative humidity >90% (that corresponded to leaf wetness) occurred in Castro. Severity of southern rust in maize has always been low in Castro, thus the negative correlations between disease and the two humidity variables.

2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67 ◽  
Charlotte Elizabeth Louise Evans

Dietary fibre comprises many different, mainly plant-based, compounds that are not fully digested in the human gut. Insoluble fibres include cellulose, hemi-celluloses and lignin and soluble fibres include pectins, β-glucan and hydro-colloids. In the UK, the daily recommended amount has increased to 30 g but only 13 % of men and 4 % of women meet this recommendation. Currently the mean intake for adults is 21 g for men and 17 g for women. There is a wealth of epidemiological evidence based on systematic reviews of trials and cohorts to support the higher fibre recommendation. This includes evidence of reductions in the risk for CVD (both heart disease and stroke) and lower risk of type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, lower LDL-cholesterol, as well as some cancers. Beneficial effects of fibre operate via a diverse range of mechanisms throughout the digestive system including the mouth, stomach and small and large intestine; some of which are still not completely understood. The updated recommendation for fibre is a long way from a typical British diet and requires several daily portions of fruit and vegetables and wholegrain foods. Improving dietary fibre intakes will require a variety of actions and policies from stakeholders; however, there is currently more of a focus on reducing sugar than increasing fibre. In order to increase the number of adults meeting the fibre recommendation, social marketing and labelling of high-fibre foods are warranted as well as reformulation and wider availability of wholegrain versions of popular foods.

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