unmarried girl
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This chapter focuses on the use of love spells. In the annals of Russian magic, interference in the mysterious workings of attraction more commonly took on far darker and more sinister tones. Passion and attraction had little role in the way spousal relationships were imagined and were greeted with even less sympathy outside of marriage. Any use of “love magic” threatened to upend the carefully crafted social order. When used to seduce a married woman into adultery or an unmarried girl into fornication, spells clearly violated the bonds of holy matrimony and of sanctified sexual unions, and such magic was understood as coercive, even abusive. Even within marriages, when an unhappy wife turned to love charms to calm her husband's violent temper and to “make him love me” — that is, to stop beating her and abusing her — her efforts were viewed as subverting the proper patriarchal hierarchy. In the sampling of cases chosen for the chapter, sex rather than love seems to be the primary issue, although the particular cruelty of the “spells for women” shows that emotional as well as physical subjugation was often the goal of magical incantation. Like most spells, the formulas used in love spells were generic, useful for any occasion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-67
Elizabeth Ritchie

In 1814 in a small Highland township an unmarried girl, ostracised by her neighbours, gave birth. The baby died. The legal precognition permits a forensic, gendered examination of the internal dynamics of rural communities and how they responded to threats to social cohesion. In the Scottish ‘parish state’ disciplining sexual offences was a matter for church discipline. This case is situated in the early nineteenth-century Gàidhealtachd where and when church institutions were less powerful than in the post-Reformation Lowlands, the focus of most previous research. The article shows that the formal social control of kirk discipline was only part of a complex of behavioural controls, most of which were deployed within and by communities. Indeed, Scottish communities and churches were deeply entwined in terms of personnel; shared sexual prohibitions; and in the use of shaming as a primary method of social control. While there was something of a ‘female community’, this was not unconditionally supportive of all women nor was it ranged against men or patriarchal structures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-139
Nurul Azizah ◽  
Siti Gomo Attas ◽  
Herlina Herlina

Abstract This study aims to describe the character and characterization, plot, background, style of language, the point of view, theme and the mandate of Tere Liye's novel of  Bidadari-Bidadari Surga. The method in this study is the content analysis of qualitative approach. Based on data analysis, the following results are summarized as follows: 1) The main character in Tere Liye's  Novel of Bidadari-Bidadari Surga is Laisa, additional characters are Mamak, Babak, Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, Yashinta. 2) The mixed flow, covering the situation Mother  send Message to his children about the condition of the sickly Laisa, her mother sent to her children who message to he who received the first Message that Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, and Yashintaberanjak adult, childhood continue to haunt them, climax that is Kak Laisa not yet married must pass by Dalimunte and his siblings. Dalimunte finally married after being forced by Kak Laisa. 3) The background consists of three sections, a backdrop of thirty-one backgrounds, a twenty-seven background setting, and a social setting that is a disgrace in the Lahambay Valley if an unmarried girl over the age of twenty. 4) The Language Style is the style of comparison, contradiction, and affirmation. 5) The third person's perspective "he" is omniscient and the point of view of "I" extra figure 6) The theme is the sincere sacrifice of a brother for the future of his younger brothers. 7) The mandate of this life must be lived with sincerity and full of gratitude for all that God has given. Keywords: Structure, Intrinsic Element, Novel

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-109
Palash Kumar Bose ◽  
Mamtaz Ara ◽  
Md Syedur Rahaman ◽  
Mohammad Jubaidul Kabir ◽  
Prodip Biswas

Background: Proof of rape depends not only in the physical findings of the victims but also to the subjective intentions of the assailants.Objective: The purpose of the present study was to find out the medicolegal findings of rape victims in order to point out the visible loopholes of the procedure.Methodology: This was a cross sectional descriptive type of study which was done in the Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January to December 2016 with maintaining ethical issues. Rape cases from 23 police stations of Dhaka Metropolitan area were sent for medicolegal examination and victims who ultimately agreed to do medicolegal examinations were examined and opinions were given regarding the issues.Results: A total number of 69 cases from 23 police stations of Dhaka Metropolitan area were studied. In this study, majority (70.0%) of the victims was within 11 to 20 years of age and 65.0% of the victims were unmarried. Almost 68.0% of the victims were examined within 7 days followed by 32.0% of the victims after 7 days to beyond one month after rape; however, 48.0% of the victims showed sign of recent hymeneal tear with bruise and abrasion followed by 52.0% showed sign of old hymeneal tear. Spermatozoa were not found in any of the specimen of high vaginal swab.Conclusion: In conclusion, teenage unmarried girl are the most common victim of rape cases.Journal of National Institute of Neurosciences Bangladesh, 2017;3(2): 106-109

Yendru Katyayani Swapna ◽  
Savitha Dev Yelamanchi ◽  
Kamalakar Naidu Talipineni ◽  
Polavarapu Jyothsna

Uterine fistulas are very rare and can be due to gynaecological surgery, trauma or infections. 17 year old unmarried girl presented with uteroperitoneal fistula, following left salpingo-oophorectomy for torsion of left adnexae done one year ago outside. She came with increasing dysmenorrhea since surgery. USG & MRI showed cystic mass left cornual area. Vaginoscopy & Hystero-laparoscopy showed a thick longitudinal vaginal septum, uni-cornuate uterus with left horn non-communicating with cervix but open into the peritoneal cavity, the false passage being the result of previous surgery. Excision of vaginal septum and laparoscopic excision of the horn and repair provided very good relief, till now (8months from surgery). 

Nagendra Sardeshpande ◽  
Jainesh Doctor

A 26-year unmarried girl presented with severe dysmenorrhoea and hesitancy of micturition during menses since, 2 years. She had history of regular menstruation. On IVP and ultrasound there was presence bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. She had previous history of cystoscopy with bilateral ureteroscopy done for the same. Bilateral ureteric stenting for a period of 3 months was done 1 year earlier, however it failed to resolve the hydroureter. A MRI was done, which showed hydroureter with surrounding endometriotic nodule. Laparoscopy was done, and ureteral shaving was performed. Postoperative IVP showed normal ureteral and renal pelvic anatomy. Patient is presently on Dienogest and is asymptomatic.

2016 ◽  
Seema Chopra

Case Report: 19 yr old unmarried girl c/o abdominal distension, loss of appetite and Irregular menstrual cycles x 5 months. USG: gross ascites, liver, Lobulated isoechoic mass in right adnexa, 7x5 cm, abutting right ovary. CA125: 1297 U/ml. FNAC Degenerated crushed cells & stromal fragments. Few scattered benign oval/spindle cells. Laparoscopy f/b laparotomy: 6 litres of straw colored asciic fluid drained. Uterus, left adnexa normal. Rt ovarian mass 6x7 cm, bilobed, arising from ovary. Solid, stuck in POD Adherent to gut. Right oophrectomy done. CA-125: 22 u/ml on day 6 post op. HPE – Sclerosing stromal tumor. Discussion: Sclerosing sex cord stromal tumour of the ovary is a rare tumor; accounts for 6% of ovarian stromal tumors Over a 100 reported tumors in literature. 80% of SST seen in second and third decade of life. Essentially a benign tumour, Usually a unilateral nonfunctioning tumor. Few cases with elevated serum CA-125 and hormonal abnormalities have been reported. Endocrine alterations caused by secretion of estrogen, progesterone or testosterone; induction of precocious puberty. Conclusion: Unilateral oophrectomy is the treatment. No recurrence of the tumor in the patients treated by oophorectomy or by conservative resection of the tumor. Excision of the tumor isfollowed by normal menses, pregnancy has also been reported.

Apoorv Goel ◽  
Ayush Agarwal ◽  
Roli Bansal ◽  
Sarita Goel

ABSTRACT The number of unsafe abortions has declined over the years in India but we still come across many cases and few of them with fatal complications. Usually such cases may present as bleeding per vaginum with features of sepsis and often instrumentation causing uterine or bowel injury. Our case is a 16 year old unmarried girl who had a history of 5 months of amenorrhea and underwent abortion by a quack in a village presented with features of frank small bowel obstruction due a rare unusual cause. How to cite this article Goel A, Bansal R, Goel S, Agarwal A. Small Bowel Obstruction in a Young Female following an Unsafe Abortion: An Unusual Cause. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2016;5(1):61-63.

2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (200) ◽  
pp. 288-290
Bishwa Raj Dawadi ◽  
Mingma Temba Sherpa ◽  
Rakshya Shrestha

Myiasis is occurs in humans and vertebrate animals mostly due to dipterous flies of the genera Chrysomyia and Cochliomyia. There have been reported cases of myiasis of skin, breast, intestine, eyes and ear but very few cases of vulvar myiasis have been reported in the medical literature. We report a case of a 20 years old female with vulvar myiasis. A 20-year old unmarried girl presented to our hospital with complains of vaginal discharge and vulvar irritation for 3 days with evidence of some worms around her vulvar region. Her menstrual history revealed the use of folded cloths instead of sanitary pads during her menstruation. Moreover, she washed those clothes with water and hanged them in the clothesline outside to let them dry before reuse. Examination of the external genitalia multiple ulcers measuring 1X1 cm on the inner surface of the labia minora, heavily infested with large number of maggots. The patient was admitted for 4 days during which she was given antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory medication. Daily local asepsis of the wound with antiseptic solution (betadine) was done. We removed more than 30 larvae by the fourth day after which no more larvae were seen and she gradually recovered in the following days. It is our opinion that the cause of vulvar myiasis in our patient was her poor sanitary hygiene. Simple measures such as washing clothes thoroughly, drying and ironing of clothes are also necessary to reduce the risk of this human myiasis.   Keywords: external genitalia; female; maggots; myiasis.  

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