maximum transmission
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Eka Permatasari ◽  
Rushendra Rushendra

<p>Dalam sebuah perusahaan penyedia layanan jaringan internet, di tuntut untuk memiliki<br />kulitas jaringan <em>high availability</em> dan <em>high reliability</em>. Dalam mendukung kualifikasi<br />jaringan internet terbaik maka salah satunya perlu menjaga kestabilan bandwidth<br />internet pelanggan. Salah satunya menjaga kepadatan traffic data pada jaringan internet.<br /><em>Congestion</em> merupakan pengumpulan paket data yang melebihi kapasitas bandwidth<br />yang tersedia padasebuah link, hal ini memberikan dampak penurunan kinerja jaringan<br />internet. Permasalahan di atas dapat di selesaikan salah satunya dengan menerapkan<br />penggunaan metode <em>link aggregation</em> dan teknologi <em>load balance</em>. Pada penelitian ini<br />penulis menerapkan metode <em>link aggregation</em> yang digunakan dalam merancang<br /><em>redundancy link</em> dan <em>load balance</em> dalam membuat skema membagi traffic untuk<br />penyeimbang beban berdasarkan <em>src address</em> dan <em>src port</em>, serta <em>dst address</em> dan <em>dst</em><br /><em>port.</em> Dari hasil pengujian penggunaan <em>link aggregation</em> dan <em>load balance</em> pada<br />penenlitian ini dapat membantu menjaga kestabilan throughput dengan nilai pengukuran<br />sebesar 10GB dengan standart MTU (<em>Maximum Transmission Unit</em>) yang menandakan<br />hasil test pengukuran paket data terbesar yang dapat di transmisikan melalui sebuah<br />jaringan.</p><p><br /><em><strong>Keyword</strong> : link aggregation, load balance, congestion, MTU</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012054
A Sh Gazaliev ◽  
M V Moskotin ◽  
V V Belosevich ◽  
M G Rybin ◽  
I A Gayduchenko ◽  

Abstract The growing requirements for mobile communication networks (data transfer rates over 100 Gbps) makes it necessary to use carrier signal with a frequency of at least 100 GHz. This requires the development of cheap and broadband sub-terahertz (sub-THz) detectors. Here we report on our recent efforts toward the development of a heterodyne sub-THz detector based on a single layer graphene two-terminal device integrated with a bowtie antenna on a sapphire substrate. Our detector operates at frequency of 140 GHz, which corresponds to the maximum transmission of THz radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere. The heterodyne detection is achieved by quasi-optical coupling of signals from two sub-THz radiation sources to the same detector. The measured frequency bandwidth is 5.8 GHz.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 102-109
E. G. Silkis ◽  
A. S. Stankevich ◽  
V. N. Krasheninnikov ◽  
Yu. A. Repeev ◽  

On the basis of mini-spectrometers, a reference lamp of the SIRSH type with a known color temperature, and line spectrum sources, an inexpensive hardware complex has been created for measuring the emission parameters of heterodiodes and interference filters. Examples of recording the emission of heterodiodes (full width at half maximum is 17–30 nm) with a maximum of emission in the region of 659 and 764 nm and measurement of an interference filter (FWHM of the bandwidth is 12 nm) with a maximum transmission of 727 nm are given. The emission parameters of the SIRSH standard lamp are introduced into the program for measuring and processing data, due to which it is possible to significantly refine the value of the wavelength of the maximum emission and transmission.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 7388
Yuming Liu ◽  
Jordi-Roger Riba ◽  
Manuel Moreno-Eguilaz ◽  
Josep Sanllehí

Dynamic thermal line rating (DTLR) allows us to take advantage of the maximum transmission capacity of power lines, which is an imperious need for future smart grids. This paper proposes a real-time method to determine the DTLR rating of aluminum conductor steel-reinforced (ACSR) conductors. The proposed approach requires a thermal model of the line to determine the real-time values of the solar radiation and the ambient temperature, which can be obtained from weather stations placed near the analyzed conductors as well as the temperature and the current of the conductor, which can be measured directly with a Smartconductor and can be transmitted wirelessly to a nearby gateway. Real-time weather and overhead line data monitoring and the calculation of DTLR ratings based on models of the power line is a practical smart grid application. Since it is known that the wind speed exhibits important fluctuations, even in nearby areas, and since it plays a key role in determining the DTLR, it is essential to accurately estimate this parameter at the conductor’s location. This paper presents a method to estimate the wind speed and the DTLR rating of the analyzed conductor. Experimental tests have been conducted to validate the accuracy of the proposed approach using ACSR conductors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
D.G. Fomin ◽  
N.V. Dudarev ◽  
S.N. Darovskikh ◽  

The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental researches of an ultra-wideband bandpass filter (UWB BPF) based on a multilayer strip-slot transition. Theoretical results are obtained in two ways: 1) by designing an equivalent circuit of the UWB BPF where each element is presented in the form of a two-port network with the corresponding matrix of A-parameters and 2) by numerical simulation in a rigorous formulation of the electrodynamics problem. Experimental results were obtained on a sample of the UWB BPF using a vector network analyzer. The results of theoretical and experimental researches are in good qualitative and numerical agreement. The investigated UWB BPF has a relative pass band at a level of -3 dB relative to the maximum transmission coefficient equal to 49,2% according to experimental research and 51% according to theoretical research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Fahimeh Rezazadeh ◽  
Faramarz E. Seraji ◽  
Mohammad Ghanbarisabagh

Abstract In this paper, analysis of tunable optical filter based on Sagnac effect tuning is presented using a fiber-optic ring resonator (FORR) and the responses of the filters for different FORR and Sagnac loop parameters under steady-state conditions are investigated. Formulation of the optical filter response is presented by considering with/without single and multiple Sagnac loop effects. Effects of the FORR parameters of filter response are studied and analyzed under different parametric conditions for the maximum transmission intensity. The simulation results show that the filter responses are affected strongly by the Sagnac loop and the FORR parameters. With the Sagnac effect, it is shown that full-width at half maximum (FWHM) would increase by increasing the phase difference Δϕ from 0 to 0.20 radian, beyond which it will start decreasing. The difference in FWHM value in this range of Δϕ variations is found to be about 3.77 nm. Between the first and the second resonances at wavelengths 1395 and 1538 nm, the free spectral range (FSR) is found to be 140 nm. In multiple loops effects, by increasing the number of loop turn N, the values of FSR would reduce. For Δϕ = 0.3 and N = 1,  2,  3, the values of FSR are obtained as 144, 74, 47 nm, respectively.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 2145
Junyan Zheng ◽  
Xin He ◽  
Paul Beckett ◽  
Xinjie Sun ◽  
Zixin Cai ◽  

Dichroic circular polarizers (DCP) represent an important group of optical filters that transfer only that part of the incident light with the desired polarization state and absorb the remainder. However, DCPs are usually bulky and exhibit significant optical loss. Moreover, the integration of these kinds of DCP devices can be difficult and costly as different compositions of chemicals are needed to achieve the desired polarization status. Circular polarizers based on metasurfaces require only thin films in the order of hundreds of nanometers but are limited by their sensitivity to angle of incidence. Furthermore, few existing solutions offer broadband operation in the visible range. By using computational simulations, this paper proposes and analyses a plasmonic DCP structure operating in the visible, from 400 nm to 700 nm which overcomes these drawbacks. The resulting circular dichroism transmission (CDT) is more than 0.9, and the maximum transmission efficiency is greater than 78% at visible wavelengths. These CDT characteristics are largely independent of angle of incidence up to angles of 80 degrees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (3) ◽  
pp. 3108-3117
Thomas Geyer ◽  
Christopher Mai ◽  
Anna-Sophia Henke

Dissipative mufflers are often used for the reduction of broadband noise transmitted in ducts. Many common calculation procedures for the transmission loss of such mufflers require conventional shapes like rectangular or circular cross-sectional areas. In an effort to analyze the effect of the cross-sectional area of dissipative mufflers on the resulting noise reduction, the transmission loss of axially uniform mufflers with polygonal cross-sectional areas was investigated using the finite element method. The mufflers are designed to have the same open area, and hence in a practical application would lead to a similar pressure drop. The results were compared to those obtained with the well known approximative method of Piening. Good agreement between simulation and estimation was found regarding basic trends at low frequencies, while notable differences were revealed regarding the maximum transmission loss.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 767
Ahmed Abdelghfar ◽  
Mohamed A. Mousa ◽  
Bassant M. Fouad ◽  
Ahmed H. Saad ◽  
Noha Anous ◽  

Hyperspectral imaging has a wide range of uses, from medical diagnostics to crop monitoring; however, conventional hyperspectral imaging systems are relatively slow, bulky, and rather costly. In this paper, we present an inexpensive, compact tunable optical filter for hyperspectral applications. The filter is based on a Fabry-Pérot interferometer utilizing hybrid metallic-dielectric mirrors and actuated using a MEMS electrostatic actuator. The optical filter is designed using the transfer matrix method; then, the results were verified by an electromagnetic wave simulator. The actuator is based on a ring-shaped parallel plate capacitor and is designed using COMSOL Multiphysics. An actuation displacement of 170 nm was used, which is the required distance to tune the filter over the whole visible range (400–700 nm). There are two designs proposed for the optical filter: the first was optimized to provide maximum transmission and the other is optimized to have minimum full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) value. The first design has a maximum transmission percentage of 94.45% and a minimum transmission of 86.34%; while the minimum FWHM design had an average FWHM value of 7.267 nm. The results showed improvements over the current commercial filters both in transmission and in bandwidth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 6324
Yao Pei ◽  
Yann Le Le Bihan ◽  
Mohamed Bensetti ◽  
Lionel Pichon

The present work aims at comparing different coupling coils by taking into account sources of uncertainty for static inductive power-transfer (SIPT) systems. Due to the maximum transmission efficiency for the SIPT system related to the mutual inductance between coils, the key point here is to make use of a sparse polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) method to analyze the mutual inductance between the transmitter and the receiver. A fast postprocess-sensitivity analysis allowed the identification of which source of uncertainty was the most influential factor to the mutual inductance for different coupling coils. Furthermore, in view of the relationship between the maximum transmission efficiency and the ratio of the length of wires of a coil and the mutual inductance, circular coupling coils should be recommended for SIPT systems.

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