comparative theory
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2021 ◽  
Farzanna Yashera Abdulla ◽  
Jabil Mapjabil ◽  

Liminality is important in the tourism field to measure the tourist experience from their satisfaction, whether the actual reality experienced meets their expectations. Conceptual research method using secondary data are used in this study. This paper reviews some selected theories and models to comprehend more on the concept of liminality with tourism. For that, the theories and models that would be examined are Five Phases Tourism Model (1966), SERVQUAL Model (1988), Liminality Tourism Structure Model (2019) and Classical and Post-modern Liminality Comparative Theory (2016). The Five Phases Tourism Model is a model used to describe the experience in various phases: expectation, away trip, tourist destination, return trip, and memories, while a SERVQUAL Model is used to measure the quality of service. The Liminality Tourism Structure Model describes the tourist experience from various elements such as physical, social, and emotional. Finally, the Classical and Post-modern Liminality Comparative Theory compares the classical liminal experience of society in ancient times and the liminal experience of post-modern society. The literature review results show that the theories and models aid in explaining tourist experience using five phases and was influenced by several aspects. Thus, the combination of all these existing models related to liminality will help to understand tourists more deeply and measure the level of tourist satisfaction that are seen from their experience, expectation, and the actual reality being experienced by them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Elia Tambunan

The Pentecostal Movement is recognized for its contribution to global church growth and contemporary social theories. But by his own people pentecostalism is often positioned only as a revival, experience with the Holy Spirit, and divine healing which in its development becomes associated with eschatological issues. In terms of methodology, Pentecostal scholars outside Indonesia analyzed Pentecostalism based on religious and theological perspectives with the approach of ritual theory and spirituality studies. Theologians, activists, and intellectuals as well as Pentecostal scholars in Indonesia also have not developed Pentecostal studies further methodologically. They have not used methodological work to develop a study of the Pentecostal movement into a useful framework for theoretical study or field research in the existing membership colleges. On the contrary, by social scientists it utilizes Pentecostals as the main object of research on social phenomena but is only limited to the study of the dimensions of religious experience. By prioritizing the study of English literature and presenting statistical results of field survey research, this paper intends to develop a study of Pentecost in Indonesia methodologically. This paper shows how to understand Pentecostal phenomena from the perspective of social theory. The author first reads the literature on Pentecostalism, especially the one produced by Poloma and then constructs itself and then integrates it with social theory integrally. Then, the writer will classify it in three broad outlines, namely the Pentecostal religious experience of religious psychology; Pentecostal dimensions: symbolic, ritual, ceremony and institution from the perspective of comparative theory of religion; and community and Pentecostal popularity from the perspective of religious sociology. From here it will be seen the contribution of Pentecostals as both the object of precisely the study society and scientific methodology combined with contemporary social theories. This can be used by theologians, activists, and intellectuals as well as Pentecostal scholars in Indonesia specifically to develop studies of the Pentecostal movement in Indonesia specifically.   ==== Gerakan Pentakosta diakui kontribusinya terhadap pertumbuhan gereja secara global maupun teori-teori sosial kontemporer. Namun oleh kaumnya sendiri pentakostalisme seringkali diposisikan hanya sebagai kebangunan rohani, pengalaman dengan Roh Kudus, dan kesembuhan ilahi yang dalam perkembangannya menjadi dikait-kaitkan dengan persoalan eskatologis.  Dari sisi metodologi, sarjana Pentakosta di luar Indonesia menganalisis Pentakostalisme berdasarkan perspektif agama dan teologi dengan pendekatan teori ritual dan studi spiritualitas. Para teolog, aktivis, dan intelektual maupun sarjana Pentakosta di Indonesia juga belum mengembangkan kajian Pentakosta secara metodologis lebih lanjut. Mereka belum menggunakan kerja metodologis untuk mengembangkan kajian gerakan Pentakosta menjadi kerangka pikir yang bermanfaat dalam kajian teoritis maupun penelitian lapangan di sekolah-sekolah tinggi kepentakostaan yang ada. Sebaliknya, oleh ilmuwan sosial justru memanfaatkan kaum Pentakosta sebagai objek utama penelitian tentang fenomena sosial namun baru sebatas kajian terhadap dimensi pengalaman beragama.  Dengan cara mengutamakan studi literatur berbahasa Inggris serta menampilkan hasil statistik penelitian survei lapangan, tulisan ini bermaksud untuk mengembangkan kajian tentang Pentakosta di Indonesia secara metodologis. Tulisan ini memperlihatkan bagaimana memahami fenomena Pentakosta dari perspektif teori sosial. Penulis terlebih dahulu membaca literatur tentang Pentakostalisme khususnya yang dihasilkan Poloma dan kemudian mengkonstruksi sendiri lalu memadukannya dengan teori sosial secara integratif.  Kemudian, penulis akan mengklasifikasikannya dalam tiga kerangka pikir secara garis besar, yakni pengalaman keagamaan Pentakosta dari psikologi  keagamaan; dimensi Pentakosta: simbolik, ritual, seremoni dan institusi dari perspektif teori perbandingan agama; dan komunitas dan popularitas pentakosta dari perpektif sosiologi agama. Dari disini akan terlihat kontribusi kaum Pentakosta baik sebagai objek tepatnya masyarakat kajian maupun metodologis keilmuan berpadu dengan teori-teori sosial kontemporer. Ini bisa digunakan oleh para teolog, aktivis, dan intelektual maupun sarjana Pentakosta di Indonesia secara khusus untuk mengembangkan kajian gerakan Pentakosta di Indonesia secara khusus.

Michael Dobbins ◽  
Brigitte Horváthová ◽  
Rafael Pablo Labanino

AbstractHigher education interest groups remain somewhat understudied from a comparative theory-driven perspective. This is surprising because political decisions regarding higher education must increasingly be legitimized to students, taxpayers, the academic community and society. This article aims to advance our understanding of higher education stakeholders in post-communist Europe. In our view, the region deserves more attention, not least because students and academics were very instrumental in bringing down communism and institutionalizing democracy. First, we draw on Klemenčič’s (EJHE 2(1): 2–19, 2012; SHE 39(3):396–411, 2014) distinction between corporatist and pluralist as well as formalized and informal systems of representation in higher education. Looking at survey data from four countries—Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia—we examine to what extent post-communist democracies have established corporatist institutions to facilitate the formal participation of various crucial stakeholder organizations, e.g. students’ unions, academic unions, rectors’ conferences, etc. Then we address whether higher education organizations enjoy privileged access to policy-makers compared to those from other policy areas, while engaging with the argument that higher education is a particular case of “stakeholder democracy” in a region otherwise characterized by weak civic participation and corporatism. To wrap up, we discuss different “mutations of higher education corporatism” in each country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Fanchang Kong ◽  
Meiru Wang ◽  
Xingjie Zhang ◽  
Xiaoyao Li ◽  
Xiaojun Sun

Social networking sites (SNSs) have provided a new platform for people to present their narcissism. The objective of the current study was to investigate the underlying mechanisms between active and passive SNS use and vulnerable narcissism among college students. In achieving this, the study based its method on the media effect and social comparative theory and recruited 529 participants to complete the Surveillance Use Scale, Iowa–Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure, and Hypersensitivity Narcissistic Scale. The results showed that active and passive SNS use were positively related to upward and downward social comparisons. Active and passive SNS use also indirectly predicted vulnerable narcissism through the parallel mediation of upward and downward social comparisons. This study also revealed the vital role of social comparison in the association between SNS use and vulnerable narcissism.


We challenge the prevalent claim that courts can only influence policy by adjudicating disputes. Instead, we theorize the shadow effect of courts: policy makers preemptively altering policies in anticipation of possible judicial review. While American studies imply that preemptive reforms hinge on litigious interest groups pressuring policy makers who support judicial review, we advance a comparative theory that flips these presumptions. In less litigious and more hostile political contexts, policy makers may instead weaponize preemptive reforms to preclude bureaucratic conflicts from triggering judicial oversight and starve courts of the cases they need to build their authority. By allowing some preemptive judicial influence to resist direct judicial interference, recalcitrant policy makers demonstrate that shadow effects are not an unqualified good for courts. We illustrate our theory by tracing how a major welfare reform in Norway was triggered by a conflict within its Ministry of Labor and a government resistance campaign targeting a little-known international court.

2021 ◽  
pp. 434-452
Geertrui Van Overwalle ◽  
Lina Kestemont

This chapter examines science and technology as a subject of legal research and regulation. Rather than reflecting on the regulatory challenges presented by science and (new) technologies intrinsically and generally, this chapter aims to contribute to the methodological debate when conducting legal research on science and technology. The chapter explores the different types of research objectives and related methodological features that legal scholars can pursue in their research on law and science and technology: descriptive, classifying, comparative, theory-building, explanatory, evaluative, and recommendatory research objectives. The analysis is made more exacting by providing concrete examples from research projects in the area of patent and copyright law and technology, ranging from biotechnology, over 3D-printing, to functional design.

Václav Paris

Modernist epic is more interesting and diverse than we have supposed. As a radical form of national fiction, it appeared in many parts of the world in the early twentieth century. Reading a selection of works from the United States, England, Ireland, Czechoslovakia, and Brazil, The Evolutions of Modernist Epic develops a comparative theory of this genre and its global development. That development was, it argues, bound up with new ideas about biological evolution. During the first decades of the twentieth century—a period known, in the history of evolutionary science, as “the eclipse of Darwinism”—evolution’s significance was questioned, rethought, and ultimately confined to the Neo-Darwinist discourse with which we are familiar today. Epic fiction participated in, and was shaped by, this shift. Drawing on queer forms of sexuality to cultivate anti-heroic and non-progressive modes of telling the national story, the new epic contested reductive and reactionary forms of social Darwinism. The book describes how, in doing so, the genre asks us to revisit our assumptions about ethnolinguistics and organic nationalism. It also models how the history of evolutionary thought can provide a fresh basis for comparing diverse modernisms and their peculiar nativisms.

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