linear demand
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Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón ◽  
Osman Albert Marquez-Rios ◽  
Irene Sánchez-Romero ◽  
Buddhadev Mandal

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (06) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Bhawna Gupta ◽  
Sangeeta Gupta ◽  
Sweta Srivastav ◽  

In this research, we have developed a deterministic inventory model for an item having linear demand in variable deterioration rate. The shortage is allowed and fully backlogged. In developing the model, we have assumed that lead time is not equal to zero. Here we developed an optimal policy that minimizes that the total average cost. The model is illustrated by a suitable numerical example and sensitivity analysis has been carry- out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Elham Aboutorabian ◽  
Morteza Raissi Dehkordi

Seismic demand and performance of bridges are highly dependent upon the level of irregularity. Although previous studies have proposed methodologies so as to quantify the irregularity of the bridges in terms of global regularity index, it still remains unclear how to determine the distribution of irregularity along a bridge, as well as to discover the irregularity sources. This research project is intended to develop a quantitative vector regularity criterion for single- and multiframe bridges based on the modified correlation function for spatial locations of scaled mode shapes of deck-alone and whole bridge. The proposed criterion calculates two types of regularity indices, namely, local (LRI) and global regularity indices (GRI). The GRI is a scalar value representing the overall regularity of the entire bridge, whereas the LRI highlights vector irregularity distribution along the bridge. Since the deck discontinuity due to the in-span hinges is one of the leading causes for irregularity, the proposed index has been employed in case of multiframe bridges as well. Furthermore, the current study aims to investigate the correlation between the proposed irregularity indicators and the nonlinear to linear demand ratio. Therefore, the appropriate analysis method can be chosen based on irregularity extent of bridges. Obtained results of the proposed indices reveal that in-span hinge is one of the main parameters affecting the distribution of local irregularity along a bridge. Therefore, multiframe bridges need to be investigated in detail so as to validate the special design requirements recommended by design codes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Gerasimos Soldatos

Abstract This paper introduces into the discussion of the stability of quantity-oligopoly equilibrium, the role that the slope of the marginal utility curve and of market entry in shaping the equilibrium and its stability. It does so by considering inverse multivariate linear demand functions and the notion of stability related to multivariate mean value theorem. The equilibrium cluster of Cournot sellers is determined by the stability dictated by this theorem and the rate of decline of the marginal utility of the product under consideration. Strategic complementarity is found to be the case under product heterogeneity, while the strategic substitutability associated with product homogeneity, induces a modification of Cournot limit theorem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 056943452199998
Charles F. Adams

Previous teaching notes focused on the logic and mechanics of a quality-differentiated linear demand structure. This note takes up the question of potential bias in how markets respond to quality-related aspects of consumer choice. Earlier examples demonstrated instances where monopoly interests might conflict with those of consumers in matters of quality choice. This article points to a more general propensity toward excessively high levels of quality under a monopoly market structure. JEL Classifications: D4, D41, D42

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-129
A K Malik ◽  
Harish Garg ◽  

The objective of this work is to present an improved inventory system with fuzzy constraints dealing with two warehouses system-own and rented. In the present model, we analyze the system under the consideration of two warehouses and without shortages with the assumptions of the linear demand function (increasing function of time). Generally, in today’s business scenario for sessional products, some constraints like storage cost, deteriorating cost, and ordering cost change with their original values. Therefore, these constraints cannot be assumed to be constant in that situation. Depending on these facts that we handle these costs as a triangular fuzzy number and hence apply the signed distance technique to solve the corresponding problem. The key objective of this work is to determine the optimal inventory level, and inventory time schedule to a minimum of the whole inventory cost. The proposed model is demonstrated with two numerical examples to observe the behavior of constraints with system cost and compare their performance with and without fuzzy environment.

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