important milestone
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2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Alina Bercu

"The reign of Louis XIV marks an important milestone in the development of dance and art. Convinced that visual arts and music would significantly contribute to a monarch’s authority, image, and glory, the “Sun King” coordinated artistic activities through establishing a significant number of royal academies. Through the Académie Royale de Danse the art of dancing was given a proper language and notation system for the first time in history. On the other hand, the Académie Royale de Musique was tied to the birth of a national operatic style. Opera was the perfect tool for an idealistic and majestic projection of a nation’s monarch. Keywords: baroque dance, Louis XIV, dance notation systems, ballet de cour, royal academies, Jean-Baptiste Lully, music, opera. "

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 233-241

In this study the author confirms the thesis that the founder of the school of civil procedural law of Belarus is Professor S.V. Kurylev. It is emphasized that some of the main continuers of his ideas were V.G. Tikhini and N.G. Iurkevich, who conducted extensive work on training of scholars of procedural law. The main part of this work is devoted to the role of Professor M.K. Treushnikov in developing the school of civil procedural law of the Republic of Belarus, which was to a great extent realized through interaction with M.K. Treushnikov and V.G. Tikhini, which started with their monographic works that became the basis for their PhD theses. Another important milestone in the development of procedural science and legislation is that M.K. Treushnikov influenced as an organizer of lawmaking and educational process. Examples include his participation in the preparation of the draft of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as co-chair of the working group and organization of its discussion with the invitation of scholars from post-Soviet states.

Natalia V. Gorinova

Introduction. The work is devoted to the study of the theatrical and dramatic work of O. Ulyashev. It reveals the originality of his dramatic handwriting and some aspects of the movement of national culture in the 1990s. Materials and Methods. The material of the study was the plays by O. Ulyashev. The method of study is comparative. Results and Discussion. O. Ulyashev’s plays are an important milestone in the history of the development of the Komi Theater. His plays, like many other ones of the turn of the XX–XXI centuries, are inherent in the desire for renewal. The artistic originality of his texts, however, determines the actualization of folklore material. The writer’s worldview is close to the high artistic, aesthetic and moral and philosophical potential of oral folk art. It is folklore origins that contribute to his creative quest and the development of his creative aspirations. O. Ulyashev’s works, like many other works of Komi literature of the late XX century about the historical past of the Zyryans, serve to increase and strengthen national identity. Conclusion. The work of the writer O. Ulyashev played an important role in the development of theatrical and dramatic art of the Komi Republic. His plays largely update the Komi drama, saturating it with folklore material, romanticizing the past of the Zyryans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-2) ◽  
pp. 324-347
Eugeny Artemov ◽  
Evgeny Vodichev ◽  

The article is timed to the 60th anniversary of the XXII CPSU Congress, which has become an important milestone in the history of the late Soviet period. The 3rd programme of the CPSU was adopted on the Congress, which proclaimed that "the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism." The strategy for achieving this goal was justified as well. This article is devoted to the analysis of its economic aspects. The paper has four sections. In the first, the authors substantiate the need to identify the doctrinal continuity of the economic policy of late Stalinism and the time of Khrushchev’s “Thaw”. In the second section of the article, the authors note that traditional methodological approaches have many limitations in studies of this kind. Their non-critical use makes it difficult to find a response to the question of why the Khrushchev leadership failed to realise its ambitious plans. The authors see the solution of this issue in a comprehensive comparative analysis of the promotional ideologemes and practical policy. The main section outlines the results of the study. They are based on a detailed comparison of the main directions of creating a “material and technical basis” of communism contained in the Stalinist projects of the 3rd party programme and in Khrushchev’s version. As underlined, they are determined by a variety of dominant political myths and ideologemes in the public consciousness. At the same time, the practical policy was guided by completely different ideas and interests. In conclusion, it is stipulated that, with all the nuances, the economic “visions” that were reflected in the 3rd party programme were designed in accordance with patterns of the "Communist projections", formulated in Stalin’s epoch. They promised to build a society of universal benefits in the foreseeable future. However, in practice, the development of the economy, as before, was primarily focused on the expansion of military-industrial might. All other needs could be satisfied only in accordance with the "residual principle." This turned into a gap between the declarations of "steady increase of material well-being" of the population and reality. As a result, the strategy of the “communist construction” was discredited, and the authority of those in power was undermined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 732-758
Vitaliy Pogoretskyy

Abstract The Arbitration Panel’s decision in Ukraine – Export Prohibition on Wood Products suggests the emerging trend among some Word Trade Organization (WTO) Members to settle their trade irritants regionally. This dispute was adjudicated between the EU and Ukraine, which are both WTO Members, under the WTO rules that are incorporated by reference into the Association Agreement between these parties and by the Arbitration Panel the two members of which are well-known WTO adjudicators. The dispute settlement proceedings in this case thus illustrate how regional dispute settlement mechanisms work in practice and shed some light on whether these mechanisms could serve as a viable alternative to the WTO at the time of the ongoing WTO dispute settlement crisis. Moreover, from a substantive perspective, some may view this decision as an important milestone in international economic law, which contributes to the long-standing debate on how the right balance should be struck between trade and environmental considerations, in this case, the conservation of forests. This article, however, addresses several important shortcomings in the Arbitration Panel’s reasoning, which appear to diminish the relevance of the decision beyond the dispute at hand.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 578
Ulysse Chabaud ◽  
Frédéric Grosshans ◽  
Elham Kashefi ◽  
Damian Markham

The demonstration of quantum speedup, also known as quantum computational supremacy, that is the ability of quantum computers to outperform dramatically their classical counterparts, is an important milestone in the field of quantum computing. While quantum speedup experiments are gradually escaping the regime of classical simulation, they still lack efficient verification protocols and rely on partial validation. Here we derive an efficient protocol for verifying with single-mode Gaussian measurements the output states of a large class of continuous-variable quantum circuits demonstrating quantum speedup, including Boson Sampling experiments, thus enabling a convincing demonstration of quantum speedup with photonic computing. Beyond the quantum speedup milestone, our results also enable the efficient and reliable certification of a large class of intractable continuous-variable multimode quantum states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Dmitriy A. Barinov

In the 1920s-1930s, the political struggle in the USSR at the Politburo was closely linked with historical science. The search for “crimes” against the Communist Party that Bolshevik leaders had committed in the past became an important lever for obtaining political dividends in the contemporaneity. In this regard, the history of the Revolution was given special attention, and specialists in this field took on a great responsibility, often without even realising it. In the historiography of Soviet science, considerable attention is paid to the formation of the canon of the history of the Bolshevik Party, crowned by the Short Course of 1938. The author continues to study this topic from a different angle. The article aims to answer the question of how, under the conditions of the gradual establishment of the Stalinist vision of history, Stalin’s recent opponents existed – historians participating in Grigory Zinoviev’s opposition and the so-called United Opposition in 1925-1928. At the same time, it describes how they themselves used historical publications in the political struggle, as well as their direct participation in campaigning against Joseph Stalin’s and Nikolai Bukharin’s course. An important milestone was the publication of Stalin's letter to «Proletarian Revolution» newspaper, which, in addition to changing trends in historiography, also led to repression against former Trotskyists working in the humanities.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Iqvina Hima ◽  
Agus Salim

Developing the cooperative ability of preschoolers is an important milestone for a child's social development process. Experiences at school become a place for students to discuss agreements with groups of children or their peers. Based on the research there are 70% of the students are still not capable in terms of social skills so that this research aims to increase the ability of cooperation in students. The approach used in this research is Classroom Action Research which is carried out in three stages, namely Pre-cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II in order to obtain results in accordance with the assessment. At the Pre-cycle stage, the average score obtained by students was 42%, while at the Cycle I stage an average score was increased by 63%, which means that the average value is still not in accordance with the achievement target of the assessment, so the research is continued in the Cycle stage. II, after the Cycle II stage, the average value increased significantly, which was 87%. This can be seen from the comparison at each stage of the cycle during the research carried out. From the results obtained there is an increase which proves that through the Whirlwind Game can improve the ability of cooperation in children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 11-12
Rosei Federico ◽  
Matlin Stephen A.

Abstract The International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD) passes an important milestone in 2021, as 1 July marked the 40th anniversary of its launch at a meeting hosted by UNESCO in Paris in 1981. Registered in Belgium, IOCD was originally established as the first non-governmental organization to focus on the need to develop opportunities for chemists in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) to progress professionally and work on projects of relevance to the development of their countries and regions [1].

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