BABASAL English Education Journal
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Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk


2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
ST Marhana Rullu

This research aims to determine whether using Think-Pair-Share strategy can improve speaking ability of students in SMP Negeri 3 Luwuk. It applied a quasi-experimental research using non-equivalent design. The research populations were the eighth grade of students in SMP Negeri 3 Luwuk and the sample of the research were class VIII A as the experimental class and class VIII B as the control class. The research instrument used a test which was divided into two parts, namely pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed statistically. After being analyzed, the result showed that there was a significant improvement in students’ speaking ability in using Think-Pair-Share strategy. In the experimental class, the mean score in pre-test was 46.3 while in the post-test was 81.2. In the control class, the mean score in pre-test was 45.8 while in the post test was 61.6. From the calculation in t-counted was higher that t-table. The result in t-counted was 14.984 while the t-table in the degree of significance 0.05 was 1.667. If the value of t-counted > t-table, it means that Ha is accepted and HΟ is rejected. In other words, the alternative hypothesis is proven. From the result of the research showed that there was a significant improvement in students’ speaking ability in using Think-Pair-Share strategy.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nurhaida Lakuana ◽  
Sintiya Siojam

This research aims to find out the effectiveness of the Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) method in developing students’ speaking skills at MA Al-khairaat luwuk. This research employed a pre-experimental research design involving one-group pre-test–post-test design. The independent variable of this research was Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) method and the dependent variable was students’ speaking skills. The research population was eleventh-grade students of MA Al-khairaat Luwuk. There were two classes in this population namely one religion class consisted of 20 students and one science class consisted of 12 students. The sample of this research was the religion class. The test included pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed statistically. Having analyzed the data, the result revealed that the t-counted was (9.87) with a degree of freedom 19 and a significance level of 0.05, t-table was (1.72913). Therefore, the t-test result was higher than the t-table. It means that the hypothesis was accepted. In conclusion, the result showed that there was a significant effect using the Presentation, Practice, Production (PPP) method in developing students’ speaking skills at MA Al-khairaat Luwuk. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Abdul Rabbi Arrasul

The objective this research is to determine whether the use of pictures can improve students of class VII at SMPN 2 Bunta. This research used a quasi-experimental study that required a posttest for both groups. The population of this research was the students of class VII at SMPN 2 Bunta. The sample of this research  were class VIIA as an experimental class consisting of 22 students and class VIIB as a control class consisting of 20 students. In collecting data, the researcher used test. The test consisted of pretest and posttest. Data were analyzed statistically. After being analyzed, it was found that the result of the t-count was 2,45. With 40 degree of freedom, and a the significance level of 0,05, the t-table was 2,021.Therefore, the result of t-count is higher than t-table. The results showed that there was an increase, although not significant towards the use of pictures in improving students’ reading comprehension of class VII at SMPN 2 Bunta. It means that the hypothesis of this research is accepted. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nur Syariatin

The main issue of this study is to describe and identify the students’ low abilities in the Listening Comprehension skill. Authentic materials used in this research are adopted to the syllabus for the students of class ten of senior high school. These materials are in narrative, descriptive and news items. This study used CAR (classroom action research) design by using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The total numbers of the subject were 38 students. There were only one cycle in this study, the cycle consisted of four activities, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation of the action, (3) observation and (4) reflection. The data collected in this study were derived from observation, questionnaires and field notes. The quantitative data were obtained from the test through post test at the end of the cycle. The results showed that the classical achievement of the students 78.94% and had exceeded the criteria of success which was 75%. The purpose of this study is to help English teachers and students improve the knowledge of the listening comprehension skills.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Hardianti Hardianti ◽  
Sulistiyani Sulistiyani

Every culture has its way to celebrate the appearance of a new family member. This study provides some information related to the new baby welcoming celebration of two different cultures: Saluan and Korea. This qualitative study finds some similarities within the celebration as well as their values behind. The differences found in the case of time and the number of events included in the celebration. Hopefully, with the rise of understanding of the two cultures, the appreciation and affection towards local cultures can also be improved. Keywords: New Baby Welcoming Celebration; Saluan; Korea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Abdul Rabbi Arrasul ◽  
Muhammad Ibnu Umair

The purpose of this research is to determine whether using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve students’ ability to write descriptive texts at SMPN 6 Toili Barat. This research uses quasi-experimental research that requires a post-test for both groups. The research population was eighth grade students of SMP 6 Toili Barat. The sample of this research was class VIII A as an experimental class and consisted of 26 students while class VIII B was a control class and consisted of 27 students. The test consisted of pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed statistically. After being analyzed, the result of t-counted was 6,744 with a degree of freedom 51, and a significance level of 0,05, t-table was 1,675. Therefore, the t-test result is higher than the t-table. It means that the hypothesis of this research can be accepted. The result showed that there was a significant influence in using Numbered Heads Together to improve students’ writing abilities in descriptive text in eighth grade at SMPN 6 Toili Barat Keywords:Improving; Writing; Descriptive Text; NHT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Mukmin Mukmin ◽  
Handrini Afriyanti

The objective of this research is to know whether the students’ ability in writing descriptive text using mind mapping in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Banggai can improve or not and to know how mind mapping improve the students’ ability of writing. This research was quasi experimental research by using non-equivalent design. The population of this research were all of the tenth grade students’ in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Banggai. The sample were X science 1 and X science 2 and consist of 35 and 34 students. The instrument of this research was written test. The kinds of test were pre-test and post-test. The mean of pre-test score in experimental class is 41 and the mean of post-test in experimental class is 83. The mean of pre-test score in controlled class is 37.35 and the mean of post-test in controlled class is 47.65. From the calculation of tcounted was higher than ttable, the result of tcounted is 18.80 meanwhile ttable in the degree of significance 0.05 is 1.66792. If the tcounted> ttable, it means that Ha is accepted. It shows that the comparison of tcounted and ttable is 18.80 > 1.66792. In the other words the alternative hypothesis is proven. It assumed that mind mapping technique can improve the students’ ability of writing descriptive text.Keywords: Writing Ability; Descriptive Text; Mind Mapping.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Desriani Nggolaon ◽  
Puput Eka Sari

The purpose of this research is to know whether the pictures in descriptive text can improve students’ reading comprehension or not at the Tenth Grade Students in SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk. The research design in this research was quasi-experimental using non-equivalent control group design. The Independent variable of this research was pictures and the dependent variable was students’ reading comprehension. The Population of this research all students of IPA in SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk of the Tenth Grade were about 216 students, each class consisted of 36 students and the sample of this research were X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2. The instrument used of this research was test. This research has two classes, experimental class and was control class. The data were taken by giving pre-test and post-test both of classes. The data indicated that, there was a significant difference between students’ pre-test and post-test in the experimental class. The mean score of students’ pre-test of experimental class was (57.02) and the mean score of post-test was (77.97). In experimental class, mean score of post-test was higher than mean score of pre-test. The result of the calculation statistical hypothesis test showed tvalue was higher than ttable (6.618  1.667) where the formula of significance level df = 005. Therefore, it was concluded that there was a significance effect of using pictures to improve student’ reading comprehension in teaching descriptive text at the Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Luwuk.Keywords: Pictures; Students’ Reading Comprehension; Descriptive text.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
ST. Marhana Rullu ◽  
Hamia Daburan

This research emphasized the problems of speaking ability in English among students of English Education Study Program in Muhammadiyah Luwuk University. This type of research was descriptive qualitative. In this research, the researcher used interview as instrument to find out the problems faced by the students in speaking English. From the results of the research, the researcher found the main problems faced by the students were limitations on vocabulary, errors in pronunciation, and incorrect grammar. In addition, the students also got anxiety when they speak in English and they embarrassed when they speak incorrectly, and they are still affected by their native language until they have problems in speaking English.Keywords: Speaking; Speaking Problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Yusniati N. Sabata ◽  
Lili Ihliyani Kupepe

The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of students’ reading comprehension in eleventh grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Luwuk. To know whether the method is effective or not, the researcher used one-group pre-test and post-test to be applied in eleventh grade. The research conducted eight meetings. The first meeting was for pre-test and sixth meetings were for treatments, and the last meeting was for post-test. As the quantitative method, the researcher analyzed the data using t-test. The results showed that there was significant diffrence on the students’ reading acievement with humorous stories. In the pre-experimental, the students’ mean of pre-test was 36.64 scores, and the students’ mean of post-test was 82.14 scores. The result showed that the t-counted = 8.73 was greater than t-table 1.771. In other words, humorous stories can improve students’ reading comprehension for the eleventh class of senior high school.Keywords: Humorous Stories; Reading Comprehension; Mahasiswa EFL.

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