analytical services
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 136-144
Anatolii Mazaraki ◽  
Nataliya Kalyuzhna ◽  
Larysa Sarkisian

The purpose of this article is to develop methodological approaches to assess the likelihood of multiplicative effects of hybrid threat combinations based on their systematization according to the key areas of hybrid confrontation. Methodology. Methods of analysis and synthesis are used to identify the key areas of hybrid confrontation; methods of abstraction and generalization - to justify the multiplicative effects of implementing combinations of hybrid threats; method of mathematical modeling – to formalize the criterion of effectiveness of various hybrid aggression tools. The research is based on scientific publications, materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and European analytical services. Results of the study. It has been proved that the transformation of modern interstate conflicts takes place in the direction of acquiring by them signs of hybridization, provided that it is understood as a process of using various means of pressure, predominantly of non-military nature. It is argued that the urgent task in the context of counteracting hybrid threats is to assess the probability of multiplicative effects from the implementation of their combinations. The military, economic and information spheres have been identified as key dimensions of the hybrid confrontation. The specifics of hybrid threats in the economic sphere are those that would allow the country initiating the aggression to disguise its participation in the conflict, and the target country to obtain critical resources for the development of its economic system. The essence of synergy and cumulation effects is considered and their interpretation in the coordinates of hybrid warfare is given. The relevant effects are defined as multiplicative, that is, those that have a multiplier effect, providing accumulation (accumulation) and synergy (amplification) from the implementation of threats in different areas of hybrid confrontation. Practical implications. Assessing the likelihood of the multiplier effect of a variety of hybrid threats will focus on countering those combinations of threats that can have a significant impact on the political and economic system of the state of hybrid aggression. Value/originality. Justification and formalization of conditions for obtaining multiplicative (cumulative and synergistic) effects from the use of various hybrid confrontation tools.

Aimee Stewart

In 2020, we began developing software components for an Application Programming Interface (API)-based integration architecture (the “Specify Network”) to leverage the global footprint of the Specify 7 collections management platform ( and the analytical services of the Lifemapper ( and Biotaphy ( Projects. The University of Kansas Lifemapper Project is a community gateway for species distribution and macroecological modeling. The Biotaphy Project, an extension of Lifemapper, is the product of a six-year, U.S. National Science Foundation-funded collaboration among researchers at the Universities of Michigan, Florida, and Kansas. Biotaphy's primary scope is to use big data methods and high-performance computing to integrate species occurrence data with phylogenetic and biogeographic data sets for large taxonomic and spatial scale analyses. Our initial integrations between Biotaphy and the Specify Network enable Specify users to easily discover remote information related to the specimens in their collection. The widely-discussed, digital specimen architecture being championed by DiSSCo (Distributed System of Scientific Collections and others ( will change data communications between biodiversity collections and the broader biodiversity data community. Those network interactions will evolve from being predominantly one-way, batch-oriented transfers of information from museums to aggregators, to an n-way communications topology that will make specimen record discovery, updates and usage much easier to accomplish. But museum specimens and their catalogs will no longer be an intellectual endpoint of species documentation. Rather, records in collections management systems will increasingly serve as a point of departure for data synthesis, which takes place outside of institutional data domains, and which will overlay the legacy role of museums as authoritative sources of information about the diversity and distribution of life on Earth. Biological museum institutions will continue to play a vital role as the foundation of a global data infrastructure connecting aggregators, collaborative databases, analysis engines, journal publishers, and data set archives. In this presentation, we will provide an update on the components and capabilities that make up integrations in the Specify Network as an exemplar of the global architecture envisaged by the biodiversity research community.

2021 ◽  
Irina Kukukina ◽  
Irina Astrahanceva

The textbook introduces the history of the formation of the institute of bankruptcy, conducting reorganization and liquidation procedures in a crisis, diagnosing the financial condition of an enterprise based on situational and coefficient analysis, multiplicative factor models for assessing the threat of bankruptcy, methods for assessing the value of an insolvent enterprise, as well as accounting for operations related to bankruptcy procedures. The possibilities of an integrated approach to the development of a strategy for overcoming the crisis and choosing ways to restructure a bankrupt enterprise are considered. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For teachers, postgraduates and students of higher educational organizations, employees of analytical services, anti-crisis managers.

2021 ◽  
Fayisa Olana Bulo ◽  
Hailu Shiferaw Desta

Abstract Background: Soil fertility is one of the major constraints of agricultural production and productivity. Soil fertility atlas shows plant nutrient status and is useful for decision making in fertilizers and other amendments advisory service for farmers. The objectives of this research were to study the farming activity, assess the acidity status of the soils, map and recommend the right amount of lime for acidic soils. Result: A total of 199 soil samples were collected across Jimma Arjo district at 1.5 km grid interval from a depth of 0 - 20 cm for annual and 0 - 50 cm for perennial crops. The total area of the district was 76,574 ha. Soil reaction (pH), electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable acidity (EA) were done at Nekemte Soil Research Center. Exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were analyzed by wet chemistry analysis at Yara Analytical Services, England. Critical levels adopted by the Ethiopian Soil Information System (EthioSIS) project were used for characterization of the soil properties. Soil reaction (pH) ranged from 4.45 to 6.87 in which 17.1 and 78.4% of the total area was covered by strongly acidic soils and slightly acidic soils, respectively. Agricultural lime (Ag-lime) was required for 17.87% of the total area and 12.63%, 4.36% and 0.88% of the total area require lime at a rate of 0 - 1, 1 - 2, and 2 - 4.1 tons/ha respectively. Conclusion: The highland areas of the district are more populated and there is high pressure on soil, cooler temperature and higher rainfall than lowlands which resulted in soil acidity of the highlands. The magnitude and extent of soil acidity in the area is expanding and liming is very important as an entry point to mitigate further expansion. The observed dependency of the soil acidity on landscape position could be a proxy indicator of the difference in fertility status of the two landscapes.

Виталий Сергеевич Ерёменко ◽  
Вера Викторовна Наумова ◽  
Алексей Андреевич Загуменнов ◽  
Станислав Владимирович Булов

Описываются подходы к организации единого рабочего пространства исследователя для обработки геологической информации. Предложены подходы по взаимодействию с внешними территориально распределенными сервисами обработки и анализа геологических данных на основе WPS-платформы и по организации интегральной платформы для доступа к интерактивным облачным сервисам обработки геологических данных. Приводятся примеры облачных сервисов и платформ и сравниваются их основные характеристики. Описывается программная реализация предложенных подходов в рамках разрабатываемой информационноаналитической системы Приводится общая архитектура системы, и кратко описывается каждый из ее модулей. Описываются внешние сервисы, интегрированные в разрабатываемую платформу. The purpose of the study is to create an approach for organization of unified workspace for geological data research and processing. The study proposes approaches for organization of interaction with external geographically distributed processing and analytical services of geological data based on WPS platforms. Аn approach for integral platform organization providing access to interactive cloud processing of geological data is proposed. It connects the users with modern methods of data processing and analysis. A brief description of existing cloud services and platforms and comparison of their basic features is presented. Various groups of cloud services are described depending on the type of services provided to the user. Software implementation of approaches proposed within developing informational and analytical system is addressed. The general architecture of the system and author’s modules developed including technological solutions used are described. A brief review of the services integrated into the platform being developed now is given. The use of the developed platform for processing and analyzing of geological data allows further expanding of capabilities of information-analytical environment developers to support scientific research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
A. V. Voiko

The paper examines some foreign and domestic methods of forecasting bankruptcy of enterprises in order to apply them in the largest construction organizations in Russia. The empirical basis of the study is the construction companies that are comparable in size, revenue, and market share. Their annual financial statements preceding the analysis are the information base of calculations. The quality of forecasts has been checked on independent indicators’ calculations of financial analysis, as well as using data from financial markets and share prices under studied companies. The result of the research is the selection of models that gives the most correct forecast of the financial situation of a company in the construction industry. It has been also revealed that models for predicting financial insolvency of enterprises has not been able to assess changes in financial stability in the short term. Therefore, the author compares calculation results with data of financial markets. As a result, it was found that models which demonstrate the greatest predictive ability correlate with the results of independent financial analysis, as well as with data of financial markets regarding the share price dynamics of construction companies. The paper provides recommendations on approaches to choosing models for analyzing the probability of bankruptcy and can be useful for specialists of financial and analytical services to predict the financial insolvency of construction business.

2021 ◽  
Tatyana Busygina ◽  
Anna Yuklyaevskaya

Abstract Analysis of a document array on academic social networks (ASNs) in Web of Science for the period from 2005 to 2020 was carried out with use of analytical services data of the WoS and CiteSpace (the program for visualization of patterns and trends in scientific literature). The following parameters of the array were analyzed: publication dynamics; document types structure; countries, organizations and authors leading in the number of publications; thematic categories to which documents of the array are assigned; publications (journals, monographs) in which the documents of the array are published; most cited publications. An increase in the number of publications on the ASNs in WoS was established since 2005. The largest number of ASNs studies is conducted in the USA (University of Pittsburgh), UK (Wolverhampton University, Manchester University), China, Spain (University of Granada), Germany (Max Planck Society for Scientific Research), Canada, India and the Netherlands (Leiden University). The ASNs were studied in the main thematic areas: Computer Science, Computer Science and Librarianship, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Technology. Four out of the first ten highly cited publications, are devoted to altmetrics. Using the CiteSpace, it was shown that when ASNs started rise, their organizational structure was beeing studed. Later, altmetrics used in the ASNs became the main subjects of ASNs research. The keywords occurrence revealed that the most frequent terms are “altmetrics”, “impact”, “citation”. As part of the document flow, also identified publications in which the ASNs are used as a source of bibliographic data for systematic or meta-analysis (in medicine predominantly), or as a platform for experimental data discussion.

2021 ◽  
Nataliya Plaskova

The textbook introduces modern methods and techniques for analyzing the activities of a commercial organization using the information contained in its financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. Considerable attention is paid to the disclosure of calculation and analytical procedures for identifying and quantifying the impact of factors on the level of business performance. The presentation of each chapter is accompanied by practical calculation and analytical materials using the "cross-cutting task" technique, the initial information base of which is the actual financial statements of the company prepared in accordance with IFRS. After each chapter, there are control questions and tests for self-control. The tutorial includes a practical business game in the form of a built-in "Workbook". It is a solution of interrelated tasks using practical materials — the financial statements of a real commercial organization — and illustrates all the methodological methods of analysis contained in the textbook. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students of higher educational institutions studying under bachelor's and master's degree programs in Economics, as well as teachers and postgraduates of economic specialties, students of the system of professional training and advanced training of accountants, auditors, financial managers, practitioners of financial and analytical services of organizations.

Andrei A. Basargin ◽  

An important task for the development of modern society is the organization of operational access to spatial data. In modern conditions, geoportal technologies are successfully used to implement this task. Spatial information plays an important role in tourism activities, as the visual representation of travel routes, main attractions and tourist infrastructure has a great impact on the promotion of ser-vices. The main goal of the work is to develop a tourist geo-service for the Lake Karachi sanatorium and tourist Park. This article considers the process of creating a geoservice using the "MapInfo" soft-ware. The developed methodology contains recommendations for preparing cartographic information for publication on interactive geospatial services. Web maps are equipped with additional tools that allow you to perform various types of search, create and edit objects in vector layers, use analytical services and other useful tools. There is a tool for embedding interactive maps from geoservice in oth-er sites, while retaining most of the features and tools. There was conducted a study to determine the role of information and geoinformation technologies in the tourism industry. The article proves the relevance of developing a tourist web map of the sanatorium and tourist complex "Lake Karachi" for the geoservice of the same name. The work presents the content and structure of the created tourist web map, and develops an algorithm for creating thematic web maps. It also gives the developed sys-tem of symbols, as well as the results of the study. As a result, there was created the geoservice for the development of tourist recreation in the Novosibirsk region on the territory of the sanatorium and tour-ist complex "Lake Karachi".

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