dimensionless coupling constant
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2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
I. L. Buchbinder ◽  
E. A. Ivanov ◽  
B. S. Merzlikin ◽  
K. V. Stepanyantz

Abstract We apply the harmonic superspace approach for calculating the divergent part of the one-loop effective action of renormalizable 6D, $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = (1, 0) supersymmetric higher-derivative gauge theory with a dimensionless coupling constant. Our consideration uses the background superfield method allowing to carry out the analysis of the effective action in a manifestly gauge covariant and $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = (1, 0) supersymmetric way. We exploit the regularization by dimensional reduction, in which the divergences are absorbed into a renormalization of the coupling constant. Having the expression for the one-loop divergences, we calculate the relevant β-function. Its sign is specified by the overall sign of the classical action which in higher-derivative theories is not fixed a priori. The result agrees with the earlier calculations in the component approach. The superfield calculation is simpler and provides possibilities for various generalizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (8) ◽  
Philip Tee

Abstract The idea of a graph theoretical approach to modeling the emergence of a quantized geometry and consequently spacetime, has been proposed previously, but not well studied. In most approaches the focus has been upon how to generate a spacetime that possesses properties that would be desirable at the continuum limit, and the question of how to model matter and its dynamics has not been directly addressed. Recent advances in network science have yielded new approaches to the mechanism by which spacetime can emerge as the ground state of a simple Hamiltonian, based upon a multi-dimensional Ising model with one dimensionless coupling constant. Extensions to this model have been proposed that improve the ground state geometry, but they require additional coupling constants. In this paper we conduct an extensive exploration of the graph properties of the ground states of these models, and a simplification requiring only one coupling constant. We demonstrate that the simplification is effective at producing an acceptable ground state. Moreover we propose a scheme for the inclusion of matter and dynamics as excitations above the ground state of the simplified Hamiltonian. Intriguingly, enforcing locality has the consequence of reproducing the free non-relativistic dynamics of a quantum particle.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (21) ◽  
pp. 1950164 ◽  
D. Benisty ◽  
D. Vasak ◽  
E. I. Guendelman ◽  
J. Struckmeier

Cosmological solutions for covariant canonical gauge theories of gravity are presented. The underlying covariant canonical transformation framework invokes a dynamical spacetime Hamiltonian consisting of the Einstein–Hilbert term plus a quadratic Riemann tensor invariant with a fundamental dimensionless coupling constant [Formula: see text]. A typical time scale related to this constant, [Formula: see text], is characteristic for the type of cosmological solutions: for [Formula: see text], the quadratic term is dominant, the energy–momentum tensor of matter is not covariantly conserved, and we observe modified dynamics of matter and spacetime. On the other hand, for [Formula: see text], the Einstein term dominates and the solution converges to classical cosmology. This is analyzed for different types of matter and dark energy with a constant equation of state. While for a radiation-dominated universe solution, the cosmology does not change, we find for a dark energy universe the well-known de-Sitter space. However, we also identify a special bouncing solution (for [Formula: see text]) which for large times approaches the de-Sitter space again. For a dust-dominated universe (with no pressure), deviations are seen only in the early epoch. In late epoch, the solution asymptotically behaves as the standard dust solution.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (31) ◽  
pp. 2323-2333

We present a theory of four-dimensional quantum gravity with massive gravitons which may be essentially renormalizable. In Plebanski formulation of general relativity in which the tetrads, the connection and the curvature are all independent variables (and the usual relations among these quantities are valid only on-shell), we consider the nonperturbative theory of gravity with a nonzero background connection. We predict a tiny value of the graviton mass: mg≈1.5×10-42 GeV and extremely small dimensionless coupling constant of the perturbative gravitational interaction: g~10-60. We put forward the idea by Isimori56 on renormalizability of quantum gravity having multi-gravitons with masses m0, m1, …, mN-1.

2008 ◽  
Vol 86 (11) ◽  
pp. 1297-1302 ◽  
M Sharif ◽  
M Jamil Amir

This paper is devoted to the evaluation of the energy-momentum density components for the Friedmann models. For this purpose, we have used Møller’s pseudotensor prescription in General Relativity and a certain energy-momentum density developed from Møller’s teleparallel formulation. We show that the energy density of the closed Friedmann universe vanishes on the spherical shell at the radius ρ = 2[Formula: see text]. This coincides with the earlier results available in the literature. We also discuss the energy of the flat and open models. A comparison shows a partial consistency between Møller’s pseudotensor for General Relativity and teleparallel theory. Further, we show that the results are independent of the free dimensionless coupling constant of the teleparallel gravity.PACS No.: 04.20.–q

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (23n24) ◽  
pp. 4931-4957 ◽  

We suggest an infinite-dimensional extension of gauge transformations which includes non-Abelian tensor gauge fields. In this extension of the Yang–Mills theory the vector gauge boson becomes a member of a bigger family of gauge bosons of arbitrarily large integer spins. The invariant Lagrangian does not contain higher derivatives of tensor gauge fields and all interactions take place through three- and four-particle exchanges with dimensionless coupling constant.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 4343-4354 ◽  

We formulate the nonlinear isovector model in a curved background and calculate the spherically symmetric solutions for weak and strong coupling regimes. The question whether gravity has appreciable effects on the structure of solitons will be examined, in the framework of the calculated solutions, by comparing the flat-space and curved-space solutions. It turns out that in the strong coupling regime, gravity has essential effects on the solutions. It is also shown that the asymptotic form of the metric conforms with that of the charged Reissner–Nordstrom metric. The dimensionless coupling constant of the model has a limit, beyond which a horizon appears in the solutions, indicating the presence of black hole solutions.

1992 ◽  
Vol 70 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 143-147
Victor M. Villalba ◽  
Umberto Percoco

In this article we obtain, by separation of variables, an exact solution to the Klein–Gordon and Dirac equations in a cosmological, spatially-closed, Robertson–Walker space-time with a positive cosmological constant Λ. The model is associated with a universe filled with radiation. We analyze the phenomenon of particle creation for different values of the dimensionless coupling constant ξ.

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