stage characteristic
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 9899
Guozhu Wang ◽  
Yiwen Cui ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Lihua Wu ◽  
Guanyu Hu

Advanced persistent threat (APT) is a special attack method, which is usually initiated by hacker groups to steal data or destroy systems for large enterprises and even countries. APT has a long-term and multi-stage characteristic, which makes it difficult for traditional detection methods to effectively identify. To detect APT attacks requires solving some problems: how to deal with various uncertain information during APT attack detection, how to fully train the APT detection model with small attack samples, and how to obtain the interpretable detection results for subsequent APT attack forensics. Traditional detection methods cannot effectively utilize multiple uncertain information with small samples. Meanwhile, most detection models are black box and lack a transparent calculation process, which makes it impossible for managers to analyze the reliability and evidence of the results. To solve these problems, a novel detection method based on belief rule base (BRB) is proposed in this paper, where expert knowledge and small samples are both utilized to obtain interpretable detection results. A case study with numerical simulation is established to prove the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-38
Anton G. Zaitsev ◽  
Pavel A. Soshkin ◽  
Dmitry S. Zabrodsky

A 2-stage comprehensive psychological and physiological examination of freshmen of a higher naval educational institution was carried out. At the first stage, characteristic profiles of cadets were determined. At the second stage, the identified characteristic profiles were correlated with the traditional criteria for military-professional adaptation. It was found that the most often examined young men (according to the Leonhard Schmiszek technique) have such character accentuations as hypertimicity (81.8%) and demonstrability (53.1%), less often stuck (39.3%), pedanticity (19.6%), emotion (18.2%), exaltation (15.4%), and even less often cyclothymic (8.4%), excitability (7.7%), anxiety (2.8%) and dysthymic (2,1%). Cadets assigned to the passive-aggressive stereotype group manage worse in the main disciplines than cadets from other groups. Cadets with passive-aggressive stereotype have lower academic performance as compared to other groups. They have lower expert scores in discipline, neuropsychic stability, communication skills, credibility in a team and level of general culture. In addition, in cadets of this group, the mobility of the main nervous processes at the level of the motor analyzer is somewhat lower to the comparison group. The study showed that the characterological features in the form of mixing or opposing accentuations of characters revealed in cadets play in favor of their personal development, health and successful study only in about 2040% of cases. In other cases, these character features do not contribute to this and can develop into personal disorders incompatible with military service during the training process. Based on the results of the study, psychological and pedagogical tasks were formulated to improve the system of selecting of cadets for naval educational institutions and to improve their professional education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Lei Xing ◽  
Duoyin Wang ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Meiling Fan ◽  
Lunliang Duan

To explore the pile-soil interaction response in saturated sand under long-term horizontal cyclic loading, a series of indoor 1 g model tests were carried out with self-made loading equipment. In this paper, the self-made loading system and test program are introduced firstly. Then, the long-term horizontal cyclic loading-induced pile top cumulative displacement, the rotation angle, the mono-pile horizontal cyclic stiffness, the cyclic p-y curve, the pore water pressure, the soil settlement, and cracks around mono-pile are fully studied. Based on the experimental results, the pile-soil interaction response shows a two-stage characteristic with the change in cycle (N), and the short-term effects of horizontal cyclic loading are greater than the long-term effects. In the first 1000 cycles, the cumulative displacement of pile top, the rotation angle of mono-pile, and the pore water pressure could reach more than 90% of the final value. In addition, the cyclic p-y curve obtained by the test is generally smaller than the p-y curve calculated from the API specification, and the soil near the mono-pile will settle with annular cracks under the cyclic loading.

Machines ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 83
Samuel Cruz-Manzo ◽  
Senthil Krishnababu ◽  
Vili Panov ◽  
Chris Bingham

In this study, the inter-stage dynamic performance of a multistage axial compressor is simulated through a semi-empirical model constructed in the Matlab Simulink environment. A semi-empirical 1-D compressor model developed in a previous study has been integrated with a 0-D twin-shaft gas turbine model developed in the Simulink environment. Inter-stage performance data generated through a high-fidelity design tool and based on throughflow analysis are considered for the development of the inter-stage modeling framework. Inter-stage performance data comprise pressure ratio at various speeds with nominal variable stator guide vane (VGV) positions and with hypothetical offsets to them with respect to the gas generator speed (GGS). Compressor discharge pressure, fuel flow demand, GGS and power turbine speed measured during the operation of a twin-shaft industrial gas turbine are considered for the dynamic model validation. The dynamic performance of the axial-compressor, simulated by the developed modeling framework, is represented on the overall compressor map and individual stage characteristic maps. The effect of extracting air through the bleed port in the engine center-casing on transient performance represented on overall compressor map and stage performance maps is also presented. In addition, the dynamic performance of the axial-compressor with an offset in VGV position is represented on the overall compressor map and individual stage characteristic maps. The study couples the fundamental principles of axial compressors and a semi-empirical modeling architecture in a complementary manner. The developed modeling framework can provide a deeper understanding of the factors that affect the dynamic performance of axial compressors.

Metals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1032
Jian An ◽  
Yiguang Chen ◽  
Zhihui Liu ◽  
Yuxi Tian

A type of Fe-21.3Cr-3.5Al-0.5Ti-0.4Zr steel was produced for application of spot-welding location pins in automobile industry. The oxidation behavior at temperatures of 1220–1340 °C and wear performance were investigated. The morphologies and constituent phases of the oxide layers were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The hardness and wear performance of the oxide layers were also measured. The results showed that the mass gain presented a stage characteristic with increasing temperature, i.e., a small increasing at 1220–1260 °C, a moderate increasing at 1280–1300 °C, and a great increasing at 1320–1340 °C. The oxide layer primarily consisted of Al2O3 phase and a small amount of ZrO2 phase. ZrO2 increased in amount with temperature rising from 1220 to 1340 °C. The oxidized surface exhibited an increase of hardness with increasing temperature, but the lowest wear loss occurred at the oxidation temperature of 1280 °C.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 1416 ◽  
Shuai Yang ◽  
Tingting Kang ◽  
Jingyi Bu ◽  
Jiahao Chen ◽  
Zhipeng Wang ◽  

An obvious decline in runoff of the Weihe River has been detected during the last half-century. Climate change and human activity acted as two major factors inducing the reduction. However, little knowledge is acquired on how and to what extent the decadal climate change and human activity induced runoff variations, which is essential for regional water resources planning and management. In this study, the observed data of 3 hydrological stations and 31 meteorological stations were used to analyze the runoff variability, and Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model (Xu Liang, Seattle, WA, United States of America) coupled with scenario simulation was employed to attribute runoff variation of each period. The results showed that runoff decreased significantly at a rate of −1.01 × 108 m3·year−1 with obvious stage characteristic during 1961–2016. The water yield was highest in the 1960s and varying degrees of decline were detected in the following periods, resulting in a decrease of available freshwater by 20.54%–58.24%. Human activity had a dominant contribution to induce an increasing runoff decline from 2.068 to 5.776 km3, while the effect of climate was relatively small and lead to runoff reduction, except in the 1970s. This study gave a comprehensive understanding of time-varying runoff variability and highlighted the importance of appropriate human intervention with respect to climate change to ensure water resources security.

L. Chervyakova ◽  
T. Panchenko ◽  
O. Tsurkan ◽  
N. Adamenko

Goal. To develop a method for the determination of imidacloprid, clothianidin, prothioconazole and tebuconazole in the treatment seeds of wheat and barley. Methods. Active substances were determined by thin layer chromatography (TLC). Mathematical-statistical method for evaluate the linear range of the dependence of the area of the chromatographic zone on the amount of active substance was used. Results. The determination of pesticides includes a number of basic stage: characteristic the matrix by the ratio of the content of coextracting substances, that interfere with the determination, and the content of pesticides; classification of pesticides by polarity in according to the dipole moment (µ, D); extraction from the analyzed sample by organic solvent with corresponding of the dielectric constant, ε; purification; qualitative and quantitative determination. In the case of the analysis of treatment seeds, in which the amount of pesticides is much greater than coextracting compounds, the stages of classification and purification are excluded from the analysis. The extraction is carried out with ethanol. Qualitative determination of pesticides is carried out on plates with a thin layer of adsorbent (silicagel) in the mobile phase (mixture of hexane and ethanol, ε = 7.49) with using corresponding reagents. Silver ammonia (AgNO3) solution and followed by UV irradiation of the chromatogram is used for identification halogen-containing pesticides (zones of localization of compounds are formed dark spots of reduced silver). Pesticides containing donor atoms of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, identify by bromphenol blue (BPB) and subsequent bleaching of the background with an solution of citric acid (zones of localization of compounds are formed blue spots form on a light background). The active substances are identified with the corresponding Rf of the zones localization. Quantitatively of active substances is determined by the calibration dependence of the area of compound’ chromatographic zone on its quantity. For all four compounds, this dependence is linear in the concentration range of 0.20 — 0.80 µg and is described by the regression equation for: imidacloprid y = 6.25x + 5.45; for clothianidine y = 11.65x + 6.70; for prothioconazole y = 28.7x + 2.05; for tebuconazole y = 13.00x + 7.00. In all cases, the correlation between the indicators is estimated as strong (r = 0.99). Conclusions The algorithm for assessing the completeness of the treatment of wheat and barley seeds is an express control method and using the thin layer chromatography method allows to determine four active substances in one sample during one analysis with high accuracy (relative error of less than 5% at n = 5, P = 0.95) excluding laborious experiment.

И. В. Панова

В статье рассматриваются актуальные проблемы института административной ответственности. Устанавливается, что в своём историческом развитии данный институт прошёл в России несколько этапов, в каждом из которых выявляется и анализируется существование различной системы мер административной ответственности, а также механизма их назначения и применения. Раскрываются также характерные черты и отличия административной ответственности от иных разновидностей юридической ответственности, её определения и их динамика в историческом плане. Обосновывается вывод об отсутствии в рассматриваемом генезисе общих подходов к вопросам как правового регулирования, так и реализации административной ответственности, об отсутствии институционального единства в целом. Вместе с тем особо детерминируется и подчёркивается развитие административного судопроизводства. В рамках рассмотрения современного этапа развития института административной ответственности акцентируется внимание на вопросах, главным образом, применения административно-деликтного законодательства судами общей юрисдикции и арбитражными судами, предлагаются способы их решения. К поднятым авторами проблемам относятся, в частности, вопросы определения и квалификации малозначительности и длящихся административных правонарушений, вины юридического лица, статуса законного представителя юридического лица в производстве по делам об административных правонарушениях, а также проблема привлечения к административной ответственности публичных органов исполнительной власти. Отдельному анализу подвергаются проблемы отсутствия на законодательном уровне определения административной ответственности и системности в федеральном сегменте административно-деликтного законодательства, предлагаются в связи с этим поправки в Кодекс Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях. В части недостатков административно-наказательной политики государства отмечается наличие проблемы назначения административного наказания ниже низшего предела и отсутствие должной согласованности в размерах административных штрафов. К недостаткам главного административно-деликтного закона России, подробно рассматриваемым в статье, относятся также отсутствие положений, определяющих порядок обжалования наложенных мер пресечения, и проблема возможности обжалования, в принципе, промежуточных процессуальных актов административной ответственности. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме подведомственности (подсудности) рассмотрения дел о привлечении к административной ответственности и порядка их пересмотра. Помимо частных предложений законодательного характера статья содержит авторскую концепцию совершенствования развития законодательства об административной ответственности по нескольким направлениям, включая процедуру назначения и применения административных наказаний. The article considers topical problems of the institution of administrative responsibility. The authors state that in its historical development this institution has passed several stages in Russia. The existence of different systems of administrative responsibility measures as well as the mechanism of their purpose and application is defined and analyzed at every stage. Characteristic features and differences of administrative responsibilities from other kinds of legal responsibility, its definition and their dynamics in a historical context are disclosed in the article. The research proves the conclusion concerning the absence in the reviewed genesis of common approaches to the issues of legal regulation and implementation of administrative responsibility, the absence of institutional unity as a whole. At the same time, development of administrative proceedings is specially determined and emphasized in the text. In the context of determining the modern stage of the development of the institution of administrative responsibility special attention is paid mainly to the problems of implementing the administrative and tort legislation by courts of general jurisdiction and by courts of arbitration; the ways of solving these problems are also suggested. The problems raised by the authors concern in particular the issues of definition and qualification of insignificance and continuing administrative offense, guilt of a legal entity, status of the legal representative of the legal entity in the proceeding of administrative violations as well as the problem of bringing the state executive bodies to administrative responsibility. A special analysis underwent the problems of the absence, at the legislative level, of the definition of administrative responsibility and consistency in the federal segment of the administrative and tort legislation; amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations are also suggested. As for the drawbacks of administrative and punitive policy of the state the authors point to the problems of imposing administrative punishment which is lower than the lowest limit and the absence of proper conformity in the dimensions of administrative fines. Among the drawbacks of the main administrative and tort law of Russia considered in detail in this paper is the absence of provisions defining the order of appeal of the imposed preventive measures as well as the problem of the possibility of appeal in general, and the problem of interim procedural acts of administrative responsibility. Special atten-tion is paid to the problem of the jurisdiction of cases on bringing to administrative responsibility and the order of their retrial. In addition to the private offers of legislative character, the article presents the authors conception of improving the development of legislation on administrative responsibility in several directions including the procedure and implementation of administrative punishment.

X.-J. Ren ◽  
X.-J. Chen ◽  
Q. Ma

The evolution analysis of urban landuse and spatial ecological performance are necessary and useful to recognizing the stage of urban development and revealing the regularity and connotation of urban spatial expansion. Moreover, it lies in the core that should be exmined in the urban sustainable development. In this paper, detailed information has been acquired from the high-resolution satellite imageries of Guyuan, China case study. With the support of GIS, the land-use mapping information and the land cover changes are analyzed, and the process of urban spatial ecological performance evolution by the hierarchical methodology is explored. Results demonstrate that in the past 11 years, the urban spatial ecological performance show an improved process with the dramatic landcover change in Guyuan. Firstly, the landuse structure of Guyuan changes significantly and shows an obvious stage characteristic. Secondly, the urban ecological performance of Guyuan continues to be optimized over the 11 years. Thirdly, the findings suggest that a dynamic monitoring mechanism of urban land use based on high-resolution remote sensing data should be established in urban development, and the rational development of urban land use should be guided by the spatial ecological performance as the basic value orientation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 98-110
Gao Xuedong ◽  
Gu Kan

Abstract The traditional time series studies consider the time series as a whole while carrying on the trend detection; therefore not enough attention is paid to the stage characteristic. On the other hand, the piecewise linear fitting type methods for trend detection are lacking consideration of the possibility that the same node belongs to multiple trends. The above two methods are affected by the start position of the sequence. In this paper, the concept of overlapping trend is proposed, and the definition of milestone nodes is given on its base; these way not only the recognition of overlapping trend is realized, but also the negative influence of the starting point of sequence is effectively reduced. The experimental results show that the computational accuracy is not affected by the improved algorithm and the time cost is greatly reduced when dealing with the processing tasks on dynamic growing data sequence.

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