national reality
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 560-562
Carlos Navarro Venegas

The biosafety associated with biomedical laboratories and the biosafety associated with clinical establishments do not seem to go together. There is a biosafety manual in each country and there are basic biosafety standards that do not seem to be applied or taught in specialized centers. Thus, along with thanking the great participation of the medical establishment and associated professions, we must not lower our guard against this pathogen or any other that surrounds us. Although the biosafety standards are taught in some of the higher education centers, they are not necessarily followed by the same ones who mention them in their speech, as if they only applied to others. This article may cause resentment, however, it is a national reality that I hope will not be repeated in many countries. Nor do I intend to draw attention to the misuse of clothing or instruments, but rather to diminish this fashion and that we recognize our fragility in the face of the world around us.

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 87-100
A. Kuranbek ◽  
T. Orazkhan ◽  

The article analyzes the work of the outstanding Kazakh poet Otezhan Nurgaliev and the ideas of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger about the power of words and the essence of poetry in his work “On Poets and Poetry. Hölderlin. Rilke. Trakl ” on the basis of theoretical and methodological research in domestic science and world philosophy, it is also assessed whether the prerequisite for the emergence of language and the basis of the beginning of being is poetic. In the poet’s poems and reflections, the subtext of symbols and poetic images related to the spiritual being and social reality of society are traced, their significance in understanding the realities of modern society and modernity are determined. In the collection of poems «School of Athens» Otezhan Nurgaliev opened to Kazakh readers the wisdom of world philosophy and the ancient era from a new side in the language of poetry, which is close to its national reality. This approach was mastered by the poet through world philosophy and literature, as well as oriental culture, national spirituality, turkic traditions, and folk wisdom published at that time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (13) ◽  
Daniela A. Rodrigues ◽  
Maria T. Herdeiro ◽  
Petra A. Thürmann ◽  
Adolfo Figueiras ◽  
Paula Coutinho ◽  

Introduction: In 2015, the EU(7)-PIM List was published, which identifies potentially inappropriate medicines in older patients and resulted from a consensus of experts from seven European countries. Portugal was not part of this group, so it was not originally adapted to the Portuguese reality. With this work, we intend to elaborate a list of potentially inappropriate medicines adapted to the reality of medicines marketed in Portugal, through the operationalization of the EU(7)-PIM List for the national reality and to evaluate the adequacy of its use for clinical practice.Material and Methods: Search, in INFARMED’s Infomed database, of drugs that are included in the EU(7)-PIM List that have marketing authorization, and analysis of possible new drugs for inclusion in the list. The tool adapted to the Portuguese reality was applied to a sample of 1089 outpatient, polymedicated older patients from 38 primary care units in Central Portugal.Results: The final PIM list adapted to the Portuguese reality includes 184 potentially inappropriate medicines (from these, 178 are active substances, five are classes of drugs, and one corresponds to the sliding scale therapeutic scheme used in insulin therapy). Of 1089 polymedicated older patients, 83.7% took at least one drug included in the final potentially inappropriate medicines list or belonging to one of the groups included in the list, and, on average, each patient took 1.74 (IQR 1 – 2).Discussion: Even though the availability of drugs on the market is quite diverse, the EU(7)-PIM List has been used in several European countries. With this study, we operationalized the European list for the Portuguese reality, which will enable its application in clinical practice.Conclusion: The list drawn up is a useful tool for the identification of potentially inappropriate medicines, easy to use in clinical practice and research.

Р.Я. Фидарова

К началу ХХ в. осетинское общество отличалось неоднородным социальным составом. Осетинская литература объективно и художественно убедительно стремилась раскрыть и представить целостную картину взаимоотношений различных социальных групп. В процессе развития реализма в осетинской литературе конкретизируется и углубляется философское понимание общества посредством художественного исследования различных аспектов общественной жизни. В этот период в художественной литературе происходит сдвиг от социально-экономических, базисных проблем общественной жизни к проблемам духовных структур. В результате в литературе формируется художественная концепция общества как целостной структуры. Художественное сознание, как часть общественного сознания, черпает материал для осмысления не только из реальной жизни, но и из истории, этнографии, психологии, этики и т.д. В романе «Брат на брата» писатель А. Цаликов глубоко исследует характер своего героя, ставит его в психологически напряженные (экстремальные) ситуации, как бы все время проверяя его нравственный и духовный потенциал, его «прочность» и мужество. В то же время писатель внимательно относится к самому национальному миру или тому, что в данном случае создает собственно истинно романную ситуацию, а именно то, что Гегель назвал так выразительно «состоянием мира», т.е. саму национальную действительность. Роман несет в себе мощный потенциал оригинального и целостного, национально-специфического, философского осмысления исходных экзистенциальных проблем бытия осетинского общества, поскольку представляет собой результат глубоко личного духовного опыта писателя, испытавшего судьбу изгнанника-эмигранта. Этот опыт, воплощенный в конкретных образах и символах художественной картины разрушенного национального мира, является неисчерпаемым источником для рациональных интерпретаций эпохи революции и гражданской войны в Осетии и России. By the beginning of the twentieth century Ossetian society was distinguished by a heterogeneous social composition. Ossetian literature objectively and artistically convincingly sought to reveal and present a holistic picture of the relationships of various social groups. In the process of developing realism in Ossetian literature, the philosophical understanding of the society is specified and deepened through artistic research of various aspects of public life. During this period in literature there is a shift from socio-economic, basic problems of social life to problems of spiritual structures. As a result, the fiction concept of society as a holistic structure is formed in literature. Artistic consciousness, as part of social consciousness, draws material for reflection not only from real life, but also from history, ethnography, psychology, ethics, etc. In the novel "Brother to Brother," writer A. Tsalikov deeply explores the character of his hero, puts him in psychologically tense (extreme) situations, as if all the time testing his moral and spiritual potential, his "strength" and courage. At the same time, the writer is careful about the national world itself or what in this case creates the true romantic situation itself, namely what Hegel called the so expressively "state of the world," that is, national reality itself. Novel carries the powerful potential of the original and holistic, national-specific, philosophical understanding of the original existential problems of the existence of Ossetian society, since it is the result of the deeply personal spiritual experience of the writer who experienced the fate of an emigrant exile. This experience, embodied in concrete images and symbols of the artistic picture of the destroyed national world, is an inexhaustible source for rational interpretations of the era of revolution and civil war in Ossetia and Russia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-56
Alexandre Godinho Bertoncello ◽  
Felipe Natan dos Anjos

Interest rates in Brazil have historically been high and for this reason the form of investment in the country has always been unsophisticated, large investors made fixed income, as the CDI and small investors applied in savings. In the present national scenario 2019/2020, it is possible to observe that Brazil will have macroeconomic conditions very different from those experienced in recent years, with a decrease in the aggregate government supply, a reduction in the increase in public and household debt, and a great reduction in interest rates. interest. In the coming years it will be important to diversify investments, after all the phenomenon of negative interest in other markets will be a national reality. To obtain answers, quantitative and exploratoryapproaches were used, and later the comparative method, to corroborate the correlation between capital accumulation and the macroeconomic scenario. As a result, it was possible to ascertain that there is no correlation between the base interest rate and indebtedness, but that there is a relationship between the return on traditional investments and interest, at the same time, educational levels have a direct relationship with indebtedness and thus we conclude that there is a new monetary reality, but we still do not have a new reality for investors and borrowers in Brazil

Jacinta Bugalhão

This paper intends to present quantitative data on Archeology in the North of Portugal between 1970 and the beginning of the 20th century. Archeology teaching, archaeologists, institutions with labour in Archeology and archaeological activity are analyzed, seeking to identify convergences and divergences, in relation to the national reality. Higher education establishments in the region and their training offer are covered. The distributions by sex, age, qualification, form of exercise of the activity, type of employment relationship and institutional framework of northern archaeologists are presented. On the archaeological activity, the category (research, valorisation, preventive and emergency), typology and institutional framework and also urban archeology and the one developed in underwater or humid environments are addressed.


National security is one of the most important components of the state’s entity to preserve its role and position and ensure its progress. Therefore, it is noted that most countries of the world give priority to issues related to national security. On the other hand, it can be said that Libyan national security has not received sufficient attention at the practical and academic levels, and this may be due to more than reason; The political data were not aware of the importance of the matter intentionally or unintentionally, and with the succession of events and developments in Libya in recent years, the issue began to take serious dimensions affecting the Libyan national security in its broad sense at the core, which requires concerted official, informal and academic efforts to address and address this. Topic. Libya is going through conditions and events that are not appropriate for stability and national security cohesion. Indeed, Libya is now living in a vacuum and a national reality characterized by many indicators of disintegration, conflict and violence. This is evident in the criticism of citizens, but in phenomena and events that negatively affect the coherence of national security, and this situation will inevitably lead to Citizens' lack of confidence in their state, but rather to the dissolution and disintegration of the structure of society, and the transformation of this building into groups, tribes, or regions in conflict and even warring with weapons, and this conflict will increase the disintegration of national cohesion and create a national political vacuum that helps foreign intervention in the Libyan affairs under the pretext of helping to maintain security and stability. This intervention may conceal foreign interests and agendas, and lead the country to the unknown and all the possibilities and political and security scenes whose far-reaching goals Libyans are ignorant of. Therefore, everyone in Libya is walking on a road that they do not know its end, and this requires thinking, planning and action to preserve national security and increase the degree of cohesion of all its components, whether Be it tribes, groups, or political and ideological centers, all Libyans are in one boat sailing towards the shore of safety, and it may sink in a sea that does not know the end of its end, and in view of these considerations, we saw the need to address the problems and repel the greedy in the wealth of Libya, to preserve the Libyan national security and make recommendations to strengthen it And maintain it. With our knowledge of the broadening aspects of national security in its broadest sense, we can begin to root this issue by examining its foundations and the current challenges it faces. Keywords: National Security, Geopolitics, Strategy, Foreign Policy, Threats and Risks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-213
Dominik Zamiatała

Primate S. Wyszyński was interested in each symptom of social and religious life of the society in the Western Lands. Thanks to his frequent visitations he knew Church, social and national reality in this area very well. He also noticed an important role of the Church in its mission to unite these lands with “homeland”. Primate was not doubtful that these lands fairly belonged to Poland. The assignment of these lands to Poland was perceived by him as not only the recognition of historical rights, but also as “Divine restitution”, as an expression of justice for Poland being harmed by the German occupier, and not a political game. In his speeches and sermons, he reassured and encouraged its inhabitants. He called them to last here, on these old Piast lands, and believe in „historical moment of the nation on these lands” and to love this land. Primate noticed the effects of confusing policy of the communists towards Silesian people in Opole region. He saw that the encounter of indigenous people with Poland by communism must have been disastrous for Poland, which identified everything, which was Polish, with communism.

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