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Ziwei Wang ◽  
Yongkui Liu ◽  
Tiezhong Liu

Because urban residents do not have a strong understanding of hazardous chemicals, they cannot effectively make response action decisions to ensure safety, protect lives, and reduce property damage. This paper constructs the Response Action Decision Model of hazardous chemicals, and analyzes the mediating effect of Information Processing and Threat Perception, as well as channel preferences of urban residents with different demographic characteristics. A total of 1700 questionnaires were collected in Chongqing, Tianjin, Fujian Zhangzhou, Shandong Zibo and Lanzhou, where there are significant hazardous chemicals factories. The results show that: Firstly, Information Processing and Threat Perception have significant mediating effects on the relationship between Mass Media, Social Media, Face-to-face communication and Response Action Decision in a single channel, which can effectively promote the spread effect of different channels, affecting the ways that urban residents make hazard response action decisions; secondly, Information Processing and Threat Perception do not have a mediating effect on the relationship between the channel combination of “Mass Media ↔ Social Media”, “Mass Media ↔ Face-to-face communication”, “Social Media ↔ Face-to-face communication” and Response Action Decision, and the channel combination can directly link to the Response Action Decision; thirdly, in terms of the extent that it affects urban residents to make response action decisions, Mass Media is greater than Social Media and greater than Face-to-face communication; fourthly, two demographic characteristics of gender and experience have a stronger moderating effect for the Mass Media channel, while other demographic characteristics have greater influences on the Response Action Decision Model; finally, the Response Action Decision Model can be better applied to those analyses and research which address threat perception of hazardous chemicals and response action decisions of urban residents in China.

Sabrina Katharina Beckmann ◽  
Michael Hiete ◽  
Michael Schneider ◽  
Christoph Beck

AbstractExtreme heatwaves will occur more frequently and with higher intensity in future. Their consequences for human health can be fatal if adaptation measures will not be taken. This study analyses factors related to heat adaptation measures in private households in Germany. During the summer months of 2019, indoor temperatures were measured in over 500 private households in the City of Augsburg, Germany, accompanied by a survey to find out about heat perception and adaptation measures. Hypotheses deducted from the Protective Action Decision Model were tested using one-way ANOVAs, regression analysis and in the end a multiple hierarchical regression model. The results of the hypotheses tested imply an influence of knowledge and heat risk perception of heat adaptation behaviour and an influence of age on heat risk perception. The results of the regression model show an influence of the efficacy-related attribute, of age, indoor temperature, subjective heat stress and health implications to heat adaptation behaviour. In the end, this study proposes adjustments to the PADM according to the results of the hierarchical regression analysis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Richard RYAN ◽  

A ground-breaking judgment of the Australian Federal Court regarding the Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea in 2009, Sanda v PTTEP Australasia (Ashmore Cartier) Pty Ltd (No 7) (Sanda (No 7)), 1 is one of the few Australian class actions to proceed to a favourable judgment for the claimants. It is also the first judgment against an Australian company for cross-border pollution loss suffered by foreign claimants.

Karina Fernanda Gonzalez ◽  
Maria Teresa Bull ◽  
Sebastian Muñoz-Herrera ◽  
Luis Felipe Robledo

The pandemic has challenged countries to develop stringent measures to reduce infections and keep the population healthy. However, the greatest challenge is understanding the process of adopting self-care measures by individuals in different countries. In this research, we sought to understand the behavior of individuals who take self-protective action. We selected the risk homeostasis approach to identify relevant variables associated with the risk of contagion and the Protective Action Decision Model to understand protective decision-making in the pandemic. Subsequently, we conducted an exploratory survey to identify whether the same factors, as indicated in the literature, impact Chile’s adoption of prevention measures. The variables gender, age, and trust in authority behave similarly to those found in the literature. However, socioeconomic level, education, and media do not impact the protection behaviors adopted to avoid contagion. Furthermore, the application of the Protective Action Decision Model is adequate to understand the protective measures in the case of a pandemic. Finally, women have a higher risk perception and adopt more protective measures, and in contrast, young people between 18 and 30 years of age are the least concerned about COVID-19 infection.

Marlene Susanne Lisa Scharfe-Scherf ◽  
Nele Russwinkel

AbstractThis paper shows, how objective complexity and familiarity impact the subjective complexity and the time to make an action decision during the takeover task in a highly automated driving scenario. In the next generation of highly automated driving the driver remains as fallback and has to take over the driving task whenever the system reaches a limit. It is thus highly important to develop an assistance system that supports the individual driver based on information about the drivers’ current cognitive state. The impact of familiarity and complexity (objective and subjective) on the time to make an action decision during a takeover is investigated. To produce replicable driving scenarios and manipulate the independent variables situation familiarity and objective complexity, a driving simulator is used. Results show that the familiarity with a traffic situation as well as the objective complexity of the environment significantly influence the subjective complexity and the time to make an action decision. Furthermore, it is shown that the subjective complexity is a mediator variable between objective complexity/familiarity and the time to make an action decision. Complexity and familiarity are thus important parameters that have to be considered in the development of highly automated driving systems. Based on the presented mediation effect, the opportunity of gathering the drivers’ subjective complexity and adapting cognitive assistance systems accordingly is opened up. The results of this study provide a solid basis that enables an individualization of the takeover by implementing useful cognitive modeling to individualize cognitive assistance systems for highly automated driving.

Alexia Stock ◽  
Rachel A. Davidson ◽  
Joseph E. Trainor ◽  
Rachel Slotter ◽  
Linda K. Nozick ◽  

AbstractWe hypothesize that for disaster risk mitigation, many households, despite being aware of their risk and possible mitigation actions, never seriously consider doing anything about them. In mitigation-focused decisions, since there is no equivalent to warning messages, the decision process is likely to evolve over an extended time. We explore what activates hurricane mitigation protective action decisions through three research questions: (1) to what extent are homeowners unengaged in protective action decision making? (2) What homeowner characteristics are associated with lack of engagement? And (3) to what extent do different life events trigger engagement in the decision-making process? We use the Precaution Adoption Process Model to conceptualize engagement as distinct from decision making; the broader protective action decision-making literature to explore drivers of engagement; and Life Course Theory to examine potential transitions from unengaged to engaged. We use survey data of homeowners in North Carolina to examine these questions empirically. Findings suggest that one-third of respondents had never engaged in protective action decisions, that life experiences differ in their occurrence frequency and effect on households’ mitigation decisions, and that some events, such as renovating, reroofing, or purchasing a home may offer critical moments that could be leveraged to encourage greater engagement in mitigation decision making.

Although specialized personal and residential Deaf warning technologies exist, receipt and comprehension of tornado warning information from local television is often delayed or misunderstood because of closed-captioning deficiencies. In order to suggest improvements for the communication of tornado warnings to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HoH) audiences, interviews and a focus group were conducted within the active tornado counties of Alabama. D/HoH individuals generally use more information sources than the hearing population to better understand their risk. Protective action decision-making by our sample was characterized by more hesitation, uncertainty, and indecision than in the hearing population. The most common suggestion for improving tornado-warning communication was to have an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter shown on screen with a local television meteorologist during a tornado warning. A split-screen television product with an ASL interpreter in a remote studio was prototyped showing that this type of live broadcast is possible for local tornado-warning coverage. Several screen formats were evaluated by a focus group with the conclusion that the ASL interpreter should be on the left side of the screen without obscuring any part of the weather broadcast. The split-screen product with an ASL interpreter resulted in full access to all broadcast information, the ability to make immediate safety decisions, and was welcomed with excitement by the focus-group participants. This modification, along with the education and preparedness efforts of the National Weather Service, help remedy the information gaps and comprehension delays of this underserved population.

Jingru Zhang ◽  
Baina He ◽  
Renzhuo Jiang ◽  
Xingmin He ◽  
Yanchen Dong ◽  

Abstract Modular multilevel converter for high voltage DC system has great potential as the key role in global energy interconnection. Adaptive reclosing or restarting after suffering from short-circuit faults is a critical segment to realize safe and stable operation. An adaptive restart scheme for the half-bridge sub-module transmission system is proposed, which is based on the active current injection of the auxiliary fault discriminate module. Combined with the engineering experience, the transient characteristics of the line current during the fault restart stage are analyzed. The ratio of the current peaks at both ends of the fault point is used as the criterion. Moreover, the restart current suppression strategy is introduced into the adaptive restart scheme. It provides a decision-making basis for discriminate the property of the fault and improves the success rate of fault restart. The simulation results show that after the external auxiliary module is introduced into the adaptive restart stage, the restart current does not exceed the rated value. Finally, The permanent fault and the transient fault can be successfully distinguished, providing a reliable guarantee for the subsequent action decision of the protection devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 04020043
Mitchell Scovell ◽  
Connar McShane ◽  
Anne Swinbourne ◽  
Daniel Smith

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