tractor driver
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Аndrii Borysenko ◽  
Inna Tkachenko ◽  
Аnna Antonenko

In the structure of regional and planetary pollutants, pesticides are in the top ten, and among food contaminants along with heavy metals – they occupy first place in the world. It is known that pesticides and agrochemicals, which belong to the group of biologically active compounds, are one of the important factors affecting the human body. The aim: comparative hygienic assessment of working conditions and occupational risk when using pesticides by different methods of application (knapsack, rod, ventilator, unmanned and aviation) on the example of the fungicide Amistar Extra 280 SC. Materials and methods. Field studies were conducted in 2018–2021. When applying the formulation knapsack sprayer SOLO-10, trailed boom sprayer AMAZON 1201 UF combined with a tractor MTZ 82.1 Belarus, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for spraying fields Agras T16, AN-2 aircraft combined with OZh-2 were used. Results. As a result of field researches of working conditions of employees during the performance of production operations on the pesticides application, it was found that in the air treatment areas and in areas of possible drift the levels of studied active ingredients were below the limit of quantification of the method. The difference between azoxystrobin (0,04±0,003) and cyproconazole (12,4±0,5) for the tank refueler and the UAV external pilot in the field studies is significant according to Student's criterion (p >0,05). For the operator who applied the pesticide with a knapsack sprayer, the values of inhalation risks were significantly higher than for the tankers of the sprayer tank at p >0,05. The values of the combined risk when using a fan sprayer (0,46±0,02) significantly exceeded the data obtained when using a rod sprayer (0,14±0,006) Conclusions. Analysis of the obtained results showed that the values of the combined risk are significantly higher for the operator / tractor driver, signalman than for their refuelers (at p <0,05). The values of the combined risk of the external pilot were significantly lower than those of the tanker when using a pesticide using a UAV.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 4749
Jacopo Brunetti ◽  
Walter D’Ambrogio ◽  
Annalisa Fregolent

The vibrations produced by an agricultural machine are transmitted to the seat of the tractor operator and must comply with the limitations imposed by international and national regulations. An agricultural machine is generally composed of a tractor that can be linked to different machines required to perform a large number of agricultural tasks. In this paper, substructuring techniques are proposed to investigate the dynamics of the agricultural machine and to evaluate the resulting vibration exposure to the tractor driver in different configurations of the machine. These techniques allow one to couple reduced-order models or experimental models of the component subsystems to obtain the response of the whole system. In the results, the vibration exposure of the tractor operator is evaluated for different configurations of the agricultural machine, by observing the frequency response function (inertance and transmissibility) and the transient response to a given excitation. In conclusion, these techniques allow one to investigate a large number of different configurations and a wide range of operating conditions with a light computational burden and without asking the manufacturers to share sensitive design details.

Tatyana Anatolievna Suvidova ◽  
Galina Vladimirovna Kurenkova

Unfavorable working conditions at the workplaces of agricultural enterprises are the reason for the development of occupational pathology, which makes it necessary to conduct a hygienic assessment of the occupational morbidity of workers in the agricultural sector of the Kemerovo region. The methods used are the analysis of primary statistical forms of accounting for occupational diseases, hygienic assessment of working conditions, and a comprehensive hygienic assessment of occupational morbidity in accordance with the «Methods of computer modeling of the sanitary and epidemiological situation with occupational morbidity in the Kemerovo region. Methodological recommendations» using the cluster analysis program «Cluster Analysis». For the period 2008–2018. In the region, only 58 cases of occupational diseases were registered among agricultural workers, while 90 % of enterprises are classified as objects of the 2–3 group of sanitary and epidemiological welfare. In contrast to the gradual decline in indicators in the country as a whole, the region recorded peaks in the incidence in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2017. At the same time, the correlation analysis indicates a direct strong correlation between the dynamics of occupational morbidity in the region and in the Russian Federation (R = 0.862702; p < 0.05). The results of the analysis of the method of establishing the diagnosis indicate that in relation to diseases that arose as a result of exposure to physical overload, vibroacoustic factors, only 60 % were detected during periodic medical examinations. The structure of occupational diseases was dominated by radiculopathy — 33 %, vibration disease — 31 %, brucellosis — 25 %. The analysis of cause-and-effect relationships, the clusters of professions obtained using the method of mathematical modeling (driver and blacksmith-cluster distance 1,4, mechanic and plasterer-cluster distance 2,2, independent clusters-tractor driver and wood feller) and the similarity of the development of unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situations in relation to them should be used in the activities of the Rospotrebnadzor Department as a basis for planning control and supervisory measures and for justifying preventive measures to preserve labor potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (142) ◽  
pp. 163-177
Vyacheslav V. Kosenko ◽  
Vladimir V. Sharov ◽  
Yuliya S. Tsench ◽  

The article, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the start of production at the Volgograd Tractor Plant of the tracked agricultural tractor DT-175S "Volgar", tells about the history of the creation of this unique machine in its own way. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in analyzing the history of the creation and production, the effectiveness of the use of the DT- 175S "Volgar" tractor, considering the stages and directions of its improvement. (Materials and methods) The article de-scribes the history of the creation of the high-speed energy-saturated tractor "Volgar", gave its design features, technical characteristics in comparison with its predecessors, the results of tests in various soil and climatic zones, on various agricultural operations. (Results and discussion) In the DT-175S "Volgar" tractor, the designers, in close cooperation with scientists, embodied the results of research aimed at increasing the working speeds of machine-tractor units, and the most advanced technical solu-tions in the field of tractor construction at that time. The main of these solutions is an automatic continuously variable hydro-mechanical transmission. The combination of a powerful (125 kilowatt) engine with a similar transmission allowed not only signifi-cantly increase the working speed and productivity of the tractor, up to 9-15 kilometers per hour, but also significantly reduce the labor intensity of the tractor driver. The article presents the information about the improvement, modernization of the tractor, the creation of various specialized modifications on its basis. DT-175S "Volgar" be-came the most powerful serial machine of the Volgograd Tractor Plant, rightfully earned the respect of specialists of farms and machine operators. (Conclusions). Further development of the application of the automatic hydro-mechanical transmission on agricultural tractors was to receive the VT-200D tractor of 5th traction class with a capacity of 147 kilowatts. Due to the complication of the economic situation, the production of this tractor was lim-ited to only a small experimental batch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 726-730
Аndrii А. Borysenko ◽  
Аnna М. Antonenko ◽  
Sergii Т. Omelchuk ◽  
Vasyl G. Bardov ◽  
Olena P. Vavrinevych

The aim: Was a comparative hygienic assessment of working conditions and occupational risk in the application of fungicide Amistar Extra 280, SC using slotted and injector sprayers. Materials and methods: Sprayers Super Poly 110-04 (variant №1) and Guardian Air GA110-04 (variant № 2), and certified equipment were used. The occupational risk was assessed in accordance with the methodological recommendations proposed by the L.I. Medvedia Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety specialists. Results: When using the slotted sprayer Super Poly 110-04 in the air of the working zone of the tractor driver the content of azoxystrobin was 0.0015 ± 0.0001 mg/m3, cyproconazole – 0.085 ± 0.002 mg/m3, at a distance of 10 m from the edge of the field on the leeward side – 0.003 ± 0.001 and 0.11 ± 0.02 mg/m3, respectively. Visual analysis of water-sensitive cards after using slotted sprayers showed the presence of single drops of pesticide working solution in the wear zone. When applying the pesticide using a Guardian Air GA110-04 injector sprayer in the air of the working zone of the tractor driver, areas of possible wear (10 and 100 m), the concentration of the active substances of Amistar Extra 280, SC formulation was below the limit of quantification of the method. When assessing the complex risk for tractor drivers, a statistically significant difference was found for azoxystrobin (p = 0.002) and cyproconazole (p = 0.001) when using a slotted sprayer Super Poly 110-04 and injector Guardian Air GA110-04. Conclusions: Values of the combined complex risk of application of the Amistar Extra 280, SC formulation for tractor drivers of variant №2 application were significantly lower than those for tractor drivers of variant №1.

Topola ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 5-13
Boban Miletić ◽  
Milorad Danilović ◽  
Todor Đorem ◽  
Branislav Filipić ◽  
Marko Gutalj

This paper presents the results of research of the Timberjack 240b tractor equipped with a double-drum winch (work form 1 Tractor driver + 0 Assistant) in beech stand at an average elevation of 983.73 m. The research was conducted using the time and work study method, with the help of GIS technology in certain segments of research. The achieved working hours consist of 75.44% effective time and 24.56% delay time. The delay time coefficient is 1.33. In total, 47 transport cycles were realized, with 66 stopping points, an average of 1.41 per transport cycle. The average skidding distance was 221.19 m. In total, 363 logs (204.04 m3) were collected by 79 winches. The average load volume was 4.34 m3 and consisted of 5.43 pieces. Loaded tractor skidding time is strongly influenced by skidding distance and load volume in interaction with the longitudinal slope of skidding trails. To increase tractor productivity, it was concluded that the skidding roads should be built with the smallest longitudinal slope possible. Preferably, logs should be skidded downhill.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (142) ◽  
pp. 163-177
Vyacheslav Kosenko ◽  
Vladimir Sharov ◽  
Yuliya Tsench ◽  

The article, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the start of production at the Volgograd Tractor Plant of the tracked agricultural tractor DT-175S "Volgar", tells about the history of the creation of this unique machine in its own way. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in analyzing the history of the creation and produc-tion, the effectiveness of the use of the DT-175S "Volgar" tractor, considering the stages and directions of its improvement. (Materials and methods) The article de-scribes the history of the creation of the high-speed energy-saturated tractor "Volgar", gave its design features, technical characteristics in comparison with its predecessors, the results of tests in various soil and climatic zones, on various agricultural opera-tions. (Results and discussion) In the DT-175S "Volgar" tractor, the designers, in close cooperation with scientists, embodied the results of research aimed at increasing the working speeds of machine-tractor units, and the most advanced technical solu-tions in the field of tractor construction at that time. The main of these solutions is an automatic continuously variable hydro-mechanical transmission. The combination of a powerful (125 kilowatt) engine with a similar transmission allowed not only signifi-cantly increase the working speed and productivity of the tractor, up to 9-15 kilome-ters per hour, but also significantly reduce the labor intensity of the tractor driver. The article presents the information about the improvement, modernization of the tractor, the creation of various specialized modifications on its basis. DT-175S "Volgar" be-came the most powerful serial machine of the Volgograd Tractor Plant, rightfully earned the respect of specialists of farms and machine operators. (Conclusions) The tractor became the most powerful serial machine of VgTZ, earned the respect of quali-fied machine operators and specialists of farms. Further development of the applica-tion of the automatic hydro-mechanical transmission on agricultural tractors was to receive the VT-200D tractor of 5th traction class with a capacity of 147 kilowatts. Due to the complication of the economic situation, the production of this tractor was lim-ited to only a small experimental batch.

Anastasia A. Hulak

Based on materials collected by Belarusian Soviet folklorists in the first and later post-war expeditions, the paper examines manifestations of folklorization as part of assimilation and reinterpretation of different texts by the oral tradition. It focuses primarily on non-canonical war folklore, the examples of which are clustered around the three elements of the character code of Soviet heroics. Common songs about Kolya the Tractor Driver belong to the semantic field of the myth of the so-called “fiery tractor driver” — Pyotr Dyakov. They demonstrate that official art that could meet popular ideas of the war as a social and personal trauma were mostly open to folklorization. Folk songs about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya vividly embody the motifs of suffering and demonstrate an expressive shift of the genre and content boundary from Soviet heroics to late traditional ballad forms. They substantively reveal the tragedy of human collision with the world of war. Songs about Zaslonov, popular among Belarusian partisans are derived from a productive ballad story about the death of a soldier. They steadily retain the semantics of the hero — people's defender. The revitalization of plots with such heroes — nation`s protectors is characteristic of the oral tradition of the period of social cataclysms. Songs about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Konstantin Zaslonov are among the few that retained elements of their characters’ personal features in spite of being a part of the popular repertoire of the post-war period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 97-109
Iveta Kestere ◽  
Irena Stonkuviene ◽  
Zanda Rubene

The “New Man” is a utopian concept that involves creating an ideal man and replacing the imperfect human being. The beginning of the ideas of creating the new man can be found in ancient Greece and Rome, in the works of utopians and educators, as well as in theological texts. Although this ideologeme as one of the constructs of modernity was fully formed by the end of the 19th century, the efforts to practically implement it are connected with the establishment of (para)totalitarianism. One of the best-known examples of such an attempt was the ambition to create the New Soviet Man. After giving up aspirations to create a perfect biological individual, in the long-term perfective, the main focus was laid on forming an ideologically correct New Man, a builder of communism. Education was seen as one of the key means of achieving this objective. Seeking to identify how the image of the New Man was reflected in the curriculum (primary in particular), 36 textbooks published between 1925–1985 and used in the state schools of Soviet Russia and the Baltic States were analysed.Although the concept of the New Man includes both the male and female person, the most frequently considered is a male. This article aims to discuss how textbooks represent the Soviet woman by considering the following aspects: what was specific to the New Soviet Man – Woman? What did the Soviet regime expect from women in the context of the New Soviet Man project? How did the project of New Man reflect the gender equality idea?

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 514
Rishat Zaynagabdinov ◽  
Ildar Gabitov ◽  
Ilshat Bakiev ◽  
Ildar Gafurov ◽  
Konstantin Kostarev

Purpose: to reduce operating costs when performing agricultural mechanized work.Design/methodology/approach: The development of the desired economic and mathematical model of the optimal MTA distribution by type of work is based on the above condition it is necessary to plan the work of not tractor brands indicating their number, but each tractor individually.Findings: It is known that the availability of equipment varies during the season, so it was studied in dynamics. In this regard, to solve this problem, neural-network simulation was first used. As a result of the search, a network of the type of radial basis function was obtained that best describes these dependenciesResearch limitations/implications: the authors developed a fundamentally new mathematical model for optimizing the use of technology, which, unlike existing ones, allows to:- plan the operation of each tractor individually;- designate the so-called “mandatory tractors”, that is, those that the user, at his discretion, would like to assign to a particular operation or vice versa, would like the tractor operator not to work on this operation.Originality/value: Thus, the scientific novelty of the work performed are:- a technique for operational planning of work and increasing the efficiency of using the MTA, taking into account the technical condition of the tractors, the specific conditions for their functioning and the work experience of the machine operator.- a mathematical model for solving the problem of the optimal distribution of MTA by type of work and the mathematical apparatus for its implementation;- a technique for adjusting the performance of the MTA, taking into account the experience of the tractor driver, the service life and technical readiness of the tractor.

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