translation type
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2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
Sebastian J. Floor

Before the introduction of the dynamic-equivalent translation method by Eugene Nida, most Bible translations, in terms of translation type, were literal and formal correspondence translations. With the expansion of Bible translation globally over the past 60 years, alternative translation types started to appear – sometimes claiming uniqueness and even superiority. That, in turn, led to a reverse situation where ‘literal only’ or ‘literal-superiority’ claims were made. This has been a cause for significant debate and controversy. The purpose of this comparison of translation types is to indicate how translations differ from each other on a continuum and to determine if some versions in Afrikaans align with translation typology. The method followed in this article is to classify translation types in two main groupings: more literal and more dynamic; and four subtypes: corresponding translations, resembling translations, clarifying translations, and simplifying translations. In light of this classification, five publications of the Bible in Afrikaans are compared to Bible publications in English and Dutch. This study has found that each of the five Afrikaans translations does fit under one of the four types for which the criteria were laid out. The finding was that the typology applied to Bible versions in English, Dutch and Afrikaans. This typology implies that translations from different types are not necessarily in competition with each other, but that they complement each other. Each version in Afrikaans has then been compared to each other in terms of an end-user market niche and, based on that, there seems to be a continuing need for versions in all the different types. Translations do improve over time as translation theory and source-language scholarship evolve, but the validity of each type and publications in each type argue for versions of several types to endure.Contribution: This article is not the first attempt to describe translation types. Several translators, as well as some functionalist translation studies did important scientific work in this regard. However, this article’s principal contribution to translation studies is to propose a simplified yet adequate model of four translation types with new terminology, terms which do not overlap but are descriptive of function. And then secondly, to align each type with scripture engagement and the translation niche.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
Pedro D. Alvarez ◽  
Lucas Delage ◽  
Mauricio Valenzuela ◽  
Jorge Zanelli

Abstract We construct a gauge theory based in the supergroup G = SU(2, 2|2) that generalizes MacDowell-Mansouri supergravity. This is done introducing an extended notion of Hodge operator in the form of an outer automorphism of su(2, 2|2)-valued 2-form tensors. The model closely resembles a Yang-Mills theory — including the action principle, equations of motion and gauge transformations — which avoids the use of the otherwise complicated component formalism. The theory enjoys H = SO(3, 1) × ℝ × U(1) × SU(2) off-shell symmetry whilst the broken symmetries G/H, translation-type symmetries and supersymmetry, can be recovered on surface of integrability conditions of the equations of motion, for which it suffices the Rarita-Schwinger equation and torsion-like constraints to hold. Using the matter ansatz —projecting the 1 ⊗ 1/2 reducible representation into the spin-1/2 irreducible sector — we obtain (chiral) fermion models with gauge and gravity interactions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-94
Volodymyr Сhumak ◽  
Larіsa Korniienko

This article analyzes the specificity of the establishment of translated foreign language and Ukrainian phraseological vocabularies of the late twentieth – early twenty-first century. The principles of parameterization of the structure of phraseological vocabularies are identified. The features of systematization of registry units and the means and methods of reflecting the ethnolinguistic information in the phraseological works of the translation type are identified. The applied significance of the use of transposition phrasebooks is specified. The usefulness of new approaches to the elaboration of vocabulary articles has been substantiated at the macro level vocabulary structure (selection of register items, volume and nature of the vocabulary, ordering principles) as well as at the micro level vocabulary structure (structure of the vocabulary items, translation types, correlation of various types of information about the register item, types of illustrative material, etc.). The creators of foreign and Ukrainian phraseological dictionaries mainly used the alphabetic principle of the register, which they successfully combined with other principles of lexicography of phraseological units: alphabetic-group and alphabetic-thematic. In the selected samples of the studied translated phraseological works one can observe a close interplay of microstructural elements (the vocabulary article itself, translation formula, varieties of information about the reestablished phraseology, translation, examples part) macrostructural elements (general principles the register formation, principles of lexicography, scope and function of a specific vocabulary).

Антон Іващук

The article under discussion deals with the textbooks for the French language learning used in the schools and gymnasiums of Galicia (1867–1890). The content and structure of textbooks by Jan Amborsky, August Svitkovsky and Stephanie Wechslerova have been analyzed in detail. Phonetic, grammatical and lexical material contained in the textbooks has been described. The historical and educational prerequisites that directly influenced the development of French language teaching in Galicy have been outlined. After having analyzed the textbooks for the French language learning in Galicia it was determined that during the indicated chronological period, there were three types of textbooks which were used in galician women’s schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums. Namely grammar reference books with or without exercises, readers with adapted or authentic texts and abstracts from well-known French literature and textbooks itself, which contained various texts, passages of literary works and which were used in order to teach grammar, reading, writing and translation. All found textbooks were analyzed according to the criteria created by N. Borysko. It was found that all analyzed textbooks were recommended for use in Galician women’s schools, secondary schools and gymnasiums by the Regional School Board. All the training material contained in the textbooks was in line with the main purpose of foreign language learning and the requirements of the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Religion and Education. As a result of our research, it has been proved that in the selected period of time for teaching French language they used the grammar-translation method as evidenced by particular attention to the study of grammar theory, a large number of grammar-translation type of exercises and reading literary works in French.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-70 ◽  
Rishi Mugesh Kanna ◽  
Dilip Chand Raja ◽  
Ajoy P. Shetty ◽  
Shanmuganathan Rajasekaran

Study Design: Retrospective cohort study. Objectives: Thoracic and lumbar fracture dislocations (TLFD) are high-velocity injuries and frequently result in gross neurological deficit. Very rarely, such patients present with intact neurology. Pathomechanics of injury, radiological assessment, surgical techniques, and principles of fixation in such challenging situations have not been described previously. Methods: Retrospective review of 36 patients of TLFD without cord injury was performed for demographics, clinical and radiological data, and management. The injuries were classified based on the direction of translation into 4 types: coronal translation (type 1), sagittal translation (type 2), combined translation—antero (type 3a), and combined translation—retro (type 3b). The injuries were managed by meticulous unilateral exposure and temporary fixation, decompression, gradual reduction of dislocation, and long segment fixation. Results: In 36 patients, the injuries were classified as type 1 (n = 9), type 2 (n = 10), type 3a (n = 14), and type 3b (n = 3). Imaging/intraoperative observation showed varying degrees of disintegrity of disc, facet joints, and posterior ligamentous complex in the 4 different injury types. Patients with the different injury types also needed individualistic surgical approaches to aid safe reduction of dislocation. Neurological assessment was performed using American Spinal Injury Association score (ASIA), and 16 patients had minimal neurological deficits (ASIA-D) and all were type 3 injury. The mean anteroposterior and lateral translation were corrected from 8.3 ± 3.4 to 1.7 ± 1.3 mm, and 4.7 ± 4.8 to 0.7 ± 0.8 mm respectively. Conclusion: This is the largest case series of TLFD without cord injury. Knowledge of the different injury types and principles of safe surgical reduction of the dislocation are important for the treating surgeon to ensure successful outcomes.

Yu-Tong Li ◽  
Yu-Xin Wang

Kinematic parameters have significant influences on the motion stability of parallel manipulators at singular configureations. Taking the plane 3-RPR parallel manipulator as an example, the motion stability at different types of singular configurations corresponding to the angular speed and velocity of the movable platform are investigated. At first, the second order of uncoupled dynamics equation for the 3-RPR parallel manipulator is established with the aid of the second class Lagrange approach. According to the Lyapunov first approximate stability criterion, the approximate conditions for the 3-RPR parallel manipulator with a stabile motion at singular configurations are determined based on the Gerschgorin circle theorem. Next, the exact Hurwitz criterion is utilized to study the motion stability and the load capability of the manipulator corresponding to the angular speed and velocity of the movable platform, as well as the directions of the external forces at two kinds of singular configurations: with a gained rotation-type DOF, and with a gained translation-type DOF, respectively. The results show that increasing both the angular speed and the velocity of the mass center of the movable platform can efficiently improve the motion stability of the 3-RPR parallel manipulator at singular configurations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 085-091
Roswita Silalahi ◽  
Umar Mono ◽  
Martua Felix Pakpahan

A good comprehesion on the content of the convention of the law as formulated in the UNCLOS 1982 text translated into Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Tentang Hukum Laut (KPBB-HL) in Indonesian is very crucial for the Republic of Indonesia because of the potentials of the sea. The data were 399 modal in UNCLOS and its translation. The translation of the UNCLOS 1982 into Indonesian should be accurate. Inaccuracy of the translation of the text, namely modal (Alwi 1992; Lyon 1977) can cause a conflict among the neighboring countries. The research objectives were (1) to identify the translation typology of modal in UNCLOS 1982 into KPBB-HL, (2) to assess the accuracy of the translation of modal. Qualitative descriptive method and content analysis (Miles and Huberman 2014) were implemented. Focus Group Discussion with the raters were carried out to assess the accuracy (Silalahi: 2012, Nababan: 2004; 2012). The result showed that there were 8 types of modal used, namely shall (269 data; 67.5%) with 6 translation types, may (88 data; 22%) with 6 translation types, should (16 data; 4%) with 7 translation types, can (9 data; 2%) with 2 translation types, must (6 data; 1.5%) with 2 translation types, would (6 data; 1.5%) with 3 translation types, will (3 data; 1%) with 1 translation type, might (2 data; 0.5%) with 1 translation type. 325 (81%) of the modal were accurately translated, and 74 data (19%) were inaccurately translated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 105 (3) ◽  
pp. 366-379

Kleinewillinghöfer classified Laguerre planes with respect to linearly transitive groups of central automorphisms. Polster and Steinke investigated two-dimensional Laguerre planes and their so-called Kleinewillinghöfer types. For some of the feasible types the existence question remained open. We provide examples of such planes of type II.A.2, which are based on certain two-dimensional Laguerre planes of translation type. With these models only one type, I.A.2, is left for which no two-dimensional Laguerre planes are known yet.

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